Are Human Beings the Property of the Socialist-Communist- NWO Leaders? Human Commodities for Human Capital to be Numbered/ Tattoos during WWII; Social Security Numbers, Chipped Cards, 666 Barcodes, Microchips & “The Beast!”

Image result for Free stock photos of tattoos on Jews during WWII
Rose Colombo (c) 7/8/2018
The history  of the tattoo is recorded and  goes back to the Egyptians and Cleopatra. It was revived by Hitler during WWII.  Hitler made himself the “one world leader” who would decide who could live and who should die. He decided to number each individual captured by his army.   Hitler’s Nazi German army was ordered to hunt down and capture the Jews like animals.  He also executed or captured anyone he  believed to be inferior human beings.  In fact, Hitler, ordered his army to break down the doors of the Jews at gunpoint and terrorize their victims.
Oh, but wait!  Didn’t Clinton-Holder-Obama and Hillary approve of the “Search and Seizure” law?  The Search and Seizure Law eliminates the requirements of the past that require search warrants signed and approved by judges. The failure to exercise Search and Seizure agendas without the approval and signature of a Judge grants excessive powers to law enforcers.  This grants excessive powers to Law Enforcers, who can accuse any American of a crime, even wrongfully.  This raises the issue of the “Presumption of Guilt.”  The elimination of seeking approval by a judge allows the officers to enter any facility, home, or business at gun point and without a Search Warrant. This is what the Clinton–Reno-Holder regime during the 1990’s granted to police enforcement.  In fact, during the Obama’Holder-Hillary Clinton regime, Miranda Rights and Due Process of Law, were wiped out with the help of the Democrats and Rinos when they approved of the NDAA Law.  If anyone is a target of the unconstitutional and anti-American law grants the federal government authority to arrest and indefinitely detain their target
person without charges filed, without a phone call, and without accessing a lawyer, judge, trial, or jury of their peers.
Furthermore, Americans should be asking their representatives more questions. Americans should be raising the question, “How can the DOJ (Department of Justice) justify  knocking down doors of any American without law enforcers seeking approval and justification by a Judge and obtaining a signed Search Warrant?”  The oversight for justification and approval by a Judge provides oversight and helps eliminate abuse and wrongful arrests, injuries, or death.
In fact, the two most dangerous words in the American dictionary are “Probable Cause.”  The words “Probable Cause” can be abused to cover-up wrongful beatings or deaths. This is why the two words should not be the end all when suspicious circumstances related to the death or injuries of a human being are in question.  Most cases involving “Probable Cause” are justified, but what if you or your loved ones were injured or killed wrongfully and the case was closed because “Probable Cause” was accepted as the final justification?
The fact is that most Americans support Police and Sheriffs and the FBI such as myself because they protect our communities and we need them. They have tough jobs.  On the other hand, prejudice, bias, alcoholism, or anger issues can lead to a wrongful injury or death of a suspect or innocent person.  Each case should be investigated properly to avoid problems within the communities and to avoid problems in the future. After all, the news has reported cases of police brutality over the years.  The Rodney King case caught on video and seen on the news was a rude awakening to the problem, especially in the Black communities that stirred the pot for social change.
For example, we’ve read of cases where the police saved lives and rescued children from traffickers.  We read cases that involved police going above and beyond to give back to the community even in their personal lives.  And, we’ve read stories in the news  that reported a prisoner was beaten to death behind prison doors.  One of the most shocking stories is a man who was thrown into an excessively hot shower and scalded to death.  Most recently, a Somalian policeman shot an young woman to death because he felt like it.  And, not so long ago, an officer was found guilty of stopping women driving on the road at night and raping them.
It appears that “search and seizure laws that bypass the approval of a judge as well as  the “asset forfeiture laws” appear to be rogue, unconstitutional, illegal, and unlawful and can devastate lives and families of innocent persons.  The news reported that the police broke down the door of a home and an innocent child was shot to death.  In another case, an innocent senior citizen sleeping in bed was shot to death .  Another senior citizen was shot to death in his garage.  The police shot the wrong people in these  all three examples; however there are more such cases.
The laws that label an American based on the “presumption of guilty” and accusation only, are dangerous in America and deny “due process of law” to the accused who may be 100% innocent.  The presumption of guilt based on accusation only provides excessive powers to the police and FBI.  The Asset Forfeiture Law is equally rogue, unconstitutional, and dangerous in my opinion as an Advocate for Justice. The Asset Forfeiture Law turns the government’s leaders into “Robin Hood,” only this “Robin Hood” steals from the Middle Class to give to the “rich.”
The “Asset Forfeiture Law” grants authority to law enforcement to accuse anyone of a crime and confiscate their property, money, and assets,  even if they are 100% innocent.  The “Asset Forfeiture Law” grants excessive powers to law enforcement, the federal and state government and courts to confiscate property and assets without “due process of law” and without charges filed, without a signed Warrant by a Judge, and without a phone call, lawyer, or trial.  You are guilty as accused only and the presumption of guilt is applied and you will probably never get your money, property, or assets back even if you are proven to be 100% innocent.  Lives are destroyed.  This is what Hitler did to the Jews and all those he targeted.  He ordered his army to break down doors at gun point and confiscate their property, assets, and money by the presumption of guilty and accusation only.
These are communist laws, not American laws.  The one thing that has made America exceptional for 240 years is “due process of law” and “Miranda Rights” and the ” “Presumption of Innocence” until proven “guilty by a jury of your peers without a shadow of a doubt.”
These are totalitarian laws!  These are anti-American.  They are unjust, unfair, illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional, and corrupt. These laws aren’t any different than the laws of the Third World nations run by dictators, who set themselves up as icons, to be feared and the people enslaved to their evil leaders who demands they bow down to him and worship  him as a god.  In Communist China, they are headed into taking control of every individual person in their country and deciding who can do or say, be or buy or sell anything without the approval of the government because of the “Beast” which is the  www aka 666 computer apps and microchips; however, if the grid goes down, they are the Masters of Nothing.
Americans need to read the entire NDAA Law imposed by Obama, McCain, and the Democratic and RIno Congress under Obama’s reign. The government is allowed to target anyone and without “due process of law” take them away indefinitely, possibly never to be seen or heard of again is it?  The NDAA  Law wipes out our Constitutional Laws to “Due Process of Law!”  It is a law that replaces “Due Process of Law” and the “Presumption of Innocence” which we recently witnessed in the news when Christine Blasey Ford and the Democrats without corroboration in a job interview hearing heard by the U.S. Senators turned into a tribunal.  The Liberal Democratic Senators declared the “presumption of guilt prior to the Senate hearings commencing and without testimony by both the accuser, Dr. Ford v. the accused, Judge Brett Kavanaugh.  This is a very dangerous path that destroys lives, careers, reputations, and families.  It is the path to Communism.
Hitler’s army sent fear down the spines of every European.  After the Nazi army captured the Jews and those Hitler believed to be inferior, he caged them behind barbed wire.  Hitler captured human beings  because the German people allowed him to do so and joined in this atrocity.  Hitler indefinitely detained millions of innocent people and tortured them and used them as slaves and for experiments without anaesthetic. Hitler hated the Jews, so he hated himself, because he’s been noted in documentaries that Hitler was a Jew, but he kept that secret during his reign of terror in Europe. He was also noted to be on Rx drugs and addicted to Rx drugs during his reign of terror and mass murder of millions of innocent human beings.  Innocent men, women, and children were gassed to death, starved to death, or died from radiation and experiments by his mad scientists. He was a Drug Addict!  A drug addict was allowed to slaughter innocent human beings by the millions because they chose to believe his lies.
Oh, but wait, “America’s #1 killers are the abuse of Rx Drugs, Opioids, prescribed by doctors and distributed by Big Pharma.   America’s borders were opened up and drug traffickers have been entering the USA for at least 50 years getting kids and adults hooked on drugs.  Big Pharma and the medical profession has been caught overprescribing opioids that caused an epidemic in the USA that rivals Heroin. It’s apparent that Hitler was an addict when he was ordering his army to commit heinous crimes against the Jews,  homosexuals, Gypsies, Slovakian citizens, Poland’s citizens, Holland’s citizens, Christians and Catholic nuns,  The Catholic Nuns helped hide the Jews from the Nazi’s during WWII.  Ironically, let’s not forget that the Americans elected two presidents who admitted to using drugs in their past.  And, yet, the congress insists employers drug test employees, but the public servants don’t take drug tests nor do the Presidents of the USA and V.P. prior to elections.  It would appear that the most important persons to test for drugs is the President, V.P. and Congress as well as the Department of Justice personnel.   Hitler was the leader of Germany and once again, he was addicted to Rx drugs, so Europe was under the control of a drug addict.
 Apparently, Hitler was an extreme narcissist and psychopath without a conscience. It appears that he didn’t like himself, and it’s alleged that he was bi-sexual.  Perhaps, this is why Hitler ordered all the Jews and homosexuals as well as Germans, who refused to comply, or were physically or mentally challenged to be tortured and starved to death or gassed.  (Communism is similar to the Middle East’s ideologies) .  One evil man, Adolph Hitler, decided that the people he personally targeted must be punished, tortured, raped, experimented upon, starved, beaten, and wiped off the face of the earth.  He decided he was god, so he wanted all Christians and Catholics dead as well.  He plastered his face across Germany and Europe.  The compliant and complicit Europeans cheered and worshipped Hitler.  They thought he was bringing change and transformation to Europe to make it better and stimulate the economy. They were duped. He was a liar and created one of the biggest worldwide deceptions in the world’s history. Hitler decided that the masses would be viewed as chattel and no more than a number.
Ironically, the Muslim Brotherhood promotes the death of homosexuals and death to all non-converts in Israel, America and Europe. The  stated and written strategic goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is to wipe out Western civilization and wipe out all the Jews and Christians and Catholics around the world.  These goals are quite similar to that of Hitler. Their  written and stated strategic goal is  to wipe out all infidels in the world and conquer the world for world domination.  These stated and  written strategic goals are  published by The Muslim Brotherhood in a book entitled, “The Project.”
The Muslim Brotherhood publishes  books on how to set wildfires across America and Europe and instructs the jihadist about the weather on how to make this crime successful.  In addition to the books published online around the world, which helps out the Jihadist, Obama aka Barry Soetoro and John Kerry approved the $150 Billion Dollar Iran Deal (which Kerry stated under oath to the senate that he didn’t read the Iran Deal in its entirety and didn’t read the most important sections that left America  vulnerable to a terrorist nation)  without public knowledge.  Obama secretly ordered billions in cash to be dropped off at the feet of a foreign enemy in Iran with knowledge that Iran threatened to wipe out Israel and America, but the entire federal government cares less, apparently.  I guess they don’t even care to investigate where Obama accessed billions of dollars in cash in the middle of the night.  John Kerry and his daughter are alleged to have funneled money and John Kerry is seen kissing the head of the Iranian Imam in photos published online.
Today, Hezbollah is reported to have increased their supply of nuclear weapons from  50 to 50,000 missiles including missiles with GPS capability.   And, Iran apparently  seeks  to cut off the oil from Saudi Arabia sold to the USA.  Remember, Obama denied Americans the right to drill for oil in the USA and shut down the request to access the Keystone Pipeline.  Gee, who did the Kenyan-born non-vetted President of the USA and Hillary Clinton and the Democrats and Rinos in congress love and protect?  Hitler would be thrilled to have such high-powered technology to carry out his New World Order agendas and achieve worldwide ethnic and religious cleansing.
After Hitler’s army broke down the doors of the Jews at gunpoint and forced them onto trains during WWII,  Hitler ordered every individual captured against their will to receive a tattoo with an individual number. The number turned every individual person captured into chattel and human commodities for human capital.  Perhaps, this is where former impeached President Bill Clinton got the idea to research and order a study on “human capital” which is disgusting.  If the Jews were executed on the spot, they were forced onto the Nazi trains (in the New Millennium, the trains in the USA are called FEMA Trains and the concentration camp is called FEMA camps).
The tattoo was the catalyst to get people use to being numbered.  It appears Obama granted tax dollars to Michael Chertoff, his former federal employee,  for his personal business which included installing naked x-ray machines and hiring TSA personnel to force Americans to comply with standing in line and waiting to be patted down, naked x-rayed at unknown radiation levels not disclosed to the public. As we know, radiation is harmful to human beings..  Radiation is like cooking your body in a microwave. The airport personnel are pushing for IRIS scans,   DNA swabs.  And, Americans are questioned like criminals, while the Obama-Clinton-Brennan-Kerry-Holder-Lynch machine allowed the criminals and terrorist to be flown into the USA and walk across the borders.  The Obama regime allowed the alleged refugees to by-pass TSA searches at the airports for 8 years and by-pass ICE and Border Patrol at the borders.
Obama and Hillary migrated foreigners from foreign enemy nations into the USA and lifted the quotas forcing Americans to pick up the costs and living expenses.  After funding Iran, America is faced with a foreign enemy nation who has always threatened to wipe out Israel, America, and  Europe.  In the past, the congress and almost every American would have called these actions out as treason and traitors, but under the Democratic DOJ and Congress of long-time associations over the decades who have been in office for 20-50 years, they are complicit.  The Democrats spew hate for the POTUS , Donald J. Trump, because  he supports upholding sovereignty, immigration, citizenship laws, quotas, assimilation, and the U.S. Constitution. He supports the Republic operated by the Rule of Law, not by “feelings.”
Apparently, the Democrats truly believe that they are above the law and when they failed to read 2700 pages of mandates, laws, requirements, fines, penalties, punishments for Americans while exempting themselves and rubber stamping those unconstitutional laws “approved,” they destroyed the greatest healthcare system in the world and caused the deaths of many Americans. They exempted, bundlers, SEIU, donors, Muslims, and illegals, not just themselves, even though they have no authority to hold themselves above the laws they implement for the citizens.
The Democrats ignore constitutional law in defiance of upholding legal immigration. They believe in funding, harboring, and protecting foreign enemies and unidentified illegals who by-pass the Port of Entry and disrespect  U.S. Constitutional Laws.  In other words, the Democrats are  complicit in trampling on the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the majority of “fake” refugees, illegals, or the few Christian Refugees, entering into the USA are a majority of males.  Remember, that ISIS and terrorist groups were murdering and torturing the “Christian Converts” by the thousands in the Middle East under Obama’s 8 years in office.  Americans and Journalists were warned by Obama and the Democratic Congress to remain silent on the genocide committed in the Middle East.
The Clinton’s who have become wealthy are riddled with immorality, scandals, and lies for more than 40 years.  They have lived off the taxpayers most of their lives and will do so as retirees on a taxpayer funded pension, despite the wealth that they’ve accumulated in the billions.  So, why should Americans be forced to pay wealthy Presidents and congressional members a pension?
Furthermore, Hillary and Bill Clinton as well as Obama,  appear protected from the Mueller investigations involving Uranium One and the Russian Scandal.  The Clinton’s are a true life story of going from rags to riches, who live in mansions, and met about the world much of it on taxpayer’s money and donations.  It’s reported Hillary Clinton was profiting in the millions from the sale of uranium to the Russian. I guess that’s what Obama meant when he whispered off mic on national television and stated to the Russian leader that he would be more “flexible” after the 2012 elections.  Even the 2012 elections appeared to be electronically rigged to millions of Americans when MSM ran a tag line across the television that Obama won the 2012 elections two weeks before the elections were held.
Where are the constitutional lawyers and how many naked x-rays have the Clinton’s and Obama’s and Soros and Bush’s undergone since the X-rays were installed?  They are using the machines in my opinion to make legal lawful Americans agree to being compliant without complaining that their constitutional rights are being violated by a man who wasn’t even born in the USA!
In the meantime, Obama and Hillary Clinton were trafficking and smuggling, oops, migrating unidentified radicals secretly at night for 8 years on planes.   They were bused around on taxpayer funded DHS buses secretly in the night and dropped off in cities around the nation without the knowledge of the American citizens. Among those Obama and  Hillary preplanned to fly into the USA and allow to walk across the borders without uphold quota laws and Ports of Entry and required inspections of all foreigners entering the USA, it’s a fact that radicals and terrorists were brought in as well.
The Democrats were complicit about the foreign invasion into the USA.  It is not illegal immigration when the POTUS secretly preplans to migrate millions of foreigners from foreign enemy nations without proper vetting into the USA who upon arrival begin making demands and setting up no-go  zones training kids with weapons and stating they refuse to assimilate.
It appears all the Democrats got away with slipping in a non-vetted man who was ineligible into the highest office in the land for 8 years which meant he usurped the office and cheated a natural born Americans the privilege by Birthright to hold the office of President of the USA.  But, who cares in the federal government about such details?
The Clinton’s, Obama’s, Bush’s, and Democrats and Rinos to-date have pretty much been given passes from punishment.  It appears to-date, that they’ve gotten away with all the scandals that cost the American citizens dearly, not just financially, but cost Americans freedom, liberty, and rights as they are now spied upon 24/7.  Their Freedom of Speech is monitored and like Alex Jones, Americans can be silenced in the media.  That is communism in my opinion and unconstitutional, but who in the federal government cares?
The  following public servants and more, i.e,  Obama’s, Clinton’s, Bush’s, George Soros, Bill Ayers, Valerie Jarrett, Erik Holder, Loretta Lynch, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, and more….are using the non-profit status to conceal donations deposited into those accounts it appears.  Public Servants should not be allowed to hold public office and operate or open up a non-profit status while in public office because it is too easy to funnel money and use it for political agendas. It is a recipe for corruption.
The Democrats and Rinos support the U.N. and NWO’s agenda to reduce the population of American citizens, just like Hitler ‘s goal was to reduce the population of the Jews, homosexuals,  Blacks, Christians, and any and all he despised.  He radiated the Jews to make them sterile and under Obama’s reign, Americans were forced to be radiated at the airports for the first time in U.S. History which is an assault on healthy bodies and possibly sterilization for the youth and faster aging and possibly cancer and cataracts for the mature.  Radiation has a direct adverse health effect on human bodies.   Obamacare depopulates Americans  by mandated taxpayer funded abortions; same-sex agendas; transgender agendas; and euthanizing the elderly, mentally and physically handicapped, chronically ill, veterans, homeless, and poor Americans.  Obama and Hillary migrated aka smuggled in foreigners from foreign enemy nations who for the first time in U.S. history chanted on U .S. soil without being deported, “Death to America,” and “Death to the Jews.”  Why would Obama and Hillary do this to Americans?
It appears that George Soros is the key catalyst in this evil plan because Soros owned stock in OSI Systems and OSI Systems owns Rapiscan naked x-ray machines. And, after TSA was in operation, Soros sold off those stocks for profit and laughed all the way to the bank, I assume.  Soros, Obama, Chertoff, Hillary Clinton, and the Democrats force law-abiding  Americans to be treated like the criminals!  Terrorists were flown into the USA and walked across our borders for 8 years, while Obama and Holder released dangerous terrorists,  from GITMO.  Obama released hundreds of dangerous felons from prison as well.  Shouldn’t Americans be asking, “What is the point of searching legal law-abiding Americans without “probable cause” and without a criminal record while migrating unidentified foreigners who are radicalized and releasing terrorists and gang members from GITMO and prisons who kill Americans?
In fact, the news reported many times that the  Obama-Holder-Kerry-Brennan-Clinton regime removed terrorist names from the watch list according to news reports.  And, the foreigners from terrorist nations were provided special treatment at the airports under Obama and former DHS-Fema director, Janet Napolitano and former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.  The Obama Democrats  allowed the foreigners from terrorist nations to keep head coverings on if they did go through the airports under the ridiculous Obama-Clinton agenda that  women and kids from terrorist nations can’t be searched under the guise of “religion.”
The natural-born legal Americans and Europeans it appears were not exempted from intrusive pat downs by TSA,  but many complaints were filed when TSA workers were caught on video intrusively groping men, women, and children.  They were touching people where only consent of a partner or spouse would be legal and these x-rays and pat downs are done without probable cause!  They were assaulting Americans and humiliating and intimidating them which is no different than a woman or child who has been attacked and raped. What is the difference except that the Obama regime gave TSA carte blanc. Even doctors must have a license and consent by a patient before examining or touching the patient.   A Dentist must have written consent before x-raying anyone.
How is it that the American citizens born with God-given inalienable rights never question the government as to why they must be numbered by the government which turns the individual into the property of the state or else the American citizens would be without shelter, food, and jobs.  This is known as the Social Security number that isn’t so secret any longer.  Every  person born on U.S. soil  is numbered and that number changes them from a person into  property of the government.  Americans were given a  social security numbered card for work purposes at the age of 14, but that was another way to get people use to the idea of being a number.  In the late 70’s, the government mandated that every baby born in the USA be numbered with a social security card. On the other hand, should we not ask how is it that anchor babies who are born to two foreign-born adult parents in violation of U.S. laws are granted a social security number and the baby isn’t deported with their parents back to their home country?  The baby is a citizen of the nation of those two parents.
It is true that  without the social security number, an American can’t work, or pay taxes or buy a home, unless the Democrats and Rinos slip legal or illegal persons into public office and allow them to use social security numbers that belong to dead people and that is a crime, but who cares in the state or federal government today?  Obama is alleged by lawyers and journalists of using a social security number that belongs to a dead man from Connecticut, but the entire federal government cared less and cares less today.  He still gets his taxpayer funded pension and isn’t held accountable, but jets about and lives in mansions.  That’s quite an achievement for a disbarred lawyer, who stated and published in his bio that he was born in Kenya.  He lied about his Birth Certificate and yet, he was allowed to run the nation by Executive Order and by-passing Congress and the Constitution for 8 years.  In the past, such a person would be arrested for usurping the Office of the President of the USA, but not these days.
In 2008, and 2012, the Obama regime allowed illegal persons to  register and vote with the ID of  dead persons.  Americans without a social security number can’t work or purchase health insurance or car insurance, but illegals who are in violation of U.S. Law can vote.  The federal government taxpayer funds illegals in U.S. public schools and some  graduate as lawyers.  They are allowed to practice law as illegal persons in violation of U.S. Constitutional Law!  Think about that for one moment!  A person who is in violation of the law is practicing law in the USA!  Shouldn’t Americans ponder how many illegal and fake refugees have fake identifications and how many are immigration lawyers migrating more illegals into the country?
The foreign enemies and enemies within, mainly on the Left, know that  the Communist or Muslim Brotherhood doesn’t need bombs to wipe out the USA, only patience, and slow invasion under the guise of “Christian Refugees,” infiltration into government, courts, schools, and universities and churches, overpopulation and domination if achieved.
Oh, but wait, Governor Jerry Brown approves of handing out Drivers Licenses to illegal foreigners in violation of immigration laws, so how do they legally purchase insurance without a social security number?  How is the Drivers License legal if it’s possessed by an illegal foreigner?  The Drivers License is also another way of numbering Americans as well as The Passport. The reason that the Democratic Governor passes out Drivers Licenses to Illegals in my opinion is so that if ID is required, they can VOTE!
In fact, when was Barry Soetoro granted a legal U.S. Passport?  Many lawyers and journalists state that Barry Soetoro aka Obama entered the USA on a foreign Passport and failed to repatriate himself legally when he re-entered into the USA about 1982. These events are stunning in themselves considering that Obama never had to prove his identity and was never required by congress  produce his credentials for public review and public scrutiny.  Ironically, the Democrats want Judge Kavanaugh, nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, to produce every document since he was conceived, it appears.
Furthermore, Hitler sent his Nazi German army to terrorize the Jews, Christians, Gypsies, and Homosexuals and disarm Europeans as stated above.  It’s recorded in the history books that he intended to make the people he targeted extinct from the earth.  It appears that this is happening today as the Middle East and some converts within Europe, Canada, Mexico, and America are targeting Christians and Jews and denying Freedom of Speech to legal natural-born Americans and Europeans, especially in the Netherlands and the UK.
It appears obvious that the Democratic Socialist together with the infiltrators of the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR are attempting to erase  U.S. History and replace them with foreign fake history.  There are American leaders and businessmen and bankers apparently who sold out their countries for 13 pieces of silver and a barrel of oil. They approve of indoctrinating America’s children into the new age of thoughtless robotic slaves, but isn’t that what Hitler did?  Hitler destroyed books, art, and churches.  And, isn’t that what the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist groups do as well?
Oh, but wait!  Didn’t the Obama-Hillary-Holder-Lynch-Biden-Kerry Democratic Socialist regime spend 8 years attempting to disarm Americans and trample on the “right” of every American Patriot to exercise their constitutional right to bear arms and the right to form a militia legally?  On the other hand, when Obama and Hillary preplanned the secret foreign enemy invasion under the guise of “Christian Refugees,” to change and transform the USA into a nation of foreign ideologies and foreign babble, the Democratic Congress didn’t lift one finger to stop them, so are they being blackmailed or are they just complicit or afraid for their lives and that of their families as so many end up hanging themselves or running their cars into trees or on ski slopes and so forth.
In fact, its been reported that dozens of gun control laws have been quietly approved by Congress without public knowledge or scrutiny and are quietly on the books without public scrutiny or public knowledge.  The unidentified foreigners that Obama flew into the USA appear to be a majority of healthy males and a “Trojan Horse” from foreign enemy terrorist nations .  In fact, kids and young males from terrorist nations are radicalized from the time they are toddlers as previously mentioned. The young boys and men are sent to the University of Holy War located in Pakistan.  It appears upon graduation that they receive a degree in radicalism, trained up and groomed  and ready to fight against Western Civilization as reported in the Orange County Register in the early 90’s and other major newspapers.
The truth is that the federal and state governments as well as Wall Street are approving of the migration of foreign enemy invaders into the USA and Europe under the guise of “refugees” which I refer to as “fake” refugees and ‘fake” asylum seekers. Americans and Europeans are being sold snake oil.  The majority of  male foreigners are entering with fake identification and are not Christian converts fleeing persecution which they’ve been doing prior to 2001, but coming for the Freebies promised by Obama and Hillary.  Their published goals are as stated before: invade,  infiltrate, overpopulate, and dominate .  That’s it!
The truth appears that only  a handful are Christian refugees, who are fleeing the Middle East, Africa, Honduras and Somalia.  Muslims aren’t allowed to convert.  The majority of Middle East young males and some radicalized females  state on television and on video that they aren’t in America to assimilate or uphold Constitutional Law, but to impose their tyrannical ideologies on America. It’s against their foreign ideologies to convert to any other religion, especially Christianity.  The punishment according to the radicals on television and online is death.
The majority of foreigners from terrorist nations and gang infested nations who were either flown or walked into America from the Middle East and Central America don’t meet the standard and definition of a legal “refugee” or legal “asylum” seeker seeking safety from tyranny, because its in opposition to their foreign ideologies which state they aren’t coming to assimilate but to dominate and conquer the USA.  In fact, the laws of Refugees and Asylum seekers require that they remain and reside in the first country they land and enter which would be Canada or Mexico , so Canada and Mexico are also violating U.S. – Canadian and U.S. – Mexico border laws.
Furthermore, the federal government realizes that the unidentified foreigners and bad guys can invade the privacy of every individual American online as hackers.    The government and Wall Street could invade every individual’s privacy in violation of constitutional law for increased taxation or even for profit as this convoluted giant complex for power and wealth appears to be meeting resistance.  Its been reported that NSA and online sites have invaded the privacy of every American as well to get their jollies is it?
In fact, social media corporations are publicizing and selling  personal information of individuals without consent, knowledge, will, or agreement for their profit.  I don’t know why constitutional law firms have failed to challenge this unconstitutional and dangerous for-profit corporate gain that risks the lives of every American.  Maybe, they’re all invested in their stocks!
Consequently, the government and private corporations have opened the door of privacy and let in every foreign enemy hacker, terrorist, radical, criminal, illegal, abuser, stalker, and prisoner, who can gain access to computers, and gather personal information about anyone.  They can access addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, businesses, relatives and neighbors. These corporations are risking the lives of single women, single mothers, witnesses, abused persons who are trying to remain in a safe place, and they risk the lives of children,
If people can still think for themselves, it  appears that a dangerous part of government public servants are helping out the criminals who target women, children, and law enforcers or military families.  Americans know that criminals use information to create fake identifications.  We have millions of unidentified foreigners inside the USA using fake and stolen identification numbers, but yet, they are harbored, protected, and taxpayer-funded by Governors, Mayors, and Democrats who refuse to uphold immigration laws, but aren’t arrested for obstruction of justice or abuse of power or aiding and abetting the enemy, and harboring illegals and foreign enemies inside the USA and abusing the use of taxpayer funding.
Oh, but wait, the former President of the USA couldn’t produce a Certified U.S. Birth Certificate  because the woman delivering the document was killed on her flight into D.C. when the plane crashed and she was the only person who didn’t survive.  Now, that is a real coincidence, indeed.  And, his alleged Kenyan Born Muslim dad and Indonesian communist Muslim stepdad died and his mother alleged died according to him which wasn’t true, a pre-existing condition as well as the white grandfather and the white grandma who suddenly died after Obama visited the day before the inauguration as President of the USA.  And, his three friends from Rev. Wright’s church suddenly were murdered about December 2007 about the time Barry applied to be POTUS after stating on video he was too experienced to be a U.S. President. These are stunning events to say the least and so many coincidences.  So sad that one man had to endure so many losses,  and none of his close relatives and friends could see him swear his oath to the United States Constitution was it when he flubbed it up and placed his hand on allegedly the red book?
In fact, many lawyers filed lawsuits alleging the former non-vetted U.S. President’s  Birth Certificate was fake and altered and his social security number belonged to a dead man!   The reason the Democratic Socialist and NWO Rinos, who sold out the USA and Europe to international foreign bodies, as well as  trample on the U.S. Constitution, appears to be an attempt to condition Americans to their slipping in ineligible foreigners into the oval office in the past and into the future.   As the scandals hit the news, it appears the corrupted DNC and Democrats in office between 2009-2017 employed taxpayer-funded
foreign spies and foreign enemies or illegals into positions of power within public office and allowed them to access government information.  After all, the Left and Rinos can’t change and transform the USA into a foreign nation without slipping in foreign enemies, right?  Such actions would have been called out as “espionage” in the past, but today, it’s called out as “extremely careless” and “mistakes.”
The privacy of every American can be accessed by almost everyone whenever we buy or sell anything.  We must hand over our private information to loan officers, or credit card customer service representatives, as well as, health care facilities, employers, or the store clerk.  Many people have our social security numbers which can be sold to criminals. This led to the credit cards that are numbered which is an additional ID number identifying each American.  In the past, Americans paid cash for items or they waited and saved their cash to buy the items, but once the credit card became so convenient to buy without cash, they were hooked to the beginning of what the New World Order was hoping to implement a numbered card and eventually a microchip under the skin mandating a cashless society.
A cashless society would mean that the government and bankers would have total control over every person’s bank accounts, property, and assets and could remove the money automatically if they claimed you owed them additional taxes or fees or penalties or charges.  They already do this by voluntarily asking them to debit your credit card to pay your bills.  This agenda is inserted into Obamacare, believe it or not.
The federal government is allowing Wall Street companies to exploit every American by violating their right to privacy and allowing them to expose their personal information online for the world to view for profit.  They are risking the lives of every American who the terrorist threaten to kill as well as every prisoner, felon, rapist, pedophile, abuser to access this information.  This is the most dangerous human rights violation to hit the nation as an open door policy into your homes and businesses,  and bedrooms, not just at the borders.  And much of that information could be incorrect.
Americans can’t buy or sell without identification and  we are forced to show our personal and confidential information to complete strangers as stated.  And, how many lawyers and politicians are homes?   In fact, we probably can’t  get emergency care or dental care or judicial help without handing over our personal information that ends up on the public record and may be inaccurate.  We can’t buy a car or home without handing over our “secret” and “confidential” numbers, right?  So, how is it legal, lawful, or constitutional for private corporations trample on our right to opt out and be notified prior to invading our privacy and risking the lives of every American for profit?  This agenda could cause people to be fired from their jobs, robbed, raped, or killed.   But, what do we expect from a Congress whose only concern over the past four decades is their bank accounts and their mansions and jetting around the world or visiting places such as Orgy Island?
In 2008, prior to the elections, Hillary Clinton and Obama attempted to slip their secret constitutional bill into McCaskill’s military bill (by-passing congress) without public knowledge to remove the words “natural-born citizen” from Article II of the U.S. Constitution.  Americans should be pondering  why would Hillary or Obama attempt to conceal this bill prior to the elections to remove the words “natural born citizen” knowing Hillary Clinton is a “natural-born citizen eligible to be a U.S. President. Why did they try to conceal changing and rewriting the U.S. Constitution without the knowledge of the American Citizens and the U.S. Congress for which they weren’t held accountable?  It appears the only answer is that they were trying to conceal and protect Barry Soetoro aka Obama from being found out that he was not a natural-born citizen which is required for eligibility as a Presidential candidate or make those words “meaningless” so he wouldn’t be arrested for treason.  And, should Americans not ponder why Hillary Clinton would help Obama delete the words, “natural-born citizen” prior to the 2008 elections in favor of Obama if she was his competitor or was it a plan to be appointed as Secretary of State and be allowed to abuse her position as a get rich pay-to-play scheme?
Could it be that the communist New World Order’s greatest deception was about the elections of  2008 as part of the New World Order’s agendas to flood the nation with foreign enemies and radicals and illegals to create crisis and chaos?  It appears that Americans were tricked and fooled back in 2008.  It appears the 2008 and 2012 elections were  pre-planned for Obama to win for two terms, while Hillary used her position as Secretary of State to build wealth for the Clinton Foundation and building up her war chest to run for President of the USA and self-protection expecting to win in 2016.  It appears that the NWO and Democrats believed that Obama would pass the baton back to Bill and Hillary Clinton in 2016.  After all, the Bush’s and the Clinton’s and Kennedy’s were family dynasties who have been running the nation since WWII and vying for power. It appears that the Obama’s were created, groomed, and used to pull out the race card and flood the nation with radicals and to set criminals and terrorists free and pass the baton back to their masters, the Clinton’s, Soros, and the Bush’s.
The Democrats and Rinos implemented their pre-planned agenda to flood the nation with 5,000,000 foreigners from the Middle East terrorist nations under the Obama-Hillary regime signed on or about  1/27/2009 by Executive Order without disclosure to the American Citizens.  Obama and Hillary even lifted the quotas for the 57 Muslim countries in the Middle East, but under which constitutional authority?  They failed to disclose publicly that they were diverting $220,000,000 in U.S. tax dollars to the U.S. Department of Refugees and would arrange for airplanes to fly Palestinians linked or members of the terrorist organization, Hamas, into the USA secretly at night. That is a foreign enemy invasion and an “act of war” against America according to the U.S. Constitution. But, who in Congress or the entire federal or state government cared then or even care today as all these scandals are swept away.  It appears all Americans are targeted to be a number and a cashless society as they are depopulated by unseen radiation and chemicals and trafficked and Rx drugs and more.
Hitler branded the Jews and Christians and Europeans, who refused to comply with him or meet his expectations with a number  that would be tattooed on their arms as I stated before and we must not forget because numbering people is and important reason for free citizens to fight back for freedom.  Hitler ordered his army to brand each individual by forcing  an ID number that was tattooed on their arm.  The demon seed, Hitler, viewed the Jews and many people as non-humans.  It makes decent people wonder how could the Germany  Nazi army comply with such heinous crimes when they kidnapped the Jews from their homes and stole their property and assets.  One insane man who made himself the all-powerful world leader was allowed to make millions of people homeless, poor, and force them onto trains for a life of horror. The rounding up of the Jews and homosexuals, gypsies, and weak individuals, and forcing them like cattle onto trains reminds me of the old classic Western movies when the bad guys back in the Pioneer Days rustled up stolen cattle and led them to the slaughter.
Oh, but wait!  George Soros, the billionaire, who spends his time and money attempting to devalue the U.S. dollar and make Communist China, the new world super power, according to his own words,  also stated that he enjoyed working for Hitler.  Soros stated on video that he didn’t have any remorse removing the property from the Jews, who were being dehumanized by the Nazi army under Hitler’s orders, but enjoyed his job.  Soros is reported in the news to have funded Hillary Clinton and Obama’s campaigns and the anti-American organization, ANTIFA.  Soros is clearly an enemy of America and Europe in my opinion. The fact that Soros, who may be a Jew, himself, begs the question why the Jews in New York support the Clinton’s and Obama’s when Soros funds them and mentors the Clinton’s and Obama’s from his own lips.
It’s amazing that the Europeans, including the Brits remained so passive until the American Military showed up to defend Europe and save them from extinction and destruction. The Muslim Brotherhood appears to be continuing forward with the same goal as Hitler. The stated and strategic goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is to wipe out all of Western civilization.  The poor Brits allowed their government to disarm the citizens prior to allowing the migration of millions of unidentified and non-inspected foreign invaders into their country from terrorist nations, under the guise of immigrants and refugees, but thousands of unidentified radicals from terrorist nations do not fit the definition of “immigrants” or “refugees” as defined in American law or English law.
The Iranian Imam and President Ahmadinejad stated on national television in 2009 that they intended to wipe out America. In fact, the stated and written strategic goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is  invasion, infiltration, overpopulation, and domination.  This is how to conquer all nations in Western Civilization who are complicit and leave their borders open and refuse to vet, identify, background check, check for diseases, and radicalization of foreigners entering into civilized sovereign nations.  This can only happen if there are traitors elected or appointed into positions of power within the government of the free nation.  Always look to the top – down – as the corrupted leaders will always point the finger and punish their own who are at the bottom so they always remain in power without punishment.
Oh, but wait, the foreigners from the Middle East and Central America have been invading the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Europe, since Obama-Holder and Hillary Clinton took office in 2009 through 2018.  The unidentified foreigners have been intentionally infiltrated into the USA and Europe.  They are allowed to run for public office in the USA and the UK and London.  How stupid is that?   Canada appears to have a foreign enemy of democracy leading their country.  America appears to have converts, socialists, and communist leaning types working overtime to destroy and replace the U.S. Constitution.
Remember, the  Obama-Hillary Clinton regime migrated polygamists who consist of several wives and dozens of kids  enter into the USA, even though polygamy and bigamy in the USA is a crime, so the government is complicit under the Obama-Clinton regime in migrating criminals into the USA.  The Obama-Clinton regime and Democrats approve of subsidizing the foreign invaders with a few Christian Refugees entering the USA by using and diverting  U.S. tax dollars, while America’s veterans and elderly are living in poverty and denied government help, in far too many cases. It appears, they are doing to Americans what Hitler did to the Jews and Europeans.
The last step of conquering America and Europe, Canada, Mexico, and the UK is domination by overpopulation and the  goal of the Middle East clearly intends to wipe out all of  Western Civilization and murder Americans and Europeans and Jews and Christians as stated and written many times, but in particular, in the published book entitled, “The Project.”  The citizens of Europe, America, and Israel should be asking how close are the foreign enemies of  reaching their goal if they’re on the last step?  We know how close they are in the UK because they sold out their citizens.
The foreigners, who Obama and Hillary flew into the USA without inspections, which is required by law, as well as the thousands of foreigners that were walked across the borders without inspections for 8 years as required by law, appear to be a majority of radical healthy males, which does not meet the definition of “refugees” or “asylum seekers,” but appears to be what I refer to as  “fake refugees.”  These healthy males from foreign nations appear to be the “Trojan Horse” who may be preparing to create civil unrest which is a goal of the United Nations and the New World Order’s members.  The “fake” refugees state on social media, video, and news that they aren’t migrating into the USA to assimilate or uphold constitutional law, but are entering into the USA and Europe to impose foreign law on U.S. soil and Europe and wipe out the infidels and dominate.
The majority of those migrated into the USA refuse to assimilate or uphold U.S. Constitutional law which violate the established constitutional Supreme Laws of the Land.  This behavior proves that the Obama-Hillary foreign enemy invasion is not illegal immigration.  Migrating tens of thousands of unidentified foreigners who are radicalized from the time they are toddlers and secretly flown into the USA or illegally allowed to walk across our borders without inspections , avoiding TSA,  and avoiding Border Patrol, violates immigration laws and identification laws while Americans are numbered.
Let’s not forget that the complicity of European leaders and citizens during WWII, who ignored Hitler’s destruction and crimes against humanity is a reminder of the old saying, “as long as it doesn’t affect me, I don’t want to get involved.” Eventually, the world was affected and everyone had to get involved because of the holocaust and mass genocide as well as the death and destruction to cities that Hitler brought to European nations carried out by his Nazi German army.  The ancient European art, architecture, and beauty once destroyed can never be replaced or seen by future generations.
The truth is that complicit government officials and citizens are sitting ducks , because  foreign enemies, Communist or Radical nations never sleep, but remain awake as they plot to take over the world.  The stated strategic goal of communist and foreign enemy nations is no secret as they dream of taking down the United States of America.  However, in today’s America, we have foreign and domestic enemies from within and without. We are witnessing the Socialist Liberal Democrats verbally threatening a legally elected POTUS, Donald J. Trump,  and his family, supporters, and GOP congress and staff.  Some of the Democratic Socialist followers and organizations such as ANTIFA funded by Soros, Hillary, and Obama, have engaged in violence as reported online.  Hitler also used his supporters to engage in intimidating and harassing his opponents and they were ordered to spy on his enemies and report those persons even if they were family members or friends and neighbors.  No one is trusted by these evil entities.
 Oh, but wait, under the Obama-Holder and Hillary Clinton regime, Americans were unlawfully spied upon as well without probable cause and without their knowledge according to news reports including an opposing Presidential Candidate, who Obama-Holder, Hillary and the Socialist Democrats spew hateful words and threats, but they aren’t locking themselves up for a “hate” crime, a law that Obama approved back in 2009.  The “Hate Crimes” bill is unconstitutional because it is discriminatory and only protects two groups of people and one group are a majority of radicals from terrorist nations.  Obama’s, “Hate Crimes” law fails to equally  protect the majority of Americans from false accusations or  verbal or physical  attacks from the two protected groups making the “Hate Crimes Bill” discriminatory and inequitable. The “Hate Crimes” bill should be nullified on its face.
Today, congressional representatives on the Left and a few Rinos are behaving in an extremely unprofessional manner.  They are  spewing hate for the POTUS and inciting violence with their lips.  They don’t have any positive words about the President of the USA because they are too busy preaching to Americans.  They shout and scream physical threats against President Trump and his family.  The Liberal Democrats and the Muslim Brotherhood’s organization entitled, “CAIR,” threatens to overthrow and impeach the President of the United States.  The behavior of the Liberal Socialist Democratic Reps and their supporters appears to be  a diversion away from the Hillary Clinton scandal known as Uranium One involving Russia and the profits that Hillary and Bill Clinton scooped up without authority (they didn’t own the 20% of uranium sold and aren’t entitled to the profits).  Bill and Hillary Clinton deposited the profits from the sale of taxpayer-funded government property into the Clinton Foundation under the guise of donations.
The Russian Dossier appears to be a diversion from Uranium One and from the Benghazi scandal, IRS Scandal, EPA Scandals, Haitian Scandal,  Fast and Furious scandal, and the Hillary-Comey Email scandal, as well as, the scandals involving the Clinton Foundation.  The federal government under Obama’s watch appear to have swept away the Pizzagate and Pedogate scandals as well as The Franklin Cover-Up and Clinton Chronicle scandals.  The Russian Dossier appears to have swept away the serious problem of trafficking females and kids into and out of the USA.  The Russian Dossier ignores the fact that 10,000 kids walked across the borders into the USA have gone missing.
The Democratic leaders are behaving as  if they haven’t any respect for themselves or the nation and are determined to violate the immigration laws which they swore to uphold and are taxpayer-funded to do.   The Democratic Socialist members of congress spewing vile comments against the President of the USA are Waters, Sanders, Warren, Biden, Schumer, Feinstein, McCain,and former FBI Director Comey,  FBI agent McCabe, and Muslim Brotherhood supporters such as activist Linda Sarsour and more.
Obama, Michelle, Hillary and Bill Clinton, continue to spew their negative comments aimed at the President of the United States in an attempt to undermine his agendas and achievements it does appear.   And, let’s not forget the Liberal Hollywood Celebrities who have threatened the POTUS. The Far Left supporters and representatives haven’t any positive comments about the improvement in the economy or our nation.  They are “extremely careless” because innocent Americans are being confronted by the supporters of the Liberal Democratic Socialist party as they continue to encourage civil unrest and consistently deny the accusation.  Apparently, the microchip and depopulation program as well as  disarming Americans is still an issue for the Democrats who have been pushing to make these three agendas happen between 2009 and 2016.
Even today, millions of people wonder how Hitler was never stopped by European military forces or the USA sooner than 1945.  Millions of Jews, and ethnic or religious people were on the list for extinction prepared by Hitler and Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood.
Oh, but wait!  I read an Executive Order about 2009 that began with the Bush’s, Clinton’s and Obama-Hillary-Holder and Janet Napolitano team that read that the targets of the federal government (under the Democratic Socialist Party)  were targeting “right-wing extremists.” The Liberal Democratic Socialist definition of “right wing extremist” were loyal law-abiding conservative American Patriots, who opposed Liberal agendas.  They cited that if the President of the USA declared either civil unrest and/or a pandemic. that all authority would be turned over to the shadow government.  The shadow government is DHS-Fema who would have the authority to declare Martial  Law.  The Executive Order under the Clinton-Bush-Cheney regime granted these agencies the authority to act as the shadow government and quarantine Americans, patrol the streets, set curfews, and indefinitely detain non-complicit Americans in facilities where they would be reprogrammed and remain until they complied.
It’s my opinion that it is only fair to assume that the reason Obama and Holder and the Democratic-Rino Congress approved the NDAA Law was to target their enemies without complying with “due process of law” and based on their accusation only, take them out with a drone or no knock search and seizure. It appears that the reason Bush and Cheney built the secret taxpayer-funded private prisons and Fema Camps must be to warehouse more Americans should civil unrest or a pandemic occur which is mentioned in the Presidential Directive that began with Bill Clinton passed onto the former President Bush. Obama’s DHS purchased tons of ammunition and Fema trains, but trying to get a congressional member to admit the truth is like pulling teeth.  I finally did get one staff member of a congressional member to admit that Obama was ordering the purchase of taxpayer funded FEMA trains, but stated they didn’t have a clue why Obama’s regime purchased the FEMA trains or where they were headed or what they intended to put on them. I asked, “Don’t you think you should find out the answers to my questions?”
Never forget that the majority of Jews and Europeans caged in concentration camps were tortured, raped, starved, abused, and experimented upon without anesthesia.  Hitler even used radiation for sterility and depopulation of their “kind” because as we know, Hitler and his ilk viewed the Jews as non-humans.  But denying seniors, elderly, chronically ill, and veterans funding is no different is it?
Oh, but, wait, isn’t the federal government forcing Americans to be radiated and naked x-rayed by TSA at the airports against their will?  They are forcing every American to be assaulted without probable cause with radiation with knowledge that radiation can kill and there are no safe levels of radiation.  Why do people buy sunblock?  Why do doctors and dentists cover up healthy parts of the body and walk out of the room before pushing the radiation button?  Why do medical techs have to go to school and become licensed or certified to radiate individuals and obtain a signed consent form?   Legal law-abiding Americans appear to be radiated  by a majority of  foreigners employed by TSA, who haven’t thwarted any terrorist attacks to my knowledge, under the Obama-Clinton-Chertoff-Soros agenda known as TSA and Rapiscan since 2009.
Apparently, the radicals from the Middle East expanded to Africa, Somalia,  and the Honduras, weren’t walking through TSA at the regular airports, because Obama and Hillary were busy having the foreigners flown into the USA secretly at night. They flew tens of thousands of unidentified healthy males from foreign enemy terrorist nations linked to Hamas into the USA without public disclosure.  This agenda continued for 8 years under their reign.  The only people being inspected who left the USA or entered into the USA were Americans, not the foreigners from terrorist nations who were allowed to by-pass inspections as required by law and  by-pass TSA, Border Patrol, ICE and Sheriffs.  This agenda is still recurring, especially in California, Texas, and Arizona.
It appears that more natural-born Americans and legal naturalized Americans will be so radiated by the federal government over time as they install excessive towers and smart meters into more cities.  More people, especially kids will be radiated throughout their lives because of the cell phones, GPS, and computers and more.  It’s inevitable that more people will reap the adverse side effects of radiation, but won’t put the pieces of the puzzle together.  Americans are being radiated  at the airports as well as at courthouses and public buildings.  Americans are radiated  at the dentist and doctor’s offices.  People are naturally radiated by the sun and sun tanning booths.  And, then there are the smart meters, cell phones, computers, and GPS tracking.  Eventually, the masses will reap the adverse health effects of radiation such as rapid aging, cancer, cataracts, sterility, and even death without realizing what happened to them. In fact, radiation can stifle the development of young children.
Oh, but wait!  Didn’t the federal government go after small business owners under the Obama regime?  The irony is that the federal government hit the news when they began investigating small business owners who offered sun tanning beds with low doses of radiation.  According to the medical journals, there aren’t any safe levels of radiation, so why is the government lying and going after sun tanning salons then turning around and radiating Americans at airports?   The elite by-pass radiation at the airports and fly in private jets.  In fact, there was one report online that TSA had the radiation level 10% higher than established by the government when inspected.  Should Americans not ponder how many people were heavily radiated without their knowledge?  It appears, the only persons being radiated by TSA at the airports are legal lawful natural-born American men, women, and children.  The Obama-Hillary regime allowed the migration of foreign minor kids across the borders and under their regime, 10,000 kids from foreign countries went missing.  The radicals are coming by boat and secretly flown into Europe and America, they aren’t coming through the TSA airports for inspection.
It is true that one evil man born from demon seed can make a difference,  One evil man can gain power and control over millions of people and kill millions of  innocent people.  One evil man can order a genocide and wipe out races or ethnic or religious civilizations, perhaps using HAARP and chemtrails as well as excessive radiation.
Oh, but wait, the #1  goal of the United Nations and One World Order is disarming  Americans.  Americans are being forced to pay for their own demise and pay for the New World Order former Presidents and their families and supports to eliminate the U.S. Constitution that guarantees liberties, rights, and freedoms to all legal Americans.    Public Servants who belong to satanic secret societies aren’t Christians.  They aren’t  about to uphold sovereignty, God, Christian principles, morals, decency, and protect the children, but they will dress proper, smile and wave, and say the right words to project their fake loyalty  to these causes.  They will  project the appearance of morality and decency and concern for the children, but it’s deceptive.
Fortunately, there are more guns in America than people.  In fact, a second important goal of  The United Nations is to implement, “The Rights of the Child.”  This U.N. law would make all minor children a ward of the state and alienate parental rights.   Even today, since the Clinton’s took over the oval office about 1992, the Clinton’s have been promoting “The Rights of the Child.”  And, what we’ve heard or read or seen is the key persons running the government have been jetting off to “orgy island.”  Their names continue to pop up as allegations of rape,  sexual harassment, same-sex, pedophilia, and even child trafficking are alleged.  I’m sure you can only imagine what could possibly happen to the children if they are wards of the state knowing there are so many pedophiles infiltrated into the governments in the USA and around the world.  Hillary Clinton has been one of the key persons promoting The U.N.’s Rights of the Child, yet she supports Planned Parenthood.
Ironically, Hillary Clinton is a big fan of bigots who made history. Hillary Clinton was a big fan of Saul Alinsky, Margaret Sanger, and Robert Byrd.  Hillary Clinton appeared recently in the news in support of Planned Parenthood’s President celebrating the fact that in 2017, Planned Parenthood won the battle against unborn babies and slaughtered more than  300,000 future natural-born Americans with abortion scissors.  Planned Parenthood is  slaughtering more Americans need to preserve America and those numbers far exceed the number of military men who died honorably on the battlefields.  .
Hillary Clinton defended her husband  for more than 4 decades against allegations of rape, and sexual harassment,.  Hillary Clinton defended her man during a national scandal when the new reported that  Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky were having an affair in the oval office. Hillary Clinton has hit the news for 40+ years defended the myriad of scandals against her and her husband.  The allegations range from government scandals to pedophilia, trafficking children, rape, and sexual harassment.  There are compilations posted by people who list the dead bodies linked to the Clinton’s, but no one dare touches the little finger of the Clinton’s, right?  The news reported that the NYPD confiscated a video of Hillary and a minor child.  The NYPD  handed the video over to the Comey FBI as reported and the case appears to have been swept away. And, of course, the Haitian scandal and the trips to Orgy Island appear to be swept away as well.
The target goal of the Socialist Liberal Democrats and Rinos who support the New World Order’s agendas is population control. Obamacare includes depopulation agendas of Americans.  The NWO is alleged to use HAARP, Chemtrails, chemicals and according to Bill Gates, mandated taxpayer-funded chemical-laden vaccinations are part of the depopulation program.  The news reported that Bill Gates and his family refuse to be vaccinated, but Bill Gates invested in the mandated chemical-laden vaccinations and he’s recorded on video promoting the need to vaccinate the masses and reduce the population of the world by 90%. The United Nation Agenda 21 calls for the reduction of the population by 50% in 2021, but  moved up to 2030.  The goal is to reduce the population of the world by 90% by the year 2050.
It makes sense that the United Nations and Muslim Brotherhood, and Communist, Socialist, Liberals, Atheists, and New World Order target Christians, Jews, Heterosexuals, Conservatives, Patriots who defend Pro-Life .  Pro-Constitution.  Pro-U.S. Flag.   Pro-National Anthem.   Pro-Pledge of Allegiance. Pro-Bible.  Pro-Christian.  Pro-Conservative.  Pro-Morality.  Pro-Free Enterprise.  The Liberal Democrats and Socialist and Communist Party USA do not believe their leaders are psychopath or sociopath personalities, yet most appear to be so.
The Democrats don’t  view their Liberal Socialist agendas as crimes against the U.S. Constitution, Sovereignty, Immigration and Citizenship laws, or crimes against children, and crimes against the United States of America.  Pedophilia and Liberalism is a disease similar to a cult. They believe they have the right to use and abuse kids that don’t belong to them as property for their instant self-gratification and too many people have infiltrated the governments of America, Europe, and the Middle East who are addicted pedophiles.  I don’t think you have to wonder why so many children are disappearing do you?
The evil ones who support the evil international foreign bodies, while trampling on the U.S. Constitution,  continue to spray the skies  with chemicals.  Officials have admitted that they are spraying the world with chemtrails which they denied for years.  In fact, the EPA and federal government allows corporations to dump toxic poisons into the water.
The EPA allowed corporations to add high concentrations of fluoride into the drinking water.  The EPA allowed corporations to dump chemicals  into the water supplies.
The EPA allowed oil  companies to drill in the oceans with knowledge that oil spills dump tons of methane toxic poisonthat are churning at the bottom of the ocean killing off the ocean life.
The EPA allowed the oil companies, who believed in supporting Communist China and the Super Highway to Communist China as well as “marrying” Communist China is stunning on its own.  The EPA allowed the oil companies to dump MTBE, toxic waste, into the gasoline which is poison and hazardous to human health, especially, I assume, pregnant women when pumping gas, until forced to stop years later after lawsuits were filed by people who contracted cancer or members of the families who lost loved ones to cancer.
The U.S. FDA has allowed chemicals to be added to household items,  food, and drinks knowing that many of the chemicals are hazardous to human health.  The U.S. federal   government  imports rice from China that contains lead. The food industry injects chemicals and hormones into animals. Americans can’t inspect the chickens any longer because they must be shipped to Communist China then imported back into the USA which is insanity.  The U.S. Government imported dry wall that contained mold and people lost their homes without recourse.  The U.S. Government approved of baby items that caused death as well.
The farmers are struggling to survive because of corporations such as Monsanto who push their evil GMO’s  without any nutritional value to human life.
 The government allows the sale of seafood after the ocean life was exposed to excessive radiation at Fukushima.   Hillary Clinton hit the news as approving the importing of seafood from Japan after the Fukushima fallout dumped into the oceans which is still recurring today.
The federal government continues to expose Americans to radiation  not only at the airports, but people are radiated walking into public buildings as well.  Americans are going to be adversely affected by the radiation sooner or later, but there will be  no way to prove the cause and effect when they become chronically ill or contract cancer or more females find themselves unable to get pregnant or overexposed to radiation which can lead to early death, they won’t connect the dots.  Many of the NWO leaders are seniors or elderly and hopefully, they won’t live long enough to see their evil deeds against Americans and mankind come to fruition, but may have a place in Hades watching from down below while shoveling the coal into the furnaces which is a reminder of Obama and Hillary’s threats to shut down the coal mining states if Americans were listening and skyrocket electricity.
In fact, Hitler was free to order his Nazi German army to engage in torture, rape, and starvation of those captured. These human rights violations are similar to the Middle East Terrorist organizations.  Hitler ordered his Nazi army to  gas millions of innocent people without interference from any nation.  Hitler placed fear in the minds of the good people throughout Europe.  The Europeans apparently were afraid to fight back.
 Today, we’re watching Europe remain complicit once again.  Europeans are failing to fight back against the foreign enemy invaders who are conquering the UK, Sweden, Belgium, London,  and Germany.  They should deport the foreign invaders back to their countries before Europe is gone forever.  They appear to be losing their nations by giving up their land to the foreign invaders from foreign enemy nations.  They should be detaining and deporting, and building walls.  Fake Refugees, Fake Asylum seekers and illegals need to be returned to their countries.  Europe and America either have laws or they don’t have laws.
Hitler’s nazi and loyal army created an aura of immense fear if any Jew or European opposed their destructive acts. Hitler was an evil insecure drug addicted man. These evil deeds will be met with an eternal life in Hell for those who refuse to repent.  Today, the Liberal Democrats are doing the very same thing as they destroy U.S. historical sites, monuments, statues and condemn books and art.
In reality, America has been run for the past 50+ years by family dynasties such as The Kennedy’s, the Bush’s, the Clinton’s and the groomed and created Obama’s who in reality were carrying on the agendas of the Bush’s and Clinton’s, Soros, and Kissinger and the CFR, UN and NWO it does appear.
It appears that many of these like-minded long-term career Democrats are linked to the Clinton Foundation, especially the key personnel at the FBI under Comey’s watch whose wives and family members were financially benefited.  The Bush’s and Clinton’s along with Kissinger and Soros probably mentored the Obama’s and groomed them to be the catalyst to enforce their long-time agendas on Americans by using a man who appeared to be Black and appeared to be a Muslim and place fear in the minds of Americans should they oppose him and his unconstitutional Executive Orders laid out by his masters who support the CFR and NWO and U.N.
It appears that Barry was groomed by the Bush’s and Clinton’s, as well as Bill Ayers and his father to be the rising star groomed for this time in history,.  And, that Justice Kagan former Dean of Harvard would assist in the Saudi Prince’s donation while Obama was a student at Harvard with the agreement to insert Islamic studies.  It’s reported Obama was elected President of the Harvard Review, but so far, there appears to be nothing to Review.  And, from that came Solicitor General Kagan and Justice Kagan appointed by Obama aka Barry just in time to approve of the unconstitutional Obamacare.
In fact, it appears that the Kenyan Born Barry Soetoro, who stated and wrote he was born in Kenya while speaking to an audience and failed to disclose that he re-entered the USA as an Indonesian National so how did the DNC and RINOS and DOJ approve his qualification to be an eligible U.S. President?
Is it possible that Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama was pre-selected to be the U.S. President prior to 2007 (maybe as far back as the late 1995?  Obama and Ayers taught the members of  “Acorn” whose members were arrested for fraudulent voting?  And, what about all the dead people who voted as well as the electronic machines that slipped the ballot and punched Obama’s name?  All theories point to the appearance that the 2008 election was  pre-planned and that Obama was pre-selected and pre-elected. Americans who were cheated and robbed of a vetted eligible natural-born American President for two terms should be demanding refunds of the stimulus money.
In fact, is it possible that  Obama and the Democrats were positive that he’d be passing the baton back to either the Bush Dynasty (Jeb Bush) or passing the baton back to  Bill and Hillary Clinton after the November 2016 elections?   It’s my opinion that the key 3 family dynasties would carry on the agendas of the NWO, CFR, Rothschild’s, Federal Reserve, Muslim Brotherhood, Socialist and Communist Party USA, and United Nations?  The goal being the reduction of the world’s population and using robotoids aka humanoids to perform jobs that will be made obsolete such as clerks,  waiters,  secretaries, judges, lawyers, court reporters, secretaries…..microchipping the survivors and enslaving them to the New World Order and One World Leader that would control the thoughts and the individuals who would be tracked and living in a controlled cashless society.  Of course this agenda appears ridiculous, evil, and conspiratorial.
It didn’t take Obama long to declare that the  U.S. Constitution and Congress are  “meaningless” after he was elected without a revolt by Congress or the American Citizens which is stunning on its own. Apparently, his job was to announce to all Americans that they are “small-minded” and must give up our Liberties.  He apparently was to announce from the teleprompter that “America is no longer a Christian nation,” and that America is a Muslim nation and that the Muslims built America if you recall.  He stated the Bible and National Anthem were violent and needed to be changed and the Quran was a holy book.  He was planting seeds for the Liberals youth and ANTIFA, BLM, La Raza, Black Caucus, and Socialist Democrats.
The Clinton’s and Bush’s with the help of the Obama’s, Soros, and Kissinger have been running  the United States of America for at least 50 years. This only goes to prove that all the money in the world and the greatest conspiracies and collusion that lay out the best plans by  brilliant New World Order architects can still go awry unexpectedly at the very last second!  And, I do mean second!
2c272bc3a0127442cbeda73a98df0b86---twin-towers--never-forget800px-666_Fifth_Avenue_by_David_ShankboneImage result for Free Stock Photos of Boston Attack
Nonetheless, the individual number tattooed on each individual Jew as well as the captured Slovakian people, Poland’s people, Gypsies, homosexuals and Catholic or Christians who attempted to hide the Jews from the Nazis were imprisoned into concentration camps.  All those captured were  tattooed with a number for tracking purposes as I stated. Of course, many were executed on the spot when captured which happens in America and Europe only not as frequent as Third World nations.
Oh, but wait.  America has more prisons built under the Clinton’s and Bush-Cheney regime than any time in U.S. history as well as private prisons.  More Americans are in prison than any nation in the world.  Yet, we are  to believe that we’re the most civilized nations, as they jail America’s senior citizens who paid taxes most of their lives, for collecting rainwater on their property.  Some cities are electing nazi type people who make it a crime to collect rain water and grow fruits and vegetables on their own property which is a Gestapo tactic.  They tell you what color to paint your house or if you can have plants on your ledges and what time to close your garage door or be fined.  The Obama regime had no problem sending agents who shot a rancher to death.  He was unarmed and on his way to see the Sheriff and try to save his property from being ripped off by the federal government. And, there were other ranchers who owned acres of land for generations, but the Obama regime targeted their property with guns pointed at the Americans.  The Ranchers ended up persecuted by the Obama-Holder-Clinton regime trying to protect their property.
Remember that  the Obama-Holder-Clinton regime had no problem releasing dangerous terrorists who murdered military men and innocent Americans on foreign and domestic soil from GITMO.  They had no problem releasing dangerous felons from prison onto the streets of America while Americans and Military men are rotting away for 5 – 10 years or more  charged with non-violent crimes.  All the agendas described lead to a totalitarian government and tyranny as well as genocide which models what Hitler had in mind.
It appears that the WWII tattoo led to the creation of the modern-day bar code Number 666. The bar code led to the “marking” also known as a “tattoo” of modern times which is currently inserted under the skin known as the “microchip.” Should Americans not ask if the  people in the USA and around the world are being conditioned to accept the lithium microchip as a modern-day convenient way to buy and sell placing fear in their minds if they don’t accept the lithium microchip inserted into their hand or forehead that they will be punished?  Remember, the 1990’s advertisements of major banks presenting people standing in line and having their foreheads scanned instead of a card?  This is conditioning and brainwashing as a joke, but to the NWO, it is not a  joke.  Are the globalists using clever marketing and advertising with the goal of  encouraging people to chip their animals, in order  to condition Americans into believing that it’s  beneficial for human beings as well as convenient?  How deceptive knowing it’s enslavement!
Shouldn’t people wake up and ask questions, especially young people?  How do we know if the government isn’t microchiping all the foreigners they are migrating into the USA as well as newborn babies and military personnel?  And, what if you lose a hand? What  if the  lithium microchip leaks and causes rashes and health issues?  What if the government refuses to remove it?  What if the government could target you and kill you under the NDAA Law if you are uncooperative or non-compliant by some high-tech frequency without disclosing any of this information?  After all, it is an experiment! Are you willing to allow the government to use you and your family as an experiment?  I guess if one wants to be controlled as a robotoid and allow the government to insert a lithium microchip under their skin and that of their children then they could be he next victims enslaved under the NWO.
Remember, world leaders are just people.  They aren’t gods.  They don’t have supernatural powers.  They live and breathe and bleed and die just like you and me and every other human being.  What they do have is a sociopathic and psychopathic conscious free mindset that lives in the dark and conspires in the dark and in their narcissist minds believing they are gods who thrive on controlling the masses and evening premeditated genocide which apparently revs up their adrenalin.  They strive to be worshipped as gods.
Furthermore, it’s recently reported that employers in Sweden and in America are attempting to force Americans to allow the insertion of a microchip.  Should Americans be asking employers and representatives under which constitutional authority are employers applying that allows them to coerce Free People to accept the microchip under their skin or  else be punished?
 In other words, if  you refuse the microchip, it’s like having an imaginary gun to your head and being threatened and coerced to either accept the microchip or else be punished. The punishment being that you won’t get hired or if employed and you don’t accept the microchip even based on religious beliefs that you will get fired and won’t be able to feed your family, right?  How is this not a violation of the law known as coercion, which is a crime in the USA, if this is still the USA.  Employers aren’t law enforcers and all laws in America must be written in accordance with the U.S. Constitution and in accordance with the will of the majority of Americans.  The lithium microchip and mandated chemical-laden vaccinations and Obamacare are not in accordance with the Constitution or the will of the majority of Americans.
The truth is that there are millions of non-believers.  Millions of people don’t believe in God or that God endowed us with a Free Will and Free Choice and the Right to Life. On the other hand, we are surrounded by decades of greedy people who end up being psychopaths and announce they are gods.  They deny the right-to-life which they swear to uphold.  But, they don’t deny “their” right-to-life.  God allows each person to choose to follow God’s laws and warnings and  choose their own path, unless we’re forced by evil people, to do something against our will.  We have a free will and free choice to either follow God’s laws and warnings or choose to use our free will and ignore God’s laws.  God will never force anyone to believe or not believe.  Only evil men force children and innocent men and women to follow unjust or even evil laws if they can get away with it.
The truth is that we’re all sinners even if we think someone else lied, but we justify our lie by stating it isn’t as big a lie as another person we’re judging.  One lie can hurt many people, perhaps, millions of people could be hurt because of one lie.   (Many people believe the government has lied many times to cover-up their crimes or to create wars that may have killed thousands from that one lie.)  In Germany, Hitler lied.  In America, Obama lied.  Hillary Clinton lied.  Bill Clinton lied.  Susan Rice lied.  Pelosi lied. Maxine Waters lied about the housing crisis.  And many more have lied to Americans.  On God’s truth remains a solid foundation, not the lies of men and women that crumble nations.
It’s not possible for anyone to state that one sin is greater than the other because we’re instructed not to judge people (unless we’re on a jury); however, we must be discerning and use our free will to choose who we will associate with and not associate with which is common sense and good discernment.  God says, “Don’t throw your pearls to swine,” just wish them well and walk away from them.  Of course, that doesn’t mean family members or friends who you disagree with, but it does address people possessed by the demon seed who thrive on evil.
The Bible warns every person who reads God’s inspiring words written by men he chose of God’s free will to be discerning. The Bible says share God’s message because we are put upon the earth for individual life times and must face the battle of evil versus good. We’re warned to recognize immoral acts and evil deeds and to follow man-made laws so we aren’t punished for violating those laws, but most importantly, we are instructed to follow “The Ten Commandments” written in stone by God. The Ten Commandments cannot be destroyed because they are God’s universal laws no matter how hard sociopathic men and women try to tear down and destroy the Ten Commandments.
Therefore, we shouldn’t judge other people, who we believe are immoral or living in sin, while we ourselves are without remorse for our own sins. Many people end up in the swamp. They are an overwhelming number of men and even women today trafficking kids and harming children, but we don’t have to hang out with them or associate with them, but we should defend the kids and punish the evil ones according to man-made laws.  Pedophiles are warned by Jesus in the Bible that there will be no mercy for them.
Many people believe that getting a tattoo is a sin, but who does it harm? It makes sense that God was definitely warning mankind of World War II and Hitler and his “mark” which was an individual number tattooed on each Jew or other person he captured as property or chattel who were enslaved. This was the greatest enslavement in the world’s history, yet, we only talk about the enslavement of the Africans. The enslavement of Africans wasn’t a national movement, but a movement by wealthy white slave owners who abused the Africans and they migrated them into America to work on the plantations.  (However, the Middle East, especially Egypt, kidnapped and enslaved Black Africans since they came into existence and they still kidnap Africans and abuse them and enslave them, but the world only talks about the USA).  The Bible informs us that slaves have been captured and used for sex and to work in the Middle East in the Old Testament and the writings of ancient days.
The truth is that not all plantation owners were white or cruel. It is true that many were prejudice and cruel, but there were decent plantation owners as well. Many plantation owners like Thomas Jefferson were good to the workers and taught the Black Africans to work and read and provided them with their own facilities. In fact, 50% of the nation didn’t approve of slavery and many Black and white Americans died to free the slaves. During WWII, Hitler was the #1 slave owner and his target of slaves were Jews, as well as a percentage of Christians and sickly or non-compliant Germans and Europeans who he targeted as inferior.  Every individual was a number, no more and no less.
Hitler  turned strong men into helpless hungry tortured souls. It is said that he was bi-sexual and liked both sexes and that many within his army were homosexuals but hidden from the public eye. Hitler was a hypocrite.  He is the devil incognito and there were more just like him.  Hitler is an anti-christ and murdered approximately, 12,000,000 people, some say up to 50,000,000 across Europe as he hated Jews, Blacks, Christians, gypsies, Slovakian, and Homosexuals.  And, then there was Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Benito Mussolini, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Queen Mary of England, Genghis Khan, King Leopold II of Belgium, Mao Zedong who murdered 40,000,000 people. Idi Amin who led a coup to take over Uganda and murdered 300,000 people.  There are quite a few more tyrants from countries such as  from France, Asia, and other parts of the world throughout history.  And, there are the NWO members who aren’t arrested for pre-planning the death of 90% of the population by mass genocide, yet the Americans were upset over Hitler and the cult leader, Jim Jones.
Furthermore, if  The New World Order or One World Order must succeed then they must disarm the citizens of the world; therefore they must reduce the population in order to control the world.  They know that in the USA, there are more guns than people These NWO members may plan to seek safety from the devastation they pre-planned by hiding out in their  underground bunkers while Rome Falls; however they risk the possibility of Mother Earth turning the underground facilities into a tomb.  And, many are seniors or elderly today left over either from the old Communist KGB regime or from the hippie days engaging in pot smoking and LSD, communes, free sex, and cults.  What good will their millions due them deposited in offshore banks above ground?
The Americans and Europeans on the far Left appear to be okay with inciting civil unrest and causing possible pandemics.  The far Left and Rinos appear to be okay with the sale of Uranium One.  Hillary and Bill profited  from military-federal government property, the sale of 20% of U.S. uranium sold to the Russians, except the U.S. Taxpayers paid for the uranium and the profits belong to the taxpayers. The Liberal Socialist Democrats don’t appear to be concerned with Hillary and her team removing and destroying  government classified documents.
In fact, the Obama-Hillary FBI team don’t appears to be concerned about shared classified government documents that were discovered on Huma Abedin’s computer, whose linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.  In fact, it appers that the FBI was willing to file perjury against Manafort and a U.S. General, but they care less if Huma Abedin as reported in the news lied twice to the FBI.
It apperas that this FBI team and Congress care less about Hillary Clinton removing 33,000 classified and non-classified government documents without authorization and lying about it and attempting to destroy the evidence with a paid team.  And, after FBI Director, Comey, laid out all the evidence, and after former USAG Lynch met with Bill Clinton during a federal investigation, it was all swept away as “extremely careless.”
 The Democratic Socialist Hillary Clinton and Obama supporters don’t  appear to care about the lies related the emails,  Fast and Furious, or the stand down called out at Benghazi.  Obama, Rice, and Hillary lied about Benghazi on National TV.  And, the Liberal Socialist Democrats care less about the mountain high deaths of witnesses linked to Obama and the Clinton’s.  All of them got the golden pass that the Conservatives will never seen happen to them.
It appears the goal of the Democratic Socialists and NWO supporters is to turn all of Western Civilization into a world of  zombies walking around with a lithium microchip inserted under their skin leading to the cashless society.  The lithium microchip will bring an end to Freedom of  Thought, Free Will, Choice, Liberty, Rights and Freedom or Privacy Rights which will be gone forever.  It will be the beginning of worldwide enslavement.  The mircrochip and cashless society is treason against the U.S. Constitution, Bill f Rights, Sovereignty, and the American Citizens.  Its roots are from the Marxist-Communist manifesto.
And, if the tattoo is promoting satan and the number 666 representing evil, it isn’t of any value or benefit to the individual or society.  Of course, tattoos that are considered to be art pieces aren’t in this category and they aren’t part of the tattoos representing evil.
 Consequently, the gang members of Central America tattoo their entire bodies which is truly a branding and ownership of each gang member.  The gangs call themselves a “family.”  The truth is that young people are selling themselves as slaves to live a life of crime and they are told what to do. It’s no different from living in a land of tyranny.  The gang members become the property of the gang leaders. Every young person who joins a dangerous gang endangers their families because the gang members have no problem killing an entire family if they are angry at a tattooed gang member.
Is the New World Order just a more sophisticated white-collar criminal organization using high technology to track and mark individuals.  It appears that if micro-chipped the NWO will control individuals with the possibility of targeting individuals if they want the individual tracked and/or killed.   After all, the Obama-Holder American Kill List was implemented under their reign. The microchip denies individuals the right to privacy and the right to think and choose and suppresses free will which was granted by God, not men.  Perhaps, the lone shooters were micro-chipped since their body language appeared abnormal. The microchip allows the NWO members to punish individuals if they choose to do so.  And, what if the members of the NWO are  pedophiles and are tracking your kids?  And, what if the microchip can be used for mind control?
In fact, legal American men were operating an organization that didn’t outrage Americans, I suppose.  These legal American men were branding women like cattle as part of their property.  This story barely hit the news and was swept away.  I guess branding isn’t much different from a tattoo that numbers individuals who are taken prisoner by evil people.  The goal of the Muslim Brotherhood and New World Order is to erase all of Western History including the holocaust so young people think that communism and enslavement are normal and the holocaust never happened.
American men and women,  even in positions of power, alleged to be involved in an international pedophile ring that was  exposed on social media would be able to track you and your kids, so that makes you and your kids less safe.  And, if with too many pedophiles accessing government positions, that makes you and your kids less safe. The International  Pedophile Ring scandals were reported online as Pizzagate and  Pedogate as well as nd The Franklin Cover-Up.  These men and women aren’t minority persons or illegals in many cases, but they aren’t the persons who get arrested.  In fact, the major player was a registered pedophile named Jeffrey Epstein who flew the Clinton’s and wealthy persons to his  Orgy Island on the Lolita Express where he trafficked girls as young as 12. Where is the outrage and why was it swept away?  Satan definitely offends God and Satan hates God.  Atheists hate God as well and they file lawsuits to kick God out of the USA.  What better way to offend God then to harm children.
Remember, if a tattoo is a number forced on individuals by any individual or organization or government against a person’s free will then it is evil.  A tattoo to brand people with a number on their skin and abuse them is no different from a modern-day bar code 666 that tracks your every move and what you buy, the date, time, and how much money you spent and how you paid, which can be good or bad.  The tattoo and the bar code 666 led to the modern-day  high-tech manufacturing of the “microchip” that is inserted under the skin on the hand or the forehead as I’ve emphasized.
Therefore, the  Bible warns against allowing the tattoo or mark now known as the “microchip” to be inserted into your hand or forehead. In fact, the  Bible warns against killing and clearly states that murdering a human being is not an honor, but a crime and a sin against God and society.  The Bible warns against men or women harming females  and children.  Today, trafficking females and kids is a multi-billion dollar business committed by evil people.  The Bible makes it clear that such evil persons will be punished for all eternity in the pits of hell after death.  The one “mark” you can take to the bank is that there is a Hell and the evils ones won’t escape that fiery pit and if they harmed children, who knows if God will forgive them except God.
The Bible warns  against enslaving people or abusing people or animals (bestiality) and warns against destroying the environment.  The Bible warns against worshipping false prophets, false idols, or men or women; however, people worship celebrities and politicians. People today join religions which in reality could be cults.  They worship false idols and false prophets or themselves, perhaps, as a god.  God warns human beings to guard themselves from being seduced by satan and from worshiping money or the material world.  This world is an illusion.  Remember, everything upon the earth made by man such as buildings, people, animals, birds, insects, bodies of water can disappear at any time.  Now you see it, Now, you don’t.
The Bible warns against tattoos and the “Mark” of the Beast from WWII that has led to the federal government’s turncoats who are allowing evil men and women to insert the micro-chip  into the hand or forehead of individuals.  Obviously, God is warning people about the Jews tattooed during WWII; SS numbers, credit card numbers, the bar code 66, all leading to the 666 lithium  microchip.  Perhaps, God was  warning Americans about the social security number which could lead to the microchip.  Remember, Social Security could have been a Ponzi Scheme to take money from the legal Americans to subsidize the NWO foreign invasion, TSA’s radiation naked x-ray machines, Big Pharma’s chemical-laden vaccines and the lithium microchips and the world’s supercomputer.
The Bible warns of the “Mark”and warns that people will eventually break out in sores and beg for it to be removed.  First, the U.S. government conditioned people to accept the social security number as a benefit to Americans and as a government retirement program by elected people seducing people to accept the mandate as a government retirement program that would return YOUR money back to you when you retire, but they keep it and dole it out, instead.  They divert it as well. In reality, the social security number marks every individual in the USA excluding illegals and unidentified foreigners.  Can the evil ones target people with a lithium microchip who are turned into robotoids and controlled and tracked by the worldwide computer known as the “beast?”  Satan is the “beast.”  Satan is “reptilian.”
The microchip company that manufactures microchips for humans and animals is located on  5th Avenue –  Building # “666,” NYC, New York!  That’s a Believe It or Not!”
3aa62967microchip666 Fifth Avenue by David Shankbone.jpg
It’s possible that Revelations and the Old Testament were warning about the coming WWII when Jews would be tattooed. Hitler implemented the largest kidnapping of innocent people and the largest death toll in modern times at about 12,000,000 when Hitler ordered the Jews and all his prisoners into the showers where after they were stripped naked and gassed to death.  This is known as the Holocaust.
If Americans don’t wake up quickly and support the President of the USA and pray for him and the nation, it is possible more than 12,000,000 people could be wiped out and nations stolen from Europe, America, Mexico, Canada, South America and Africa.  Russia, China, and Japan are resistors to the foreign enemy invaders with the support of their government, but China is also a resistor of Christianity.
Remember, indefinite detention is an unconstitutional law in America because it denies “Due Process of Law” and “Miranda Rights.”  In my opinion, the following law implemented under the Obama-Holder-Hillary Clinton regime is dangerous to the freedom of every American.  It is entitled, The  NDAA Law.”  The NDAA Law was implemented by Democratic Congressional members.  In fact, the  catalyst who proposed the NDAA Law, which  denies the presumption of innocence also known as the phrase, “innocent until proven guilty,”  included Senators  Graham, McCain, and Levin.  Levin retired and McCain is dying, so it won’t affect Levin or McCain.
Should Americans not ask if it’s a mere coincidence that the bar code ends in 666 and that the manufacturer’s office of the Microchip 666 is located on a Fifth Avenue building #666, in NYC?  The numbers 666 are the clues according to the Book of Revelations that warns of signs when the end times are near.  It is at this time that the Lord may return if the people do not turn back to God and pray for his mercy and forgiveness and repent from the crimes against humanity.  Is it a mere coincidence that the evil ones are accelerating their agendas since Trump took office?  They are referring to Social Security, a government retirement plan, as a Benefit, not a Retirement Plan?   Could it be that they’re intending to rid the nation of social security and social security numbers and expect to micro-chip the masses with one individual number enslaving everyone to the few evil ones who seek to control every human being?
Will America and Europe be able to withstand and survive whatever disasters and scandals arise in the future?  Are Americans and Europeans prepared for any crisis including an alleged attack by the foreign enemy invaders if it should come to that?  Are the evil ones creating “collectivism” by the foreign enemy invasion so they can wipe out millions gathered together in North America – South America – Europe – and Asia? Did the evil ones cause Fukushima because Japan refused to join the NWO and refused to  allow a foreign invasion into their country?  Just Askin’ – Is the foreign enemy invasion under the guise of a “Christian Refugee” persecution no more than a Trojan Horse?” Are Americans and Europeans about to face WWIII or Civil Unrest and Civil war?  These are questions blowing in the wind……
The Following Video is not for commercial use, but a dissemination of information for educational and entertainment purposes only.
VIDEO – Click on link to watch –
Remember, the New World Order under Communist Rule of an Iron Fist all began with Hitler tattooing people with individual numbers as chattel and leading to the Social Security Number in America, which led to the 666 Bar code and the computerized Bar-code led to the lithium Microchip that could eliminate the social security number in the future if the evil ones succeed.  How many Americans, Europeans, Jews, Christians, Catholics, and homosexuals will fall for this pre-planned evil agenda to usher in the New World Order’s utopian world?
Remember,  God hears prayers and prayer can prevent the evil one and his demon possessed followers  from moving forward for another 50 to 100 years. How many God-fearing and God-loving people will stand up against the New World Order operated by the demon seed thrown out of the gates of heaven onto the earth.  God has given satan a period of time to seduce and recruit as many demon-possessed humans as he can who will sell out their souls in exchange for a foreign enemy ideology or the material world? The biggest enemy of Freedom is Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, and The Muslim Brotherhood and their worldwide tentacles!
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(Rose Colombo is a long-time advocate for justice, award-winning poet, writer, author, cable TV and radio host, producer and survivor of legal abuse.  She’s help hundreds of victims of legal abuse and injustices go from victims to survivors with her understanding because she’s walked in the victim’s shoes, as well as her extensive research, and years on the front lines fighting back that has given her insight into the illusion of injustice).
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