Why Do US Public Servants Want Disarmed Americans but Send Fighter Jets and Weapons to anti-American Nations?

Tombstone Magistrate Court where gun battles are lost or won!
Tombstone Magistrate Court where gun battles are lost or won!

written by Rose Colombo, original copyright pub. 12/21/2012

Wake Up, America! About 1989, on my talk radio show syndicated in Southern California on KIEV, KORG, KYMS, KGER, AND KWNK, I stated, “Wake Up, America! Wake up all you little sleepy heads out there!” And, I would ask, “Is America on the verge of the American dream or the American nightmare?” But, most people remained asleep to the corruption that was slowly creeping into our courts, government, schools, and churches. I’d ask my audience, “Are you awake now? The time is coming when you will witness the death of the U.S. Constitution shredded right before your very eyes.Of course, many listeners thought of the government topics as “conspiracy theories.” Well, all evil begins with a conspiracy theory and some people conspire before running as public servants; after all, we are our thoughts.

Shockingly, we are living in the year 2013 and the U.S. Congress is failing miserably as they violate their sworn oaths to uphold the U.S. Constitution and perform their fiduciary duty, i.e., control the budget, read and make laws in accordance with the U.S. Constitution and the will of the majority of Americans, which are fair, just, and equitable. Congress failed to Repeal, eliminate funding, and Nullify 923 draconian Executive Orders signed by Obama that deny constitutional rights and freedoms. In fact, the past and current U.S. Congress and Senators and all public servants even at the highest levels are ignoring and avoiding exercising their powers and refuse to ask a man, who was unvetted not once, not twice, but three times – 3X – “Who are you?” or “Where are your credentials?” They didn’t ask, “Why would you want to disarm Americans and arm anti-American nations?” Or, “Where was everyone before, during, and after Benghazi?” Obama stated that he’responsible for the final decisions as Commander-in-Chief whenever he spoke at press conferences. Remember, the news reported that final orders for military personnel must come from the White House before they can act. Its been stated that U.S. military officers must seek permission before taking action against the enemy or they could face punishment.

Well, here are the questions that Americans should be asking of their representatives before it’s too late!

Why does a unvetted senator or a unvetted (2x) US President, which is documented by news reports, believe that eliminating or circumventing or changing the 2nd Amendment for the purpose of disarming Americans is constitutionally allowed when the “Dick Act of 1902” prohibits the federal government, from denying Americans their right to bear arms?  Let’s review the following actions relating to the Obama regime who sold untracked guns to untracked cartel members linked to terrorists using U.S. tax dollars diverted from the Recovery Act for jobs. This same regime sent U.S. tax dollars, weapons, and funding to anti-American nations and jobs and technology to Communist China who is demanding Americans disarm! Below are the questions:

1.  Why did President Obama, according to Deputy AG Ogden, launch Fast and Furious and fund Fast and Furious with Recovery Funds promised for U.S. jobs with the express intent of selling untracked US guns to untracked criminals on foreign soil?  In fact, untracked guns are still missing and in the hands of the untracked cartel members, but the Obama regime, with the approval of a silent congress proposes the disarming of law-abiding Americans, but for what purpose?  Law-abiding Americans don’t kill children or innocent adults!

Did congress have knowledge of the $10,000,000 taken from the Recovery funds and diverted to a secret program so U.S. agents could sell untracked guns to untracked criminals in Mexico?  And, if congress didn’t have knowledge of the $10,000,000 diverted from the Recovery Funds, Americans must ponder if congress relinquished their power to perform their fiduciary duty and control the purse strings as well as account for taxpayer dollars? And, who was responsible to track the $10,000,000 diverted from the Recovery Fund to implement Fast and Furious? Surely, someone is tracking the budget for each department.

After all, the only people, who ended up “unarmed”  were the thousands of executed victims, who couldn’t defend themselves without guns between 2009 and 2011 after Fast and Furious was implemented.  The Fast and Furious video of Deputy AG Ogden was seen on national news in April 2009.  And, the fact is that there are thousands of untracked illegal guns with unknown locations and unknown owners making it impossible for the government to track thousands of untracked guns.  Illegal guns are owned by untracked criminals,so the only people who will be disarmed and tracked are innocent law-abiding citizens owning legal guns. Also, criminals know how to make guns and ammunitions and they can buy them from communist nations and the Black Market.

2.  Why did President Obama order 220 Tomahawk missiles fired off at Libya that killed unarmed innocent women, children, Gaddafi’s grandchildren and teenage son, as well as his son’s friends, and freedom fighters?  The victims of the Libyan attack were  defenseless.  Why were the missiles fired off without congressional authority that killed unarmed people who hit national news including women and children. So, why doesn’t the NRA use the photos of all the children murdered in the Middle East with U.S. Tomahawk missiles against the push to take guns away from Americans.

Are people no more than “bumps in the road” or “collateral damage” if the means justifies their goal, but the same public servants exempt themselves from the same laws that they mandate for the peasants.  Americans ponder how is it moral and ethical to deny due process of law to Americans while providing due process of law to radicals and illegals who kill Americans?

3.  Why did President Obama send billions of US tax dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood and Palestinians linked to Hamas to buy weapons and send Fighter Jets to the Middle East, after he helped install Muslim Brotherhood dictators into leadership positions?  Didn’t such action render the freedom fighters and opposition to Sharia Law helpless.  It appears that the freedom fighters weren’t supplied with arms, but the tyrants were supplied with arms.

4.  Why does the US President have excessive numbers of armed body guards to protect himself and his family, but opposes the right of Americans to exercise their 236 year old right to bear arms as guaranteed by the US Constitution?

Why would the White House want Americans to remain defenseless against criminals who are armed if their lives are threatened by criminals?  Guns are smuggled into the U.S. just like drugs. As I stated, guns are smuggled throughout the world in the Black market and sold to cartels around the world, so why would loyal American public servants want to render innocent law-abiding Americans helpless against criminals, terrorists, a tyrannical government, or a foreign enemy invasion, especially since police can’t arrive in time to save victims from armed criminals?

5.  Why does the U.S. President and congress believe it’s the right of  public servants to carry concealed weapons and defend themselves and their families and simultaneously support the UN small arms treaty that would disarm Americans?  The 2nd Amendment and the Dick Act of 1902 prohibit the federal government from disarming Americans, yet they attempt to deny  U.S. Constitutional rights.  All public servants have sworn an oath to uphold, defend, and preserve the U.S. Constitution.  Law abiding Americans don’t kill children or adults unless a criminal threatens them. Senator Feinstein testified that she carries a concealed weapon and she will take out any criminal who threatens her or her husband!

6.  Why would judges and lawyers be allowed to carry concealed weapons and hire armed body guards, but not the average Americans who aren’t employed by the federal government?

7.  Why did the federal government purchase $1.6 billion rounds of ammunition and sniper bullets recently to be used against which people since ammunition is purchased to kill? In the book, Fight Back Legal Abuse, the author write, “There is no justice, only decisions.”

Obviously, as history has proven, and it’s Eric Holder who referred to Obama – as dictator-like – that dictators throughout history, who disarmed the people and ordered them to lay down their guns eventually were ordered to lay down their lives, and genocide occurred every time, so how is this in the best interest of the American people?  How is denying Americans their right to exercise the right to bear arms written in accordance with the will of the people or in accordance with the US Constitution or the Dick Act of 1902?   It is not!  For only the criminals, government, military (who must ask permission to shoot back at the enemy under the Obama regime according to news articles), will be armed, for once they deny and suspend constitutional rights, the dictators always come back to take away whatever rights remain including the Right-to-Life!  Look at Communist China, Russia, Iraq,  Cuba, Venezuela, Chile,  Rwanda, Germany and Europe! Remember, the NDAA law?  Did any U.S. Natural Born Citizen ever think they would see the day when the U.S. President, V.P., and Congress would target American Citizens to be possibly placed on a secret hit lists that could target them on domestic and foreign soil based on an accusation only and be considered legal, so how evil is that? Isn’t that the same as hiring hit men to kill innocent people who may be mistaken by the government or 100% innocent?

Rose says, “And, the dictators said, Come, march to my drum beat and I shall take care of you for it is in the best interest of the sheeple!  Come, let me radiate your naked bodies for it is in the best interest of the sheeple!  Come, let me grope your bodies for it is in the best interest of the sheeple!  Come, let me teach your children how to behave for it is in the best interest of the sheeple!  Come, let me determine your value and worth for it is in the best interest of the sheeple!  Come let me provide you work in the camp for it is in the best interest of the sheeple!  Come, let me tell you what you can or can’t eat and drink or what you can or can’t be or do, for it is in the best interest of the sheeple!  Come, let me mandate vaccines and Rx drugs for it is in the best interest of the sheeple!  Come, let me mandate abortions for it is in the best interest of certain sheeple!  Come, let me disarm you for it is in the best interest of the sheeple!  Come, let me track you and enslave you for it is in the best interest of the sheeple!  Come, worship me, for it is in the best interest of the sheeple!

And, the sheeple did as they were told by public servants. They bowed to their new world leader.  The sheeple didn’t ask questions nor did the congress who the sheeple entrusted to be men and women of integrity, but were not for they remained silent.  The rest of the story is repeated in well-documented history books. Many sheeple have been slaughtered throughout history because they were disarmed by their leaders under the guise that it was for their protection.  Other sheeple were disarmed.  Afterwards, they were forced by the armed soldiers to drink the kool-aid against their will at gun point.  They drank the kool-aid when Jim Jones and his armed guards surrounded them.  They killed the sheeple and even a U.S. Congressman.  The sheeple didn’t realize that they were defenseless against an armed fraud as their leader and armed criminals and they had awakened to the truth much too late! After he disarmed the people, they carried out a genocide against Americans. Then there is WACO, Ruby Ridge, OKC, Pentagon, and 911!  (This article may be shared, but not changed or Plagiarized by a Third Party)

Folllow – Twitter@Rose4Justice
website – http://www.fightbacklegalabuse.com
Radio – The Justice Club follows C the Power – every Mon, Wed, Fri 11am (pdt) Freedomizer Radio
Radio – Constitutionally Speaking – every Friday 4:30 pm- 6pm (pdt-usa) -(347) 324-3701 – Freedomizer Radio
Email Rose4Justice@verizon.net
Books: 1)Irwin Award Winner, Fight Back Legal Abuse 2) Obamacare, Dinosaurs, RedNecks and Radicals at amazon.com

Rose M. Colombo, award-winning writer, columnist, and author,  publishes this article for educational purposes as a dissemination of information only, and it is not intended for political or legal advice.