Why is Covid 19 Compared to the 1918 Spanish Flu by Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates While The Middle Class is Being Devastated?

Rose Colombo, (C) Pub. August 8, 2020

If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around.” Will Rogers

The Anti-Mask League of 1919: The Cultural Battle of an Enduring ...
1918: ANTI-MASK MEETING – TONIGHT (Saturday_ Jan 25 – DREAMLAND RINK – TO PROTEST AGAINST THE UNHEALTHY MASK ORDINANCE – Extracts will be read from State Board of Health Bulletin Showing Compulsory mask Wearing to be a Failure. Eugene E. Schmitz and other Interesting Speakers. Admission Free.

Let’s start off with the question if it is better to die living in a decent lifestyle by working for a living in order to feel independent and support yourself and your family? Psychologists state that it’s healthier for kids to be in schools and people working or operating business than it is to be isolated, especially the elderly. And, shutting down the Christian Churches is a crime against the elderly as that is their priority to be with God on Sunday and with fellow Christians or Catholics. They are causing the elderly as well to feel lonely and isolated.

Americans deserve answers from their elected officials in every state why they’ve allowed billionaires to imprison Americans in their homes as if we are being led to the slaughter and into a Communist “New Normal” One World Government. And, if that’s the case then those involved should be considered traitors who should be investigated for alleged treason as they are overthrowing the U.S. Constitution by ushering in a “New World Order” government and committing crimes against humanity in my opinion.

Should we not ponder why Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, DHHS, CDC, and WHO are taking the 1918 Flu Epidemic models and using them in 2020? The Masks were mandated in 1918. The Lock Downs were mandated in 1918. The Health Department stated the masks were failures and didn’t prevent the virus from spreading. The makeshift hospitals were overcrowded. The water supplies and linens and nutritious foods were limited. Most women didn’t work outside of the home. Most homes were overcrowded with large families. There were fewer doctors and nurses. The 1900s had limited medications, treatments, and most people lived far away from the city. The pandemic was overlapped with a measles outbreak, Tuberculosis, and Pneumonia, all with similar symptoms of the “Spanish Flu.”

Should Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates Be Held Liable for Dental and Emotional and Physical Health Injury Caused from Wearing Masks as well as CDC, WHO, and President Biden and the Federal Government?

Click on the link below to read the statements made by Dr. Fauci about wearing masks: “In 2008, Dr. Anthony Fauci co-authored a paper about the Spanish Flu Epidemic that rates as the most devastating modern pandemic. It swept the entire planet in the wake of the first world war and caused millions of deaths. So in studying this major and actual pandemic, what did Dr. Anthony Fauci and his colleagues find? Dr. Fauci and his colleagues discovered that most of the victims didn’t die from the Spanish Flu. They died from bacterial pneumonia. And the bacterial pneumonia was caused by – wait for it – wearing masks.” So, if the top Researcher found with his colleagues as recent as 2008 that masks cause physical damage to the lungs and immune system and can cause bacterial pneumonia [as ell as dental problems and emotional problems] then why is Dr. Fauci promoting not only 1 mask but wearing up to3 masks indefinitely with no end in sight since 2019 to the present time in 2021?.


The comparison between 1918 and 2020 is rather absurd in my opinion, Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates are presenting the same protocol and models used over 100 years ago when times have obviously advanced far beyond 1918. In 2020, the average lifespan in the USA for Americans is 73 years of age. In 1918, the average lifespan was 36 1/2 years for males and 42 years for a female. Today, the year 2020, the CDC states, “COVID-19 mortality is higher in persons with underlying medical conditions and in those age 85 years.”

Therefore, since the average lifespan in the USA is 73 years of age, anything past 73 years is a blessing. The average covid death is 85 years old with underlying causes. So, those who die at 85 years with covid and underlying causes have already lived 12 years past the average lifespan in the USA and were probably near-death anyway.

In other words, an 85 year old covid death with underlying conditions lived about 45 years longer than Americans back in 1918 and they lived about 12 years longer than the average age span at 73 years of age in the USA in 2020. In this writer’s opinion, the comparison between a virus or infectious disease more than 100 years ago compared to 2020 is not a valid comparison. Should we not ponder if Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates and Democrat Socialists are using the 1918 protocols of that time to fear monger and shut down the Middle Class. It’s the Middle Class that creates the majority of jobs in the USA.

Everyone living today can only imagine what it was like living through the pandemic back in the 1900s and through the Great Depression. The majority of Americans were living in poverty on farms and ranches. It was a known fact that Americans were hungry and without birth control. Young parents had many children to feed. And when crops were ruined by weather conditions, it became much worse. Families lacked nutritional foods that provided a healthy immune system. And of course, they didn’t have clean purified water or indoor water supplies or medical supplies and medications. Doctors were scarce and made house calls when someone knocked on their doors. According to google sites, “President Woodrow Wilson oversaw the passage of progressive legislative policies unparalleled until the New Deal in 1933. He also led the United States into World War I.”

Recently, I read an article on history.com that shared information that no one addressed. Most of us don’t think about the fact that back in those days, they had serious issues with mice and rats and other rodents to deal with and could carry diseases, which could infect people living in those homes, barns, and farmlands. They were touching animals on the farms or ranches which was recurring worldwide, but were they constantly washing their hands with soap and water? In the early 1900’s, the government leaders and medical experts didn’t know much about pandemics and how they began or how to treat them from spreading until they experimented. They ordered people to wash their hands with soap and and ordered them to wear masks, but later, there were health agencies who claimed the masks were unhealthy and a failure in preventing the spread of the virus.

In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson refused to inform the American military or the American citizens about the outbreak of Tuberculosis and the spread of the Flu during WWI. The only nation publishing information about the spread of the flu was Spain. After WWI ended, President Wilson was intent on celebrating with a national parade. Some people believed that the parade caused the flu to spread. At the time, a measles outbreak occurred, Tuberculous and Pneumonia were a serious problem overlapping with the virus which made research and studies more convoluted and complicated as they overlapped.

Should we not imagine a population of only 103 Million Americans living in rural areas and the minority living in the cities compared to 336,000,000 Americans living in the USA in 2020. Most Americans live in developed cities with sanitation and cold and hot water indoor plumbing and electricity. Most Americans have access to healthy foods, vitamins and exercise and sunshine. Most Americans have access to free medical clinics or E.R.’s, hospitals and nursing homes if needed. Americans own cars and no longer ride horses to work or drive the “Model-T” back in the 1900s. Most cities have many doctors.

If the members of the U.N. and NWO and Democrats were to succeed, they will plunge a weapon known as a needle with unknown chemical adjuvants and RFID barcode under your skin and possibly the virus, DNA, aborted fetal tissue, aluminum, and more under your skin just like we see in the horror movies. Gates and Fauci want all Americans to believe that one vaccine fits all 7.7 billion humans on the planet. They seek to be everyone’s Dr. Frankenstein.

Gates has given many interviews and speeches on vaccinating people and how 10% or 15% or 10,000,000 people could die, but, “oh well,” he’s saving lives. Gates and his dad and friend, Epstein support eugenics and euthanasia and reducing the population of the planet at 50% by 2030. The next round of vaccines along with the population control agendas…worldwide abortions, transgender and same-sex indoctrination, euthanasia, eugenics, vaccines can all contribute the reducing the population as well as radiation, microwaves, and chemicals added to foods and water and of course, there are natural disasters and chemtrails.

How can anyone compare the 1918 “Spanish Flu” overlapped with TB and Pneumonia with today’s coronavirus considering the lifestyle and advanced technology in medicine and treatments, foods, and clean water, as well as, individual modern-day housing?

Spanish flu: How the deadly pandemic affected the Arab world ...
1918 living compared to modern day living and 2020 lifestyles doesn’t even come close

In the 1900s, most people walked, rode bikes and horses, and used horse and buggies, while the wealthy were able to purchase the “Model-T” driving around on unpaved roads and without a gas station on every corner. Do you recall reading how most Americans faced poverty during the 1900s when most people were either rich or poor and under the thumb of the wealthy bankers and land owners. Well, that part hasn’t changed much.

About 60% of Americans were living without “clean” water or hot water in the 1900s. They built water pumps outside their cabins or lived near a river. The kids and women were taught to shoot to protect themselves from dangerous people who came to harm them, especially when the husband had to be away from the family. They were taught to use guns to hunt for food as well. People built bathrooms known as outhouses that had no plumbing. They bathed in large tin tubs filled with water.

Some people only bathed on Saturdays so they could wear their Sunday clothes to church on Sunday or maybe attend a party or a wedding on Saturday in their nearby towns or cities. Sanitation and hygiene weren’t high on the list for poor farmers and ranchers except for soap and water in comparison to today’s modern world that promotes an overwhelming number of health and sanitation and hygiene products as well as a variety of bottled water and health drinks.

Consequently, many families were poor and they suffered from poor nutrition which causes a weak immune system when flu season hit. Many women died during childbirth. In those days, they didn’t have many graveyards, so they buried their loved ones anywhere in the ground that was available. At that time, there wasn’t much information on epidemics or cures for most serious health issues that could spread. People with high fevers always isolated.

“In the 1900’s, the average family had an annual income of $3,000 (in today’s dollars). The family had no indoor plumbing, no phone, and [most] no car,” reported by google. The majority of impoverished Americans at 60% of the population in the USA required a family member or a neighbor to fetch a doctor to make a house call. The doctor could be miles away.

Most teenagers, especially boys, dropped out of school to work in factories or on the family’s farm or ranch. The majority of women didn’t work outside of the home and were dependent upon their spouse to supply the money to feed the family. This is not the case today. In fact, girls were married off at 14 years of age and 18 years of age until the 1970s. This was what was expected to happen in the USA. In the 1900’s up to about 1960’s, the females didn’t have access to birth control pills back in the day and they ended up marrying and having 6 to 10 kids and too many mouths to feed in hard times

The estimated population of the United States on 1 July 1918 was some 103 million (Linder and Grove 1943), so approximately 0.5 percent of the US population died as a result of the epidemic which is less than 1% of the population at a time with little medical help. Estimates suggest that the world population in 1918 was 1.8 billion. Based on this, the low estimate of 17.4 million deaths in the USA by Spreeuwenberg et al.Mar 4, 2020. (google and wikipedia) (some estimates were at 20 million deaths). Even without modern day knowledge, Rx’s, sanitation and hygiene, germ-killing products, and hospitals on every corner and paramedic services, the deaths fell below 1% in 1918.

The year, 1918 is famous for the end of the First World War, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, as well as for the Spanish Flu pandemic, that led to an estimated 50 million up to 100 million deaths worldwide; however, it appears they lumped seasonal flu, pneumonia, and Tuberculosis and other underlying causes into those numbers. They didn’t have an accurate means to compute the exact numbers in each country and in the USA. In the 1900, young adults died because there were fewer people in the USA.

Many mothers died by 42 years and men died at 36 1/2 even without the flu epidemic. In 2020, there are more seniors known as Baby Boomers born after WWII and veterans who are elderly not just in the USA but in the world, so it stands to reason that with or without a pandemic, the deaths will target seniors and elderly Americans and people around the world. Remember, the lifespan in the USA is 73 years old and the average age of death for covid is 85 with underlying conditions. Again, why are we locked down?

In 1918, the Spanish Flu targeted younger people, but the majority of Americans were younger than today. Again, back in 1918, the average lifespan for men was 36 1/2 years and 42 years of age for women, so the majority was a young population. On the contrary, in the year 2020, when covid was unleashed, the population in America is older. Americans are living longer than they did in 1918 with or without a pandemic. The question blowing in the wind for many Americans is if covid-19 was preplanned and made in the lab to usher in the one World Government and forced RFID chips under the skin by destroying the economy and capitalism by destroying the Middle Class, small businesses, and jobs.

I recall watching Bill Gates during an interview stating something to the effect that if they could euthanize the seniors and elderly in hospitals or nursing homes (pull the plug on grannie) then they could save millions of dollars and divert that money towards education.

Speaking of medication. It’s true! Whiskey was ingested to numb pain and poured on wounds and gums as a disinfectant in the 1900s. The doctors and farmers developed salves to heal their wounds as well. Medications were limited. A popular medicine was known as mercurochrome also known as merbromin that contained mercury and bromide used to help kill bacteria. Recently, the FDA decided to continue the sale of mercurochrome, but without the mercury. The removal of mercury removed by the FDA in Mercurochrome raises the question why the FDA approved of it being included in chemical adjuvants for vaccines.

People and doctors also used salve for wounds and aches and pains back in those days and even today. Once medical supplies were diminished, there wasn’t a UPS or Fed Ex or plane dropping it off the next day. The people self-isolated their sick and themselves if the family was sick and cared for each other as we do automatically today. Apparently, the majority of Americans survived the flu, TB, Pneumonia, measles and other diseases because today, the number of Americans has more than tripled since 1918.

The Bowery Boys Podcast on Twitter: "Mercurochrome, a topical ...
1900s popular solution by Johnson & Johnson MERCUROCHROME Made in the USA

It appears that despite all the knowledge, research, and nutritional products on maintaining a healthy immune system, and all the medicines that many brave doctors across the nation who are speaking out and state that they treat covid-19 with HCQ and Prophylactics and Vitamin C with zinc and Vitamin D3 and sunshine and more to save lives and the their treatments are safe (minus underlying pre-existing conditions) ….the doctors sharing their success stories are being dismissed by Dr. Fauci.

Dr. Fauci rips off his mask when the cameras are off and he’s now pushing that Americans purchase goggles. Can you imagine putting goggles over your glasses or wearing a mask plus goggles on an airline unless the “surprise” he predicts will be explosions emitting toxins isnto the environment? Fauci is the spokesperson for covid -19. As most people know, Dr. Birx, Dr. Fauci, and Bill Gates ares long time associates in support of the Gates Foundation going back to Fauci’s research for a vaccine to cure HIV-AIDS which failed. It appears that Gates contributed to Fauci’s research that began in 1984. Gates linked up with Glaxo-Smith-Klein Pharmaceuticals and Fauci is linked to Moderna.

Recently, it was alleged online and in the news that Bill Gates and Fauci are linked to the international child trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein. Gates and his dad and Fauci and Epstein are in support of eugenics. Their association with Obama and Hillary and Bill Clinton and the Bush family go back decades. These same people appear to support mandated taxpayer funded abortions worldwide, transgenderism and same-sex indoctrination of America’s kids. They appear to be in support of euthanasia and eugenics which are depopulation agendas. The agendas of these wealthy Democrats and the members of the NWO and U.N. appears to be a major Conflict of Interest between the NWO, U.N., Democratic Party, George Soros, Clinton’s, Obama’s, Epstein and their extreme fast-tracking of a forced vaccination and plunging a needle with an RFID chip under every human’s skin and punishing those who refuse the microchip barcode 666 versus The American citizens and the U.S. Constitution and equates to a worldwide Human Rights violation using tyranny.

Fauci and Gates advise the POTUS and the Nation’s leaders on indefinitely locking down the USA and the free citizens of the USA. They claim this is the “New Normal” and they are using a 1918 model for their covid pandemic that happened more than 100 years ago. Dr. Fauci’s agendas are nearly identical to the words written as well as the agendas implemented in 1918. The fact that 0.03% and some say 0.06% of the U.S. population tested positive, without giving the Negative testing results and the Recoveries versus the Deaths is misleading, but nonetheless remains at less than 1% of the population and that’s including their inflated numbers.

Accordingly, it’s no secret that WHO and CDC admitted that every sick person even if they have a cold, flu, pneumonia or other health illnesses is recorded as covid. Every death in a nursing home or hospital is recorded as a covid death to collect a financial incentive that pays up to $50,000 to hospitals or nursing homes for each covid death according to information released online. It appears covid is all about the money, death, and overthrowing the Constitutional Freedom, Liberties, and Rights.

How is the allegations of falsifying medical records or deaths not a violation of the law with intent to falsify medical records and death records for financial incentives? How can the American people or the world trust the DHHS, CDC, WHO, and their data on covid-19 cases vs. deaths and Recoveries and Negative testing or the data on how many Americans are dying from the top 10 causes of death when everyone is sick or dying from covid only as if all those causes of death have disappeared since January 2020?

In my opinion, doctors are being ordered to falsify their patients records and the death records or possibly lose their jobs. CDC and WHO admit to misinformation and inflating the numbers of covid cases and deaths from covid. It appears they are doing this to push Gates vaccinations for profit and control on every FREE American protected by U.S. Constitutional Law by 2 people who aren’t government officials declaring, “You have no choice?” Dr. Fauci hasn’t any constitutional authority over any government officials to do anything except express his opinion and recommendations. On the other hand, George Soros donates to the majority of the Democrat incumbents and candidates and it appears that he calls the “shots.”

Remember,as I stated, 60% of the population in the USA were impoverished in the early 1900s. The poor people living in rural areas on farms or ranches had their lives devastated not only from the flu complicated with a high rate of TB and Pneumonia during the epidemic, but they died from poor nutrition and hunger. One can’t maintain a strong immune system without proper nutrients. People end up sick and die from poor nutrition. The wealthy Americans became poor during the Great Depression. The majority of Americans lost all their money during the Great Depression when the banks shut their doors. Americans stood in food lines and the necessities were rationed and denied when the population was only 103 million.

Today, during a prosperous economic era, we were rationed and denied the necessities of life and locked down in our homes because of Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates Pelosi, and the Democrat Socialist Congress, Governors, Mayors and AG’s who may be invested in Big pharma covid products and vaccines for profit.

The Big Pharma Medical Industrial Complex for Big Profits – Humans are Human Commodities for Human Capital!

Healthy Americans have been denied the right-to-work or take control of their own businesses and jobs. Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci’s advice is destroying the Middle Class American lifestyle and the Democrats who were funded into office and following orders it appears. Gates and Fauci are breaking down the food chain. Food and Water is the gold of the future if they aren’t stopped from promoting fear and giving bad advice to President Trump using a 100 year old 1918 pandemic model for the year 2020.

We’ve witnessed empty shelves. No Toilet Paper or Paper Towels. No Clorox and no Lysol. And, many products that were available prior to January 2020 are in limited supplies. The other factor is that most businesses depend on the Christmas Holiday to make their money for the year of 2021. If the POTUS and Congress and Senators or DOJ don’t open up the country, it’s possible we could be in for a Great Depression and end up standing in soup lines and looking more like Venezuela or Cuba.

CDC and WHO reported that the covid-19 pandemic remains at less than 1% of the population in the USA as well as worldwide. So, why are we locked down? In Sweden and other countries, they aren’t locked down and they don’t wear masks and are covid-19 free or at a minimum number of covid 19 cases.

Therefore, since the average lifespan in the USA is 73 years of age, anything past 73 years is a blessing. The average covid death is 85 with underlying causes. So, those who die at 85 years with covid and underlying causes have already lived 12 years past the average lifespan in the USA and were probably near-death anyway.

Did Tuberculosis Play a Part in the 1918 Spanish Flu Epidemic or Pandemic since Tuberculosis cases were high and there was a measles outbreak in 1918?

According to NIH: “Tuberculosis (TB) mortality declined after the 1918 pandemic, suggesting that influenza killed those who would have died from TB. Few studies have analyzed TB as a direct risk factor for 1918 influenza morbidity and mortality by age and sex.”

Further, NIH stated, “We conjecture that many influenza deaths in 1918 took place among the tuberculous-persons with clinical disease or latent infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. That the 1918 influenza virus, known to be atypical, should interact pathologically with M. tuberculosis seems likely.8 Influenza and TB are not strongly linked in the medical literature, though there are some clinical references to interactions (e.g., Couch 1981). The age pattern of the 1918 flu means that TB and influenza overlapped much more than usual. Seemingly no one was invulnerable to the 1918 flu, and we know that TB prevalence was high in 1918, even among some ostensibly healthy individuals (if we include those in whom infection was latent).

And, “The influenzaā€“tuberculosis interaction need not be a molecular phenomenon (i.e., involving some direct interaction between the TB bacillus and the influenza virus). The secondary pneumonia that occurs as a complication of influenza infection could be exacerbated by active tuberculosis or by tubercular lesions in the case of latency. Virtually all influenza deaths involved the lungs, an important site of pathology for tuberculosis.”

How the 1918 flu pandemic mirrors today's coronavirus crisis ...
1918: While Lysol was promoted to Help Your Health Board Conquer Spanish Influenza by Disinfecting Your Home with Lysol – In 2020, Lysol appears to have disappeared since covid-19 was announced.

FEWER DOCTORS and Hospitals and Supplies in 1918! A male dominated profession. Nurses Played a Huge Role during the Pandemic versus Covid in 2020!

In 1918 it’s reported, “Thousands of patients reported the classic symptoms of influenza and TB: fever, aches, sore throat, and headache. However, this strain struck more severely and soon some patients turned blue at the fingers, arms or face, had trouble breathing, and even bled. More shocking was the fact these were young men and women suffering from these terrible symptoms. Doctors had few resources and few medicines to assist at the time though they did their best. Nurses could help. Nursing care was critical in the day-to-day battle against influenza [or TB]. Nurses were overwhelmed with numbers of patients, either at the [overcrowded] hospitals, at home, or in the field, yet they continued to do their job in the face of overwhelming numbers.”


Also back in 1918, “There werenā€™t enough hands to help each patient- some died within 12 hours before being seen by a nurse or a doctor. Fresh laundry, water, [clean water] and fluids and food were critical to combating the flu, but with so many patients it was difficult to obtain supplies. Medicines to ease the pain ran out. Clean linens and soups were used as quickly as they were made.”

Remember, back in the 1900s, they didn’t have ventilators and automatic washers and dryers and large supplies of advanced medicine and advanced treatments. There weren’t clinics or nursing homes or hospitals on every corner and the country was a majority of poor undernourished people who were not only hit with a lack of nutrition and the Spanish Flu, but complicated with TB and Pneumonia and little knowledge about such serious illnesses back in 1918.

NIH, reported, “2 In [1918] an attempt to prevent the infection from spreading, many cities banned public assembly, closed their schools, isolated those infected, and mandated the wearing of surgical face masks.1,3,6 Recent studies suggest that when such measures were introduced quicklyā€”before the pandemic was fully establishedā€”and then sustained, death rates were reduced.16ā€“19 Yet for those who contracted the disease and went on to develop pneumonia, the prospects were poor. Anyone fortunate enough to gain admission to an ā€œopen-airā€ hospital, however, may have improved their chances of survival.” It would be interesting to know where Dr. Fauci and the NIH came up with the scientific studies and history that mandated surgical face masks

1918 Historical Image Gallery | Pandemic Influenza (Flu) | CDC

This writer notes that the comment about the “open-Air hospitals may have improved their chances of survival,” cause this writer to wonder why we’re wearing masks that cut off natural-open air and preventing people from breathing fresh air into their noses and exhaling carbon monoxide naturally through our mouths? To this writer’s knowledge, there isn’t any scientific evidence published that proves masks stop a virus from spreading including covid-19. Most doctors who speak out do talk about maintaining a strong immune system and mention the patient’s age and underlying conditions.

In 2020, Americans have been living and working in excellent hygenice homes, buildings, and bathrooms. Americans know to stay home when they are sick. They know to wash their hands frequently. They know to use kleenex when sneezing and coughing and dispose of them when used into a trash bin. They know to inform people not to visit them if they’re sick. They know to go to their personal doctor or Urgent Care or E.R. if they are seriously ill. Yet, it appears that Big Brother is determined to take away our constitutional Rights, Freedoms, and Libertie. Did they sell out the American people and agree to let Gates and Fauci and their NWO members force vaccinate with a microchip that allegedly can alter human DNA and enslave people to be controlled like robots which is what Communist nations do such as China, Cambodia or North Korea.

During the 1918 epidemic that appears to be linked to Tuberculosis and other possibilities that may have been contracted in foreign nations or in trenches during WWI, it’s important to remember that the population was only at 103 million Americans and the majority were impoverished. There wasn’t an ample number of hospitals, doctors, nurses, clean water, hot water or clean linens. There were limited treatments and limited medications, poor nutrition and overcrowded makeshift hospital tents. People may have died from a high percentage of TB cases and underlying conditions and not just from the Spanish flu.

In fact, google reports a Poverty Level at 60%! ” For many Americans, the 1920s was a decade of poverty. More than 60 percent of Americans lived just below the poverty line. Generally, groups such as farmers, black Americans, immigrants, and the older industries or coal miners, did not enjoy the prosperity of the ā€œRoaring Twentiesā€. Most people were farmers, not realizing that most flu outbreaks began in South-East Asia, China, Saudi, Middle East and Africa.

In this writer’s viewpoint, it’s rather ridiculous to compare the impoverished and hungry Americans of the 1900’s or the 1918 pandemic to the modern day covid-19 where where prosperity and food and clean water is normal. America is where modern technology and advanced medicines, treatments, ventilators, vaccines, Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc, natural cures, vitamins, healthy foods, nutritional supplements, exercise, and sunshine, is available in the nation for the rich, middle class, and poor including 30,000,000 illegals from around the world.

The truth is that in these modern times, America, Israel, and Europe have excellent scientific and medical case studies as well as excellent doctors, nurses, and specialists to advise people on how to maintain or build-up a strong immune system and eat healthy. There is a vast amount of information on medications and natural cures that can help save lives from covid-19 and other viruses and diseases. Unfortunately, Social media and liberal MSM and Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, who isn’t a doctor or scientist, dismiss the doctors who are saving lives everyday from covid-19 using their FDA approved and long-time medications and treatments to treat their patients successfully. Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates dismiss these Licensed and Board Certified Doctors because they’re obsessed with population control and eugenics and Monsanto GMO seeds, selling lab foods, spy and tracking devices, apps, RFID chips, and vaccinations.

In conclusion, this writer, Rose Colombo states, “The most important preventative is the strong God-Given Built-In Immune System granted to every human being; excellent nutrition, sunshine, healthy living, herbs, vitamins, supplements, and laughing. The next most important preventative is the mind and seeking out knowledge and using your God-Given Free Will and Free Choice that doesn’t come from men or women or Fauci or Gates, but from God to listen to your inner voice and follow your heart and mind.”

Mask-erading in masks is depressing and unhealthy, but a money maker for the airlines, retailers, and Big Pharma investors. They are preventing us from smiling at our loved ones and children and strangers which creates an unhealthy lifestyle. This is communism and control. Is this an experiment to see how far the NWO members can push and control the American people?

Is it time for the healthy Americans to do as they did in 1918 and began an anti-mask revolution as they haven’t produced any scientific evidence that masks prevent a virus nor did they do so in 1918. Don’t fly on a plane unless you have to and see how long they force Americans to wear masks. But, there is data on how masks can kill and can cause adverse health effects on people and possibly cause Legionnaires disease that has symptoms similar to covid or the flu. Is the Democrat Socialist party aligned with Dr. Fauci, Gates and Soros, who funds most Democrats.s It’s no secret that wealthy people such as Ted Turner, Oprah,Gates and member of the United Nations and New World Order secret societies seek to reduce the population of the world and redistribute the wealth of the world to themselves. It’s no secret that they will attempt to force vaccinate every human with a RFID chip so they can’t leave home without it. Read Revelations in the Bible where these secrets are revealed.

Why is the White House and the Socialist Democrat Governors, Mayors and AGs, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, Bill Gates, CEO’s of airlines, and Big Pharma Medical Industrial Complex controlling what we wear and don’t wear? Which constitutional authority are they applying that provides them with the authority to force Americans to wear masks, goggles, or be naked xrayed and patted down for no reason at airports other than for humiliation and training up the sheeple while they jet around in private jets and bypass their games.


Americans have the Right-to-Work. All Businesses and Jobs are Essential! They are essential to maintain our lifestyles to which we become accustom. The Necessaries Law for all Americans mandates that every American has the Right-to-Work and sustain the necessities of life, shelter, food, medicine, clothing, education, and work. If Americans are denied the “Right-To-Work” and sustain the necessities of life, the government officials are committing crimes against humanity for they have no right to deny human rights to any American.

Is it time to for healthy Americans to remove their masks as there isn’t any scientific published evidence that masks prevent a virus from spreading or we would have all been dead many times over since 1918? In fact, if masks prevented viruses from spreading than China, Saudi, Middle East should be virus free, especially from the coronavirus known as Sars and Mers that plagues those countries where they’ve worn masks for generations.

God gave us a nose and a mouth to breathe in fresh air. God gave us a face for people to see and a mouth to smile and laugh which is part of a healthy lifestyle. The depressing mandates by non-elected officials such as Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, Democrats, wealthy CEOs and the Airlines appear to be unconstitutional. What authority under the U.S. Constitution are they applying to force Americans to purchase and wear masks, goggles, gloves, testing kits made in China and vaccines with no long term scientific case studies published in medical journals for their personal, political, and financial gain?

It appears to this writer that the secret society of NWO members who support eugenics and population control are attempting to usher in the New World Order’s One World Government by adding a nano-chip into the vaccine and enslaving the population against their Free Will and Choice which is abuse of power. It appears to this writer that such a movement is treasonous and with intent to overthrow the Constitution of the United States of America without dropping a bomb, but using civil unrest and a pandemic and government agencies to enslave and commit crimes against humanity worldwide. May God intervene and save the Greatest Republic and One Nation Under God. God Bless America!

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Books: Rose Colombo is the award-winning author with a 5 Star Review pub. 2010, “Fight Back Legal Abuse” warning Americans and informing Americans that we are living in a 2-tier justice system morphed into one branch of government under Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro who stated that Americans are “too small minded” and we must “give up”our “Liberties” to an international foreign body.

Book: Is this the end of mankind? Explore that provocative thought with Rose Colombo’s second award-winning book and 5 Star Review: “Obamacare, Dinosaurs, Rednecks and Radicals,” pub. 2011, which can be reviewed on amazon as a political satire and fictional orwellian adventure story on the “Redistribution of Wealth” and “depopulation vs. extinction” available on amazon.com

Colombo Chronicles Online Radio Podcast: Listen Live every Wednesday from 12 noon to 1:00 pm pst – Colombo Chronicles Live with Colombo’s dynamic authors and experts on a myriad of topics from the constitution to love to human rights, animal rights, health and more including Colombo’s comments on the Issues of the Day. …Listen Live at (646) 564-9742) or on worldwide online radio podcast at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/colombochronicles

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