Fast Track Rx’s or Vax’s with unknown direct adverse health effects are an “Experiment” using Humans as “guinea pigs!” Autism vs. Covid vs. Vaccines Need Pub. Long-term Case Studies!

Rose Colombo (C) September 23, 2020, ed. 9-27-2020

The Journal of the American Medical Association just reported in June that the lifetime cost of caring for an individual with autism ranges from $1.4 million to $2.4 million (for those with intellectual disability as well). Obviously, an autism epidemic of this magnitude would make spending at those levels unsustainable.” Pediatric Child Health. 2002 Nov, 7(9):623-,doi:10.1093/pch/7.9.623 – NCBI Resources

Autism/CMSRI: Children’s Medical Safety Research Institution –

“At its current rate of growth, many have estimated that, by the year 2030, 1 in 2 American boys — 50% — will be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” WAKE UP, AMERICA! This is part of the “New Normal” – a world of females or transhumans is it?

2020 – 2021 – 2025 – 2030 and 2050 appear to be the years of significance to the members of the United Nations which seeks to become the One World Government!

Illuminati, Compulsory Vaccination

This Blogger states that there are no coincidences. The New World Order intends to reduce the population of the planet by 50% by 2030.s Are vaccines part of this UN-Agenda 21 being forced on the world by non-elected wealthy computer CEOs and Celebs and Democrats?

Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. stated, “The CDC is a very troubled agency and it’s not just me saying that. There has been four separate intensive federal investigations, by the United States congress. A three-year investigation, 2001, 2002, and 2003 by the United States Senate Tom Coburn’s committee and by the Inspector General of HHS in 2008 and The Office of Research Integrity in 2014. ….and all of them have painted the CDC as a cesspool of corruption of an agency that has become an absolute subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry…and that has become a sock puppet….a spokesperson, a shill for the industry.”

Furthermore, “The CDC is not an independent agency. It is a VACCINE COMPANY. The CDC owns over 20 vaccine patents. It sells about 4.6 Billion Dollars of vaccines every year. Its primary metric for success in all of the departments in the agency are vaccine sales.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Colombo says, let’s not forget the Bill and Melinda Gates donate to CDC and WHO since GHW Bush appointed Fauci as the expert on vaccine research for NIH back in 1984 to develop a vaccine to cure HIV-AIDS which failed from 1984 to 2020. Fauci is alleged to own patents as well as CDC. Bill and Melinda Gates and Soros, Clinton’s and Bush’s are long-time associates and Dr. Fauci and Bill and Melinda Gates are staunch Democrats who fund Planned Parenthood and the Democrat Candidates. They have more power if they can keep their key Democrats in office and the Rinos such as GHWB who pledged his allegiance on National television to the New World Order.

George Soros and Bill Gates, billionaires, are long-time associates of Dr. Fauci and his family who work for Gates as well as Dr. Birx whose daughter works for Gates. Keeping it all in the families of the Gates, Soros, Fauci, Birx, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Pelosi and Democrat Party as they fund the Democrat Governors, Mayors, and members of Congress and even members of the DOJ such as Democrat AG’s and D.A.’s, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that BLM and ANTIFA are funded by these same Democrats who refuse to stop the anarchy against the eoconomy.

The question that arises is why is Dr. Fauci allowed to own patents on viruses as alleged. Gates and Fauci are linked to wealthy secret society member sof the New World Order (NWO) including Jeffrey Epstein and MSM and Moderna. Moderna was the research company chosen to make the covid vaccine but suddenly dropped out and the news reported that they suddenly dumped their stocks in this project. The fact that they’ve never developed a vaccine is even more intriguing.

The NWO members such as Dr. Fauci, Bill and Melinda Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, Obama, and the Clinton’s, Illinois Gov. Pritzker, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, John Kerry’s stepson linked to Hunter Biden in businesses dealings and Senator Feinstein and her husband and Harvard University and AI surveillance companies and more Democrats are invested in Communist China including Wuhan, China labs. How many of these Democrat governors, mayors, AGs, D.A.s and members of Congress and Wall Street investors invested in plastic or paper masks, plastic goggles, plastic gloves, testing kits that were alleged to be tainted sent to the USA and vaccines and nano-chips are seeking to earn big profits from covid?

Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci intend to mandate an ID2020 by the end of 2020 and it appears their attempt to use covid to mandate vaccines with unknown chemicals and unknown direct health effects should be disturbing to every human on the planet. Remember, one vaccine or one shoe doesn’t fit all people.

Americans and the world’s population should be demanding to know if the covid vaccine will be mandated and why! Americans need to know if the vaccine includes a nano-lithium chip that allegedly can alter God’s DNA and even control the minds of people and spy and track on them which is what Communist China does by seducing America’s businesses who use cheap labor and become billionaires. They also use America’s AI’s and Scientist and Professors in some cases.

Americans and the world should demand short and long-term case studies published by credible scientists and doctors in medical journals that reveal if any of the chemicals can cause neurologic damage, sterility, paralysis, chronic illness or death which can occur immediately or 6 months or 1 year or 2 years down the road making it difficult to prove. And, by that time, it would be 2022 or 2023 and Trump would be leaving office in 2024. What authority does Fauci, CDC, WHO, and the elected officials have to deny HCQ or any other treatments recommended by their doctors to cure covid – a flu?

The United Nations supported by billionaires living in the USA and around the world support the UN Agenda 21 and the Redistribution of America’s Wealth and then they can easily go after the World’s Wealth and steal it for themselves. They could control the world if 90% of the population would just drop dead. They intend to use and are using advanced AI computers and technology without disclosing the direct adverse health effects on humans or animals or birds, especially with the new towers.

Since the New World Order members goal is to reduce the population of the planet in 2030 at 50% and 2050 at 90%, perhaps, you may want to check out my Irwin award-winning and 5 Star Review book on entitled, “Obamacare, Dinosaurs, Rednecks & Radicals”a political satire written with an orwellian twist and adventure story on the redistribution of wealth and depopulation.

Therefore, if they continue to change boys to girls and indoctrinate kids into same-sex and transgenders by 2030 then consider the prediction that 1 in 2 American boys will end up autistic by 2030. They may never marry or procreate and die young. In fact, the Democrat Governors allegedly promote euthanizing autistic babies and kids and physically challenged In fact, euthanasia was included for the elderly in the 2700 pages entitled ACA or Obamacare.

In Dr. Wakefield’s subsequent communication to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) committee (9), he proposed that associated changes in intestinal permeability and altered peptidase activity allow neurotoxic intestinal products (eg, exorphins) to reach the brain, which is particularly susceptible to permanent damage during times of rapid cerebral development in infancy. He added the following (9):

“In susceptible children (possibly for reasons of age, immune status, or genetic background) MMR vaccine is an atypical pattern of measles exposure that represents a significantly increased risk for intestinal infection and associated developmental regression compared with the monovalent vaccine, or natural infection. Accordingly, the widespread use of MMR immunization is a major determinant of the apparent increase in rates of autism.” NCBI Resources

(This blogger points out that the parents first-hand observations have been dismissed by the Senators and Congress because they aren’t doctors and many candidates are funded by Big Pharma and billionaires who are invested in vaccines and Rxs and medical supplies made in China for profit)

Furthermore, “The sentiment of this statement continues to be delivered by Dr Wakefield to parents in autism meetings around the world. A survey at the Autism Society of America in 2000 indicated that more than 50% of parents present felt that vaccines were the main causal factor in their child’s autism (9).” NCBI Resources

“Dr. Wakefield’s arguments focus on three areas that raise vaccination anxiety:

  • abnormal gastrointestinal tract;
  • impaired immune status; and
  • monovalent vaccine use.”

” In the 1990’s, thousands of parents around the nation supported the parents who filed a Grievance with the U.S. Senators and held a hearing stating that their kids were healthy until they were vaccinated and that they believed that it was the “mercury” that caused their healthy children to become autistic, but the senators dismissed the testimonies and support of thousands of American parents across the nation. This blogger has always wondered why as well as wondered if Big Pharma’s Big Donations was the reason they prostituted themselves if that reason is true.”

Information obtained from google searches reveals that “In 2020, the CDC reported that approximately 1 in 54 children in the U.S. is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to 2016 data. Boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls. It is estimated that worldwide one in 160 children has an ASD. This estimate represents an average figure, and reported prevalence varies substantially across studies. Some well-controlled studies have, however, reported figures that are substantially higher. Nov 7, 2019″

The prevalence of autism in the United States has risen steadily since researchers first began tracking it in 2000. The rise in the rate has sparked fears of an autism ‘epidemic. ‘ But experts say the bulk of the increase stems from a growing awareness of autism and changes to the condition’s diagnostic criteria.Mar 2, 2017″ – This writer points out that this is not factually reported as concrete, but generally stated by whoever those “experts” happen to be.

“Low autism prevalence is not confined to poor countries. A handful of small studies in France, for example, have found rates around 5 cases per 10,000 people. One study in Germany calculated it to be 1.9, and another in Portugal 16.7.Apr 7, 2011″

Many Americans have been asking for decades why is Autism increasing so rapidly since the Year 2000 but received little attention in the 1990s? Is it the poison known as “Round Up” sprayed on the crops that affect the natural foods and soil and animals ingested by babies and children in today’s world? Should Americans and the world not consider the government allowing billionaires or military to spray the skies with chemtrails? The government denied that these sprays covering our sun and beautiful blue skies were chemtrails because they believe we’re all stupid and would buy their story that they are contrails. Fortunately, chemists began blowing the whistle and stated that the chemtrails contained aluminum, barium, lead, but did they also contain mercury? And, why is the government knowing forcing Americans to be radiated with knowledge that no levels of radiation are safe and have direct adverse health effects. Radiation can kill and cause cancer, sterility, and cataracts and even death. They hire $15 hour TSA workers who don’t realize they are being exposed to radiation daily at the airports as they radiate and destroy healthy cells as they naked-xray innocent Americans and risk their health.

What about the radiation from cell phones and direct effects on the body and the brain? How about radiation from the TV’s, computers, 5G towers, smart meters and the unseen damage to our bodies and brains or eyes? We can’t see the radiation particles blowing in the wind. Compact airplanes spew radiation as well as mammograms, CT-scans and tanning beds? Why do nurses and doctors report Americans as “refused” making them targets of the government should the NWO ever succeed at taking control over you and your loved ones and the masses.

The question remains if any of these EPA and government and medical devices or a combinations of these poisons such as MTBE, a toxic poison that the EPA allowed to be dumped into the gasoline that can cause cancer and leaked into the water and soil. Does MTBE contain any chemicals that have adverse health effects on the brain and the body or pregnant women? It appears that radiation devices affect every human being in different way as well as chemical-laden vaccines. We know for a fact that there are a multitude of lawsuits against Big Pharma manufacturers who made billions on fast-tracked vaccines and Rx drugs who settled out of court quietly. The problem with the settlement money is that the lawyers get a sizeable cut and one can’t get back their health or bad experience for pain and suffering or the loss of a life. Remember, the government touted Thalidomide as 100% safe like they did the swine flu vaccine and we know babies were born deformed and victims were paralyzed or made suicidal, sterile, depressed or died. And, what about all the women who didn’t know they were pregnant and were given Rx drugs or radiated at the airports or state or federal government buildings?

This blogger says that the question blowing in the wind is if autism is increasing faster than covidand will do more damage to the future natural-born Americans and the future of the USA by the medical industrial complex and the congress and senate ignoring autism and its causes and failure to find the answer and a cure, but research creates billions of tax dollars and donations for the researches such as Dr. Fauci who received billions as he attempted to develop an HIV-AIDS vaccine but failed. And, it appears if autism continues to increase substantially as predicted by the medical profession than why is the medical profession and congress and senate ignoring this very serious health problem?

It would appear to this blogger that the senators and congress who waste taxpayer money fighting each other rather than fighting for We The People and Healthy children and a healthy society appear more concerned about their own personal political and financial gain. It these predictions of increased autism continue then there will be more healthcare demands and billions of dollars in taxes will have to be increased if the predicted figure of 1 out of every 2 boys will develop autism!

This information begs the question of our leaders and medical industry as to why covid is more important than the serious problem of neurologically damaged babies and children whose lives are being adversely affected forever. It’s time for these professionals to provide truthful evidence between the chemical adjuvants, in particularly, mercury, that may have caused an increase in autism, although they say they no longer add mercury. However, they use bovine and human albumin and aborted fetal tissue, the virus, salt, and formaldehyde stating it’s in very small amounts that are safe.

The truth is that scientists and doctors cannot look you in the eye before vaccinating you or handing you a Rx drug and state that it is 100% safes for YOU and that YOU will not have a direct adverse health effect or your baby or children or parents and grandparents. This is why they state they are “practicing” medicine. They are practicing on individuals and because every individual has their own health blueprint, it not wise or safe to mandate Rxs or vaccines against anyone’s God-given Free WIll and Right-to-Choose and control their own bodies and that of their minor children.

Furthermore, they can’t guarantee that you or your kids won’t get the flu or pneumonia or measles, mumps, chicken pox if you’re vaccinated. They can only recommend it. My siblings and I had the childhood vaccinations and we still contracted the measles and chicken pox and the whooping cough. A strong immune system built by the Universal Physician known as God created the built-in defense mechanisms to fend off trillions of viruses and bacteria. And, he created the mouth and nose to breathe in fresh oxygen and naturally breathe out carbon monoxide. Why are Americans and the world cutting off their natural God-given right ot breathe and exhale naturally.

Today, ethical researchers and doctors are being demonized and censored by social media and MSM which in my opinion is crimes against humanity. There isn’t any need to develop a fast-track and warp-speed vaccine without short and long term Scientific and Medical case studies published by credible Scientists and Doctors. Remember, they guaranteed Lupron, Thalidomide, Swine Flu and Gardasil to be 100% safe and they lied. They said if you get the MMR children’s vaccines, you won’t get the measles, mumps, or chicken pox, yet children like myself and siblings still got the measles and chickenpox. We The People Around the World deserve to be treated as human beings, not the property of the wealthy billionaires.

In conclusion, the scientific and medical publications should include the benefits vs. the direct adverse health effects on babies, toddlers, children, teens, young adults, middle age adults, elderly, males,females,races, ethnicities and immune systems. In fact, Americans should demand to know this information and facts. What is in the vaccine? Covid? Aluminum? Mercury? Lead? Barium? Aborted Fetal Tissue? Bovine or Human albumin? Formaldehyde? You deserve to know the truth. We The People are the government and should not be used as an “experiment” for Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci, George Soros, and the NWO members as “guinea pigs” while they play Russian Roulette with the health of every human on the planet. Just a side note, I read an article alleging that Bill Gates and his family do not get vaccinated.

Rose Colombo is a pioneer. She is an award-winning 5 Star author, award-winning media host on am-FM radio and currently Colombo Chronicles podcast and she’s received many awards for her writings related to injustices and legal abuses as well as published poetry by media and community organizations. Colombo has been on the front lines fighting back against legal abuses and helping victims become survivors for 30 years.

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