Obama-Hillary-Kerry Send $20.3M+ Millions /To Palestinians Under the Guise as Refugees Tied to Hamas To Migrate Millions into USA/Dem Senate H.R. 1388 Secretly Approved! E.O. Signed about 1/27/2009!

Hungry Americans who lost their jobs are being denied jobs on US soil!
Hungry Americans who lost their jobs are being denied jobs on US soil!

MAKE VIRAL – SWEPT UNDER THE RADAR – Is America Being High Jacked? Read and Demand Repeal of H.R. 1388 which passed the Senate and signed as an Executive Order by the non-vetted President Obama!

by Rose Colombo -original pub. (c) Rev. 4/13/2012; 4/12/2012, Rev. 10/24/2013 posted on internet 2009 – 

 REPEAL H.R. 1388!!   Nullify the E.O.!   STOP THE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA – Did OBAMA and Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, approve 20.3M plus U.S. Tax Dollars to Enslave Americans to future Palestinian Refugees who are members or supporters of HAMAS? – DEMAND CONGRESS REPEAL H.R. 1388.   Didn’t Obama and Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, secretly send an additional $200M at a later date for the migration?  Is the USA supposedly the second state for the Palestinians as they attempt to indoctrinate American kids into a foreign religion and socialist agendas?  Is  Europe the second State promised by Obama during his Cairo speech that he promised to the Muslims?  Are they pushing to  indoctrinate the children at the age of 5 years old into same-sex education, while in Kindergarten, through Obama’s Common Core program implemented into public schools?  After all, the Middle East radicals believe that it’s okay to marry little girls! Think about that, especially if Common Core denies parental rights!  Will this federal regime who intends to control your kids remove them from your custody and punish you if you object making them the property of the federal government? 

The non-vetted U.S. President,  Barack Hussein Obama, signed his long time in-waiting legislation through Congress on or about January 27, 2009 with the blessings of Hillary, Biden, and Kerry. He slipped it through under the radar, although the left will claim that Americans are aware of Obama’s Executive Order, House Bill, H.R. 1388, which included $20.3M on the backs of U.S.taxpayers.  But truth is that most Americans don’t have a clue that H.R .1388 was approved after secretly introduced during 2009 to the 110th Congress,  put before the 111th Congress, who secretly passed, and signed off, as an Executive Order by Obama.  Today, the 112th Congress remains silent on H.R. 1388, with knowledge that Obama and the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and  Congressional members, secretly slipped HR 1388 under the radar.

Should we conclude that the U.S. Congress supported this preplanned migration?

I researched several news sources including CNN, as well as, SNOPES and  other articles which confirmed that H.R. 1388 passed, and to the best of my knowledge, it was signed as an Executive Order on or about 127/2009, without congress objecting.  The non-vetted President Barack Hussein Obama, as well as the 111th Congress, along with the blessings of the 112th Congress, who must approve of Obama’s Executive Order H.R. 1388, apparently approve of the invasion coming to the USA. It’s been reported in specific White House memos and news articles that taxpayers are unaware that Obama and Hillary approved of the $20.3M  in taxpayer funds required for implementation through the U.S. Refugee Agency.  They also approved of an additional $200M on the backs of America’s taxpayers to be sent at a later date for emergency purposes.  But, why would Obama and Hillary along with the Democratic Congress preplan the migration of Middle East alleged “refugees” before they were refugees?  Obama’s Executive Order requires migration of future refugees. After all, ObamaCare mandates and requires that the U.S. Natural Born Citizens pick up the costs for the medical care of Middle East immigrant refugees current and future and he and Congress exempted the refugees from compliance, paying up front, and exempted them from punishment under Obamacare.  

H.R. 1388 requires that U.S. Natural Born Citizens pick up the costs for the future migration of Muslim refugees living expenses, i.e., food and housing, education, and Obamacare.

How is it that the Obama regime is more concerned about foreigners from the Middle East and Illegals from Mexico than U.S. Citizens?  The American people are suffering because of the corruption being implemented under the past and current regimes as they write loopholes to exempt themselves from the illegal and corrupted laws they are mandating for the Middle Class and poor on the backs of legal natural born American taxpayers.  The increasing number of Americans standing in Food Stamp lines and unemployment lines has reached unprecedented numbers since Obama took office.  He has failed to support small American businesses but exempts big business who donate and bundle for his campaigns as well as congressional members.  In fact, under Obamacare, they punish the Middle Class workers and the American small business owners with excessive mandates, penalties, taxes that aren’t taxes, and they threaten to shut them down if they don’t comply.

H.R. 1388 signed as an Executive Order reads as follows: “provide emergency funds for unexpected urgent refugees and migration needs related to Gaza…”  and specifies the requirement of food, housing, and medical.  This begs the question if Obamacare wrote this law specifically to enslave Americans to the Middle East so they pick up the tab for the millions of foreigners that he intends to migrate into the USA and change and transform America into a foreign nation?  If anyone bothered to read Obamacare, it specifically mentions Sharia law, Dhimmitudes, (page 107) which means that Americans will be forced to pay for all necessities of life for the refugees and foreigners from the Middle East.

Obama gave a pass to a majority of wealthy white bundlers, CEO’s, donors, congress, U.S. Justices, the oval office and their families as well as SEIU unions who donated tens of thousands of dollars or maybe millions to help Obama become an unopposed senator and inexperienced U.S. President whose identity is concealed from the world.  These wealthy Americans don’t have to pay up-front or comply or be punished so they think, but once the nation is changed into a foreign nation of refugees and foreign immigrants and Americans are enslaved, it will affect them and their families as well! History confirms that fact. Tyrannical leaders care less about who did what!  These people sold out the American people and the country in my opinion for the almighty dollar!

America’s families are hurting because of the 20,000,000 people unemployed as Obamacare slashed work hours and forces American businesses to downsize.  Americans are losing their health care insurance and treatments because of Obamacare.  Americans are being penalized and punished because of Obamacare.   In fact, the 112th Congress denied seniors their Cost of Living increase for two years, which is the first time in U.S. History, a Congress punished seniors then increased the cost of the Medicare payments taken out of the social security checks every month making seniors poorer.  How is it that Obama and his non-vetted Czars continually attempt to cut the wages and benefits of the U.S. military soldiers, veteran,s and seniors? The American taxpayers, voters, and citizens should be demanding answers as to why they are funding enemy nations and non-citizens, but don’t have any money to fund veterans, seniors, and America’s sick, homeless, and poor. Perhaps, they should ask their representative if they consider Americans to be “obsolete.”

Even more disturbing are the myriad of scandals, and one of the most shameful act is not investigating Benghazi and Fast and Furious that resulted in murdered Americans by terrorists as well as the arrest of 90-year old American WWII veterans!

H.R. 1388 and Obamacare is the Redistribution of America’s Wealth. It is and will continue to devastate the lifestyle of the  United States of America, if millions of  Palestinian Refugees with members and supporters of HAMAS were to migrate into the U.S.  Also, H.R. 1388  includes financial requirements of the U.S. Natural Born Citizens if the Palestinian Refugees migrated into the U.S. as their second state and have large families which will lead to domination in the future.  How is it that the 112th Congress and  the current Congress remain silent as they destroy our nation? So, should Americans assume that the 112th and current Congress only care about their bank accounts as many have become very wealthy?

 In the mean time, the U.S. Justices failed to nullify or void the unconstitutional ObamaCare, also known as the Affordable Care Act, a restructured set of laws that wipe out all freedom and liberty guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, as well as, enslave the U.S. Natural Born Citizens, who are required to pick up the health care costs of ObamaCare for the U.S. Justices, Congress, Federal employees, 500,000+ SEIU Union members, Palestinian Refugees, 10,000,000+ Muslims currently living in the U.S., and 12,000,000 illegal aliens or else! Or else be punished with a $25,000 penalty and one year in jail!   CALL OR EMAIL EVERY  CONGRESSMAN AND DEMAND THAT THEY NULLIFY, DEFUND and  REPEAL –  HR 1388  – AS WELL AS THE DANGEROUS NDAA BILL NOW, Patriot Act, and OBAMACARE!  CONGRESS HAS THE POWER TO REPEAL ANY EXECUTIVE ORDER, but THEY EXEMPT THEMSELVES AND ACT AS IF THEY HAVEN’T ANY POWER TO TELL THE NON-VETTED MAN, “NO!”

The bill reads, “Payment of administrative expenses of Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration of Department of State related to humanitarian needs of Palestinian Refugees and conflict victims in Gaza,” so it specifically states that the $20.3M plus is for the implementation to be used by the U.S. Department of State who handles “refugees” and “migration” from Gaza and implement migration – is it not the U.S. Department of State that assists the migration of foreigners into the USA- and if not – where else would they have them migrate?  America doesn’t have the authority to help thousands of refugees to migrate into foreign lands – so again, I ask – migrate to where?  May God Help the United States of America!  (This article may be shared but not Plagiarized by a Third Party)

For more information on H.R. 1388 visit:  www.thefederalregister.com – or research  – Presidential  Determination No. 2009-15, 1/27/2009; Federal Register, Page 6115, The White House, Washington, 1/27/2009 (FR DOC E9-2488 filed 2-3-09 at 8:45 a.m., Billing Code 4710-10-P    LIKE and leave your comments by scrolling down below.