Did Dr. Fauci and His Colleagues Pre Plan a Pandemic or Plannedemic back in 2015 to Sweep in the New World Order with 50% Fewer People in 2030?

Rose Colombo (C) 11/29/2021, Consumer Advocate for Justice, 30 Years of Research, Award-Winning Author on injustices and local columnist, poet, and founder of former Grassroots Movement, “Women Fight Back,” 1989-2004. Check out “Colombo Chronicles Podcasts” http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colombochronicles

Bio-Terrorism could Kill 30 Million People in a Year, says BILL GATES, Guardian Ewen Mac Askill, Defense Correspondent in Munich, Saturday on February 18, 2017: 9:00 EST

Bill Gates: My ‘best investment’ turned $10 billion into $200 billion worth of economic benefit. (The Davos Agenda) (Source: CNBC).

Colombo asks the question if this the real interest in keeping the plannedemic in operation with never ending variants and jabs and why Dr. Fauci’s Research in the USA was switched offshore to Communist China at the Wuhan Lab?)

Update: DailyExpose.uk pub. 11/30/2021

The UK’s minimum gap for Covid-19 booster jabs will be halved from six months to three, after the UK Government accepted advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisations to speed up the programme.

Criminally, the Government also accepted the JCVI’s advice to offer all children over the age of 12 a second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, twelve weeks following the first dose, despite knowing the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis is much higher following the second dose.

The UK Government and its scientific advisers claim that the reason for cutting the time people must wait to get a booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine to just three months, is to limit the spread of the alleged new Omicron variant, of which they know next to nothing about.

But the real reason is that they know from their own data the Covid-19 vaccines are decimating the immune systems of the vaccinated and they urgently need to get the boosters into arms to halt the progression of vaccine induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

  • “A chilling warning that tens of millions of people could be killed by bio-terrorism was delivered at the Munich security conference by the world’s richest man, Bill Gates. Gates, who has spent much of the last 20 years funding a global health campaign, said: “We ignore the link between health security and international security at our peril.” (Source: Guardian Ewen Mac Askill, Defense Correspondent in Munich, Saturday on February 18, 2017: 9:00 EST)

(The video below is for information and educational and entertainment purposes only)

Furthermore, “Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft who has spent billions in a philanthropic drive to improve health worldwide, said: “The next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus … or a super contagious and deadly strain of the flu.” (Colombo says, however, covid 19 had cures according to international doctors and Scientists who are silenced by social media giants and MSM knowing that covid 19 is not super contagious and has a 99.9% recovery rate for most people as well as cures?.)

Bill Gates, who last year was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in part for his extensive... [+] global health work, now has a warning that you should not ignore. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
Did Bill and Melinda Gates donate millions to Dr. Fauci/NIH, CDC and WHO Directors and these agencies? Did the Gates donate to Obama’s campaign? Hillary Clinton’s campaign? Joe Biden’s campaigns when each were running to be the President of the USA? Did Soros, Gates, Obama, who used U.S. taxes, or Mark Zuckerberg through Eco Health and other wealthy NWO members donate to Dr. Fauci’s research on covid 19 in Communist China? The question blowing in the wind is why did Dr. Fauci secretly shift his covid 19 Research offshore after a moratorium was enacted in the USA to the reckless Wuhan Lab? Why did Bill Gates fund millions to major stations on MSM and BBC and invest in Twitter and Facebook who silenced President Trump, GOP Reps, Conservatives and International ethical doctors and Scientists worldwide from sharing their information on cures related to covid with a 99.9% recovery rate. Shouldn’t Americans ask which constitutional authority did they apply to jab ever human on the planet without written consent and violate our constitutional human rights?

Whether it occurs by a quirk of nature or at the hand of a terrorist, epidemiologists say a fast-moving airborne pathogen could kill more than 30 million people in less than a year. And they say there is a reasonable probability the world will experience such an outbreak in the next 10 to 15 years.” (Source: Forbes) (Colombo asks, so who were the terrorists involved in the research of a dangerous biochemical weapon at the Wuhan Lab in Communist China? And if Gates knew of a terrorist attack on America then why didn’t he report it to the Military to prevent such an attack; however, it didn’t come from a terrorist attack did it?)

Why does Bill Gates Say We’re Not Ready for the Next Epidemic when he was allegedly funding Dr. Fauci for decades and donating to CDC and WHO and invested in Big Pharma Pfizer and Moderna and J&J? Why did Gates and Soros allegedly buy BioNtech and Mologic to spy and track every person on the planet to make sure they are jabbed over and over again or be punished? Where did he and Big Pharma, CDC, WHO, and Dr. Fauci or the Oval Office determine they had such authority outside of the U.S. Constitution as all laws inside the USA must be in accordance with the U.S. Constitution and in accordance with the Will of the majority of Americans. Was Gates aware that he and those funding China and the Wuhan Lab assisting Dr. Fauci’s alleged gain-of-function that was halted in the USA prior to moving it offshore? (It’s alleged that Gates, Soros, Obama using U.S. taxes, Zuckerberg and Eco Health and maybe more wealthy persons were the donors).

Gates says he doesn’t fear a Nuclear Blast, but a Virus! He says that he’s interested in saving the planet, so why is he expecting the U.S. Taxpayer to fund his Nuclear Plant? Is Bill Gates building a nuclear power plant?

Bill Gates’ TerraPower has chosen Kemmerer, Wyoming, a frontier-era coal town, as the site where the company will build its first demonstration nuclear power plant. The plant will cost about $4 billion, half coming from TerraPower and half coming from the United States government, the company said.Nov 17, 2021

Exclusive: Forced to Get Vaccine to Remain on Lung Transplant List, 49-Year-Old Who Survived COVID Dies After Second Moderna Shot

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Amy Bolin said in order to be approved for a double-lung transplant, her husband had to be fully vaccinated for COVID even though he’d had the virus and recovered. After his second Moderna shot, he developed a pulmonary embolism and heart condition and died before he could get new lungs. (The Defender Children’s Health Defenders News & Views: 11/29/2021 – Covid News – Exclusive by Megan Redshaw

(Colombo says to ask yourself, “How is any of this health care and not depopulation as well as making the rich richer using every person on the planet as their built-in customer base and as their slaves and forced into servitude to obey them and be jabbed over and over again or just die or starve to death with the threat of forcing people out of work!)

TAKE CARE OF YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. GOD CREATED IT FOR A REASON. DON’T ALLOW EXPERIMENTAL CHEMICALS AND THERAPIES WITH UNKNOWN CONSEQUENCES ADMITTED BY DR. FAUCI AND UNKNOWN “EFFICIACY” AND POSSIBLE “ENHACED INFECTIONS” AFTER JABBED CAUSE FEAR – Doctors who share the cures have died suddenly. Believe it or not! Follow the money trail….People who fund millions to Planned Parenthood to depopulate the future human race worldwide care if you have a flu as a humanitarian act? Really?

Christmas or Birthday Gift: A timely gift for all ages. “Obamacare, Dinosaurs, Rednecks & Radicals” political satire and Orwellian fictional adventure story that takes the reader on a journey into the dangerous jungles of Africa in search of the Legend of the Dinosaurs revealing the Redistribution of Wealth and raises the question if the dinosaurs were depopulation or made extinct by foreign and domestic enemies. Check it out today at http://www.amazon.com

LISTEN TO PODCASTS: COLOMBO CHRONICLES LIVE every Wednesday from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. pst-USA – Rose Colombo enters into the world of authors and experts with dynamic guests and a myriad of topics from health, love, crime, divorce, child abuse, covid, constitution, mafia and more…..Most shows are archived for your listening convenience by clicking on this linkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/colombochronicles

Join Rose Colombo on MeWe.com or GAB.com Pinterest – Colombo was de-platformed by Twitter and Facebook after 12 years with 10s of 1000s of long-time FB Friends on September 4, 2021 it appears for opposing the mandated jabs and questioning Fauci, CDC, WHO and Bill Gates agendas.

Is Humanity Under the Microscope of Pfizer and Moderna? Doctor says These are Not Really Vaccines, nor Have They Ever Been Used in Humans Before!

Rose Colombo (C) 11/27/2021 award-winning writer, researcher, 30-year Advocate for Justice whose research led to proposing laws that were implemented by legislatures in California and Nationally. (See Video Below)

Colombo says, “You are the master of your own body and mind and that of your biological minor children which are natural inalienable rights granted by God at birth, not by President Biden, Pfizer CEO, WHO and CDC Directors, FDA members, or congress or the senate.”

New Label Effective: 11/19/21
​​​​​​​Updated information is in teal. (source: comirnaty.com)

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients and Caregivers Fact Sheet (12 years of age and older) has been updated with booster dose information. A single booster dose of the vaccine may be administered at least 6 months after completion of a primary series to individuals 18 years of age and older. Click here to view.

Selected Safety Information Update

Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart) have occurred in some people who have received the vaccine, more commonly in males under 40 years of age than among females and older males. Talk to your vaccination provider if you have questions. The vaccine may not protect everyone.​​​​​​​

The Bill Gates Handshake: Offensive, or Just Weird? A Photo Investigation -  The Atlantic
Who does Bill Gates Love and Who is He and Soros and Billionaires Working With and Funding Millions? Does Gates donate millions to the following: BBC? Cornell University? MSM? FB and Twitter invested? CDC? WHO? Dr. Fauci? NIH? Wuhan Lab Research after a Moratorium was enacted? Is he and Soros invested in the masks and PCR tests supplied to the world made in China? Is China making the chips for America’s electric cars? Chips for Technology? 5G? Lithium? Nuclear Plant? Monsanto? Did Gates fund Dr. Fauci’s NIH Covid Research when he stated in 2014-2021 that his greatest fear was not a nuke, but a biochemical weapon knowing Dr, Fauci’s research was prohibited in the USA? Did Gates partner with Soros who seeks to make China the super power in the world by devaluing the U.S. Dollar and partnered and invested with Pfizer, Moderna, Mologic, BioNtech, and Big Pharma?

Why are employers and President Biden and Big Pharma, MSM and BBC, Facebook and Twitter promoting that everyone must be jabbed no matter what then covering themselves on November 19, 2021 with these statements that aren’t being announced or used by the CDC, WHO, Dr. Fauci, BIll Gates, Big Pharma, White House or the EU.

For example, the totalitarian leaders in Australia have taken the citizens and the children hostage by ordering them to bring their children to be jabbed in stadiums or else be punished if the parents and their kids don’t get the FDA Experimental and Trial Injections with unknown consequences to their bodies and minds and without taking on any financial or criminal liability for deaths and injuries by anyone fear mongering, ordering, threatening and using coercion to jab the entire world multiple times.

Is this the greatest hoax ever played on humanity over a flu with a 99.5% recovery rate. And, Dr. Fauci has been the researcher of the coronavirus over 40 years and alleged to have used gain-of-function, which he denies, by secretly taking his research offshore and paying China to use the Wuhan Lab with donations funded by Billionaires and Millionaires who appear to seek control of the masses and the planet.

Furthermore, the FDA Emergency and Trial Authorization was intended for people who were very ill and the patient’s doctors ran out of options, so by consent, the patients willingly agree to be a guinea pig for an experimental jab or Rx drug or treatment. The FDA Emergency Authorization Act was never intended to jab healthy people or anyone for that matter without the patient or paid volunteer willingly joining in the experiment and without being informed of the the risks that could include permanent or temporary injury or death and the doctors requiring a signed consent form.

Remember, we are being used and abused by twisted words because the FDA approved experimental authorization act was never intended for governments and CDC, WHO, Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci to use authoritarian tactics such as coercion, threat and fear mongering to place fear in the minds of the world’s population. These tactics are crimes on the law books in the USA, so every lawmaker and law enforcer who forces people to comply and threaten to punish Americans by firing them from their jobs and/or arresting them are complicit to these crimes against humanity in my opinion.

The lawbooks arrest criminals who force people to do anything against their will that will harm them by using coercion, threats to harm them or their families or use fear mongering to cause them duress so they comply which causes their victims to be jabbed under fear that creates physical, emotional, and financial distress and PTSD for most victims in such situations. It is a survival mode that causes victims to comply and obey tyrants hoping they won’t be injured or die or forced into poverty. Can’t get much drueler than what is happening in America, Australia, Canada and Europe today.

Authoritarianism: The enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom. lack of concern for the wishes or opinions of others.

The FDA Emergency Authorization Act was never intended to jab the entire world including little babies, toddlers, kids, teens, young people or anyone else who wasn’t sick or didn’t have the flu or didn’t consent to experimental therapy and chemical-laden injections of unknown Pfizer Trade Secret formulas never tried on human being in the world’s history.

Updated Information: 11/27/2021: It’s alleged today in the news, 11/27/2021: “The Indian Bar Association is reporting that Murder Charges have been filed in India’s High Court against two billionaires responsible for the AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine, Covishield, for the murder of a 23-year-old man who was injected with the shot.
The two named defendants are Bill Gates, and Adar Poonawalla, the CEO of Serum Institute of India (SII), reportedly the world’s largest vaccine maker. According to corporate news source, Adar Poonawalla’s company produces not only the COVID-19 vaccine Covishield, but also over 50% of the world’s vaccines that are injected into babies.

Updated Information: 11/19/2021 Emergency Use Authorization: Comarnaty.com – Pfizer-BioNTech

Emergency uses of the vaccine have not been approved or licensed by FDA, but have been authorized by FDA, under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in individuals 5 years of age and older. The emergency uses are only authorized for the duration of the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of the medical product under Section 564(b)(1) of the FD&C Act unless the declaration is terminated or authorization revoked sooner. (How is it justified when more people die from heart attacks and the covid jabs are creating heart inflammation and heart attacks and strokes in a major number of healthy young people and athletes?)

(You may want to copy this information and show it to your Employer if the employer threatens to fire you from your job) How is Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, WHO and CDC justifying jabbing little kids who rarely get covid or die from covid until after they they’re jabbed. It appears that people are getting severe covid reactions or dying after they’re jabbed and they are ending up in the hospitals. How can someone with no symptoms be contagious?

The CDC reported the following on line: “Vaccine ingredients vary by manufacturer. None of the vaccines contain eggs, gelatin, latex, or preservatives. All COVID-19 vaccines are free from metals such as iron, nickel, cobalt, lithium, and rare earth alloys. They are also free from manufactured products such as microelectronics, electrodes, carbon nanotubes, or nanowire semiconductors.” (A Pfizer employee and whistleblower stated that the Pfizer jabs contain graphene and ethylene oxide which are poisons to human being and that they have an undisclosed Trade Secret Formula they are jabbing into humans).

METAL: TOKYO, Sept 1, 2021 (Reuters) – “Moderna Inc (MRNA.O and Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (4502T) on Wednesday said they are working with Japanese authorities to recall three batches of COVID-19 vaccine after an investigation found stainless steel contaminants in some vials. Japanese authorities had suspended use of these batches of Moderna shots containing 1.63 million doses last week after being notified of the contamination issue.”

Reuters also reported the following, “The most probable cause of contamination was related to friction between two pieces of metal in the machinery that puts stoppers on the vials, Moderna said in the joint statement with Takeda. The material was confirmed to be stainless steel. Moderna conducted its investigation in partnership with Takeda and Spanish manufacturer Rovi (ROVI.MC), which operates the plant where the contamination occurred. Use of the Moderna vaccine from different batches also was temporarily halted in three regions in Japan this week. In some cases, foreign substances were found in unused vials, while others appear to have been the result of incorrectly inserted needles causing bits of the vials’ rubber stopper break off.” (Read More on Reuters website).

Pfizer includes: Genetic Engineering inside the human body: mRNA – Also known as messenger ribonucleic acid, mRNA is the only active ingredient in the vaccine. The mRNA molecules contain the genetic material that provide instructions for our body on how to make a viral protein that triggers an immune response within our bodies. The immune response is what causes our bodies to make the antibodies needed to protect us from getting infected if exposed to the coronavirus. This is a therapy, so why is the government, FDA, CDC, WHO, Dr. Fauci, NIH, Bill Gates and MSM and 2 giant social media fact checkers misleading the public and referring to these injections or jabs as “vaccines?”

Hackensackmeridianhealth.org declared online: “There are rumors that mRNA vaccines will alter our DNA because the RNA molecule can convert information stored in DNA into proteins. That’s simply, not true. It’s critical to note that the mRNA vaccines never enter the nucleus of the cell, where our DNA is stored. After injection, the mRNA from the vaccine is released into the cytoplasm of the cells. Once the viral protein is made and on the surface of the cell, mRNA is broken down and the body permanently gets rid of it, therefore making it impossible to change our DNA.” (International Doctors and Scientists disagree with the statement that the “mRNA vaccines (FDA experimental jabs) never enter the nucleus of the cell).

The Controversial Side of the Coin: Abstract – Is Humanity Being Used as Human Lab Rats and “Human Commodities for Human Capital?”

“Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech’s “pseudo-vaccines” for COVID-19 contain mRNA enveloped by lipid nanoparticles (LNP) and polyethylene glycol (PEG). None of these 3 components have been approved for vaccines or parenteral drugs. Research has shown that LNPs easily enter the brain and can trigger immune reactions, especially after the second dose. More than 70% of the American population is allergic to PEG, so these vaccines can cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis.”

There are well-founded suspicions that these vaccines can insert themselves in our DNA, causing mutations whose impact is unknown and that could even be transmitted to our offspring. We explain how the mRNA existing in the cell cytosol can enter the nucleus both during cell division (mitosis and meiosis) and at rest (interphase). In addition, the possible routes of integration of DNA and RNA in our chromosomes through reverse transcripases (RT) are discussed, especially in sperm where a specific endogenous RT has been identified.

Who does Bill Gates and George Soros love and support Financially and on Wall Street? Does Gates have a honey pot in China and a son born in China as a Chinese whistleblower stated. Was Gates as well as his dad and BFF and business associate, Jeffrey Epstein, international child trafficker in support of worldwide abortions and eugenics, euthanasia, cryogenics. Epstein was alleged to traffic only little white girls, not only to Orgy Islands, but to Zorro Ranch where he sought to create the superior race after employing 2 Harvard Scientists. Is Bill Gates the force behind the Covid Communist Cult partnered with Pfizer and Moderna, 5G, AI, Moderna, electric cars, Chips and China? Why is China attacking Taiwan and want Taiwan under its thumb?

The answer is simple. Taiwan is the largest maufacturer of chips for the world! If China conquered Taiwan and got America to remove the U.S. Constitution and replace it with the China Covid Vaccine Passport, no different than the Merit App in China, then China would not only control the Chinese citizens, but everyone in the USA and around the world with the help of the Billionaires living inside the USA as well as EU leaders in Europe, Australia and Canada and any government agency or public servants involved in this NWO Wall Street AI and Big Pharma and take over of every survivor, child, and all assets, with the power to starve the enslaved forced into servitude. How does this have anything to do with health care? It doesn’t.

The National Pulse: Why did Bill Gates Foundation send $54 Million to China since Covid including to Wuhan Collaborators?” Colombo asks the question if the wealthy collaborators in part alleged to be Eco-Health, Gates’ GAVI Foundation, Gates Foundation, Open Society, Democracy Alliance, FB Zuckerberg, Obama, Clinton’s, EU, and others who appear to be at war with God, Christians, Catholics, Jews, Believers, Morality, Capitalism, Free Enterprise, Small Business Owners, Food Chain, Farmers, Ranchers, Babies, Pregnant women, heterosexual children, Heterosexual adults, Traditional Marriage and Traditional Families, Sovereignty, and Loyal Patriotic Americans and Europeans.

BIOMEDICAL Report: These are Not Really Vaccines, nor Have They Ever Been Used in Humans Before!

“In February 2015, a team of announced scientists from the Scripps Research Institute said they had developed an “artificial antibody” that could theoretically eliminate SIV, a version of HIV in primates, from infected monkeys and protect them from future infections. But this treatment is not a vaccine, it is known as gene transfer immunoprophylaxis (IGT). This is a completely different form of gene therapy from traditional vaccination [8]. MRNA vaccines teach cells to produce a protein, or protein fragment, that triggers an immune response, including the production of antibodies [3].

Furthermore, Since natural mRNA is easily broken down, it needs to be transported to reach the cells of the body and easily pass through their membranes. To achieve this, Moderna and Pfizer- BioNTech use LNPs that are “PEGylated”, that is, chemically bound to PEG molecules to increase stability and prevent their metabolism [5,9,10]. This experimental IGT therapy and its LNP + PEG-based delivery system have never been approved for use in a vaccine or drug4. Even these 2 vaccines were only “authorized for emergency use” by the FDA of the United States, but “it has not been approved for routine clinical use” [11-13]. Source: BIOMEDICAL

mRNA, Nanolipid Particles and PEG: A Triad Never Used in Clinical Vaccines is Going to Be Tested on Hundreds of Millions of People

Alejandro Sousa1*, María José Martínez-Albarracín2 and Almudena Zaragoza Velilla3

 Author Affiliations

Received: February 13, 2021 | Published: February 22, 2021 Corresponding author: Alejandro Sousa, Urologist Hospital Comarcal de Monforte, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2021.34.005501


Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech’s “pseudo-vaccines” for COVID-19 contain mRNA enveloped by lipid nanoparticles (LNP) and polyethylene glycol (PEG). None of these 3 components have been approved for vaccines or parenteral drugs. Research has shown that LNPs easily enter the brain and can trigger immune reactions, especially after the second dose. More than 70% of the American population is allergic to PEG, so these vaccines can cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis.”

There are well-founded suspicions that these vaccines can insert themselves in our DNA, causing mutations whose impact is unknown and that could even be transmitted to our offspring. We explain how the mRNA existing in the cell cytosol can enter the nucleus both during cell division (mitosis and meiosis) and at rest (interphase). In addition, the possible routes of integration of DNA and RNA in our chromosomes through reverse transcripases (RT) are discussed, especially in sperm where a specific endogenous RT has been identified.


“The WHO warned in December 2019 of the appearance in Wuhan (China) of an outbreak of a highly contagious respiratory lung disease. It was concluded that its origin was due to a new Betacoronavirus that was named as SARS-CoV2 and the disease it produced as Covid-19 [1,2]. Shortly after, the WHO declared a global pandemic and more than two hundred companies and universities began an obstacle course to develop a vaccine in record time. The development of mRNA-based vaccines is said to be the ideal way to advance rapidly in their development, in the conduct of clinical trials, and in their mass production. All this being due to the simplicity of its in vitro transcription and the enormous potential for scalable and low-cost manufacturing [3,4].

The article stated, “Historically, the development of a vaccine takes between 5 and 25 years until it is commercialized and in some cases such as HIV, they have not been manufactured after 35 years. In this case, the Moderna company (Cambridge – USA) managed to start phase I clinical trials just 63 days after starting its studies [5], which has made many doubts whether it is an important scientific achievement or a capital irresponsibility. Although the scientific representatives of pharmaceutical companies strongly affirm that these vaccines will achieve immunity in more than 90% of the vaccinated population and that the side effects will be mild, many independent scientists believe that they will barely exceed 40% [6,7]. At the moment, nothing is known about the duration of the immunity produced, whether or not it induces cellular immunity and whether it can generate late autoimmune side effects.

However, the most controversial issue about mRNA vaccines is whether or not said genetic material can be mixed with our DNA permanently and the possible complications doing this fact can produce. The manufacturers of these types of vaccines claim that, after translation, the synthetic mRNA will be degraded by host enzymes and will not interact with the host genome. In this article we will show that this statement may be incorrect and that applying a vaccine without a total guarantee that it will not modify our own genetic code is a clear error. Applying it to billions of people is utter recklessness.

These are Not Really Vaccines, nor Have They Ever Been Used in Humans Before

Since natural mRNA is easily broken down, it needs to be transported to reach the cells of the body and easily pass through their membranes.”

“To achieve this, Moderna and Pfizer- BioNTech use LNPs that are “PEGylated”, that is, chemically bound to PEG molecules to increase stability and prevent their metabolism [5,9,10]. This experimental IGT therapy and its LNP + PEG-based delivery system have never been approved for use in a vaccine or drug4. Even these 2 vaccines were only “authorized for emergency use” by the FDA of the United States, but “it has not been approved for routine clinical use” [11-13].”

The mRNA in the vaccine, to be sure, isn’t quite the same as the stuff in your body. That’s good, because a cell is full of defenses ready to chop up RNA, especially any that doesn’t belong there. To avoid that, what’s known as “modified nucleosides” have been substituted for some of the mRNA building blocks,” according to Technology Review.

Technology Review published, “But Pfizer is holding back a little. The spike gene sequence can be tweaked in small ways for better performance, by means that include swapping letters. We don’t think Pfizer has said exactly what sequence it is using, or what modified nucleosides. That means the content of the shot may not be 100% public.(Colombo asks, “How is holding information on a never before used technology be “holding back a little” that could cause serious irreversible damage to individual human beings as they haven’t any long term case studies to prove that it is 100% safe although Pfizer claims it to be 90% effective, but if true then why do they want to track you and make you sure you get a jab every 6 months if it’s so effective?”)

Colombo says that the FDA Regulation in the past prior to Covid 19 Injections that are not approved by medical expert case studies or FDA Licensed Vaccines to the best of her knowledge which takes 5 years up to 25 years to do. This proves that these jabs remain Experimental and Trial injections under R&D. It’s immoral and unethical and criminal in my opinion to use every every human being on the planet as the Human Lab Rats, especially the youth, elderly, and healthy people. After all, they stopped using animals or mice or real Lab Rats because they all died after 2 jabs.

We’ve always known if we have no symptoms and our doctors check ups in their offices find no symptoms then we are pronounced healthy, until covid. It appears with or without covid they want people jabbed. How does that make any sense to anyone? Our bodies know when we don’t feel right.

Why would anyone want to be used as a human lab rat if they have no symptoms and are healthy with the risk of getting covid, paralysis, brain injury, heart attacks, strokes, or die as the FDA and Dr. Fauci reported as the potential unknown adverse reactions to individuals? Not everyone 55 and older has health issues as they are throwing everyone into one big pot.)

However, under duress of coercion, fear mongering, and threats of impoverishing every human on the planet who refuses to be jabbed and enslaved by the New World Order Billionaires and forced into servitude as their slaves to be jabbed it appears every 6 months by Pfizer or Moderna Boosters. Colombo says that it’s her opinion that Big Pharma, Dr. Fauci, NIH, MSM, Social Media giants, Bill Gates and Soros, WHO and CDC Directors and HHS Secretary and the White House are misleading the American people by calling them “vaccines” in my opinion.

It appears that there will be no end to this built-in customer base who must live under the fear of tyrants who believe they have the authority to take over the minds and bodies of every human on the planet indefinitely. That is totalitarianism and Communism at its best. Communists use fear to force their citizens to comply or even die. They use the “Merit App” developed by AI on wall Street to control their citizens every move. These tyrants and Wall Street Billionaires can be stopped by the DOJ and FBI and Senate and Grand Juries or Military Tribunals, but they have not. They are just people and haven’t any right to control anyone’s mind and body or biological children of non-offending parents.

These same investors named are just people who are either wealthy and anti-American or they are public servants or agencies in the business of vaccines who own patents and are getting rich off jabbing people. They need human beings to make money. They need a biochemical weapon to lock down the world. There is such a thing as Abuse of Power and Crimes Against Humanity and Constitutional Violations and Violations of Nuremberg Codes, but apparently, they believe they are above the law.

The key Billionaires who seek to reduce the population of the planet and make China the super power and do business with China appear to favor communism, not Americanism and appear to be working at destroying American and Americans. They are using and abusing their wealth and positions of power to fund the entire Democrat party of Key public servants who are serving themselves.

Sadly, it’s should be a crime not just a huge Conflict of Interest when Billionaire fund Leftists and RINO AG’s, D.A.’s, Chiefs of Police, Top Sheriffs, Governors and Mayors, there is no justice as well as own or invest in electronic voting machines. When they donate millions to U.S. Universities, Big Pharma manufacturers, MSM, BBC, AI, 5G, Electric Cars, Monsanto, and they are invested in FB and Twitter then they are buying themselves a one-way worldwide platform to spew only their agendas and information while silencing everyone else to achieve their goal with Communist China.

There is no end to these experimental jabs which is reckless to say the least by Gates, Fauci, Soros, Pfizer, Moderna, Democrat Party and NWO Investors on Wall Street.

Gates and Pfizer and Moderna CEOs and Dr. Fauci, and the Directors of WHO and CDC may have gotten wealthy owning Patents and accepting donations from Bill and Melinda Gates for years, but this is Nepotism and a Huge Conflict of Interest. Billionaires funding public servants or agencies linked to the government and Universities and Public Schools paid for by the American taxpayers is not in the Best Interest of the American people or the health, welfare or safe of any American. It needs to end.

The Conflicts of Interest and Wall Street’s Billionaires making secret deals with Communist China and Ukraine and Burisma and Saudi, Qatar, Iran using and abusing our taxes for their benefit and China’s Communist benefit and for their NWO agendas to take us (U.S.) down appears to be treasonous. They may be raking in trillions for Gates, Soros, Dr. Fauci, CDC, WHO, and investors on Wall Street and 5G and AI, but they will not succeed at a potential genocide set by their U.N. Agenda 21 goal of 2 Billion gone by 2030. And, note, the JABS began in 2021!

They appear to be working at reducing the population as Gates’ goal is to reduce the carbon monoxide down to zero by 2050 which would mean 90% of the population would have to be wiped out by 2050. Does Gates and Epstein and Fauci and Soros and their NWO wealthy memebers believe they have discovered the secret to immortality? How could they possibly be around in 2050 to see their goal achieved if they don’t believe that they are immortal? Gates would be around 100. Fauci would be around 110. Soros would be around 124. Well, the Bible says that in the beginning people lived over 100 years old, so did they discover the Fountain of Youth? They are seeking it appears to control oil, gas, water, food, farms, ranches, eliminate animals, not just humans, and the U.S. Dollar and Sovereignty, Religion, Heterosexuality, and God.

The virus has cures according to international doctors and Scientists who promote HCQ, Ivermectin, Vitamins C and Zinc and Magnesium and D3 and Melatonin and Curcumin and others…to cure those who are diagnosed with covid. Many doctors such as Dr. Zelensky and Dr. David Martin state that these experimental and trial mRNA injections are a biochemical weapon. It’s no secret that China has been involved in such experiments for decades seeking world domination.

Doctors and Scientists state they’ve been threatened according to their words and they were warned not to use these products to help cure their patients. They’ve been told not to talk about the natural God-created vitamins and minerals and amino acids and Free Oxygen – Deep Breathing and Exhaling to keep the body and immune system healthy. How evil is that and they claim to be curing people and those who aren’t sick?

For example, 2 female television hosts on MSM rudely denied freedom of speech to the popular Speaker Newt Gingrich which should make Americans sick to their stomachs that they would act as comrades on television. They told him he could not say the words “George Soros” on MSM. This is where the Left is at with denying constitutional rights of Freedom of Speech. The silenced ethical doctors who use alternative media to share their knowledge on how to stay healthy know that they are at-risk. They are heroes. They are humanitarians.

The real Humanitarians. Not the fake wealthy ones promoting these R&D Experimental jabs into babies and pregnant women and children knowing the real consequences, just not to individuals after jabbed until it’s too late once healthy humans are injured for life or their immune system is weakened by the excessive jabs or they die.

Bill and Melinda Gates and George Soros, who allegedly purchased Mologic and BioNtech to track and trace and promote the Gates ID2021 which is the Vaccine Passport similar to Communist China’s Merit App where Gates, Biden’s, Soros, Big Pharma, and Wall Street’s Billionaires do business. These tracking devices are to trace, track and spy on every human on the planet, who survives, and control you and your children and most of these Billionaires involved in the ancient Georgia Guidestones and U.N. Agenda 21 and Redistribution of Wealth are seniors or elderly themselves..

How many Americans are living under fear that if they don’t get jabbed that they will be isolated by Bill Gates and his team of Billionaires who appear to influence the decisions of Dr. Fauci, CDC and WHO with their BIG DONATIONS for decades? It appears that these NWO Billionaires are working with Communist China to take control over the USA and Planet because that’s what the Communist Chinese Merit App does as well as the “Vaccine Passport.”

It appears that the Gates-Fauci Vaccine Passport overthrows the U.S. Constitution using the never ending covid to create fear mongering over more and more variants that will never end to achieve their goal of taking control of the planet. It’s AI and government and Soros-Gates-NWO Big Pharma and Wall Street controlling the planet and the survivors who may end up turning human survivors into mindless zombies who can’t think for themselves, especially if the government doesn’t end Facebook’s metaverse, but the question is if the government is in bed with Facebook as a spy agency.

These are experimental vaccines and they haven’t provided any any evidence of these experimental jabs ending covid, but are gaining a track record of creating covid in non-covid people, while suppressing the cures. Ask yourself the question, why would Dr. Fauci, CDC, and WHo, and everyone invested with Gates for decades do that? During a speech to Dr. Fauci’s colleagues, he stated that the “Big Unknown” is “Efficacy” and that they haven’t any idea of the “consequences” to individuals after they’re jabbed short or long term or the “enhanced infections.”

Those involved in promoting, marketing, research and development, and invested in the covid experiments jabs, who are either in the business of vaccines for-profit or invested need human beings as their built-in-customer base to earn BIllions or Trillions in profits off the world’s population forcing them to end up under the control of the AMA, ABA, AI, 5G and the Future Big Pharma Corona Virus Communist Covid Cult Industrial Complex. They ignore international scientists and doctors, who state these jabs have the potential to reduce the population of the earth within the next 1, 2, or 3 years, without liability for the deaths and injuries. They’re home free making tons of money..

It would appear that those invested in these experimental jabs aren’t injected with their experimental and trial injections, but alleged to be injected on TV with saline. Do people really believe that Soros and Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci and WHO and CDC Directors and their families and so forth are going to play Russian Roulette with their experimental injections on themselves and their families? The Gates, Soros, Fauci, WHO and CDC Directors and investors know the serious direct adverse health effects of these injections which can be like Russian Rouletts #1 Nothing happens – #2 – Paralysis – #3 – Heart Attack – #4 -Heart Inflammation – #5 Stroke – #6 Brain Injury #7 Death

And, yet, the DHHS Secretary past and current and Democrat Government protected Big Pharma from liability for the injuries or deaths worldwide. Since when does the government protect Wall Street Billionaire Corporations who harm people and refuse to protect the Welfare and Safety of the American people? After 6 people died from the swine flu vaccine, Big Pharma’s experimental jabs were stopped in 2009.

Colombo states, “Shame on the EU and USA, Australian, and Canadian Leaders! Karma never forgets nor does God! Never in the history of the world has the government leaders who appear to be invested in the New World Order’s Billionaire’s Club allowed private corporations who have been sued for faulty vaccines and products that caused cancer, paralysis, sterility and deaths in the past are now protected by the leaders of the EU and the USA forcing people to be jabbed or else fired from their jobs which is prohibited by the U.S. Constitution and many laws on the books including Crimes against Humanity.”


PODCAST: Colombo Chronicles Live every Wednesday from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. pst-usa – Most shows archived with dynamic authors and experts on topics, love, health, mafia, corruption, child abuse, child trafficking, divorce, constitution, sovereignty and more…..click on http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colombochronicles – Listen by phone at (646) 564-9742 or online.

Blogs: http://www.rose4justice.com – Connect with Rose on MeWe.com – GAB.com – Pinterest

R.I.P.: Some Names of Youth Who Died or Injured after Jabbed or alleged Jabbed? Kids getting Myocarditis/ Heart Attacks and Ignored by Government Leaders and DOJ? SHOCKING!

Rose Colombo, award-winning writer, poet, researcher and 30-year Advocate for Justice exposing injustices, proposing laws implemented by lawmakers and producing and hosting the issues on former cable TV and am-FM Radio shows, “Women Fight Back” and “Issues of the Day,” that began with: “Wake Up, America! Is the American Dream on the verge of the American Nightmare?” 1989-Current

How many young people who are healthy and fit and play sports or engage in other activities have been injured or died after the FDA Experimental and Trial Injections that aren’t being reported by MSM, FB, CDC, WHO, Dr. Anthony Fauci, DHHS, Surgeon General, White House, Congress, Public School administrators or shared with VAERS? The CDC and VAERS admit that the stats aren’t 100% accurate because not all deaths and injuries are reported to VAERS or other statistical agencies around the world.

Doctor Dies after Producing this Video explaining how Pfizer secretly added Graphene Oxide in the experimental injections and why it is dangerous to humanity.

How can elected officials on the LEFT and some on the Right ignore the Nuremberg Codes and Crimes against Humanity when kids are dying or injured around the world and chalk it up as – oh well! Or, “To be expected,” or is it, “You can’t sue us because this is an FDA experiment and we’re practicing on you. You, the Human Lab Rats, have knowledge that these are FDA Experimental and Trial injections so you can’t sue Big Pharma and Gates or Fauci or all involved who are making Billions from each jab? The Gates-Soros-China-Fauci-NWO Big Pharma-FDA-5G-AI experiment is unprecedented and immoral in my opinion.

,Click on the Link Below1 Dr. Zev Zelinsky with keys to protect yourself from the predictions of Bill Gates who began fear mongering back in 2004 to the best of my ability and revved it up in 2014 – 2021 even predicting the return of small pox? Does he and Dr. Fauci, who also predicted future biochemical variants, own a crystal ball?

Click Here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/TjWFtRklGzi2/?fbclid=IwAR393Cl4Ak7D5eBz3epNNqn7oiSX8cMxnre8Uk5JgZtEOJE6pJ4Enh4UiGI

First it was the Elderly they came for….Then it was the Adults and Parents they came for….And then it was the young people they came for…..Then it was the Military and Medical Staff and Law Enforcers they came for….Then it was the children and Babies they came for….and then there was no one left for them to enslave so the NWO wealthy ones sterilized God’s human creation who became survivors and changed them into trans so they would be neither male or female and couldn’t procreate.

Genetic engineering and cloning. Newborn baby with barcode lying on white sheet, closeup. Collage with copy space Genetic engineering and cloning concept. Newborn baby with barcode lying on white sheet, closeup of hand. Collage with copy space child slavery stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Denying Parental Rights and Freedom to Choose to Control one’s Body and That of their Minor Children is Slavery and Servitude to Corporate Billionaires in bed with unethical and immoral taxpayer funded public servants using their positions of power to deny freedom, liberty, human rights and choice to the world’s population.

 Santo Giuliano, the ex of Amici: “Cardiac arrest and myocarditis after the first dose of Pfizer. I’m not saying not to get the vaccine, but beware of the symptoms” (Italy24News.com)

Italian Professional Dancer, Santo Giuliano

2. Wheelchair tennis player Joachim Gérard hospitalised at Paralympics with suspected Cardiac issue

  • By Michael Houston at the Main Press Centre in Tokyo
  •  Thursday, 2 September 2021 (insidethegames.biz)

Source for Following List: CanaMoM_@ChokingonWoke#VaccineSideEffects#vaccinated deaths (source posted on Twitter)

3. 23 year old Baseball player Daniel Brito suffers stroke during game

4: 19 year old Football player Tirrell Williams dies following on-field collapse

5: 21 year old Football player Okafor Kelechi dies during training

6: 29 year old Football player Lee Moses dies during training session

7: 15 year old Footballer Stephen Sylvester collapsed and dies during conditioning practice

8: 18 year old Football player Emmanual Antwi dies after collapsing on the field

9: 13 year old Football player Cajetan Chinoyelum Nsofor dies during practice

10: 15 yr old Soccer player Moira Claire Arney died during practice Junior High School

11: Baseball Pitcher Andrew Roseman died suddenly and unexpectedly, no further information given

12: 17 year old Football player Nickolas Lawrinas died suddenly and unexpectedly, cause given by media, unclear

13: 17 year old Footballer Miquel Lugo collapsed and died during practice

14. 16 year old Football player Devon DuHart mysteriously died in July 2021

15: 16 year old Footballer Ivan Hicks dies of Cardiovascular Disease during Scrimmage

16: 19 yr old Football Joe Bradshaw dies mysteriously off campus, not conclusion of death

17: 16 year old Football player Drake Geiger collapses and dies during game

18: 19 yr old Football player Quandarius Wilburn collapses during practice and later dies

19: 17 year old Football player Dimitri McKee passes out and dies after practice

20: 28 year old Rugby play Tevita Bryce collapses during game from Heart Attack

21: young Rugby player Dave Hyde collapses and dies after match

22: 27 year old Baseball player Yusuke Kinoshita collapses and dies during practice

23: 32 year old Champion Speed Skater Kjeld Nuis suffered Pericarditis after the vaccine

23: 25 year old Belgian soccer player Jente Van Genechten suffers Cardiac Arrest

24: 31 years old Fabrice N’Sakala Besiktas Istanbul collapses on the field

25: 29 years old Pedro Obiang Italian first division after vaccination has Myocarditis

26: 37-year-old former French professional footballer Franck Berrier dead

27: Germany goalkeeping coach of SV Niederpöring suffers Heart Attack

28: 24 years Bordeaux pro Samuel Kalu suffers Cardiac Arrest

29: France, 49 years old SC Massay player dead of heart attack during the game

30: Mexico, Caddy Alberto Olguin collapses on the golf course after a heart attack

31: 29 years old Shrewsbury striker Ryan Bowman treated with defibrillator during play with extreme heart problems

32: 18 year old soccer player suddenly faints on the field France,

33: 40 years old A Saint-James player suffers a heart attack after warming up Italy

34: 59 years old long-distance runner from Biella dies of heart failure during a race

35: Germany, Women’s League match, a player collapses shortly before the end without any opposing influence

36: 25 year old German goalkeeper Lukas Bommer dies suddenly and unexpectedly Mexico

37: young student Hector Manuel Mendoza dies of a Heart Attack while training

38: Brazil, 18 years old pro footballer Fellipe de Jesus Moreira has double Heart Attack and is fighting for his life Italy

39: 27 year old cycling champion Gianni Moscon has to undergo an operation because of severe Cardiac Arrhythmias

40: Augsburg referee of a Kreisliga Augsburg game in Emersacker collapses with Heart problems

41: English lineswoman Helen Byrne, heart problems has to be carried off the pitch at world cup Germany Game abandoned due to Cardiac Arrest of the referee in a game of Lauber SV

42: Italy, 20 year old young rider suffers a heart attack

43: 17-year-old soccer player of the JSG High Hagen has Revived during game

44: 53-year-old football coach Antonello Campus Dead

45: 16 year old Collapses while playing soccer and DIES a little later

And the reports keep coming in from Europe and the USA. Why do you think they want to get rid of the healthy young strong white and European and Canadian males who are athletes and this doesn’t include young healthy trained law enforcers, military young troops and young medical employees? How can Europe and America and UK, Australia and Canada fight back against the recruits from Third World Nations who aren’t being jabbed when they illegally enter into Europe and America?

These same people involved in this Big Pharma communist covid cult in my opinion care less about health care, but more about power, control, money and domination over you and your kids and your property , assets, and the planet. But, first, they must bring everyone under their control to submit as Hitler did out of fear of starving people out by firing them from their jobs into compliance so they obey and march to their drum beats. You are totally being trained up as human lab rats worldiwide and giving up your Freedom, Liberty, Rights, Free Will, and Freedom to Chose to control your own body by these Billionaires who will end religious beliefs and God and that’s why they aren’t accepting the Exemptions based on religion because communists don’t believe in religion or God.

The Billionaires and Millionaires who won major corporations and banks aren’t elected officials and officials without dictatorial authority. Those who are secretly NWO members on the Left or RINO as elected officials are violating their sworn oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution and Sovereignty of this Great Republic and One Nation Under God. They are intentionally violating the U.S. Constitutional Rights of every America by denying Freedom, Liberty and Rights to every Natural Born American. They are denying human beings the Right to Choose to control their own bodies and minds which is above their pay grade, yet no one is asking who is controlling them and their New World Order masters or tracing, spying and tracking them? Free Will and Freedom to Choose was granted by God as a natural right at birth, not by these people who are destroying our health care system and our health and our borders and defunding our Law Enforcers and destroying the Economic Status of this Great Republic.


The Billionaires and multi-Millionaires who receive millions in donations from Soros and Gates are increasing diseases and stress and depression through isolation and fear mongering by placing fear in the minds of every human on the planet. Those involved with this NWO conspiracy communist covid cult y know this to be true. This causes stress and severe depression and increases suicide, so is the protocols really about health or is about death? Since, the jabs are experimental with unknown consequences to individual human beings, then why can’t people use Ivermectin and HCQ?

Today, not only Mexico, but Japan declared Ivermectin as a miracle cure for covid, but the USA President Biden and CDC, WHO, and Dr. Fauci refuse to declare Ivermecting or HCQ as a recommendation to help cure covid.

The investors and NWO CEO’s and Gates and Dr. Fauci, WHO and CDC and Big Pharma and the FDA are using the world’s population as human lab rats under the threat and fear and coercion by threatening people who don’t get jabbed with the threat of you’ll be fired Isolated. Your children can’t go to school and get an education if they aren’t jabbed. You can’t operate your business or travel.

These agendas by the NWO are unconstitutional in America and a catalyst to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and implement their iron fist on Americans. It’s hard to believe so many Americans have bought into the agenda that Bill Gates and George Soros and their wealthy NWO members have any authority over any human being. They only have a right to recommend or suggest like everyone else in the USA. These agendas equate to insanity and craziness because fear has taken over the minds of the Gates owned Liberal TV and Social Media giants using his money to invest millions around the world that provide him and Dr. Fauci a platform as the experts of viruses, biochemical weapons and covid while international doctors and Scientists who are credential, experienced and licensed are tol to shut up and sit down and be quiet or else be punished.

Why would Billionaires invested in this New World Order Communist Covid Cult tied to Wuhan Lab and China and those major CEO’s who are NWO members involved in high jacking the human race and the world’s wealth care since they granted themselves 100% immunity from all liability whether you or your loved ones are injured for life as have the list of FDA Direct adverse health effects to humans including Death as they rake in Billions and allegedly use our taxes to jab us and the rest of the world.

Do you really think these Billionaires suddenly care about the world’s health when they support and fund Planned Parenthood worldwide and Trans and same-sex agenda indoctrination into public schools which are all depopulation programs? If they cared so much then why don’t they use their BILLIONS instead of funding their air time as the only experts in the world on covid and increase their taxes to pay back the National Debt?

Anyone who buys into this in the fact that doctors around the world who work with covid patients and save their lives don’t know what they’re talking about is buying snake oil because these safe products whereas the JABS are clot shots and causing young and old to be injured for life or die for those who suffer immediate adverse reactions, while we have no idea how many will suffer injury or death in the future.

Therefore, if this is allowed to happen under the Democrat and RINO’s watch in the United States of America of all places. The entire world depends and expects us to use common sense and morality and integrity and values and principles. The only people who should be jabbed are those who aren’t coerced or feel intimidated and harassed and fear mongered that if they don’t do it then they will lose their income, homes, cars, and be homeless. How is this health care?

How many more have died or are injured and how many more in the future because they don’t know and Dr. Fauci admitted they don’t know when he spoke to his colleagues on video. .Germany and Australia and Canada appear to be the iron fists in favor of JABS FOR ALL and even the key Democrats and Rinos appear to believe they have the authority to use their titles to violate their sworn oath and become totalitarian dictators outside of their job duties. They are foolish people. God always shines the light on the darkness in his time.

Disclaimer: Nothing stated on Rose4Justice Blogs ‘N Radio Shows or Colombo Chronicles Podcast is intended to be legal, medical, political or financial advice, but a dissemination of information for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do your own homework and research and come to your own informed decisions.

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Colombo Chronicles Podcast: Listen every Wednesday, 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. pst-USA – Rose Colombo welcomes distinguished authors and experts to her podcast with human interest topics and her commentary on the issues of the day. Most shows are archived so you can return to the link and listen at your convenience. To Listen Live dial (646) 564-9742 or listen on worldwide internet at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colombochronicles

CHRISTMAS AND BIRTHDAYS GIFT: Send a copy of Rose Colombo’s political satire for all ages that takes the reader on a short Orwellian adventure story into the remote jungles of Africa in search of the Legend of the Dinosaur Tablets that reveals how a sovereign nation can be conquered and usher in The Redistribution of Wealth with a provocative ending. Was the Dinosaur Powerful Nation conquered by depopulation or made extinct? Check out the Irwin Award-Winning book and 5 Star Reviews, “Obamacare, Dinosaurs, Rednecks & Radicals, at http://www.amazon.com

Check out “One Cup More” for unique coffee mugs – for yourself or someone special – Gift Wrap is Free – http://www.onecupmore.com Join Rose on Pinterest, MeWe.com and Gab.com

Do U.S. NWO Wall Street CEOs Believe Americans Will Own Nothing, but in the End Will They End Up Broke and Own Nothing? KARMA?

Rose Colombo (C) November 19, 2021

The United States of America appears to be under an agenda to be High Jacked by Billionaires such as Bill Gates, George Soros, New World Order CEOs on Wall Street by using the Covid Communist Cult. They are using fear mongering, threats, coercion and to force the world’s population to comply and obey them while they replace the U.S. Constitution and all of Western Civilization’s sovereign laws in exchange for an illegal, unlawful, and unconstitutional “Vaccine Passport.”

Implementing a “vaccine passport” is unconstitutional based on a flu that has a 99.9% recovery rate for children and between a 99.5% up to 99.9% for adults, but intentionally appear to be suppressing the cures while they rake in billions and ignore the injuries and deaths worldwide claiming the jabs have nothing to do with their covid agendas. This is treason in my opinion because the “vaccine passport” was pre planned and it was pre planned to deny all freedom, liberty, rights, and sovereignty, Free Will, and Free Choice to control our own bodies and minds and that of our minor children.

The greatest fear of the Luciferians is God, Jesus Christ, Bible, The Cross, U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Christians, Catholics, Jews, and all God-fearing and God-loving Americans as well as worldwide. They fear guns in America, but they got a new weapon called the covid 19 chemical-laden clot shot that can injure, disable, and kill men, women, and children in the USA and around the world while Big Pharma and all involved and invested or own patents are raking in Billions.

Will God’s children around the world wake up to whose involved in this War against God?

New World Order is an Old World Order That Creates Disorder to Usher in the New World Order that will fail as they are causing grave pain and suffering and deaths with their Covid Communist Cult. God wins in the end.

The New world Order and NWO Democrats funded by these wealthy NWO Billionaires have sought to take the guns away from Americans and destroy the Second Amendment, but when that failed over the past 30 years, they changed course. They created a different type of weapon – a virus – called the covid 19 Sars 2 – a chemical-laden c lo t shot that can injure, disable, and kill men, women, and children in the USA and around the world while Big Pharma and all involved and invested or own patents are raking in Billions. How many must die or be injured before the end what international doctors and Scientists war is a potential genocide in the future.

planned to deny all freedom, liberty, rights, and sovereignty for the government, We The People, who are the government and the governing body of the United States of America. Anyone involved in the High Jacking of the United States Constitution by enacting an unconstitutional, illegal, and unlawful Vaccine Passport to usher in the One World Government forcing people to comply and obey Bill Gates, George Soros, NWO CEO employers and all NWO members of the communist covid cult is outrageous. .

They will turn on each other. The sad part of this is that they could have done so much good for humanity, the world and future generations. Greed is addictive and even sadder is that they sold their souls out for the material world and will never be able to enter into the “Gates” of Heaven, but unless they repent upon the earth, they will enter into the “Gates” of Hell for all eternity. Pray for our enemies and Pray that Smites All Their Greedy agendas to highjack the world and reduce the population of Humanity by 90% by 2050 if they succeed.

Join Rose Colombo on – MeWe.com – GAB.com – Pinterest

Listen to COLOMBO CHRONICLES LIVE every Wednesday from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. pst-usa – Listen by phone at (646) 564-9742 – or listen worldwide online at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colombochronicles – Most shows are archived with prominent authors and experts from around the world – and Commentary – by clicking on the link and scrolling down to your favorite topic and guest to listen at your convenience. Click the Link:


Rose Colombo authored 2 Irwin Award-winning books, 5 Star Reviews, “Fight Back Legal Abuse,” pub. 2010 and political satire for all ages on the Redistribution of Wealth and Depopulation told in a short Orwellian fictional adventure story. http://www.amazon.com

Nothing said on Colombo Chronicles Live Podcast or Rose4Justice Blogs ‘N Radio Shows at http://www.rose4justice.com is mean to be legal, medical, financial or political advice but a dissemination of information for educational and entertainment purposes only.

IS 5G and Smart Devices Radiation linked to the Covid JABS, mRNA, Spike Proteins Poisoning Human Cells and Weakening the Natural Immune System?

Rose Colombo – November 14, 2021Consumer Advocate for Justice for 30 years on legal abuse and injustices who authored the self-help award-winning book pub. 2010 and seen around the world (watch for 2nd edition in 2022) and 5 Star Review, “Fight Back Legal Abuse!

What good is 5 G and Smart devices that turn on in seconds if the world is depopulated by 90% by 2050 after their bodies are poisoned by 5G and Radiation at the Airports and Smart Devices that effects our brains, hearts, cells, lungs, immune system and the sacrifice is killing off and injuring millions of people around the world? How did Big Pharma, Bill Gates, CDC, WHO, Surgeon General, DHHS, Biden, and NWO CEO Investors determine they have authority to force their jabs on everyone on the planet or fire them which one man calls, “Corporate Communism” and Colombo, an 30-year Advocate for Justice refers to as a “Covid Corporate Cult. Maybe, it’s Corporate Communism Cult.”

In my award-winning book, “Fight Back Legal Abuse,” I warned and predicted that wearing masks was going to be a serious problem for Americans, but didn’t realize it would be a problem for the world. I also wrote that it felt as if there is an unseen evil network surrounding the earth that is strangling humanity. I didn’t have any clue about smart devices and 5g, 6g and more radiation killing Americans that are allegedly covering the earth with radiated satellites and 5G towers on the ground.

The video below states that the experimental jabs and the radiation devices are possibly linked to the covid experimental jabs that can possibly kill, injure and control the body and minds of human beings. This is an experiment, these aren’t licensed vaccines with long term case studies or Big Pharma willing to pay for the funerals of your loved ones or the medical expenses for those they’ve injured!

Radiation is a killer! It can cause Cancer. Cataracts. Aging by setting off Free Radicals to destroy Healthy Cells. (Radiation at Airports). Radiated by doctors and Dentists. Sun tanning Beds. Fukushima. Smart Meters. Computers. Laptops. Cell Phones. And, those who are invested on Wall Street as NWO members, who are in bed with Communist China, claim that these experimental jabs are safe and effective without any danger to humanity. They deny the millions of deaths and injuries are linked to their money making experimental jabs. And, people believe it because they want to believe it. The NWO investors together with China now have the youth addicted to their cell phones training them up to do as the cell phones tell them to do.

Economic globalization: integration between East and West or deepening of  the differences between them… – rawabt center



© 2017-2021 Bit Chute LimitedCORONA VIRUS TRUTH SOLVED – LARGEST GLOBAL COVER UP IN HISTORY SINCE 9/11 – Shared as a dissemination of information and a matter of life and death and this is the Mark of the Beast that you must know about and share with everyone – This is a potential for a worldwide genocide except for themselves – the wealthy 10% who are not jabbed with their own JABS – – shared for educational and entertainment purposes only –

Why do you think the NWO is not telling you the truth?

The children and Elderly have been Isolated since 2019 by the Globalists.

ISOLATION IS A CRIME AGAINST CHILDREN AND THE ELDERLY! CDC and WHO Directors, Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates and no human being on the planet has the authority to take over your bodies and minds under a dangerous EXPERIMENTAL and TRIAL worldwide EXPERIMENT with unknown consequences to the individual using Human LAB RATS enslaved and forced into servitude as HUMAN COMMODITIES for profit aka HUMAN CAPITAL. Are those invested in Big Pharma and AI selling you DNA – Blood – Body Parts and destroying your healthy cells that need oxygen and exhalation of carbon monoxide so you can remain healthy and fight off viruses? God created Free Fresh air – oxygen -needed to maintain healthy lungs, organs, and a healthy strong Natural Immune System. He breathed in fresh oxygen into Adam and Even and called it the “Breath of Life,” because no one including animals need fresh air. Everyone needs clean air and ions at the oceans and no man or woman has the right to deny fresh free oxygen to any human being just because they have titles and Billlions of Dollars.

Human Beings were created to use their nose and mouth to breath in oxygen needed to sustain life then why is Dr. Fauci, WHO and CDC Directors telling people to wear 1, 2, 3 masks and a plastic shield because if the immune system didn’t work since Adam and Even breathed in their first breath of fresh air and released carbon monoxide, humanity would have depopulated long ago because we have trillions of viruses inside our bodies. And, if masks worked, the nations plagued with viruses such as the Middle East and China would be virus free. we wouldn’t need to go to the hospitals or treated by doctors or hospitalized. Masks cut off the oxygen supply and cause physical and can cause loss of teeth, gum disease and death as well as emotional health issues! Why is Dr. Fauci and Gates and CDC and Big Pharma not providing this information to the world, but suppressing it?

Masks, Face Shields and Gloves, Oh My! A Story for Children | TpT
Wearing Masks and Face Shields and being used as Human Lab Rats with FDA approved EXPERIMENTAL AND TRIAL injections with unknown consequences days, weeks, months, 1, 2, or 3 years down the road with multiple boosters of healthy people or people with unknown allergies and health conditions or religious beliefs should always be the Free Choice and Free Will of the God-given inalienable Rights of Human Beings to control their own bodies and minds and that of the biological children which is a natural God-given inalienable Right at Birth..

Therefore, which constitutional authority is the White House, Congress Senate applying for the elected representatives to allow these Billionaires and Millionaires involved in the Agenda 21, 30, and 50 or agencies to take control of your children’s bodies and minds once they step on taxpayer funded school grounds? Which constitutional law are they applying as all laws must be in accordance with the U.S. Constitution and the “Will” of the majority of Americans, not their will forced upon Americans.

Dr. Fauci speaking to his colleagues at a meeting stated, “I must warn there there is also the possibility of negative consequences where certain vaccines can actually ENHANCE the negative effects of the infection. “The ‘candidate’ (aka – human Lab Rats) – “we’ll be producing vaccines AT-RISK which means we’ll be investigating considerable developing doses” (these are experimental in Research & Development because all the test animals died from the jabs) “even before we know if a candidate or candidates work.” Also, “The Big UNKNOWN is EFFICACY.” And, ” Will it be present or absent and how durable will it be? And, finally, I want to mention the NIH has launched a public private partnership called accelerating Covid 19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines for the purpose of that is to prioritize and accelerate clinical evaluations.

On or about November 16, 2021, the news reported that Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci and Boris de Pfeffel Johnson stated the FDA approved Experimental and Trial jabs weren’t working and so they must continue to inject more chemical laden jabs every six months into the humans who are fully jabbed with the first and second and possibly the Booster #3 – in this experiment on Humanity with as Dr. Fauci stated, UNKNOWN EFFICACY and unknown consequences short or long term, but what do they care because they are granted by DHHS and the White House, 100% immunity from paying compensation of injuring healthy people for life or dying from the clot shot or kill shot depending on the individual’s consequences. The truth is that these aren’t “licensed vaccines” to the best of my ability and knowledge, but remain as Experimental, so how could Merriam Dictionary add mRNA to the definition before the case studies are approved and before the FDA approves them as “LICENED VACCINES” that takes at least 10 years to determine? Is that not a fraud on the world’s population?

white and black plastic bottle
Why are the bottles labeled “VACCINES” if they aren’t Licensed as COVID 19 Vaccines? Shouldn’t they be labeled FDA approved Experimental and Trial vaccines or shots?

It appears they haven’t any authority under the Supreme Laws of the Land, The U.S. Constitution, or any authority under their job duties except for their secret changes to the definition of a vaccine and secret unlawful and unconstitutional additional changes to cover themselves for what they are doing to humanity. They appear to be intent on destroying the lives of every human on the planet with indefinite lock downs and threatening people’s jobs and income placing fear in their minds that they will not be able to sustain and provide the necessities of life which equates to Crimes against Humanity. Wake Up! The U.S. Constitution makes it very clear that Americans are not to follow unconstitutional, illegal, unlawful, laws by anyone including those in public office that are causing “Great Harm” and “Injury” or “Death” to men, women, and children around the world who have knowledge, intent and in agreement and willingly committing these acts as well as acting under dishonest pretense of curing a virus when they know that they aren’t curing the virus, but appear to be creating more variants to spread the virus. Pfizer is said to be using a Secret Formulas as a Trade Secret which they are injecting into everyone’s bodies without informing the public of what is in the secret formula and what do these materials and chemicals do to the body and mind. These are violations of the Nuremberg Codes. Wake Up, World!

Disclaimer: Nothing stated on Rose4Justice Blogs or Colombo Chronicles Podcasts are intended to be legal, medical, financial or political advice but a dissemination of information for educational and entertainment purposes and food for thought. Always do your own homework and your own research and come to your personal informed decision..


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PRAY – BE RIGHT WITH GOD – Prepare your bodies and souls with God. Share information. Inform people as I’ve been on the front lines for 30 years. It’s your turn to step up to the plate. Don’t waste time. It’s a matter of life and death and healthy children and adults being injured for life. EAT Organic healthy Herbs – Vitamins – Olive Oil cold pressed and sold in dark bottles – Garlic – Onions – Turmeric – Oranges -Blueberries and other Berries – and more….check out the doctors who have been silenced on Twitter and Facebook and are providing information on alternate online media and You Tube to keep your natural immune system healthy during these challenging times. GOD BLESS YOU and the world. I rebuke Satan and his fallen angels and all evil darts that come against God’s children. I praise God and Thank God for His Mercy and Grace and Intervention to end any evil deeds that come against humanity that God children will remain united and spread Love throughout the world and bring Life, not death or destruction to sovereign nations. Praise and worship God and through His mercy, he will intervene and place His Mighty Hand upon the innocent people around the world.


WATCH THIS VIDEO – WAKE FROM YOUR SLEEP – Save the Children – Save Humanity –






I am offended when the human lab rats or guinea pigs are jabbed and then refer to anyone else who doesn’t want to be human lab rat as anti-vaxers which is a lie. These are not licensed vaccines to the best of my knowledge. They are genetically engineered jabs with unprecedented mRNA gene therapy that wasn’t part of the definition of a licensed vaccine except recently. It appears that there are entities attempting to cover their tracks and add mRNA to the definition of a vaccine in the Merriam Dictionary as of November of 2021 if the post online and photo is true. If not, apology to Merriam Dictionary.

Such action of playing word games with serious chemical-laden injections where more than 800,000 Americans are permanently injured in just months and this is just one nation is serious and dishonest and appears to be a fraud on the American people and the world speaking out as a critical thinker, writer, and researcher and God-believing lay person. Many people have adverse reactions to chemicals and toxins and nano-particles, dyes, toxins, phosphates, and an alleged Pfizer Trade Secret Formula which is a secret,, just like their secret Pfizer contracts giving them carte blanc and 100% immunity no matter how many people die or are injured worldwide, and no liability for any errors or failures which was signed off in the USA, Israel, Uk, and Australia. People have religious beliefs and millions believe the covid experimental and trial jabs are the MARK of the BEAST 666 and that is their right to believe it.

STORY AT-A-GLANCE by Dr. Joseph Mercola

  • Fauci is the highest-paid federal employee in the U.S., and 68% of his $437,000 a year salary comes from bioweapons research
  • Instead of safeguarding public health, Dr. Anthony Fauci turned the National Institutes of Health into an incubator for pharmaceutical products, and essentially sold the entire country to the drug industry
  • Fauci has had a hand in creating the vaccine gold rush. In 2000, he met with Bill Gates, who asked to partner with the NIH in an agreement to vaccinate the world with a battery of new vaccines. In 2009, this agreement was rebranded as “The Decade of Vaccines,” the objective of which was to implement mandatory vaccinations for every adult and child on the planet by the year 2020
  • One of the darkest stains on Fauci’s career, aside from his role in the COVID pandemic, was his handling of the HIV epidemic. Suppressing the use of repurposed drugs, Fauci zeroed in on AZT, a toxic drug that has killed an estimated 300,000 AIDS patients
  • The similarities between the AZT scandal and what’s happening today with the COVID jab and remdesivir are striking. Again, Fauci has suppressed all treatments using inexpensive and nontoxic drugs. U.S. taxpayers have paid for research, while drug companies have raked in the profits, all while having zero liability for injuries and deaths

International ethical doctors and Scientists have warned the world leaders, Big Pharma, CDC, WHO, Dr. Fauci, Gates, Soros, Anser, and NWO members that this plannedemic could create a potential genocide 1, 2 or 3 years or more from 2021. The wealthy NWO members (New World Order gave everyone a clue by calling it the Luciferase. “Erase” means erase all of God’s children and creatures he created, animals, mammals, bugs, bees, birds, plants, and trees. (Note: unprecedented fires and flooding, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes that are displacing people around the world?) No one is saying there isn’t a flu – a virus – but there have been viruses since time began and God created the immune system and provided the foods to keep it healthy or we would not live long lives. We would be sick all the time. But, man created the plannedemic by gain-of-function research as proven by Dr. and Senator Rand Paul and Senator Jim Jordan and silenced doctors and Scientists.

QUOTE:Tony Fauci basically created this template that he then used over the next 45 years, to develop toxic drug after toxic drug. He killed early treatment, and killed any protocol that competed with his pharmaceutical enterprise. A lot of people have died [as a result].” ~ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (source: Dr. Joseph Mercola)

Millions of people around the world have allergies to specific chemicals, toxins, phosphates, nano-particles, and dyes. They can die. They can be neurologically or physically damaged for life. One shoe doesn’t fit all 7 Billion people while Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Anser, NWO CEO investors, and Bill and Melinda Gates, George Soros, CDC and WHO Directors, DHHS, Surgeon General, AMA, as well as the EU and NWO U.N. Agenda 21 members rake in Billions seeking Trillions knowing that there is a potential for a genocide down the road.Is this really about you and your health and keeping you healthy and alive?

If God’s immune system didn’t work then why is China, Africa and the Middle East plagued with flu, covid, SARS, MERS, HIV AIDS, Ebola, Malaria and more viruses; because these Third World Nations have over one billion people each while Western Civilization that hasn’t been plagued with viruses has more vaccines and fewer people. America and all of Western Civilization are targeted with the jabs and they are now plagued with excessive chemical-laden and unprecedented gene manipulation that allegedly can alter your DNA. In my opinion, they are committing crimes against children and babies by jabbing them with 72 chemical laden vaccines for profit before the age of 18 as they known chemicals aren’t natural to the body and destroy the immune system if excessive.

The FDA approved experimental and trial covid 19 jabs, they didn’t approve licensed vaccines. Licensed vaccines and the case studies are published proving the short and long term direct health effects versus the benefits and all the materials and chemicals included in the licensed vaccines. To the best of my knowledge, they remain experimental and trial jabs still in Research and Development (R&D). It takes 5 to 15 years or more to review and study the cases as well as obtain FDA approval as a licensed a vaccine.

The medical journals reveal the chemicals and nano-particles such as aluminum and barium or lead or mercury, toxins, dyes, metal , Graphene, Ethylene Oxide, Bromide, phosphates or the genetically engineered mRNA therapy. Many doctors state that the mRNA gene manipulation aka therapy creates spike proteins that Dr Been stated, “Spike Protein Goes to Nucleus and Impairs DNA Repair..” (In-Vitro Study in Stockholm Sweden) . Should we not ask if the Reptilians are playing God with humanity?

The mRNA therapy is unprecedented and never has been part of the definition of a vaccine because it is a therapy. In fact, the CDC, WHO, U.S. and EU government leaders worldwide as well as Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, and MSM and FB refer to the experimental jabs it as a “vaccine;” however, they are misleading the world. A “vaccine” must be in accordance with the definition as defined by the medical and Scientific definitions, not so much as by the dictionary that appears to have been recently altered by adding mRNA, but was that approved by the AMA and FDA and case studies as well? Let’s give the dictionary publishers and editors a pass that they aren’t taking “Bribes for Covid Information” as well.

A licensed vaccine includes 5 and up to 15 years or more of study on animal lab rats and animals. Human Lab Rats must be willing volunteers of their own free will who are usually paid and must be informed of the chemicals or materials injected into their bodies and they must be informed of the “Risks” and they arequired to SIGN a consent form according to the FDA website. So, why did the FDA agree to bypass their regulatory policy for Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates’ FDA approved covid experimental and trial jabs? After the case studies are approved then the FDA decides if the approved R&D case studies of the experimental and trial injections will be approved as a “licensed vaccine” for distribution. In the covid 19 agenda, no one is paid or asked to be a willing volunteer and informed of all the materials and chemicals, toxins, risks and asked to sign anything to the best of my knowledge, but why?

RESEARCH: Bull World Health Organ.  1963; 29(Suppl): 89–97.PMCID: PMC2554890PMID: 20604180

Prospects for vector control through genetic manipulation of populations* by George B. Craig, Jr. – CLICK LINK BELOW”r


Obviously, the medical and Scientific staff and the FDA have a moral and ethical fiduciary duty to approve the efficacy and safety of the licensed vaccine.. This raises the question if they are touting an experimental and trial injection with mRNA therapy as 100% safe and one shoe fits all 7 Billion people then why did they grant all involved in this R&D of the experimental and trial covid jabs 100% immunity from injury and death? If their fiduciary duty is to be honest then they have violated their fiduciary duty by being dishonest and manipulating the definition of a vaccine and failing to inform the American people and the world why they are injecting them and their babies with Spike Proteins and the risks to them and their children!

  • RESEARCH: KNIPLING EF. Sterile-male method of population control. Science. 1959 Oct 9;130(3380):902–904. [PubMed] [GoogleScholar]

Most recently, CDC Director, Walensky, stated they are not changing the definition of a vaccine once they knew people were waking up and realizing these aren’t licensed vaccines. However, it appeared online that the Merriam Dictionary added “mRNA gene therapy” to part of the definition of a “licensed vaccine.” They need to correct and remove that mRNA misinformation in my opinion it that is accurate because they are misleading the world’s population. There is far too much misinformation not by the FB (Facebook) members, doctors and Scientists, who oppose the experimental and trial injections without the proper protocols to study the benefits and the direct adverse health effects and efficacy and safety that takes years to do . It is those promoting the misinformation that the jabs are a “licensed vaccine” and 100% safe and effective, but they don’t know that without the long term case studies do they? And, they’re dishonest because they knew of the potential of deaths and direct adverse permanent disabling of healthy human beings in the FDA workshop draft of 2020.

The truth is that most Americans have been vaccinated during their childhood and flu season and more, so it’s impossible to be wrongfully targeted by employers, public schools, or the government or any other entity as an anti-vaxer. If a person has received one vaccine, they can’t be anti-vaxers, but in reality, it’s no one’s business what you do to your own body as it’s between you, God, and your doctor, not your employer and the world leaders is it?

If God wanted to alter our DNA then he wouldn’t have provided healthy cells to fight off viruses as we have 22 Trillion viruses in our bodies and so do animals have viruses and plants, so God would have not provided a means to repair our cells and DNA and organs. Therefore, why does Gates and Soros and Big Pharma and Answer and FB who donated to Dr. Fauci’s research thru Eco Health and more wealthy ones seek to jab the world with an experimental and never used before on human beings or animals, the mRNA gene manipulation that allegedly alters your DNA and the alleged graphene and Bromide can cause hydra-gel cells to birth in your body and if true then in my opinon as a lay person, these are crimes against humanity and dishonesty by those manufacturing jabs and refusing to admit that the NOT ONE of the 800,000 permanently injured or the tens of thousands who died in America after jabbed were caused by the FDA approved experimental and trial genetically engineered jabs!

Can Facebook and MSM be held liable for suppressing information that could have saved lives? American deaths and injuries are climbing and it’s reported that more people who have been used as Human Lab Rats for profit are the people in the hospitals and suffering from covid or Delta.

One brave nurse from Australia stated that the adverse health effect known as Delta is caused by the Covid experimental genetically engineered jabs. Why would anyone want to be injected multiple times and their children with unknown materials and chemical adjuvants and mRNA without being told the RISKS to their bodies that can occur immediately, days, weeks, months or 1, 2, or 3 years or more down the road? These people will have already made Billions and Trillions and with people disabled or dead, they will never be held liable for Crimes Against Humanity in the future.

The Social Media Sites and MSM who are hosts, not doctors or Scientists debunked credible doctors and Scientists who shared their facts and case studies on treatments that saved lives of people with covid, Sars, and respiratory illnesses. Denying Freedom of Speech is what the Communists do seeking to commit a potential genocide. It is what Communist China does with the “Merit App” that equates to the same enslavement of the Gates-Soros NWO “vaccine passport” that overthrows the U.S. Constitution.

Dr. Anthony Fauci stated to his peers on video that the “BIG UNNOWN” of the FDA experimental and trial injections is the “efficacy” and that there are unknown “consequences” to individuals and those jabbed he referred to as “candidates.” Dr. Fauci stated that the “candidates” are “at-risk” and there is a potential for “enhanced infections? Think about those words from the Director of the NIH who never developed a vaccine for HIV AIDS nor did Moderna! And Pfizer has been sued for Billions over the years for their vaccines and Rx Drugs.

The truth is that Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Glaxo-Smith-Kline and most major Pharmaceutical Manufacturers have been sued for deaths and destroying the health of people around the world. Gates and the World Health Organization travelled to India and the Congo and either vaccinated or gave oral shots to babies and children and young people.

The internet gurus have cleansed the true stories of the children who died or were paralyzed, made sterile or ended up extremely depressed and suicidal. Now, why would the internet and MSM scrub these stories or change them to remove the truth? Is it because Soros and Gates have invested millions into all major MSM stations and the BBC and invested in Twitter and Facebook, so they can control the narrative?

Do your homework and research the myriad of major lawsuits silenced by the media against Big Pharma manufacturers, but for some reason, the Secretary of the DHHS and President Reagan and President Bush for some mind boggling reasons granted 100% immunity from Lawsuits in Executive Orders to Big Pharma during a pandemic going all the way back to on or about 2004 or 2006.

America is headed towards 1,000,000 serious injuries after people are injected and tens of thousands of deaths and most probably aren’t reported as hospitals are either reluctant to do because they’re getting $39,000 when each person is recorded as dying from covid after put on the respirators. So, is this about health care or depopulation and money?

Remember, Dr. Fauci said, “You will never go back to normal.” And, as Bill Gates stated, “You have no choice.” Gates also stated during an interview, “We will plunge a genetically engineered vaccine into every child’s arm” and he was so happy. Was he seeing dollar signs in profits using your children as Human commodities for Human Capital?

Americans who suffer consequences from this experimental and trial injection is exactly what Hitler did to the Jews and all those he held hostage. He rationed and denied food and medicines and dental care. He issued lock downs and took them away to death camps and enslaved them into servitude and into hard labor as part of their punishment because he believed they were non-humans and didn’t meet his standard to live.

Hitler ordered multi-millions of hostages in the FEMA camps aka concentration camps to live under cruel and unusual inhumane circumstances as he starved them to death and used them for his experimental and trial injections and surgeries. These God created human beings were made barefoot, naked, and turned into skeletal bodies and ordered to dig their own graves or walk into the showers. How easily this was done by telling them they were suffering for the better good of others.

As Bill Gates stated to the world’s population and in America during an interview, so did Hitler state – “You have no choice.”

These human beings that God created and our fellow brothers and sisters were dumped like chattel or human collateral into holes and buried because of one psychotic man overdosing on Rx drugs and filled with hate in his heart and mind for anyone who didn’t meet his definition of the superior race. Maybe, some of his hostages were buried alive.

Hitler’s and other tyrants have no conscience. They justify their evil deeds as they satisfy their egos and empower themselves by harming others. The young people are raped which is similar to what Jeffrey Epstein and his wealthy participants engaged in for over 40 years in the United States of America while the entire government appears to have protected the criminals, not the victims proving what I wrote in my award-winning book, “Fight Back Legal Abuse, “Chapter 10, “Justice for $um and Justice for Some!'”

Others were told to take off their clothes or wear old flimsy striped jumpsuits. They were told to stand in line and distance which is what they do in America at the airports after Obama-Biden took office in 2009. We were forced to be naked x-rayed and/or be intrusively patted down and nearly raped according to many kids and females. Yet, Obama, Biden’s and family, flew on taxpayer’s money in taxpayer funded Air Force One and Air Force II and by-passed the rapes by naked x-rays and bypassed being radiated which at unknown levels because all levels of radiation are dangerous to humans.

Radiation is a killer and can also sterilize young people (just like Big Pharma’s swine flu and Gardasil jabs) and cause cataracts, aging, cancer and death. Hitler radiated young people and jabbed young people, so maybe, those chemicals sterilized those young people for depopulation. Hitler ordered his Human Lab Rats to strip down and distance and march to their drum beat into the showers. The question that everyone who is pro-active should be asking is not have you been jabbed with an experimental injection with unknown consequences long term, but why are they doing this with a recovery rate higher than heart attacks, strokes, cancer, AIDs and Alzheimers or Influenza?

Why aren’t Americans calling their representatives as I have for 12 years asking why did President George W Bush and V.P. Cheney secretly use our taxes to build FEMA Camps? Should American not ask why did Obama buy up tons of FEMA trains with our taxes? Why were thousands of brown deep plastic coffins purchased with our taxes? Why did Georgia buy up Guillotines where they are stored as well as allegedly in Tennessee?

In 2019, the CDC, WHO, Surgeon General, DHSS, Gates, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, became the voice of Americans and ordered them to obey them or else be punished. The Blue States became totalitarian. They ordered everyone locked down in their homes without any evidence of a plannedemic. It’s amazine how MSM and social media can be used to influence the world using FEAR! The sheelple didn’t even ask for proof!

In the meantime, Soros funded BLM through the Open Society and Act Blue and Super Pacs. He recruited black members and some white members and indoctrinated them into Marxism and Black Power. They were paid it appears to terrorize Americans mainly in Blue States because Red States wouldn’t tolerate the violence and killings and injuries that the the Blue State governors and AG’s and D.A.’s and Mayors and MSM called out as “Peaceful Protests” during a Plannedemic when they locked down Americans which I believe was unconstittuional.

Americans witnessed cities burning down, vehicles surrounded by BLM and ANTIFA fearing for their lives. Looting. Torching businesses and Police vehicles. Shooting cops parked in their vehicles. Beating up old people who tried to stop them from vandalizing and looting their businesses. Terrorizing people locked in their homes and then charging the people attempting to defend themselves and their property. The Kyle Rittenhouse’s case is interesting because BLM and ANTIFA were armed with weapons and seen on video looting a weapons store, but the one young man who had a weapon on his person and tried to defend himself as 3 felons chased him is the only person on trial? Really?

The entire Democrat Party in pubic office and in law enforcement shockingly approved and condoned violence across America and failed to protect the Rule of Law and business owners, police and civilians over politics. They approved and condoned BLM’s rioting and encouraged it as “peaceful protesting.” How can anyone in America believe they are not free when they had a Black Family in the oval office and Black representatives in congress and in business and as Chiefs of Police and earning millions in sports, movies, music world and even as Rocket Scientists because they worked hard for an education and learned skills and pulled themselves up to be whatever they wanted to be in the USA, which no other country has done.

The Gates-Fauci-CDC-WHO-White House ordered the lock downs and empty shelves. After fear mongering, rubbing alcohol, Hydrogen Peroxide, Lysol, Thermometers, Vitamins, HCQ, Ivermectin, Meat, Poultry, Bread, Lysol, Toilet Paper, Paper Towels and more were not available. The Blue State dictators ordered curfews and punishments while they dined at fine restaurants, went to salons, didn’t wear masks, partied on yachts, flew on vacations on private jets and to private islands where they lived their lives as “normal” and told everyone else they must be punished if they don’t comply or arrested and fined if they don’t wear a stupid mask that doesn’t stop a virus; however a strong immune system can and has stopped viruses since Adam and Even or the world would have been depopulated long ago, instead it’s overpopulated even in Third World Nations who are plagued with viruses and yet, they are overpopulated even without the jab.

The Dr. Fauci, CDC, WHO, Gates, Government mandates isolate families and especially children, teenagers, and the elderly parents and grandparents.. They increased depression, loneliness, alcoholism, drug use, divorce and suicides. It appears that these agendas equate to Crimes Against Humanity and Crimes against the Elderly and Crimes against the Children. They destroyed Business Owners and Employees because when you shut down businesses, you destroy “Good Will” and repeat business which they depend upon to stay in business.

It’s this Blogger’s opinion that Dr. Fauci, CDC, WHO, DHSS, White House and Bill Gates pushing for the plannedemic and lock downs appear to be the persons who destroyed the lives and the American Dream for millions of Americans across this nation, if not their business, their jobs, livelihood, and loss of homes or vehicles or families or all mentioned. The nation suffers from the unspoken PTSD they witnessed on television while these people and MSM attempted to make them believe they weren’t seeing insurrection and riots and destruction of property, killings and injuries by parroting the term, “Peaceful Protests.” And, “Racism.” The truth is we are the least racist country in the world today.

Of course, these were crimes committed against our Great Republic. It’s a fact that the police, vets, kids, teens, and innocent Americans who did nothing to the rioters burning down our cities and tearing down our American historical monuments, art and statutes that belong to the American taxpayers. It appears to me that George Soros should be the person who pays for the damages since he allegedly funded BLM and paid people through non-profits and Super Pacs to train and recruit Marxist as stated from some of the members own lips who were seen in the news. American lives and their American Dreams gone up in smoke. Saving to Build Businesses and working long hours gone up in smoke. A million jobs wiped out. Thousands of Families destroyed while MSM and the Democrats defended the criminal acts including murder and injuries. How was this not a Hate Crime, Facebook fact checkers?

The BLM and ANTIFA rioters stealing from the hard working American businesses as well as any Democrat didn’t have their pages taken down did they? Since the Great Depression, this is the first time Americans were forced to stand in line and distance with masks since 1918. This appears to be a planned attempt by Soros, and Gates and their NWO investors in China to train up Americans to shut up and sit down and be quiet and comply or else be punished over a flu they are criminalizing by attempting to hook up Big Pharma to AI and National Security which appears to be a real conspiracy if true, right?.

In fact, in many stores the Nazi clerks behaved as brown shirts. Spying. Tracking customers. Reporting customers. The Democrats empowered $15 hr. clerks in stores who use to treat customers and follow their instructions but reversed it. They denied doctors from using HCQ and Ivermectin and infusions it’s alleged of D3, Zinc, C and their other treatments. They were training up Americans to live with rationed and denied health care and food as they broke down the food chain and were destroying the trucking businesses and cargo ship businesses. They were denying visits to the Dentist and cutting off the natural flow of fresh air breathed into the lungs 24/7 to keep the heart, lungs, cells, brain, organs, and immune system healthy. Why would millions of Americans fall in line like the Europeans during WWII after criticizing the Europeans for not resisting?

Do your homework and these Billionaire who made Billions prior to being sued in the past and settling with their victims for a Billion or so to be distributed among them meant nothing to them because they made multi-Billions and knew they would be paying victim’s crumbs because the lawyers take 40% up to 60% in legal fees. In the meantime, the doctors who were jabbing them got rich from “Bribes for Jabs” and now Bribes for Covid Death Certificates it appears. So, the Big Pharma Billionaires, Lawyers, and Doctors who receive “Bribes for Covid Deaths” and “Bribes for Jabs” and “Bribes for Rx Drugs” aka called “Bonuses” or “Financial Incentives are part of the problem not thinking that one day, Karma will come back and haunt them and their loved ones because greed is like a cancer and it spreads and when no one shares the cure or takes action to stop the cancer from spreading then everyone eventually will be directly and adversely effected. It’s just a matter of time.

Big Pharma had been sued many times after they made Billions in profit. For example, they touted these products as 100% safe and somehow, the FDA approved them and Licensed these Rx’s and OTC medications or vaccines such as Lupron, J&J Baby Powder, Polio and Small Pox jabs or oral injections. Gardasil reported to have caused thousands of healthy kids to be paralyzed or made sterile, depressed and suicidal and others died in the USA, India and the Congo, Swine Flu vaccines that caused deaths, paralysis, and more adverse health effects was touted by Obama and Biden and DHHS in 2009, but Americans and the Medical Staff around the USA resisted and it was ended.

It appears that they went back to the NWO drawing board to use “warp speed” and “fear monger” and coerce and threaten the innocent sheeple in America who look down on anyone who tells them to their research before being jabbed. Remember, Thalidomide that caused birth defects and was touted as 100% safe and effective. There wasn’t any compensation or apology from that German Pharmaceutical company for violating Human Rights of the unborn health babies into physically challenged babies that caused a lifetime of care, financial expense, and pain and suffering..

There isn’t one pharmaceutical CEO or the White House or Congress, Senate, CDC, WHO, Dr. Fauci, Bill and Melinda Gates, Soros or DHHS or the Surgeon General apologizing for the deaths and injuries happening everyday in the USA and around the world, but what do they care? They’re making Billions off the Human Lab Rats and they have no conscience and granted themselves and all investors involved 100% immunity from financial injury or deaths, but what about Criminal Charges that can’t be granted immunity down the road, no more than the Nazi’s who stood before the world and the judges at the Nuremberg Trials. They justify their using coercion and bullying and fear and threats of destroying your lives as benefits for others. There is ot benefit for the children and pregnant women and elderly’s isolation and causing pain and suffering and economic destruction to our former strong economic status.

It’s no secret that these FDA experimental and trial jabs that are generating n Billions to Pfizer and Moderna and their investors and China and the hospitals and nursing homes taking “Bribes for cases labeled as covid or deaths labeled as covid.” And, there’s no apologies coming from Pfizer or Moderna or J&J or Astra Zeneca or the White House or Blue State Governors and Mayors or Soros funded D.A.’s and Judges and AG’s. There are no apologies coming from Soros or Gates and their agenda to control the population who surive with a AI -China Communist “vaccine passport,” if they succeed. They won’t care unless their agendas hit home. We all know that KARMA never sleeps or forgets.

God is watching them. God is real and He exposed them to the masses. Millions didn’t do their homework or their research and because they were fear mongered that if they don’t get jabbed, they’ll die or be fired from their jobs and in my opinion, these are crimes against Humanity at least on U.S. Law Books. Bullying. Coercion. Threats. Fear Mongering. Intentionally and Negligently causing fear in the minds of another and causing duress and stress that can cause mental and physical health problems is against the law.

The CDC, WHO, Surgeon General, DHHS, and AMA, and Big Pharma are allowing the deaths and injuries to continue without admitting that the jabs have anything to do with the deaths and injuries which is disturbing considering that Dr. Fauci, Director of the NIH, stated to his colleagues on video that all “candidates” aka Human Lab Rats are “AT RISK” with “unknown consequences” to each and with the potential for “enhanced infection.” And, considering that the family and friends state that the Human Lab Rat was happy, healthy, and functions before the jabs, that is also ignored.

Recently, a healthy and handsome doctor, a 52-year old Cardiologist, reported iby Natural Health News on November 10, 2021, to have stated that he wanted to punch anti-vaxxers in the face, but instead after he received his jabs and mRNA Booster, he sadly died. Many doctors don’t do their research which is pretty scary since young males jabbed with mRNA were reported in the news to contract heart inflammation. What is the benefit to being jabbed because it just leads to more jabs,, so as Dr. Fauci stated, the “BIG UNKNOWN is EFFICACY! According to news articles, people are ordered to get 1, 2, 3 experimental jabs and never ending experimental Boosters it appears. In order to know the benefits, it takes 5 to 15 years or more because the adverse effects can happen days, weeks, months or years from now. They’ve created a built-in repeat customer base for profit.

Each of these chemical-laden Rx drugs or injections, licensed or non-licensed experimental jabs, are all touted by the government, MSM and Big Pharma as 100% effective and safe! And, yes, some cure the migraine, but have you ever read the potential adverse health effects on individuals who may suffer a reaction? The truth is no ethical doctor will state that Rx drugs or Licensed Vaccines (Covid 19 is not a Licensed Vaccine to the best of my knowledge and remains an R&D experiment) as 100% safe and effective for 100% of the jabbed. Big Pharma and governments and CDC, WHO, DHHS, Surgeon General are allowing people to be used as their Human Lab Rats for the case studies without liability to any of them for the deaths or injuries.

It’s reported that Pfizer and Moderna are raking in Billions in profits and they tout their jabs as 100% effective and safe and deny and liability related to their jabs. On the othe hand, people are told they must be tracked and traced and continue to be jabbed and recorded by Gates and Soros through their companies MOLOGIC and alleged bought up BioNtech who partnered with Pfizer and share the profits?

Furthermore, there is the catalyst named Dr. Baric, not just Dr. Fauci, who began this dangerous research in the USA and were funded by allegedly Gates, Soros, Anser, FB Zuckerberg, Soros, Gates, Obama using our taxes in a Grant, and NWO wealthy investors that allowed Dr. Fauci to take his research offshore after a moratorium was issued to halt the research as too dangerous as a biochemical weapon. So, they paid China to use the Wuhan Lab. It appears that China and those involved in the USA are all responsible, not just China. After all, these NWO Wall Street CEOs do business with China and are dependent on China making the chips as well as Taiwan. And, automobile dealers haven’t been able to obtain the chips for the new vehicles in the USA and the lots appear empty. Or was this part of the plan with China to produce electric cars? Is this all part of the New World Order plan by the same players?

How stupid is that to depend on Third World Nations to provide products for the once Super Power of the world that the NWO Democrats are reducing to an economic disaster with their printing of Trillions of U.S. Tax Dollars redistributed to themselves and their wealthy associates while they destroy the Middle Class? They believe they are above the law and they are gods and dictators using tyrannical totalitarian agendas to control the populations of the world and the Billions they somehow were able to accumuluate and keep while everyone else goes broke. They are destroying the Middle Class and attempting to overthrow the U.S. Constitution with an unconstitutional Vaccine Passport with the goal to hook up people to the internet and National Security and criminalize people with a flu or who don’t continually get jabbed it appears.

They criminalize people for not wearing stupid masks that cut off their oxygen supply knowing people die from lack of oxygen especially with a flu, covid, SARS, MERS, Pneumonia and Influenza. In America, there were officers who arrested taxpayers, hard working American who pay their wages for attending church – praying – going to work – or not wearing a stupid mask made in China with possible graphene in it and ethylene oxide on their PCR swabs and all this is healthy according to all involved in this program. China made Billions from the masks and PCR test kits which the developer stated don’t dictate covid and weren’t intended to detect covid.

The injections of chemicals that aren’t natural to the body according to medical books and ethical doctors and Scientists as well as radiation through 5G towers and at the airports since 2009 and the genetically engineered mRNA gene manipulation appear to weaken the immune system so the immune system can’t fight off the virus.

It’s no secret that vaccines such as Gardasil can and did sterilize young people. It’s no secret that many of the jabs can kill people and kids and cause paralysis and neurological injury or chronic pain in their bodies for life disabling them from being able to live alone or work or enjoy their lives as they were once healthy people such as the Big Pharma Gadasil, Lupron, and Swine Flu. Gates stated during an interview and appeared to be so excited and thrilled when he animated the jab with an imaginary needle into his arm and stated that they will “plunge a GENETICALLY ENGINEERING” vaccine into “every child’s arm?” He has to control his smiles as if he can’t help himself and wants to laugh every time he speaks of plunging vaccines into the everyone’s arms on the planet. By the way, It’s alleged that Gates once stated that he and his kids don’t get vaccinations.

  • RESEARCH: KNIPLING EF. Sterile-male method of population control. Science. 1959 Oct 9;130(3380):902–904. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]


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Genetically Engineering Humanity and depopulating the majority and enslaving the survivors if they succeed – and no one appears to be stopping them – Not even the Worldwide Military – Law Enforcement – No one –


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HOLIDAY and CHRISTMAS: Political Satire on Redistribution of Wealth and Depopulation pub. 2013 – IT’S HERE – READ IT FOR ALL AGES – OBAMACARE, DINOSAURS, REDNECKS & RADICALS http://www.amazon.com

PODCAST – COLOMBO CHRONICLES – Wednesdays 12 to 1pm pst – Listen at (646-564-9742) or listen live on worldwide web – Most shows are archived so Bookmark and Share and Follow and listen at any time. Colombo is the award-winning author on a self-help book seen worldwide, “Fight Back Legal Abuse.”


Nothing said on Rose4Justice Blogs or Colombo Chronicles Podcast is intended to be medical, political or financial advice, but a dissemination of information for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always do your own homework and your own research and come to your own informed decision. God Bless You whatever you decide to do, it should be God-Given unalienable Free Will and Free Choice to choose to control your own body and mind and what you put into it as well as your minor children.

ELDER ABUSE and CHILD ABUSE Felonies? Did Isolation/ Masks/experimental Rx Drugs or Jabs Increase Depression/Deaths/Suicides for Profit?

Rose Colombo, (C) 11/07/2021 – award-winning author of “Fight Back Legal Abuse” and “Obamacare, Dinosaurs, Rednecks & Radicals,” political satire on depopulation and redistribution of wealth, and long-time “Consumer Advocate for Justice.”

Did you know that Colombo stated many times on her podcasts and more often since 2019, as a long-time advocate for justice, on social media and Colombo Chronicle’s podcasts that it’s illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional, and immoral and unethical to coerce, fear monger and threaten elderly people and minor children, especially the Elderly suffering from Dementia and Alzheimers? It’s a fact that the Elderly, who suffer Dementia and Alzheimers and are under doctor’s care can’t make sound decisions.

If medications are being injected or treatments that blur the mind then the medical staff is required to inform the guardians and seek permission. The statistics reported by health care agencies range from 99.5% up to a 99.9% recovery rate from covid without FDA experimental and trial covid injections. Of course, elderly people are more susceptible to death after 65 because the average life span is 78, so anything over 78 is a gift. (Watch the VIDEO at the end of the Blog)

DID YOU KNOW THAT ISOLATION IS A CRIME AND ABUSE AGAINST THE ELDERLY? So, why were the Elderly Isolated from 2019 through 2020? I would bet that the majority of Americans do not know this fact. The CDC, WHO, DHSS, Nursing Homes and Hospital Administrators know this is true. Dr. and Mrs. Fauci of the NIH, Congress and Senators, who are a majority of lawyers, doctors, and educators, Blue State Governors, AG’s and D.A.’s, who may have accepted donations from Bill and Melinda Gates and George Soros, Open Society, and the majority of wealthy of NWO CEO members on Wall Street have knowledge of this information.

The health field or law enforcement are aware that “isolating” the Elderly is cruel and unusual punishment and can cause severe depression. The elderly will give up. They will lose the will to live which creates stress and stress can be a killer. Isolation causes loneliness and deep depression and can lead to starvation or dehydration and even suicide. ISOLATION IS A CRIME AGAINST THE ELDERLY!

The law requires that the Elderly who suffer from Dementia or Alzheimers must be represented by state appointed legal counsel or a family guardian that had previously been appointed by the patient or the court before the patient can sign a consent form. It is a crime to perform treatments or inject vaccines or experimental trial injections and medications into an Elderly person without approval from a state appointed legal counsel or guardian or family guardian. How many elderly in NYC were injected without a guardian present or without approval.

Nurse putting on surgical mask on elderly ill woman - coronavirus protective protocol
Millions of Elderly lost their motivation from isolation and wearing masks without visits from loved ones. They lost their motivation when they were denied the right to go to the salon, market, Bingo and mostly Church to pray and be with God. They didn’t understand why and many gave up and died alone which is cruel and inhumane while Dr. Fauci and Mayor Garcetti and Gov. Newsom and Democrats violated their own mandates and lived normal lives.

There are many cases of elder abuse behind closed doors caught on video and exposed. The Elderly with mental and physical issues aren’t able to make sound decisions or understand the chemicals and therapy and nano-particles, toxins or risks in the experimental jabs or Rx drugs and the risks of death or injury to their minds and bodies.

Family has always been allowed to visit their loved ones in Nursing Homes and Hospitals in the ICU even if they had an infectious disease. The visitors put on the hazmat disposable clothing over their bodies and distanced. This makes a huge difference to the Elderly or children and helps heal their minds by knowing their loved ones care. Families have always taken care of their family members who have infectious colds, pneumonia, influenza, COPD and live at home and yet, we still survive and survived without Dr. Fauci, CDC, and WHO and Gates destroying businesses and jobs across the nation.

In fact, the life span has increased, not decreased every year. So, what happened in 2019 to change our nation into a nation of mandates and not a Nation of Constitutional Law? Why are people dying after being jabbed, 1, 2, 3X and wearing masks if the jabs and masks work to stop a virus? Why do Americans have to tell anyone their private personal medical information? Will we become Communist China who monitored the menstrual cycles of young females and punished those who didn’t report through their mandate? Is that next?

The Law states that abuse of a senior citizen by a Caregiver including depravation of food or medication, beatings, oral assaults, death by intent or negligence and “isolation” according to the Law Books is Elder Abuse. How many elderly died of depression and lack of nutrition and lack of obtaining their medications during the mandated national LOCK DOWNS and ISOLATION due to the negligence of failing to consider these laws that can lead to depression, suicide, hunger, and thirst, falls, alcoholism, overdosing on Rx drugs and death?

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Did WHO and CDC Directors or DHHS or the Surgeon General or the White House or Dr. Fauci or Big Pharma care about the law related to Elders or minor children and Isolation mandates as well as the Blue State leaders? No, they didn’t care and they don’t care today. These people who claim to be saving lives and care about everyone’s health recommended isolation as the solution to end the Plannedemic. This plannedemic has been touted at least since 2004 by Bill Gates and President Bush. There are about 28 million children ages 5-11 and 25 million adolescents ages 12-17 in the United States reported by KFF.

November 11th, 2021 – 1:00 – 3:00 Lions Gate Hospital Emergency Entrance, North Vancouver” – BABIES: Rally with Dr. Mel Bruchet and Dr. Daniel Nagase. They spoke to the RCMP and then headed over to the emergency entrance. The Doctor will appreciate our support in standing with him to raise the awareness of the dangers of this experimental injection.

On average they would see 1 stillborn death a month. 3 dulas have reported that there were 13 stillborn deaths in a 24 hour period of women who had taken the experimental injection. The media is not reporting this. Big pharma looks after the media and the media is silent.” (Breaking News- CA An Independent Free Press )

PFIZER EXPERIMENTING ON CHILDREN IN AFRICA: Over the same period, Pfizer, a U.S. pharmaceutical company, tried to launch a new antibiotic drug, Trovan. While Pfizer had tested the drug on adults, it had not yet been tested on children. Additionally, early testing on adults had shown some serious side effects of the drug, including liver problems and cartilage abnormalities. After learning of the meningitis epidemic, Pfizer decided to use it as an opportunity to test the efficacy of Trovan in pediatric settings. Pfizer set up a site beside the Doctors Without Borders testing area and over two weeks, selected a sample of 200 children between 3 months and 18 years old to participate. A month later, 11 of the children that had participated were dead. Additionally, numerous parents of children involved in the trials reported disabilities among their children, including paralysis and liver failure.

LONDON (AP) — Four African countries have reported new cases of polio linked to the oral vaccine, as global health numbers show there are now more children being paralyzed by viruses originating in vaccines than in the wild.

Bill Gates, Founder of GAVI Donations for Vaccines – “2021 India to begin transitioning away from GAVI support. 2021 India to fully self-finance all its vaccine programmes. – Source: Gavi Country fact sheet, India”

On or about the year 2006, President Bush somehow became concerned about a future virus used as a biochemical weapon and enacted a Presidential Order while Bill Gates was promoting his fear of a worldwide virus that would require worldwide vaccines. However, in that Presidential Order included a pandemic and civil unrest and quarantines, curfews, troops on the ground in neighborhoods. After the POTUS declares Martial Law, the POTUS will be removed and the “shadow gov’t” will be ushed in.

Furthermore, the Presidential Order that I inadvertently came across while researching E.O.’s mentioned DHSS as the temporary shadow government to take over the nation and if the “right wing extremist” resisted, they would be taken to “government facilities” with no outside contact for “reprogramming.” Are you awake, yet? Bill Gates sat on television and stated to the entire world, “You have no choice” but to be experimented upon with a genetically engineered organism plunged into the veins of children (and adults) when addressing covid 19. Yet, Bill Gates has no legal, lawful, or medical or constitutional authority over anyone other than his minor kids.

The truth is that taxpayer funded public servants should know the laws on Elder Abuse. They should have known that “isolating” the Elderly has direct physical and emotional adverse health effects on the elderly and adverse effects on children. It’s the job duty of every public servant to read the laws and medical information before approving the WHO and CDC Director’s recommendations in line with the recommendations of long-time associate and Director of NIH, Dr. Fauci. In fact, no President of the USA has to follow their recommendations, but they did.

Bill and Melinda Gates donate millions to Planned Parenthood, CDC, WHO, NIH, Gavi, World Economic Council, Eco-Health, EU, and Big Pharma as well as Moderna, MSM, BBC, PBS, FB and Twitter and AI’s tracking and tracing companies. Who is really running the world? Dr. Fauci has received millions of dollars in donations from Bill and Melinda Gates over the past 40 years as well as Billions in tax dollars for his research.

How is Bill and Melinda Gates as well as George Soros, who donate to Democrat Key persons, including even in the DOJ, not prohibited by the U.S. Government as huge Conflicts of Interest and favors or favoritism as well as influence by Gates and Soros who are invested with the Big Pharma NWO covid cult experiment on the world? George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates are funding and invested in Big Pharma’s Pfizer who partnered with BioNTech and they are who share in Pfizer’s profits from the covid jabs.

It must be pretty comforting to all the wealthy investors to know no matter how many people die or are permanently injured, there is no liability for the deaths or injuries as long as they are complying under the declaration of an FDA emergency authorization experimental and trial injections, even if under duress and fear of loss of income, jobs, businesses, freedom, which could kill or injure more people on U.S. soil by this biochemical weapon than all the injuries and deaths during the wars on foreign battlefields as the injuries and deaths can be months or years down the road. The others who profit are those who own patents such as Dr. Fauci/NIH and CDC. Mologic was bought by George Soros and Bill Gates. Moderna, Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson are making huge profits, too. The federal government appears to have an investment in Big Pharma and the jabs as well such as Anser:

ANSER | Public Service, Public Trust

ANSER enhances national and homeland security; strengthening public institutions through objective analysis – delivering practical, useful solutions. Americans should be concerned about Huawei, owned by China and under Obama-Biden watch, allowed to build Huawei in the USA and secretly in IRAN which is all about our Communications and Americans shouldn’t be surprised why we’re being treated as if we’re living in Communist China under the CCP or KGB monitoring all our communications and appear to be doing so in order to deny Freedom of Speech. And, then there AI, 5G, and public servants invested in the 2 giant Social Media sites.

Does the CDC, WHO, DHSS, Surgeon General, White House, AMA or Judges even know how many elderly Americans suffered direct adverse consequences from isolation that caused both emotional, physical and financial distress? Implementing Isolation upon the Elderly is a crime and it appears that no one is tracking deaths from isolation. Once, they die, they’re probably counted as covid deaths so the unethical doctors can collect $39,000 for recording the death as covid and collecting $3,000 if they administered Remdesivir. One doctor stated that they must follow the Dr. Fauci and CDC protocols that excluded Ivermectin, HCQ and Vitamin C, D3 and Zinc and other products they use for infusions.

I know for a fact from visiting my elderly mother and her friends in a senior complex that they were severely depressed from not seeing their families and friends or going to church or Bingo. Many couldn’t go to the store, so I would ask if they needed anything when I visited and pick it up for them before I left. How many didn’t have anyone checking on them? The elderly I can attest to which included my mom were becoming more depressed from wearing masks or couldn’t hear a family member’s voice in person or feel their touch and the words, “I love you.” They were imprisoned and isolated in sections of hospitals and left without visitors. They were treated worse than the real criminals, felons, who were set free so they wouldn’t get covid in New York and California.


There are many ways to reduce the population by creating a flu and an agenda such as making billions from manufacturing PCR test kits and masks that cut off the oxygen supply humans need to remain healthy and alive. Cutting off oxygen to the brain and heart, lungs, cells and immune system is stupid. knowing that oxygen is needed to keep the organs and brain, heart, lungs, cells and immune system strong to remain healthy. There are public servants and the World Bank who invested in the covid masks and testing kits made in China. They’re raking in Billions by telling people they must wear a mask because everyone who doesn’t wear a mask will be vulnerable if exposed to covid and die. The chances are more likely that the elderly will die from a fall or pre-existing condition as they aren’t usually attending events in large crowds.

The so-called health experts making these recommendations carried out by the White House deny the right to purchase the cures recommended by international doctors. The NWO loyal Leftist and RINOS appear to be helping out the elderly population of the planet by denying the masses their God-given right to live healthy long lives. They are denying the elderly and the children the right to breathe in God’s creation of free fresh air 24/7. In the Bible, God calls oxygen “The Breath of Life” – free fresh oxygen. Can’t live without it. God told you fresh oxygen is needed to stay healthy and stay alive! And, denying people the right to go to the Beaches owned by the American taxpayers and Natural-Born Americans is stupid as well because everyone knows it’s healthy to breathe in the ions from the ocean breeze and walk on the sand. And, people who live near the beach pay more money to utilize it and the sane and oceans and the ions in the ocean breeze don’t belong to State Governors.

Deeper reform can lead to sustainable development - Opinion -  Chinadaily.com.cn
Redistribution of Wealth and Reducing the World’s Population under the guise of sustainability and saving lives and reducing poverty is propaganda. Millions have been injured or died from this experiment but it’s downplayed. Even Bill Gates stated, 10% or 15% or 10M or 30M or 2B could die after jabbed, but they’re saving the planet. The NWO believe there are too many people on the planet. Thus, Planned Parenthood, abortion pills, same-sex, Trans-humans, civil unrest, riots, wars, and allegedly the experimental and trial never-ending jabs may help them reach their goal.

Therefore, We The People, treated like second class citizens don’t how how many elderly suffered malnutrition and died or died an early death by euthanasia. We the People don’t know if they were coerced to sign an early-end-of-life form and have plug pulled or starved to death without their loves by their side for that last good-bye. This isn’t the American way, but it is the communist way.

The unethical doctors involved with Bribes for covid deaths, which they politely refer to as “financial incentives” may have led some to snuff out the elderly or covid patients or put a plastic bag over their heads as reported by one hospital. After all, $39K for a covid death certificate is more than they could make on Wall Street in one year for many. In my opinion, it should be referred to as “Bribes for Covid Death Certificates.” Judges and government have allowed doctors to pull the plug or dehydrate and starve patients to death. Remember, Terri Schiavo and Dr. Kervokian? Even Obamacare includes death panels for Americans, but exempts the politicians and SEIU and Steel Unions and illegals and radicals from the same. Blood Money. Is that what happened under Governor Cuomo in NYC where he forced covid patients into-non-covid hospitals and nursing homes?

Patients who were already in the hospital or Hospice or Nursing Homes and admitted with pre-existing heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, lung or liver infections and/or weak immune systems prior to 2019, 2020, or 2021 may have been labeled as covid cases once the program began that would lead to the United Nationsl Agenda 21 in 2021. Since 2019, MSM and Social Media and major Newspapers ignored the top causes of death such as heart attacks (650K deaths each year) as well as strokes and cancer, diabetes, Diabetes, Alzheimers, Influenza, Pneumonia, hospital errors, alcoholism and drugs, accidents, poisoning were swept away as if these serious diseases no longer existed.

Once the Covid 19 agenda began in 2019, the only words we heard in the news and online who reported on the deaths of the rich and famous and everyone in between were immediately reported as covid deaths. But the hospitalizations, injuries and deaths after the jabs have been downplayed and even ignored or denied.

The BIG PHARMA-AI-COVID CULT INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX MEMBERS: It appears they are using every human being on the planet if they get their way as Human Commodities for Human Capital to fill the bank accounts of Big Pharma and all invested including not just Pfizer or Moderna or J&J but Anser and more people involved hiding behind the curtain. Dr. David Martin mentioned, Anser.

I researched Anser It appears to be linked to a co-owner of a giant social media site, who not only gave Dr. Fauci and CDC, WHO, and Bill Gates carte blanc to worldwide platform while debunking everyone else, but appear to be invested in Dr. Fauci’s research at the Wuhan Lab. They appear to be linked to Big Pharma’s experimental genetically engineered organism jabs for-profit. It appears that Dr. Fauci and the DHSS, WHO and CDC began fear mongering and targeted the elderly since 2019.

The MSM hosts and Dr. Fauci stated that the elderly were the most vulnerable, so that’s where they needed to begin. And, Bill Gates stated, if they could reduce the population [of the elderly] in hospitals by euthanasia that they could use those millions for education. Gates should be careful what he says because he’s nearly 70 and his friend is in his 90s’ – KARMA is real and so is God. It appears that they are doing as Hitler did. Fear Monger. Deny Freedom if people don’t comply. Deny them access to grocery stores and food and water. Target the elderly and seniors first then the children. And, we know how that worked out known as the Holocaust of 6,000,000 Jews and some people state millions more.

Is the U.S. Government in Bed with NWO Wall Street Private Corporations as they’re Raking in Billions from their investments as reported online and still taking our taxpayer funded wages despite their wealth. Why are American taxpayer funding millionaires? In the meantime, they are making Americans Poor. Biden stated the same message from Bill Clinton and Obama – “Americans must sacrifice.” Do you see any of these wealthy people who weren’t multi-millionaires and became multi-millionaires in public office sacrificing?
Why else would they grant Wall Street Billionaires and all invested in the covid cult industrial complex 100% immunity from causing deaths and injuries to the American Taxpayers, Registered Voters, and Natural Born Citizens if they aren’t invested as well ?

Consequently we must consider that there would be more deaths caused and recorded wrongfully for the offer of the $39,000 bribes aka “financial incentives” paid to doctors or adminstrators for each patient recorded as death by covid plus $3,000 for using Remdesivir in 2019 through January 2021 according to the whistleblowers.

The question raised is why would Dr. Fauci, and CDC and WHO prohibit doctors from using infusions of Vitamin C with Zinc, D3, Melatonin, Quercetin, HCQ or Ivermectin and other treatments that doctors who are silenced stated they’ve used to save the lives of patients? Is it because there isn’t any real profit in it and if people didn’t get the covid and Delta flu then the healthy people wouldn’t need to be jabbed multiple times would they? The truth is that the Big Pharma Industrial Complex needs customers and the customers they’re targeting for profit is everyone on the planet except themselves and their close and tightly-knit inner circle.

CHLD ABUSE: Intentional or Neglectful physical or emotional harm inflicted upon a child; including sexual molestation; a parent’s or caregiver’s act or failure to act that results in a child’s exploitation, serious physical or EMOTIONAL injury, sexual abuse or DEATH! (Source: Black’s Law) How many kids are going to die after 2 jabs and then the deaths or injuries swept away by WHO, CDC, and Dr. Fauci, NIH and Big Pharma, MSM, FB and Twitter, and allegedly may be allowed to do so by DOJ and FBI and The White House as if their injuries and deaths had nothing to do with the covid jabs? After all, Big Pharma and all involved are granted 100% immunity from paying up for deaths or injuries around the world, so what do they care? Do people really think the NWO Billionaires are jabbing themselves and their families as Human Lab Rats and leaving themselves at-risk with unknown consequences to them or their kids?

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Is “bribes for jabs” legal under the guise of “financial incentives” that tempts doctors or medical staff to pull the plug early and go along with jabbing children with a 99.9% recovery rate viewing each child as a “Human Commoditity for Human Capital?” Kids are under the threat of not being allowed to attend school and receive an education in taxpayer funded public schools? If that’s the case, we need to demand that our taxes be returned to the parents whose kids are denied the right to be educated in a taxpayer funded public school.

Many parents have reported online and at School Board Meetings that their children are suffering from isolation and loneliness and depressed from wearing masks that cut off their oxygen supply. There are teachers who abuse kids who take off their masks. The teacher should know that he or she is more of a carrier than a little kid with a strong immune system and a 99.9% recovery rate. It’s cruel and unusual punishment to force children to wear masks and not be able to see their faces and their friend’s faces as well as their grandparents and parents and sibling’s faces. We are humans and we enjoy seeing the expressions of love and smiles, surprise, or joy. Teenagers complain their acne is a problem as the masks heat up the oils and cause the bacteria to spread. The mature people see more wrinkles because of sweat and lack of moisture.

It’s a fact that young people complain that their cheeks are numb. They state that the masks cause them to feel depressed as well as the isolation and distancing. Again, kids have a strong immune system and a 99.9% recovery rate from covid. Instead, Dr. Fauci and WHO and CDC caused an increase of young people becoming severely depressed by not going to school or interacting with their friends and the loss of their parent’s jobs that caused more broken homes. These issues created an increase of kids engaging in an increase of drug use, alcoholism and suicide.

COVID-19 vaccinations for children aged 5 to 11 | Australian Government  Department of Health

The question raised should be how many children have died or will be injured or die after they were injected with 1, or 2 or 3 of the FDA covid Experimental and Trial injections and dismissed by the CDC and Dr. Fauci and Big Pharma as “expected.” Or, “normal.” Or, “For the better good of others?” These victims of injury or death are being dismissed by government and all investors in Big Pharma as no big deal just move on. The fact that Dr. Fauci stated that “candidates” – Human Lab Rats – would be “AT RISK” with “unknown consequences on individuals including death and “enhanced infections” after jabbed. In my opinion, this is unethical and appears to be Gross Negligence with with intent. Dr. Fauci had knowledge of the possible deaths and serious direct adverse health effects to adults and children. He informed the CDC, WHO, Big Pharma, FDA, DHHS, and White House during a speech on the topic of experimental and trial genetically engineered jabs while addressing his medical colleagues on video.

Child Abuse laws are clear. If an a person/s has knowledge that they could do harm to children (and elderly) and willingly and in agreement for profit move forward to use children for their experiments and trials with knowledge they could die or be permanently injured for life appear to be committing “Crimes Against Children.” The FDA and Dr. Fauci, CDC, WHO and Big Pharma are aware that individual children could die or be injured by a clot shot and disabled for life. As I stated, the New World Order Billionaires on a mission and with tunnel vision, they are moving at “warp speed.” They are jabbing everyone without any financial liability or criminal investigations into the evidence that is being presented from researchers who Blog and doctors and medical staff and victims speaking out who were seriously injured or lost loved ones from around the world. And most recently, the Surgeon General in the USA joined in and stated basically that parents had no rights to opt out of these FDA experimental and trial injections once the child’s feet hit the grounds of the public schools, which should be challenged in the Courts of Law because he is not a lawmaker and can’t make laws.

THE FDA ACKNOWLEDGES THE POTENTIAL FOR DEATHS AND INJURIES AT THEIR WORKSHOP IN 2020 AND LIST THOSE POTENTIAL DEATHS AND INJURIES: The Child Abuse law includes Emotional and Physical l Injury and Deaths. If the NWO supporters and members who are involved in the FDA Covid Experimental and Trial Injections have knowledge of the fact they can do harm to children including cause deaths or disable the children and emotionally harm them that it’s a crime in America.

And, since the Surgeon General, CDC, WHO, NIH Director, and DHSS and the POTUS are all with knowledge and in agreement and willingly moving forward to inject every child and deny exemptions and opt outs then it appears from the law that they are in violation of several laws related to the Elderly and the Children. It appears that they are violating their Code of Ethics as well as the Nuremberg Codes and Crimes against Children and Crimes against the Elderly.

The key question Americans raise is if those involved and invested or receiving “Bribes for Covid Deaths” aka “financial incentives” as well as the FDA, CDC, WHO, Surgeon General, DHSS, White House, Congress, Doctors, Nurses and NWO Wall Street CEOs, and Investors, Big Pharma and Dr. Fauci had knowledge of the potential deaths and injuries to children at least since 2020 then why would they approve of the FDA covid approved Experimental and Trial Injections on any child under 18 years of age or the elderly or anyone else? Why are these people denying opt outs to parents who seek to exercise the 4th Amendment or Exemptions for Allergies, Religion, and belief and fear that these injections can do harm to their minor children. Why can’t parents exercise their natural God-given Free Will to opt out of the government and Big Pharma experiment seeking to use themselves or their children as “Human Lab Rats” for Big Pharma’s Case Studies?

No distancing. No Mask over nose and mouth. No one arresting Dr. Fauci, only in Los Angeles and NYC?

Why not ask yourself if these injections are so safe then why did DHHS and the government grant 100% immunity to Big Pharma and all corporations and persons involved with this warp speed FDA emergency experimental and trial plannedemic? Are they aware that they could be held liable for the injury or deaths if they have knowledge of the potential injuries, deaths and possibly genocide in the future? They do have knowledge and so do millions of people do to the hard work of doctors and Scientists who use alternative media and the Bloggers and Researchers sharing information despite the 2 giant social media sites blocking the information that could save lives and save the children. If the babies and children are injured or die then so do sovereign nations because it is the natural-born babies and children who preserve nations in the future.

Dr. Fauc, Bill Gates, CDC, and WHO and President Biden have been fear mongering and coercing people to get jabbed under duress which is also illegal by threatening to destroy their jobs and livelihood and professions which is illegal as well. They are seeking to use their fear and coercion and threats to silence people or throw them in jail or impoverish them so they comply because they need a built-in customer base of human beings for their never-ending repeat jabs and “vaccine passports.” Big Pharma, CDC, WHO and Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci are aware that the direct adverse health effects can occur immediately or days, weeks, months or 1, 2, or 3 years down the road.

Will the entire government and DOJ and Military wait until after the fact to charge those involved with criminal liability in the Courts of Law or Military Tribunal that address Human Rights violations and violations of the Nuremberg Codes or will they get a pass? Dr. Fauci stated the BIG UNKNOW of the experimental jabs is the “Efficacy.” Apparently, the efficacy and safety isn’t very good since they insist people be jabbed, 1, 2, 3 or more times. And, in this Blogger’s opinion, they are misleading the world by calling them Vaccines when they are still in R&D (research and development).

They are FDA experimental and trial genetically engineered jabs, not FDA Licensed vaccines to the best of my knowledge to-date, are under research, so it’s impossible for them to claim they are 90% effective. Remember, all the animals they jabbed during their case studies died after 2 jabs. The truth is that we are witnessing over and over again MSM and Online reporting that the injuries and deaths of the jabbed were not caused by the experimental jabs, but how do they know that since they don’t have short and long term case studies approved that take 5 to 15 years or more to determine?

Essence of globalization - Chinadaily.com.cn

1990s Vaccine Senate Hearings related to Autism: During the1990s under the Clinton-Reno-Holder and Democrat Congress, parents from around the nation filed Grievances and senate hearings took place and we watched on television. The Democrat Senators heard the testimonies and then just like today, they dismissed the parents testimonies and their children who ended up physically and neurologically damaged. Thousands of parents came to the hearings from around the nation and many testified that their kids were perfectly happy and health until vaccinated and afterwards ended up with autism.

Not only have vaccines for children increased up to 72 jabs by the time they are 18 through public taxpayer funded schools but continue to be jabbed for Big Pharma profit. Not only has there been a serious increase in jabs, but a serious increase of autism. Parents from around the nation came to testify and the Democrat and RINO Senators favored Big Pharma. They favored Big Pharma lawyers and Big Pharma Lobbyists. They favored Big Pharma Big Buck Donations. There is a pattern to be seen when it comes to the government favoring Big Pharma and Donations..

I know for a fact from visiting my elderly mother and her friends in a senior complex that the depression was becoming more serious as the months went by because they couldn’t visit with their families and friends and missed going to Church on Sundays or playing Bingo on Mondays. Many couldn’t go to the store, so I would ask if they needed anything when I visited and I’d pick up the items for them before I left. How many didn’t have anyone checking on them? The elderly I can attest to, which included my mom, were becoming more depressed from wearing masks and from not visiting with their loved one or hearing their voices in person. They couldn’t feel their loving touch or hear the words, I love you.” They were imprisoned and isolated in sections of hospitals and left without visitors.

Many of the elderly in hospitals, Hospice or Nursing Homes were denied access to their families and mandated to be left under the control of the administration when there was a 95.6% up to 99.9% recovery rate depending on the age of the patient and health which was admitted by the CDC. Isn’t it criminal for the CDC Director and WHO Director and Dr. Fauci to withhold safe and effective medications from the doctors working with patients in the hospitals and nursing homes? FDA Emergency experimental and trial injections were created for people who didn’t have any options left, not for healthy people!

Thousands of international credentialed and seasoned ethical doctors recommended HCQ and Ivermectin and Vitamins C, D3 and Zinc and more treatments that they found were safe and effective for covid, but were allegedly threatened if they promoted these treatments since 2019 as stated from their own lips. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) had been available for 70 years. Ivermectin was promoted as safe and effective as well as infusions of Vitamins C with Zinc, D3 and Melatonin and other treatments used by doctors who saved the lives of covid patients over the years, but Dr. Fauci and CDC Director, Walensky, prohibited these protocols for treatment in hospitals it appears since 2020, but why?

Handing over money Stock Photos & Royalty-Free Images | Depositphotos
Prohibit Ivermectin and HCQ? – Order Remesdivir and be Rewarded with Financial Incentives to Label Patient Deaths as Covid?

It appears that the Directors of CDC and WHO and Dr. Fauci had HCQ and Ivermectin pulled off the shelves and it appears that they prohibited pharmacists from filling Rx’s for these medications. They also prohibited doctors from using these treatments in hospitals and nursing homes with these Rxs and went after the more expensive Rx’s with bigger profit margin such as Remdesivir and added it and more expensive Rx’s to the protocols they issued for doctors.

Why would Professionals in the Health Field who are trusted to save lives prohibiting known treatments and why isn’t the AMA, DOJ, FBI, White House, Congress or Senate asking these questions? And, Biden is going to increase the cost of Medicare for the elderly on strict budgets so more can die quicker is it and give up on life by making life more difficult and taking away more of their social security money that belongs to them to give to the illegals he’s migrating with Obama and Pelosi and Democrats into the USA?

These Leftist long-time friends and colleagues and associates in government tied to the same people of 20, 30, 40 years or more with ties or investments in Big Pharma, AI, Electric Cars, 5G, Big Pharma Lobbyists who donate mostly to Democrats and RINOS it appears appear to be working together. The Directors of Healthcare agencies such as DHSS, WHO and CDC are involved in this program. And, the wealthy CEOs of MSM, FB and Twitter, Bill and Melinda Gates and George Soros, Open Society are in the news and involved. These tyrannical and dictatorial and totalitarian lock downs destroyed millions of jobs, income, and businesses and they’re still doing it using fear mongering, coercion, threats that appear unlawful and illegal..

They are destroying the Middle Class and the American way of Life and ignoring the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. They are acting as if they don’t have to uphold Constitutional Freedom, Liberty and Rights of the laws of the land as they ignore this Great Republic operated by the Rule of Law, not by changing policies or using tyrannical E.O. Mandates intended for administrative policies, not intended to make laws or change or amend the Supreme Laws of the Land that protect all involved including Big Pharma from the people and they are not protecting the people from Big Pharma and their inner circle.

Which constitutional authority is Dr. Fauci, NIH, CDC, WHO, Surgeon General, DHSS, AMA, White House applying to take every American hostage and enslave every American by mandating that they comply or else be punished? They are violating constitutional law by enslaving Americans through fear and threats and coercion to force them under duress into servitude to Big Pharma and CDC, WHO, NIH, DHSS, and the Democrat White House. The intent to use every human being as a Human Lab Rat for their case studies and profit and to control the bodies and minds of adults, elderly, and your minor children or grandchildren, parents and grandparents, as Human Commodities for Human Capital. International Scientists and doctors warned that these experimental and trial injections of mRNA – gene manipulation and Spike Proteins and chemicals could be a potential future genocide 2 or 3 years down the road.

IVERMECTIN word cloud. medication concept used to treat many type of parasite infestations. Vector illustration.. IVERMECTIN word cloud. medication concept used to treat many type of parasite infestations. Vector illustration.. ivermectin stock illustrations

How is this covid research with patents allegedly owned by CDC Director and Dr. Fauci for the coronavirus covid 19 Sars 2 not a huge Conflict of Interest for profit? Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates have fear mongered over the variant they referred to as Delta and fear monger that there are more to come. Why would they continue to create fear when they are pushing the Pfizer and Moderna jabs as cures and preventatives? Why is Dr. Fauci recommending anything when he was the catalyst that created this nightmare with his long time donors, Bill and Melinda Gates and CDC, WHO, Zuckerberg, Eco-Health and many more in the know about the moratorium as these wealthy Leftist donated to take Dr. Fauci’s research offshore and pay China to use the Wuhan Lab where it was unleashed?

An Aussie Nurse speaking on Rumble stated that the Covid 19 FDA approved experimental and trial injections (which aren’t vaccines until FDA licensed. It takes about 10 years to become a licensed vaccine, but who knows what happens at the FDA because many FDA employees have ended up with Big Buck jobs and positions who approved Rx’s and Jabs for Big Pharma. It’s no secret Big Pharma’s Lobbyists meet with members of Congress and Senate behind closed doors for Big Buck donations. The Aussie Nurse stated that it’s the covid 19 FDA approved experimental and trial injections that are producing the variant called “Delta” which she stated is the “direct adverse health effect” caused by the covid injections and from the myriad of Boosters because 1, 2, or 3 or more jabs don’t seem to work.

vaccination to a child A doctor making a vaccination to a child child vaccination stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

If 1, 2, 3 or more jabs don’t work to prevent covid then why are people being jabbed and ending up with covid or other direct adverse health effects or death after the jabs that is ignored and wrongfully touted as safe because they know that these jabs can react immediately, days away, weeks away, months away, or 1, 2 or 3 years or more from 2021. Why is Pfrizer reporting their jabs are 90% effective and safe when they haven’t produced short and long term published case studies in medical journals after all the animals they tested died? The approved case studies of experimental and trial jabs in R&D take 5 to 15 years or more to publish.

Many doctors state that injecting too many chemicals into the body weaken the immune system and can destroy the God-given created natural immune system that has fought off viruses since God created Adam and Eve. Others are informing the population that the Spike Protein is a serious and direct health effect to the DNA.

Did Dr. Fauci use Experimental drugs and treatments on Babies, Women and Teenagers Who were Under the State’s Custody or Foster Parents without Guardians or CPS present and without consent?

Click on the Link and Listen to Colombo Chronicles -https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colombochronicles/2021/10/29/did-dr-fauci-director-of-nih-use-experimental-drugs-on-foster-babies-kids

In my opinion this New World Order tyrannical plot appears to be the greatest hoax ever played on Americans after jabbed, and especially, the elderly and the babies, children and teenagers who are suffering from the White House, CDC, WHO, NIH, DHSS, and the entire government both mentally and physically between the testing, jabs and masks, isolation and distancing. How many kids will end up sterile? How many pregnant women’s babies will not survive? How many people, especially teenage boys will suffer from heart inflammation, heart attacks, covid flu, brain injuries, rashes, and more including death.

The Dr. Fauci Of The 1918 Spanish Flu

These greedy people are using Human Beings as Human Commodities for-profit and Human Capital which is Crimes against Humanity. They are violating constitutional law that prohibits slavery and servitude to the government, Big Pharma, wealthy CEO employers in line with the administrators of public school and hospitals and nursing homes. WHO, CDC, and Bill and Melinda Gates, George Soros and all invested in this money making no liability to them or “Big Pharma Covid Cult Industrial Complex are exempt from the jabs. Are the world’s government leaders are tied to Wall Street NWO wealthy CEOs seeking to take control and power over every person’s mind and body and assets for those who survive this experiment?

Remember, the NWO members in public office seek to eliminate Billions from Medicare and punish the patriotic natural born Americans whose parents and grandparents and great grandparents paid into social security only to be ripped off is it? How is it ethical and legal or constitutional for whoever is offering the Elderly Death Certificates for Bribes aka “financial incentives” and those who accept the blood money? Where is the money coming from? Is it coming from the taxpayers and the 2020 Stimulus money Biden, Obama, Harris, and Pelosi printed in the Trillions? Are Americans paying for their own demise and that of Europe?

GOP targets Dems with "Medicscare" ads - Axios

Did you know that every child must have consent by the parent or guardian if under state foster care because they do not understand what is being injected into their bodies. Could it be a myriad of chemicals, nano-particles of aluminum and mercury, graphene oxide, hydra gel stem cells, Ethylene Oxide, Bromides, Phosphates, dyes, metals, and Secret Trade Formulas or mRNA Therapy and Spike Proteins? They don’t understand that the adverse reactions can be immediate or days, weeks, months, or years down the road that could effect their bodies and minds and potentially weaken their immune system as stated by doctors. Many state that these experimental and trial injections can cause death or injury for life to these little children, teens or babies if not immediately the possibly down the road. We must pray that doesn’t happen.

Where in the Constitution does it state that the President of the United States of America or Congress, Senators, Public School Administrators, Department of Human and Health Services or Department of Education or the CEOs of major corporations were granted authority to take control over our minor children’s bodies and minds or ours? Where does it state that We The People can’t file Grievances when a government is enacting tyrannical mandates that deny religious grievances or exemptions to people who are allergic to chemicals which is their constitutional right to opt in or opt out. The truth is that all laws must be moral, ethical, include common sense and safety from death or harm.

Home - COVID-19 and Government Information - Research Guides at University  of Colorado Boulder
Photo Credit: George W Bush Presidential Library

Remember, Dr. Anthony J Fauci and his wife have worked for NIH for 40 years or more. Dr. Fauci withheld the HIV AIDS Rx for 10 years until his patent was approved and millions infected with AIDS had already died. He never developed an HIV AIDS vaccine nor did Moderna, but Dr. Fauci has been funded Billions in U.S. Tax Dollars. The news reported that Dr. Fauci experimented on puppies and tortured them until they all died from his experiments which is Crimes Against Animals according to the news. Where is PETA, a Democrat majority, of animal lovers?

In fact, Dr. Fauci is alleged to have experimented on foster kids under the guardianship of the State Child Protective Services and Judges of the Family Law Courts. The Judges are sworn to monitor and protect the safety and welfare of children. If the child is placed in foster care then the foster parent must be informed and sign a consent form. But, according to the news, Dr. Fauci’s experiments on the babies, kids and teenagers without any guardians present from the state or foster homes and without signed consent forms was ignored by the DOJ and AMA it does appear or CPS.

Did they file charges or complaints against Dr. Fauci when they learned of these children used as his human lab rats and who approved it? The news articles reported that some of the babies, kids or teens died or were permanently injured. According to the law books that is considered to be child abuse. The problem with the system is there is no oversight. There are tightly-knit inner circles of wealthy people who make lots of money somehow on taxpayer’s time and dime and self-protect themselves and each other from punishment.

People depending on age have a 99.5% up to a 99.9% recovery rate from covid without FDA approved experimental and trial injections.

Who Will Save the Children from Being Used as Human Lab Rats for Experiments and Trials with no liability by those invested? Apparently, BIg Pharma, CDC, WHO and investors view the children and elderly as I stated before as “Human Commodities for Human Capital” as well as property of the government, Surgeon General, CDC, WHO, DHSS, White House, and all investors involved in the NWO money making Big Pharma Covid Cult. in my opinion. The never-ending Boosters coming to you as if one size fits all should be a crime. Is it the Redistribution of Wealth to the Wealthy or the Redistribution of never ending Big Pharma experimental and trial jabs for profit?

BRIBES FOR CHILDREN made Jeffrey Epstein wealthy! God only knows how many trafficked children may have died at Orgy Island because it’s alleged that after his arrest, Epstein ordered the underground facilities be cemented in and apparently, the island wasn’t secured by the DOJ. It also has Americans questioning why they didn’t care about the NYPD Hillary video allegedly handed over to the Comey FBI according to the news. And, why did MSM sweep away the story on the China “Laptop from Hell” or the current alleged diary published online of a daughter? So, the law only applies to $um and to Some it appears, but not to all people. People with titles, wealth, and connections as I wrote in my award-winning book, “Fight Back Legal Abuse” pub. 2010 hold themselves above the law and self-discipline, self-police and self-protect themselves and their closely-knit inner circle of wealthy long-time associates.

In other words, the people who are using babies, unborn babies, children, and teenagers for “FDA approved experimental and trial injections” or what Dr. Martin says are jabs of a “biochemical weapon” appear to be excused and above the law. A Pfizer employee turned whistleblower stated that Pfzier’s covid jabs included a secret Pfizer Trade Secret formula, as well as alleged nano-particles, Bromides, Phosphates, metal, dyes, graphene oxide and hydra gel stem cells, aborted fetal tissue, ethylene oxide, Spike Proteins, and mRNA gene manipulation with unknown consequences to individuals. People have a right to know the truth!

Americans have the constitutional Right to Choose and control their own bodies and minds and that of their minor children. They have a moral and ethical right by doctors and public servants paid with our taxes as well as Big Pharma to know what is being injected into their bodies including the Pfizer Trade Secret Formula before they begin jabbing people and a written and stated list of direct adverse health effects or death and a written consent form signed by Americans without being fear mongered, threatened or coerced and under duress.

The problem is that there was an FDA’s workshop of 2020 that lists the potential direct adverse health effects and one of the serious adverse health effects they listed that is happening since 2021 is “DEATH.” It’s a fact that doctors and Scientists informed Americans that excessive chemical-laden injections can weaken or destroy the God-given natural immune system that has fought off viruses since time began. Remember, Bill Gates stated during an interview that they would “plunge a genetically engineered” vaccines into every child’s arm. He also stated that even if 10,000,000 or 30,000,000 people died it will be worth the benefits. The benefits to the 10% that are suppose to survive as members of the New World Order?

Disclaimer: Nothing stated on Rose4Justice Blogs ‘N Radio Shows is intended to be legal, medical, or political or financial advice, but a dissemination of information for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always do your own homework and research and come to your own informed decisions. Rose Colombo is the award-winning author of, “Fight Back Legal Abuse,” and political satire and fictional Orwellian style adventure story quick read for all ages on depopulation and redistribution of wealth entitled, “Obamacare, Dinosaurs, Rednecks & Radicals,” at http://www.amazon.com

COLOMBO CHRONICLES PODCASTS – LIVE every WEDNESDAY 12 noon to 1:00 pm pst – Colombo has interviewed over 1,000 prominent authors, experts, politicans, and community leaders from around the world – Most shows are archived for listening convenience – Listen by phone at (646-564-9742) or LISTEN on worldwide internet at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colombochronicles

JOIN ROSE COLOMBO at – PINTEREST – GAB – MeWe.com – Colombo was deplatformed by Facebook Fact Checkers and Twitter after 12 years of providing content without pay while they reaped in Billions – with a large following – This is not the American way and it’s a violation of Freedom of Speech and Assembly and Press in America. This isn’t the Middle East or China where only propaganda by the government is allowed. FIGHT BACK for FREEDOM OF SPEECH and RELIGION and PRIVACY, America! God Bless You!

Listen Taped Live! Colombo Chronicles Podcast/Host, Rose Colombo/ Did the FDA, CDC, WHO, and NIH know of the potential Direct Adverse Health Effects of the Covid Experiment In 2020?

Rose Colombo (c) 11-3-2021

Americans and Citizens of the World have a Right-to-Know if the American FDA members who voted upon rolling out the FDA Experimental and Trial Injections after all the Lab Animals died after 2 Jabs with no case studies gather as to the benefits from the animal testing, only death. There were foster care children reported to be used who were babies, kids and teenagers without the State CPS guardians or foster guardian’s consent experimented upon by Dr. Fauci during the HIV AIDS research and some kids died or were injured for life with his experimental and trial chemicals without being held liable by the government, Democrats, RINOS, or NIH or AMA or DOJ or FBI.

The FDA voted to roll out the worldwide FDA Experimental and Trial chemical-laden and mRNA gene therapy in January 2021 without short and long term case studies approved by the medical profession which takes 5 years up to 15 years to approve. After the approval of paid volunteers who willingly agreed to be used a human lab rats for their case studies and informed of the chemicals and risks are required to sign a consent form, but now since January 2021 when everyone was mandated in the USA by Biden and/or under threat of losing their careers, jobs, homes, cars, vehicles, freedom, by people who don’t have such authority.

How safe was the BIG PHARMA – CDC-WHO – FDA approved and Licensed Gardasil and Lurpon or Swine Flu and Many Other Vaccines plunged into the bodies of babies, children and adults?

CLICK ON THE LINK to watch this important video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Bt2pVLJcx1ql/

The POTUS, CDC and WHO Directors who Soros and Gates donate to their campaigns or through their foundations and non-profit organizations have imposed tyranny on the American people and world with the help of wealthy Wall Street CEOs such as Mark Zuckerberg and his partner, who is CEO of Anser and alleged to have developed or assisted with the development of CRISPR. It’s reported and alleged that the World Bank and Blue State leaders mostly funded by Soros and Gates and wealthy NWO CEOs who have granted authoritarian and dictatorial authoritarian rights over the entire nation as non-elected officials and ignoring the fact that the U.S. Constitution prohibits anyone from enslaving humans as Human Lab Rats for Big Pharma case studies who with CDC, WHO, Gates and Soros and the funders granted themselves immunity from those they kill with the clot shots or permanently injure for life. They are granting themselves the right to take control over everyone’s minds and bodies for profit or else punish Americans by destroying their jobs, businesses, families and lives. How do these agendas equate to “HEALTH CARE?”

The Democrats and EU leaders involved with CDC, WHO, NIH, Dr.and Mrs. Fauci, Soros, Gates, BioNtech, Mologic, Pfizer, Moderna and more granting themselves 100% exemptions from any liability for crimes against Humanity or violations of the Nuremberg Codes using coercion, fear, threats, extortion for profit to destroy people’s families, businesses, jobs and lives. How healthy is that by the American Health Care money making Private Corporations in bed with government agencies paid by American taxpayers whose majority no longer trust them?

Albert Bourla, chief executive officer of Pfizer pharmaceutical company, bangs a gavel after ringing the closing bell at the New York Stock Exchange...
Is it all about Wall Street Billionaires and Millionaires Using Human Beings as their Human Lab Rats under the microscope for their Case Studies and tracking and tracing and spying on survivors and linked to AI and Raking in Billions? Just Askin’ – Is it Human Commodities for Human Capital?

Prior to January 2021, after the approved case studies which are currently in 2021 bypassed, in the past, they turn to the FDA to approve a license and administer the R&D Experimental and Trial Injections as “Licensed Vaccines,” but until that point, it’s not a vaccine until approved and licensed, so they are calling the experimental and trial injections, which are still in Research and Development (R&D) vaccines, which is misleading the American people and the world, in my opinion. By referring to these experimental jabs, they are conditioning the citizens of the world that they are safe and effective by using the word “vaccines.”

The world’s population are being used as their property, chattel, slaves forced into servitude for the Big Pharma free Human Lab Rats thanks to Dr. Fauci, WHO and CDC Director and all involved. They’ve granted themselves authority to bypass constitutional law and civil rights and the Necessities of Life Laws. They are making themsleves wealthy and making the American people poor. Ironically, the Black Americans thought that they were the only slaves, but now the entire world has been taken hostage by Big Pharma and contracted with Pfizer who has granted themselves total immunity from any liability whatsoever. Why would any leader of a nation sign such a stupid contract?

CLICK ON TO LISTEN TO DR. ARDIS who reveals Dr. Fauci’s dangerous covid protocols?

The list below was compiled by credentialed professionals who they revealed are involved with what appears to be the push to reduce the population of the world and Redistribute the wealth of the world to themselves using Covid 19, a flue with a 99.5 up to a 99.9% recovery rate while suppressing Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Vitamins D3, C, Zinc, Magnesium, Melatonin and other treatments ethical doctors use to cure covid and respiratory health issues.

If there is deception or fraud or misrepresentation and intent after having knowledge of what is in the formulas and Trade Secrets and mRNA gene therapy (is from aborted fetal tissue and the excuse by Big Pharma, CDC, WHO and the White House that the stem cell lines were taken from aborted fetal tissue in the 60s, 70s and 80s doesn’t matter according to them, but it does matter because stem cells were taken from a human being, but this did this to deny religious exemptions). A whistleblower has alleged that there are toxins such as graphene oxide and Bromide in the formula as well as “ethylene oxide” and Phosphates, dyes, metal, nano-particles of aluminum and mercury, and other materials. In fact, Dr. Fauci refers to the Human Lab Rats as “candidates” and states that they are “at risk” and after jabbed are “unknown consequences” to individuals and possible “enhanced infections.” It’s baffling that the DHSS would grant 100% immunity to Pfizer and other Big Pharm CEOs protection from all liability no matter what they are accused of even if they aren’t 100% honest about the alleged Trade Secret Formula and mRNA stem cell lines in my opinion.

To Listen Click on Colombo Chronicles or keep reading: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colombochronicles/2021/11/04/is-the-vaccine-passport-same-version-of-china-merit-app-that-denies-freedom

Didn’t Dr. Fauci, NIH, CDC, WHO, Pfizer, Moderna, BioNtech, Mologic, White House, and other Big Pharma CEOs and Borad members know the risks before jabbing every person on the planet including pregnant women and their fetuses? Where were the precautions taken when it came to the quality of safety case studies which were done on lab rats and all the animals died. Why would they bypass the short and long term case studies or inform the general public of what is in the injections since the average time frame to develop a vaccine is 10 years. They unleashed the FDA approved experimental and trial jabs knowing there are risks and unknown consequences to individual bodies and minds. To the best of my knowledge, these experimental jabs aren’t licensed by the FDA as vaccines.

The disturbing fact is that they don’t really care it appears that people are dying after jabbed and being disabled of all ages or their loved ones. And, the fact that the DHHS and government granted total immunity from liability and lawsuits for the deaths or direct adverse health effects that disable once health human beings and being okay with the people in charge of the White House, FDA, CDC, WHO, HHS, Big Pharma CEOS and refuse to compensate their victims for their loss or permanent disability for life is most shameful and disgraceful in the USA..

Why didn’t the CDC, WHO, Gates, Dr. and Mrs. Fauci who work for NIH, and Big Pharma inform the general public that doctors/hospitals/nursing homes are paid $39,000 plus $3,000 per dead patient labeled as covid or covid cancer or covid influenza or covid brain injury, etc. before or after the experimental jabs and according to whistleblowers in the medical field are encouraged to use Remdesivir and other Rxs, but not to use Ivermectin and HCQ with disclosing why since they are touted as 100% safe and effective by international doctors and Scientists?

Did the FDA create a Draft that listed the potential Direct Adverse Health Effects after 1 or 2 or 3 injections entitled, “FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines: DRAFT Working list of possible advance event outcomes***Subject to change*** listing about 30 different direct adverse health effects that could cause death or permanent injury to the people injected under fear and duress causing them to comply or else be punished. There are serious consequences to individuals if they are adversely effected by the jabs immediately, days or weeks away, months or years away such as Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Strokes, Heart Attacks, Inflammation, Neurological Disorders, and more including Death.

To Listen Click on Colombo Chronicles Link or keep reading: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colombochronicles/2021/11/04/is-the-vaccine-passport-same-version-of-china-merit-app-that-denies-freedom

The NIH/Dr. Fauci, Who and CDC Directors and the White House going along with them already punished the world’s population with lock downs and loss of their businesses, jobs, farms, ranches, food supplies, and caused a rise in depression, suicides and cruel and unusual punishment which are crimes in America according to the U.S. Constitution. I often wonder if they had been locked down and locked out of their jobs and income and isolated if they would be protesting or be okay with being impoverished by their own taxpayer funded public officials. Tens of thousands of people have been reported to seriously injured from covid or after the covid jabs which are increasing every day from reports around the world and not everyone reports the deaths or injuries to VAERS online nor do the hospitals or medical staff or nursing homes. There are more deaths increasing after the jabs as reported by whistleblowers online. How many must die or be injured to satisfy CDC< WHO, NIH, Big Pharma, and HHS and the White House and EU Leaders in Australia, Spain, Italy, France and Canada?

Currently, they are threatening to punish Americans who resist being used as their Human Lab Rats by unconstitutionally and inhumanely firing people from their jobs that also appears to be illegal, and unlawful and violations of Human Rights and Nuremberg Codes. They also appear to be breaking the law on the book because they are using non-licensed experimental and trial injections as well as threatening, fear mongering, bullying, and pressuring people by coercion to be jabbed or else be punished for their profit making business which borders on extortion and blackmail because for every jab, Pfizer and Moderna and some doctors and investors are getting wealthier every day from the disabled and the deaths.

The NIH, WHO, CDC, Big Pharma and all investors and the White House are causing more people to live in fear causing duress and stress and the infliction of physical, mental and financial distress which are also crimes if found guilty in a court of law and eligible for punitive damages. They should also be held liable for the loss of individual’s jobs, businesses, homes, education, and income which would trickle down to losing their lifestyle which is also a crime against the Necessities of Life laws. People have been unable to pay their bills or feed their kids or provide clothing, shoes, education, or even buy gas for their cars. Some people lost their cars when they lost their jobs. And all this over a flu that has 99.8% or 99.9% recovery rate.

And what about the Vaccine Passport that is basically the China “Merit App” that denies all freedom, liberty, rights to their citizens and they track them on a merit system and the government decides if they can work, go to school, buy, sell, travel, or socialize. They are hooked up to the internet and they must carry a charged Iphone with them at all times if they want to use it for public transportation or draw money from the bank or buy dinner.

CHECK THIS LINK TO LISTEN: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/colombochronicles/2021/11/04/is-the-vaccine-passport-same-version-of-china-merit-app-that-denies-freedom

Nothing said on Rose4Justice and Colombo Chronicles is intended to be legal, medical, financial or political advice, but a dissemination of information for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always do your own research and your own homework and come to your own informed decisions. It is too soon to know what the effects of an FDA Experimental and Trial Injection will bring in the future 1, 2, or 3 years from now….500 cases of Myocarditis and Pericarditis has been reported in Ontario after 2 injections reported online on 11/17/2021.(source: countersignal.com)

Colombo is an award-winning author with 5 Star Reviews on amazon for her self-help book pub. in 2010, “Fight Back Legal Abuse” and political satire, “Obamacare, Dinosaurs, Rednecks & Radicals,” pub. 2013 on the redistribution of wealth and depopulation in a fictional Orwellian adventure story and quick page turner for all ages.

COLOMBO CHRONICLES PODCAST: Wednesdays Live – 12 noon to 1:00 P.m. – Call in to listen at (646) 564-9742 to authors and experts from around the world and commentary – on a myriad of topics – Most topics are archived so you can return and listen to your favorite author or expert and topic at any time….To Listen LIVE on the worldwide internet, bookmark http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colombochronicles

Doctors Document Posted Online For People Who Are Concerned about Experimental and Trial Injections!

Rose Colombo, 10/31/2021 (C)

The following document is posted online for public review and most people have probably not had the opportunity to read it, so I am sharing it with you who are interested in the opinions of all doctors, not just Dr. Anthony Fauci or organizations such as CDC and WHO and those who may have filed for the coronavirus patents and own them.

“The Truth Shall Set Us Free From Covid Experimental and Trial Bondage”
Free Constitution Cliparts, Download Free Constitution Cliparts png images,  Free ClipArts on Clipart Library

From: Jonathon Fuentes
To: Joseph P. Filippi
Subject: Opposition on mandatory vaccination
Date: Tuesday, August 17, 2021 5:47:10 AM

I am Jonathon Fuentes and I strongly oppose mandatory vaccination for the covid 19 virus.I
want my opposition to be recorded.
In reference to mandatory vaccination for students and all people:
There are multiple reports from doctors across the USA expressing caution and danger as the
vaccine is still in experimentation phase. Human trials – what we are currently in- will end in

From reports: Corona virus vaccines have been tried in the past on animal trials and have
proven fatal to the animals when exposed to other subsequent viruses as the immune system
eventually attacks the body.

Do you think that Bill Gates isn’t laughing at the world while he and his family don’t get vaccines or wear masks as alleged in photos and articles?

Doctors are fearing this may occur in the fall and winter due to the use of the vaccine.
There’s no government acknowledgement of those who have natural immunity after
recovering from the virus. There are reports that doctors claim the natural immunity is
showing superior to immunity through the covid vaccine. It’s not a normal vaccine.
There are new reports that the vaccine is only 40% effective as vaccinated people are still
getting sick and passing the virus on to others- Negating the purpose of the vaccine. The CDC
is reporting over 10,000 deaths from the virus since being released under an EUA.
Israel is one the most vaccinated countries and is shutting down again due to its high infection
rate- showing vaccine ineffectiveness.

Natural immunity to coronavirusus ( Sars covid 1) are being reported years later after initial
infection. A booster is being planned for those that have the covid vaccine (Sars covid 2)-
illustrating its inefficiency.

The vaccine is not mandatory for the workers of the CDC, FDA or the WHO.
Mandating an experimental and potentially dangerous chemical on the masses in order to

attend school, work or be free for a virus that has a 99.8 survivability rate for the majority of
the country is wrong, unethical, evil, and violates a person’s free choice and will in this
It’s a violation of the First Amendment and the 4th Amendment.

It’s a violation of the First Amendment and the 4th Amendment.
Do not mandate these experimental vaccines.
Search Dr. Ryan Cole; Dr. Dan Stock, Dr. Simone Gold; Dr. Vladimir Zelenko; Dr. Peter
McCullough, Dr. Martin Kulldorf, Dr. for references and reports.

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Rose4Justice states: NOTE: The 4th Amendment protects Americans to stand up and protect themselves, family and property if they believe that they will be killed or injured by anyone forcing them to do something against their will.

What does Amendment 4 say?

What 3 things did the 4th amendment do?It protects against arbitrary arrests, and is the basis of the law regarding search warrants, stop-and-frisk, safety inspections, wiretaps, and other forms of surveillance, as well as being central to many other criminal law topics and to privacy law.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

All in the Family using the world’s population as Human Lab Rats under their microscope to track and trace and use as their money making built-in customer base for their case studies under their AI microscopes after all the test animals died. Tied to the Pfizer-BioNTech-Soros-Gates-CDC-WHO-Dr. Fauci Coronavirus Experimental and Trial Injections with no short or long term case studies on the efficacy and safety published in medical books that takes 5 years to 15 years or more to report on the benefits vs. the direct adverse health effects and deaths whether it be immediately, days, weeks, months, 1, 2 or 3 years or more down the road as it appears to be the never-ending chemical-laden mRNA experimental and trial injections using coercion, fear mongering, and threats of impoverishing people by firsting them from their jobs if they don’t obey the wealthy people invested in what appears to be the Crispr Covid Experimental and Trial chemical-laden injections without end or else you and your children will be punished.

ISOLATION is done to criminals in prisons, which I always found to be cruel and unusual punishment, to lock people up in a block of cement with no window or a tiny window unable to get sunshine and Vitamin D and to be able to speak to no one as if that isn’t any more abusive than the people they arrest for isolating a child or caging them underground by criminal syndicates or keeping people in basements and enslaving the person or persons. How is isolation of the children, parents, grandparents healthy because it is not and leads to physical, mental, and financial distress.

Equally, I find that the CDC, WHO, Soros, Gates, Fauci, and the NWO CEO members on Wall Street and the White House and all current investors including those in congress and the senate who are allowing or supporting or issuing orders of isolation to be equally cruel to humanity while criminalizing a flu which has a 98.9% or 99.9% recovery rate and products that many doctors have used for decades as safe and effective such as HCQ – Quercetin, Ivermectin, Vitamins D3, C with Zinc infusions, withheld from the world’s population, but not from them and haven’t killed or injured millions of people worldwide. I also find it to be cruel and unusual punishment to use a flu that was created in a lab and researched by Dr. Baric and Dr. Fauci on U.S. soil and funded by the Gates Foundation and/or Microsoft who also have funded millions to CDC and WHO for decades, creating a huge influential Conflict of Interest and loyalty to the Gates agendas, who support reducing the population of the planet down by 90% by 2050.

Are these not crimes against humanity, children, and the elderly as they have caused and continue to cause grave depression and increase suicides in America and around the world when people, especially the children, teens, young adults and elderly are isolated and can’t attend school or socialize or elderly can’t have visitors or to go church or pray or sing praises or chant or play Bingo or have gatherings in their communities? Isolation has caused and continues to cause people to die alone or commit suicide. And, currently VAERS has reported that the deaths after the experimental and trial injections is heading up to 20,000, so how many people must die before they admit these experimental and trial injections aren’t safe for the world’s population and they are killing those people who die and injuring those who are permanently injured for life? If they are so sure that these deaths and injuries aren’t the cause of their deaths and injuries then why are they granting themselves total immunity from lawsuits filed for those deaths and injuries? (Lawyers state the real number of deaths after the experimental and trial injections are jabbed is closer to 50,000 in the USA.)

How is this health care any different from being taken hostage, criminalized for having a flu or not having a flu and resisting being used by the Government and Wall Street CEOs, Bill and Melinda Gates, Pfizer-BioNtech GAVI, NIH, Dr. Fauci, CDC and WHO Directors who withhold protocols from doctors at hospitals and silenced international doctors and Scientists not suspect? Thousands of International doctors and scientists believe they should end these experiments and trials on the world’s population and referring them as dangerous? Many of these doctors have revealed on alternative news that they’ve been threatened by powerful people to have their licenses revoked and their practice in medicine destroyed and their livelihoods. Isn’t that what criminals do?

Many of these international doctors who are opposing using Humanity for CDC and WHO, Dr. Fauci and Mrs. Fauci and NIH, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation/Microsoft who donate millions to CDC and WHO, as well as The White House investors, congressional investors, and Wall Street CEO investors seeking to gain power over humanity and the planet and redistribute the wealth to themselves appear to be involved in these violations against the Nuremberg Codes and Crimes Against Humanity and the U.S. Constitution.

The Billionaire it appears and their members or supporters seeking profits from using Human Beings as Human Commodities for Human Capital are attempting to use the Communist China “Merit App” called the “Vaccine Passport” in America to control the survivors and hook them up to the computer according to George Soros and AI associates on video through the experimental and trial injections with an alleged secret Trade Secret formula filed by Pfizer-BioNtech outed by a Pfizer Whistleblower that should be made public since they are injecting that secret formula into the bodies of every baby, man, woman and child. The general public has a right to know what they are injecting into their bodies and what these materials do to the body and the heart, brain, lungs, cells, liver, and immune system.

International doctors, who have treated patients safely and saved lives for decades who contracted covid, SARS, MERS, Ebola, Zika, and the myriad of flu including Influenza. More people die every year from Influenza than from Covid. Ironically, we have people who were healthy people and people with pre-existing conditions dying from the jabs as they are being jabbed by people around the world who know NOTHING about the individual’s health issues. This is Gross Negligence.

The CDC and WHO and White House and Congress and Senators have not held the AMA and ABA and CDC and WHO or Dr. Fauci liable for allegedly owning the patents and filing the patents on gain-of-function research on the coronavirus or the donors who funded the gain-or-function so Dr. Fauci could take his research offshort to China at the Wuhan Lab which was kept secret from the American people. And, what has the government done about any of that information including those who funded the research, so is it just China’s responsibility?

Why is CDC and Dr. Fauci, NIH, and the governments including the EU withholding known safe cures and forcing EXPERIMENTAL AND TRIAL INJECTIONS using every human being on the planet as Human Commodities for-profit and Human Capital as Big Pharma, especiall Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna rake in Billions and plan to rake in Trillions with total immunity from killing or injuring human beings with a injection still in R&D and with no long term case studies published in medical journals of the benefits versus the Direct Adverse Health Effects and Deaths on Humanity with total IMMUNITY granted to themselves while most are invested in vaccines and earning profits from their built-in customer base and Human Lab Rats.

How is it since 2019 that someone in the system offered financial incentives to hospital administrators and nursing home administrators to label every person tested or seen as a patient or who died as a patient – a coronavirus covid death for financial incentive? Isn’t that a nice way of saying “BRIBES for PATIENTS?”

Which constitutional authority is the White House or CDC or WHO Directors or Dr.. Fauci, NIH Director, whose wife also works for NIH and whose donations come from investors in Big Pharma and BioNtech who recently partnered with Pfizer and those owners alleged in the news are George Soros and Bill Gates who are tracing and tracing humanity for their profits and what appears to be never ending Boosters and Rx Drugs for those who are jabbed once or twice and everyone knows that too many chemicals, not natural to the body, will destroy the immune system that God created to fight off viruses.

Furthermore, Mandates are not laws, Mandates are intended and confirmed by Rep. Dan Lundgren, who opposed Obama using Mandates to run the nation and bypassing congress and the senators. The congress and senators are the only ones who can make laws by amendments that must be approved by the senate in accordance with the U.S. Constitution and the WILL of the majority of Americans. They must also be just, fair, equal, ethical, moral, and include common sense and be in the Best Interest of the majority of Americans. But, but when more than 800,000 Americans, who have been permanently injured by being fear mongered, coerced and threatened to either be jabbed by the investors or those receiving financial incentives are under duress of being jabbed or else lose their jobs, education, homes, families, health care and threatened with jail and punishments for not obeying these investors.

It appears they’ve granted themselves authority to take over the control of every person’s body and mind in the entire world to be used as Human Lab Rats and enslaved to them into servitude for profit. It appears that the plan is long term and to use the FDA Experimental and Trial policy so that Big Pharma can’t be sued or the federal government or EU leaders as they are not FDA “licensed vaccines” to my knowledge. It appears that they will continue to use the experimental and trial police as well as fear mongering and threats and coercion to jab every person on the planet with never-ending EXPERIMENTAL AND TRIAL INJECTIONS with knowledge that all the animals died from 2 jabs. This appears to be criminal or at the very least grossly negligent or “extremely careless” by the entire governments and medical profession and Big Pharma, CDC and WHO knowing that all the animals died after 2 jabs then to go directly to humans using FEAR and ignoring consent.

May God Bless America and His Children Around the World and Protect Them From Those who Thrive on Power and Control and Mock God’s Creations as well as those whose Greed Leads Them to Implement Agendas to Reduce the Population of the Planet for Personal, Financial and Political Gain by easily using “FEAR” and Threats and Coercion creating duress and fear in the minds of every individual. Are these not Crimes in the USA used by criminals to force their victims to comply and obey them or else be punished?

Such actions appear to also equate to extortion. Your body and mind in exchange for your freedom, rights, liberties to work, educate, buy and sell, travel and socialize. How is that possible in America when the U.S. Constitution guarantees and establishes those rights, freedoms, liberties as the Supreme Laws of the Land in a Republic operated by the Rule of Law, unless WE THE PEOPLE, allow those who violate the U.S. Constitutional Rights, Freedoms, Liberties, Sovereignty for their personal, financial and political gain by using FEAR to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and usher in their tyranny which appears to be Treason?

Nothing said on Rose4Justice and Colombo Chronicles is intended to be legal, medical, financial or political advice, but a dissemination of information for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always do your own research and your own homework and come to your own informed decisions. It is too soon to know what the effects of an FDA Experimental and Trial Injection will bring in the future 1, 2, or 3 years from now….500 cases of Myocarditis and Pericarditis has been reported in Ontario after 2 injections reported online on 11/17/2021.(source: countersignal.com)

READ Rose4Justice Blogs at: http://www.rose4justice.com – LISTEN LIVE PODCAST: COLOMBO CHRONICLES with Rose Colombo, award-winning author welcoming prominent international authors and experts on a myriad of topics from politics to the mafia to love to health to animal rights, human rights, divorce, and much more…..Most shows are archived and airs LIVE every Wednesday from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. pst – Listen by phone at (646) 564-9742 or http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colombochronicles – JOIN Rose on MeWe.com – Pinterest – and GAB