Gun Control Laws are Nazi Laws: Guns are Legal Consumer Products!

The 2nd Americans guarantees citizens the Right to Bear Arms  .

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Rose Colombo, original copyright pub. 1/20/2013, Rev. 8/12/2013, 8/14/2019

A disarmed nation is a nation living under fear and threat of the federal government’s agendas. Gun control laws are Nazi Laws. Guns and ammunition are a consumer product purchased by law-abiding Americans with their hard-earned money after taxes which is legal, lawful, and constitutional.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. … All members of the unorganized militia have the absolute personal right and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms of any type, and as many as they can afford to buy.

In America, It isn’t a crime for U.S. citizens to purchase consumer products/ Guns  and ammunition are  consumer products. The 2nd Amendment guarantees the right to buy and own guns and form militias if called upon to defend the USA.

Therefore, Americans must raise the question, which constitutional law is the Congress and Senate applying that provides the constitutional legal and lawful authority to deny Americans the right to purchase consumer products that have been purchased by Americans for more than 243 years?  Which constitutional law mandates that Americans must register consumer products they purchase with their own earnings with the government? 

How the Nazi’s Used Gun Control – National – Stephen P. Halbrook – Read the full article below by clicking on the link – Photo and Article are for educational and entertainment purposes only.

Obama forced Americans to purchase a consumer product they may or may not want to purchase with their own money after taxes which was unprecedented in U.S. History and unconstitutional, but to this day, Obamacare, is not completely null and void or repealed.  Why is the federal government trampling on its limited powers to prohibit Americans from buying consumer products such as guns or forcing them to buy consumer products such as Obamacare?

Will Americans have to register the amount of Bread they buy in the future because socialist and communist nations are known to ration or deny Bread, just like Obamacare can ration or deny health care to Americans only.  Congress, the White House, DOJ, Supreme Courts, Military, Law Enforcement, criminals and jihadist exempt themselves, right?

“The Supremacy Clause ensures that the Constitution is the highest, or supreme, law. The Tenth Amendment gives some power back to the states, though only those powers that were not already granted to the federal government. The Constitution’s separation of powers further operates to limit governmental powers.”

The hypocrisy implemented  by the Clinton regime between 1993 and 2000, when Clinton, Reno, and Holder abused their power can be recognized when Clinton ordered the feds to fire on Americans at WACO and Ruby Ridge. They killed American men, women, and kids without due process of law on their property. This bold uncaring move because Clinton said that they ran out of “patience” proves how sociopaths in the government can abuse their authority and use firearms against their own citizens without accountability to anyone except themselves.

Hitler said, 

  • “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.”

Since 2009, the non-vetted President Barack Hussein Obama, concealed his ID and credentials from the entire federal government with the assistance of Eric Holder who he appointed as the USAG. So, Obama appointed one of Bill Clinton’s appointees, Erick Holder to oversee the DOJ and he appointed Bill Clinton’s wife, Hillary Clinton, to be the Secretary of state, so should Americans have expected any changes in the agendas laid out by GHWB, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, or GW Bush since they all promote open borders and gun control?

“In the United States, the idea of limited government originally implied the notion of a separation of powers and the system of checks and balances promoted by the U.S.Constitution. … The Tenth Amendment codified that any delegated powers of the federal government are expressly delegated specifically by the Constitution.”

Has anyone noted that the majority of lone shooters are either Jihadist, terrorist, or white male Democrats?  For example, the lone shooter in Dayton Ohio, who was a loyal fan of Elizabeth Warren, who fired on Americans. And, the Democrat fan or Bernie Sanders, a lone shooter, shot and injured GOP members at the park. The San Bernardino shooter was a Jihadist who shot and murdered innocent Americans. The Fort Hood shooter was a Jihadist by admission employed by the U.S. Military and known to the FBI. 

The Democrats are the perfect example of sheeple who have bent over backwards not to offend Obama. The Democrats have proven to be extremely loyal to the Clinton’s. They have approved laws that are illegal, unlawful, and unconstitutional and threaten the very health, lives, safety, welfare and sovereignty of this nation by their open border policies. Obama and Hillary secretly pre planned to migrate millions of Palestinians into the USA and Somalians using U.S. tax dollars without public disclosure.

Obama and Hillary pre planned to use the U.S. Dept. of Refugees and bypass TSA, ICE, and Border Patrol.  Obama and Hillary  flew the majority of radicals from foreign enemy nations into the USA secretly at night without inspections, under the guise of Christian Converted Refugees fleeing ISIS, but in truth, the majority were not fleeing tyranny but came to impose their ideologies on America and changed, “We will dominate America.”

The Pelosi-Schumer Democrats have been pushing gun control and  this same open border policy and flooding the USA with unidentified foreigners from Third World Nations without inspections or quotas even after Obama left office and still doing the same in 2019.  Only they are demanding that  Border Patrol and Ice be defunded and eliminated.  The Democrats have allowed an unknown number of Jihadist into the USA who attacked and killed more Americans after 2001 and many Jihadist plots have been thwarted by the FBI who were plotting to kill President Trump and  more Americans. 

Its been reported by the FBI online since 2001 that the jihadist have been stockpiling weapons around the USA in unknown locations, so why would the Clinton’s and Obama’s and Democrats seek to disarm Americans?

It appears that the Democrats and Rinos are determined to shred the U.S. Constitution since GHWB handed over the baton to Bill Clinton, Al Gore,  Janet Reno and Eric Holder.  They allowed Bill Clinton to target vitamins and natural herbs and supplements and attempt to change over-the-counter supplements such as Vitamin C into a prescription drug. And, all of them are on board with Gun Control and Open Borders. The fact that cartels, jihadist, and gangs traffic guns and drugs in and out of the USA and only seek to disarm Americans is stunning on its face, since more Americans are dying from Legal Opioids or Illicit drugs coming into the USA. It appears these tactics are all set up for depopulation and to make Americans unhealthy and destroy meat and pork and milk and kill off the future natural born Americans by abortion and infanticide. 

Since the Bush-Obama-Holder-Hillary Clinton-Pelosi regime, excessive powers were increased for the  EPA, and DHS/FEMA and Dept. of Education that have been involved in dumping chemicals into the waters and MTBE into the soil and drinking water.  DHS/FEMA failed at Katrina in a majority of a Black city, New Orleans, and police were ordered to search homes for guns and dirty cops shot people standing on a bridge during Katrina. The 10,000 Americans were indefinitely detained inside the dome and they couldn’t leave. Yet, the Democrats are more concerned about illegals who are violating our laws and refusing to enter through the ports of entry than the Americans who have suffered losses from natural disasters.

The Clinton’s, Bushes, and Obama’s promote open borders along Mexico and Canada.  The government repeated for years that 12 million illegals are living in the USA, but recently, those numbers have been studied by Yale Professors who estimate 16 million to 29.5 million illegals are living in the USA and that 63% from down South are on taxpayer’s welfare and 90% from the Middle East are on welfare.

Furthermore, the agendas pre planned and laid out by the Bushes, Clinton’s, and Obama’s and mentoring of Kissinger and George Soros, the CFR, U.N. and NWO members appear to include borderless nations.  They must disarm and create civil unrest around the world it appears in order for the U.N.-NWO Communist types to take control of the world which is a waste of time since none of them will live forever.  Hitler had the same dream along with many other dictators, but people will always fight back for freedom.

A retired federal agent told me about 2005 that the FBI has no idea how many weapons and explosives have been smuggled into the USA since 2001 or how many are stockpiled by the jihadist who set up no-go zones without the Obama-Holder-Hillary regime prohibiting no-go zones inside the USA.  After all, they were invited to walk into the USA without worry of inspections or being deported because Obama changed, “Detain and Deport,” to “Detain and Release”  The stockpiles in no-go zones may be across the nation in unknown locations brought in by unidentified jihadist, cartels, and gangs who will always be armed with weapons.

How can the oval office and the Congress stand up and state that they are loyal Americans if they deny U.S. Constitutional Rights, Freedoms, and Liberties under the “Patriot Act” which is the “Unpatriotic Act?”  Section 215 of the Patriot Act violates the Constitution in several ways. It: Violates the Fourth Amendment, which says the government cannot conduct a search without obtaining a warrant and showing probable cause to believe that the person has committed or will commit a crime.  The Patriot Act Denies “Due Process of Law.”  “Due Process of Law” is what makes America exceptional!

And, under the Obama regime, they introduced the dangerous “NDAA Law” implemented by Obama and Holder with the blessings of the Democrats and Rinos.The NDAA Law denies “Due Process of Law” to Americans accused of a crime who can be indefinitely detained and denied a lawyer, phone call, or a judge and a trial by jury.  Obama and Holder’s NDAA law approved by the Democrats and introduced by deceased Senator John McCain is a totalitarian communist type of law that should only apply to terrorists and jihadist.  It was Senator John McCain who was a turncoat against the Republicans and Americans waiting for his final vote to repeal all of Obamacare, but he voted it down with a “thumbs down.”

Since, the current regime is now telling Americans that they must register their guns, Americans are asking if they’re collecting data so they know who has the guns, where the guns are located, and how many guns are in the hands of the citizens.  Many Americans believe that they will attempt to deny the right to purchase guns and ammunition.  Once again, the federal government tramples on “limited powers” and  hold themselves above the law as they attempt to usurp or eliminate the Second Amendment established by our Framers, the Right to Bear Arms.

The truth is that under Obama’s regime, Janet Napolitano, and federal government purchased tons of ammunition, but the question blowing in the wind is why?

Hypocritically, they approve arming Syrian Rebels and sending weapons to Communist China and the Muslim Brotherhood Nations. The USA sells more guns to Mexico where they are overwhelmed with cartels and gangs than any other nation in the world. And, as they traffic into the USA, they can’t be deported according to Obama’s E.O. that changed “Detain and Deport” to “Detain and Release.”  Americans are living among armed cartels, gangs, jihadist, terrorists, and government and the Federal Government seeks to disarm Americans and eliminate the Second Amendment.

They don’t demand that the Communist military and the Russian Military and Interpol who Obama invited into the USA to be disarmed, but Obama’s goal has always been it appears to disarm Americans. The loyal Obama-Clinton Democrats appear to be okay with depopulating the natural-born Americans by killing them with knives on the abortion tables by the millions, but they aren’t okay with natural-born Americans protecting themselves from cartels, gangs, jihadist, terrorists, criminals, or the few dirty cops who go undetected.  If the congress is serious, they should be the first to fire their armed security and tear down their walls around their mansions and turn in their concealed weapons first.

The Second Amendment does not address murder!  The States are responsible for crimes that address Murder.  Every state has laws on the books that punish people in each state for murder in different degrees with different punishments.  It appears to me that the argument by Congress to implement Gun Control is not a federal decision since the Second Amendment addresses the guaranteed Right of Americans to Bear Arms, but does not address murder which is the responsibility of each state.

The lone shooters committed their crimes in different states, so the federal government appears to be trampling on the individual states when it comes to murder and crimes committed by any type of weapon.  And, the fact that the guns are purchased in different states is an issue as well.

Example:  Current federal public servants exhibit behaviors which are unfamiliar to the majority of American people.  Americans witnessed the Obama-Holder-Hillary Clinton regime defend the constitutional rights of criminals, terrorists, illegals, and foreign immigrants as they demand that taxpayer-funded U.S. constitutional protections be granted to them.  They demand Americans pay to kill babies and call it legal. They demand Americans violate the Constitution with unsecured open borders and pay for the lawyers and living expenses of polygamists, foreigners who engage in incest, who believe rape and pedophilia and even murder are rights, and force Americans to pay for their health care and education despite the fact that that is outside of the job duties and that isn’t what they were elected to do in exchange for their promises, wages, and jobs.

LONE SHOOTER and Immigrant:  The perfect example is the Fort Hood Jihadist and shooter who was employed by the U.S. Military and pre planned to murder unarmed U.S. military men and women and fire upon them without warning on a U.S. Military base.  The Fort Hood shooter, was a Muslim Immigrant Jihadist  who had been under FBI surveillance, but he was allowed to join the U.S. Military which is stunning. He mass murdered 13 unarmed U.S. soldiers and injured many victims. If due diligence had been upheld and the military was armed, these lives could have been saved.

The Fort Hood Shooter had been given all U.S. Constitutional privileges at taxpayer’s expense and even after his arrest, he was allowed to collect nearly $300,000 of U.S,. taxpayer’s money while imprisoned under Obama and Holder’s reign.  It’s almost as if he’s being rewarded for his crime as an armed lone-shooter and Jihadist by the Obama-Holder regime who wanted his lone shooter mass crime to be reduced to “workplace violence,” but wants to use all the other lone shooters for gun control.  This example proves that unarmed victims are rendered helpless and hopeless at the hands of a long shooter. It also proves that the Islamic Jihadist are in some cases being held above the laws under the U.S. Constitution. Why didn’t the U.S. Military try him in a Military Tribunal is an unanswered question.

Consequently, the Second Amendment guarantees that the people can form an unorganized militia to be ready to defend the nation, but the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with gun control, and quite the opposite. The Second Amendment has nothing to do with a lone shooter or mass murder sprees.  Each state of the union is guaranteed constitutional authority to investigate and prosecute murder/s and determine the mental stability of the accused. In the book, Fight Back Legal Abuse, Colombo says that “Justice is in the eye of the beholder,” and not everyone who has a gun is trustworthy because some badges are twisted.

Remember, Hitler said that he would disarm the people and annihilate them and he did.

It appears that the White House and the Congress are ignoring “The Dick Act of 1902,” as well as the Rights of the individual States.  And, what about Obama and Holder’s secret kill list of Americans?  Is that still intact and are Americans still being targeted by the government and on a kill list?

There are excellent reasons why Americans should be allowed to carry concealed weapons or be allowed to keep a gun in their homes. Remember the name Jim Jones who held himself up as a religious leader and convinced American families to follow him to a remote area in the jungle.  Jim Jones was armed.  Jim Jones had armed guards. Jim Jones was under investigation and he mass murdered his American followers, men, women, and children, by poisoning the kool-aid they were forced to drink as they were surrounded by armed guards ready to shoot.  If the American followers had been armed then they could have defended themselves, but they were disarmed.  It was a genocide of American citizens.

It would stand to reason if the guns were stolen or illegally purchased that those facts would be important before Congress approves usurping the U.S. Constitution and denying the Second Amendment.  On the other hand, the Second Amendment is a law that grants the right to purchase specific consumer products.  In my political satire written as an adventure story, “Obamacare, Dinosaurs, Red Necks, and Radicals,” the fictional characters portray how a nation that is disarmed can be rendered helpless and at the mercy of their government as well as depopulated by the armed Civilian Security Force  under the control of their leaders.

In reality, the Second Amendment as written doesn’t have anything to do with murder. Remember, it’s the lawyers, psychiatrists, and judges,  who determine if the suspect/s are mentally disturbed, and mental illness doesn’t have anything to do with the Second Amendment.  The Second Amendment doesn’t address mental illness.  One could say that a person who uses their hands to strangle someone was mentally ill, yet their hands was the weapon, but we wouldn’t think of eliminating their hands.  So, if someone kills several people with a hammer should all hammers be banned since hammers has been reported as one of the top weapons used to kill people?

Ironically, the US government has been reducing funding for mental health hospitals and crisis clinics for 30 years, but they approve excessive OTC and Rx drugs without long-term testing which contain chemical-laden ingredients that could have adverse side affects and even kill people.  Yet, they don’t consider the Rx-drugs to be a weapon.  Since the 1980’s, minor kids have been victims or doctors or psychiatrists who prescribed excessive amounts of Rx drugs  which can be addictive.  Many of the OTC and Rx drugs can cause paranoia, depression, suicidal tendencies as well as homicidal tendencies. The majority of Americans and veterans aren’t considered to be so mentally disturbed that they would commit murder, yet Senator Feinstein wants veterans to be stripped of their guns as reported in the news.

Gun Control is a Nazi law used by dictators of Communist nations. Even today such dictators are known to execute their citizens on the spot and indefinitely detain them if they oppose their regimes.  In fact, Hitler has been reported as a drug addict, so millions of people were following the orders of a man addicted to drugs.  He ordered his army to arrest the victims which included German citizens that didn’t fit his agenda and he accused millions of innocent people of crimes.  Dictators always disarm their enemies first and probably state, “Lay down your guns and then lay down and die.” Did Hitler and his regime not conspire to commit mass murders which resulted in mass genocide after he reduced the disarmed citizens to the level of  sitting ducks?  Of course, I’m not stating that a mass genocide is being planned in the USA, but the U.N.’s  Agenda 21 is quite disturbing and includes depopulation agendas under the guise of reducing poverty.

Furthermore, The Dick Act of 1902 assures that the federal government can use the power of the 2nd Amendment to call upon the unorganized militia.  The unorganized militia consists of the American people who must be ready at all times if called upon to defend their nation from tyranny and from foreign enemy invasion.  This is an important reason to protect the  Second Amendment   The Second Amendment guarantees law-abiding U.S. Citizens the right to buy two consumer products, guns and ammunition.  The Second Amendment states that American can own any sort of gun and bear any arms as their personal property.  The American people have the right under the 2nd Amendment to defend their person and protect their families, and property if threatened.

The citizens of Great Britain and Australia warn Americans not to allow the Obama regime to disarm the citizens.  In fact, P.M. Vladimir Putin warned Americans not to allow the government to disarm us. What more do Americans need to know to stop history from repeating itself.  America has Communists, Marxist, Socialist, and Muslim Brotherhood members inside the USA. 

 It appears that the White House is using  state murders as the catalyst to deny Second Amendment rights and ignore the Dick Act of 1902.   In fact, the Obama regime should reinstate funding for drug rehabilitation centers, and reducing the number of unsafe Rx drugs for kids.  The federal government should provide funding to the states to build more crisis clinics for mentally disturbed kids and adults. Murders are murders and the states punish people who murder people with or without guns!  But, if Americans need psychiatric help then they should be able to access such facilities.  And, if a crime is involved, then leave it to the courts to determine who should be mentally evaluated.

Ironically, the non-vetted U.S. President Obama had no problem without congressional authority to fire off 220 Tomahawk Missiles which are weapons no different than guns that kill except they can murder more people.  He didn’t have a problem ordering the assassination of Osama bin Laden with guns.  Obama and Holder didn’t have a problem ordering the feds to hold Americans at the Bundy Ranch at gun point when it appeared they were seeking to take their property. Obama and Holder didn’t have a problem targeting American Rancher Finnicum who was shot to death on U.S. soil.

Sadly, the Democrats and Rinos remained silent about the firing on Americans by Bill Clinton, Obama and Holder. They remained silent when it came to the allegations that Obama and Hillary were trafficking guns to Syria to Islamic terrorists.  They remained silent it came to allegations of Obama and Holder ordered the American BATF to traffick guns into a foreign nation of Mexico and sell untracked guns to untracked cartel members in Mexico that ended up killing 100s of people and 2 Border Patrol agents from 2009 through 2011.

The four American Heroes, one Ambassador Stevens, were attacked by IslamicTerrorists with guns who murdered them. In other words, all foreign enemies, cartels, gangs, Jihadist, Terrorists, Criminals, military, government would have guns, but not the American citizens who pay the wages of the White House, DOJ, and Congress to uphold the U.S. Constitution which includes the Second Amendment and Secure Borders which Obama and Holder and the Democrats refuse to uphold.

Furthermore, about 50% of all households are single women with kids so how are they suppose to protect themselves and their children if they are disarmed from home invasions and rapist or pedophiles or abusers?

Gun control is a nazi law and as we know, tyrants always disarm their people before killing them.  It is more disturbing that Obama and Feinstein and the liberal democrats are pushing to disarm veterans and law-abiding Americans under the guise of health care and mental illness, while they push to target and kill Americans with armed drones and indefinitely detain Americans based on accusation only under the Obama regime.  He ordered a 16 year old killed by a drone attack who was an American citizen without due process of law and no one in Congress or the DOJ cared about that life


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Books:  Check out Rose Colombo’s books at (out-of-print) award-winning self-help book pub. 2010 and 5 Star Review:  “Fight Back Legal Abuse.”  Colombo’s second book is a political satire and adventure story, orwellian style with fictional characters who are shocked when they are caught up in the “Redistribution of  Wealth” with a thought-provoking ending, will the world end by depopulation or extinction?  Check this book out on
