AMA President Appears to have Personal Gender Policies and Appears to Seek Silencing The American People Related to NIH,WHO, and His Personal Agenda!

Rose Colombo, International Irwin Award-winning author and media producer, host, poet, blogger, researcher, and advocate for justice. (c) 3/27/2024

The AMA and the NIH, CDC, Big Pharma HHS, WHO, United Nations, Bill Gates, and George Soros, who fund many of these healthcare organizations, may have used Microsoft to write the 2700 pages of OBAMACARE. This blogger wrote this is a possibiity as wrottem in Colombo’s blog on or about February 2009 titled, “OBAMACARE IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND ILLEGAL,” before Obamacare was approved unread by the Democrats in Congress. Colombo stated that Obamacare was unconstitutional and illegal and borders on extortion as the Obama and congress abused their power when they forced Americans to buy a consumer products with their own earnings after taxes or else be punished. They used this same fear and threat and coercive tactics on Americans during the covid lockdowns. Colombo’s blog on Obamacare was read in part on the House Floor and recorded on the congressional record with her name. The truth is that Obama and congress exempted themselves, and SEIU, illegals, and Muslims, from signing up or paying up. The unfair and unconstitutional agendas have gotten worse as the three branches of the United States government morphed into one branch of government in 2009.

The Obama-Biden regime began by-passing congress, who is the ony body mandated to make laws, as mandated by the U.S. Constitution. Obama and Democrat congress and RINOS bypassed the laws laid out in the U.S. Constitution. Obama took it upon himself without congressional authority in my opinion to write Executive Orders since 2009 which were declared to be laws and mandated orders in the areas of social media, China, AMA, CDC, WHO, HHS, Big Pharma, and the U.N. bypassing congress and the constitutional laws of the Republic. These alphabet agencies appear to be working together to eliminate Freedom of Speech and fundamentally transform America into a Muslim Brotherhod CAIR and CCP-style nation owned by China which appears to be a treasonous act. The reason that Executive Orders are not laws is because they are “Orders,” not laws. All laws must first be submitted as bills for review, debated, approved, and passed onto the senate for the review, debate, and approval before sending it to the President’s desk.

All laws must be fair just for all, and include common sense. Each law is required to be written in accordance with constitutional law and in accordance with the will of most Americans. Executive Orders do not meet the standards of approved laws in the USA but dictatorial mandates reflecting the Muslim Brotherood CAIR nations and Communist, Marxist, Fascist, and Socialist ideologies and mandates worldwide. Americans appear to have been tricked under the OBAMA-Biden regime. In fact, Senator Dan Lungren stood up in congress and stated that Executive Orders were never intended to make laws, only congress can make laws.

Therefore, it appears that the NWO members seek to silence Americans. President Bill Clinton opened the floodgates to a foreign enemy, communist China, without constitutional law. China seeks to own and conquer the USA. Instead, America’s leaders are unconstitutionally and unawfully allowing a foreign enemy communist nation who threatens,, to attack America, buy farmland, U.S. food plants, property, banks, and invest in Hollywood, Disneyland, and everything and anything else they choose to do as well as install Huawei communications in America, China, and Iran.

The Homeland of the United States of America established as a U.S. Republic operated under the Rule of U.S. Constitutional Law many law enforcers in leadership and lawmakers have beome loaw breakers. They hold themselves above their laws of the land and their sworn oath and justifiy the word “illegal” to mean “legal” for their New World Order communist style agendas. It raises the question if we have domestic enemies and foreign enemies in every branch of governmet, AMA, Department of Education, Military, and the Department of Justice.

These NWO leaders who don’t show their true colors until after elections appears to favor and support the Liberal agandas and foreign enemy nations of China, Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia. They appear to be taxpayer funding NIH and Dr. Fauci’s CV 19 biochemical virus which can also be used as a weapon of war to wipe out nations. This program being forced on Americans and the world appear to be under the umbrella of Big Pharma, WHO, CDC, HHS, and AMA creating the Big Pharma Medical Industrial Complex and replace the Military Industrial Complex. The New World Order admits they intend to reduce the population of natural-born Americans and humanity through medical experimental gender surgeries of minor children also referred to as gender mutilation, euthanasia, abortions on demand and infanticide, experimental injections and experimental Rx’s. They also appear to FDA approve vaccines and prescription drugs without any short or long term case studies that take 5 gto 25 years for FDA approval and licensing.

The fact that depopulation includes China’s National spies flooding America’s borders as well as Chinese smulggling of AK 47 weapons through the Long Beach Naval Base under the Clinton regime and smuggling tons of Fentanyl into the through open borders, ports, and airstrips that so far have killed approximately 100,000 Americans according to congressional reports is shameful and an undeclared chemical warfare. The experimental CV 19 injections are alleged to have killed 17,000,000 Americans silently in hospitals, assisted living, or the injecteed persons dropping dead on the spot be it immediately, days, weeks, months and possibly years depending on the individual’s health. This is the first time in the history of America that young Hollywood American stars and Rock Stars and Anerican athletles are dropping dead of heart attacks, but then does China want Americans running Hollywood, sports, or the music industry or their own?

It isn’t a secret that evil ones who worship in secret in the dark as members of the New World Order plan to reduce the population of natural-born Americans and the world that has been preplanned for generations down to 50% by 2030. . America’s natural born families fought and died to keep America free from foreign and domestic enemies, but money talks and people walk away. They have walked away from God and country. America is a Republic that operates by the Rule of Law and One Nation under God, but we have enemies who seek to destroy the greatest Republic operated by the Rule of Law and One Nation Under God. Sadly, the anti-God and anti-American “machine” is steam rolling over the sovereignty of the USA borders and steam rolling over the U.S. Constitution as well as the U.S. Flag, and Judeo-Christian foundation.

ReclaimtheNet stated, “The American Medical Association (AMA) President Jesse Ehrenfeld is arguing in favor of more censorship, supposedly targeting those “spreading misinformation.”

“Ehrenfeld is happy with how Google/YouTube is doing that, via the controversial “medical misinformation” policy which he says “landed a solid punch” (against suspected medical information, not free speech, according to him). And, Ehrenfeld is urging other platforms to adopt similar rules. YouTube mandates that its users must strictly adhere to whatever local health authorities or the World Health Organization say about health-related matters.” Where in the constitution does it give CEOs of private corporations with the okay of congress/senators to determine what is Freedom of Speech, Expression, or Press or turn over our constitutional rights to control America’s healthcare by Americans under the U.S. Constitution and change private healthcare into Obamacare’s national healthcare and into a one world healthcare system?

How is it that the President of the (AMA) American Medical Association is seeking to attack the First Amendment of Expression, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press, and Freedom to Assemble peacefully in the United State of America under the Supreme Laws of the Land? Is he not in conflict and bias in his detrmination of misinformation based on his personal agendas vs. political agendas vs. medical procedures, and financial gain for doctors who engage in gender mutilation surgeries of minor children which equates to the depopulation of bloodlines of natural-born Americans sinced they can’t have children? Minor children can’t comprehend that they will not be passing on their family’s DNA and geneology but ending it or have biological families. How can understand that this decision by them or their parents and doctors is not reversible?

The question arises how the United States Congress and Senators are ignoring this attack on America’s Healthcare and allowing this attack on minor children which appears to be child abuse, right or wrong? It appears to be an attack against babies, minor children, Christians, Jews, hetrosexuals, and the U.S. Constitution. Where does it state in the job duties of a doctor of medicine, or psychiatry, or psychology ,as well as the Wall Street money-making social media CEOs, that private corporations or the AMA can supersede the U.S.Constitution by creating policies to silence Americans without going through congress?

Which constitutional authority is the government and AMA applying by allowing a hand full of CEO’s to control Freedom of Speech in America? These CEOs offer free memberships for people to post content for free. The CEOs use the personal information of each member and collect personal data as required of members who seek to join and post on their sites. This allows these CEOs who are not the member’s employers or a government agency as well as hackers, to invade the privatcy of individual on these social media sites. It’s no secret hackers include the dark web. China, Iran, Russia, to track and spy on individuals and minor kids for a myriad of reasons. This information can be shared as there appers to be no oversight or concern by the senate Judiciary Committee, who are aware of the crimes committed by online frauds.

It appears the wealthy CEOs are given a golden pass and a slap on the wrist for gross negligence or perhaps engaging in these criminals acts to increase the number of members for financial gain from advertisers. The senate and the congress has given the CEOs of social media a slap their hands and a pat on their back and free reign to continue on collecting personal date from law-abiding members, but can’t seem to figure out who are the imposters, so how has the FBI figured out fraudulent Identification for generations even before the internet was around? The senators act upset, but appears to give them a pass based on their testimony that they are working on these matters, without fear of lawyers filing lawsuits for victims be it minors or adults for injuries, deaths, or physical, emotional, and financial losses on their social media sites.

So, it’s okay for a woman who allege she was sexually assaulted 30-years ago by Donald J. Trump long before elected President of the USA, but not concerned about the financial scammers who are committing identify fraud and trafficking kids or adults as well as scamming them with fake identification as celebrities, politicians, pastors, charities, lottery winners fpr financial gain. The professional scammers target vulnerable innocent law-abiding citizens who believe they are speaking to the vetted celebrities, pastors, politicians, businesspersons on the site. So, how do all these criminals get accepted onto these sites if they are providing fake identifications? I provided real identification on a major site for a blue check mark and the fact checker stated they couldn’t validate my identification, but they can validate thousands of fake identifcation scammers who are traffickers or thieves?

It appears that the scammers and traffickers could be a built-in never ending money-maker for the social media CEOs as they increase their numbers of members for advertising revenue. It could be that people working on the inside from foreign nations such as Chinese or Pakistani or Iranian or Hispanic illegals or refugees are allowing fake identifications by criminals from around the world to sign on who are connected perhaps to these dangerous organizations, especially China and Nigeria. How is it that they get approved for membership and after scamming Americans or others worldwide, they are known to send the money back to their drug lords or godfathers or families, or perhaps, political leaders from foreign nations. For example, congressional member, Ilhan Omar stated on video that she supports her President – the President of Somalia – and the Somalian people in America and around the world. And she remain in office so that’s where we’re at in the USA as these fake refugees it appears are migrated into the USA to conquer our nation by overpopulating our the the USA, Canada, Mexico, Europe, New Zealand, and Australia.

Recently, the news reported that a Social Media CEO has been sued by lawyers alleging that he and his employees engaged in wiretapping, without charges or arrests enacted by the FBI or the senate judiciary committee or the Department of Justice to the best of my knowledge. On the other hand, Donald J. Trump, is accused of removing c documents and storing them in his home has been accused of felonies, but President Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State, and her assistant, Huma Abedin. who were guilty of removing c documents and/or storing them on home computers and attempting to destroy the evidence were not charged with Gross Negligence, but “extremely careless,” and extremely carelessness is not a crime. Where is the equal justice for all who removed c documents or the fact that Trump didn’t try to destroy the evidence? Colomgo days, “In my award-winning book published in 2010, Fight Back Legal Abuse, Chapter 10 is titled correctly, “Justice for $um and for Some.”

Furthermore, stated ,”Interestingly, Ehrenfeld unwittingly provides an example of the notorious “revolving door” practice between the US government and private tech companies when he quotes from a blog post co-written by Garth Graham, whom he identifies as “a former US deputy assistant secretary for health who now leads YouTube Health.” The question this raises is why the senators have held hearings and given a pass to ignore the violations of the constitutional rights of minior kids and law-abiding Americans by allowing the few CEO’s to monopolize the internet and Freedom of Speech for which they have no constitutional rights to do. Colombo says, “Freedom of Speech is not a privilege, it is a guaranteed constitutional Right” and it appears that it has been left unprotected by congress, senators and the White House.

“IS AMERICA UNDER MARTIAL LAW? What does the yellow fringe flag really mean” by Rose M Colombo: Explore the facts, laws, quotes, theories and concerns laid out in the book. Empower and enlighten yourself and others to delve into the truth of how the Federal Government’s taxpayer funded White House, Department of Justice, and Congress, appears to have allowed billionaires on Wall Street to ignore and trample upon guaranteeed U.S. Constitutional Rights of Americans. The government appears to have gifted the billionaires who fund their campaigns. This appears to be an unseen golden pass that frees some people from liabiity for injuries or deaths caused by BLM and ANTIFA who a recruit on video stated they are funded by billionaire George Soros. It appears the criminals if arrested were freed if members of BLM and ANTIFA were arrested.

The Liberals and members of the Democrat and RINO congress have been promoting Gun Congrol and Open Boders since 1993 under the Clinton-Reno-Holder regime too office. Anyone who supports open borders violates their sworn oath and state and federal immigration laws. They violate U.S. Constitutional quotas, vetting, and legal immigration laws in the USA. The U.S. Constitution requires all Americans and public servants, militia, and military, o defend and protect the borders of the United States of America and uphold their sworn oath to uphold their duty to the U.S. Constitution first. The taxpayer funded Left and RINOS care less about the U.S. Constitution, or secure borders, legal immigration, background checks and vetting of dangerous Third World enemies, spies, and criminals entering into the USA. The book, Is America Under Martial Law, addresses how are the Presidents of 2009-2016 and 2020-2024 appears to be getting away with violating U.S. Constitutional laws of the land and the will of most legal Americans. They have ignored the U.S. Constitutional requirements that require legal identification for illegals, not just legal American. Perhaps, we should ask how is it that the President of the AMA, Ehrenfeld, isn’t concerned about the diseases that will spread from Third World nations and could overwhelm the schools and hospitals around the country or is this part of the depopulation program as well?

wikipedia explains why we have minor kids sex changes: Advocacy[edit]

A longtime advocate for patients, equality, and LGBTQ health, Ehrenfeld, made international headlines on February 22, 2015, when he asked the newly appointed Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter his stance on letting transgender individuals serve in the military. The Secretary’s response “I don’t think anything but their suitability for service should preclude them [from serving]”[25] — was his first public comment on the issue and the most favorable from a senior U.S. military official to date. Within hours, the event was being reported by news outlets all over the world and by the next afternoon the White House chimed in with its support, sparking even more media attention.[26][27][28][29] This exchange was featured in the documentary TransMilitary.[30] 

In May 2015, Ehrenfeld and his partner were featured in a television ad supporting same-sex marriage.[31] produced by Freedom to Marry. The television ad was banned from television when the NBC affiliate in Chattanooga, Tennessee refused to air the ad.[32][33][34][35] On February 27, 2019 Ehrenfeld testified alongside five transgender service members in front of the House Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Military Personnel.[36][37][38] In his testimony, Ehrenfeld said “I would like to state unequivocally that there is no medically valid reason—including a diagnosis of gender dysphoria—to exclude transgender individuals from military service.”[39]

Therefore Americans must become informed citizens about the New world Order (NwO) WHO, Wall Street CEOs in bed with China, and complicit directors of the AMA, ABA, EPA, HHS, CDC, NIH, WHO, U.N, WEF Gates, Soros, Schwab, DHS, BLM, ANTIFA, Big Pharma, Mologic, AI and 5G, Board of Education, and social media CEO’s, White House, and Department of Justice. It does to be a long-time conspiracy using the AMA, Big Pharma, CDC, NIH, WHO, HHS, funded by Bill Gates and George Soros, Klaus Schwab and the wealthy Liberals to use WHO through developing AI under the umbrella of the United Nations to take over the world and every hunan individual in the world.

Should Americans not ask how many public servants who work in the DOJ and White House as well as congress accepted donations from anti-American, George Soros, who vowed to make China the superpower in the world by devaluing the U.S. Dollar? Soros is a man who seeks to maintain his wealth after working for Hitler and enjoying his job according to his statements without conscience or remorse. His lifetime goal it appears is to destroy the economic status of nations and the most recent target is the United States of America. Yet, the entire U.S. government has allowed Soros and Gates and Schwab him to carry on with their stated goals of depopulation and making Communist China a superpower. Many on the Left donate to non-profts that George Soros funds to do his bidding as he partnered with Bill Gates to purchase a MOLOGIC set up to track humans.

Before the demise of George Soros as he is in his 90s, it appears he must be smiling at his success. Soros has proven money talks and people will sell out their country for 13 pieces of silver or gold. This is probably why Westpoint removed the word “country” from their sworn oath, because without borders and defending the borders, we have no country. Without borders, there is no sovereign nation known as the United States of America. This agenda of protecting foreign enemies and illegals entering into the USA to fundamentally transform America into a MB CAIR or a Communist CCP style takeover through overpopuation and plummeting the economy appears ito be an undeclared war on the USA from within and without the nation.

Today, America is the only borderless nation in the world created by those members of the New World Order. America is the land if the free being turned into the land of the free-for-all. It is now a land of criminal nomads who state they are here for the freebies and to conquer from within our nation as they take over our streets and businesses and overwhelm law enforcement. The government is unlawfully diverting U.S. taxes to fund criminals and fake refugees among the few who are not criminals and real refugees, but they should stand in line if they are into violating laws of our nation and apply legally. In other words, the government involved members are using and abusing U.S. taxes by hard working legal Americans and retired legal Americans struggling to survive the high cost of living today, to force Americans to pay for our own demise and destruction of our cities, economy, and wipe out the Middle Class and our way of life.

If these comments are not true then why are politicians taxpayer funding the harboring, aiding, and abetting of illegals and their crimes against Americans with our taxes? Why is Boston forcing U.S. Military families and veterans from the Soldiers Home shelter to house the illegals? Why are they encouraging Americans to give up their homes as Merkel did in Germany when their nation was invaded with the jihadists and foreigners from the Middle East?

The Left and RINOS it appears have been promoting Marxism, Fascism, Communism, Socialism, inside the USA and continue to do so until they are satisfied that law-abiding patriots haven’t any rights as legal Americans. One must wonder how many enemies have been elected or appointed into the USA government who swore allegiance to the New World Order communist cult and MB CAIR style ideologies of no rights, no freedom, no liberties, no free will and no choices except those made by the government with the goal to empower a one world leader under the authority of WHO. Americans should be asking, “Who funds WHO?” Surprise, it’s Bill Gates! George Soros! Klaus Schwab! United Nations. China. Russia. Ukraine. Iran. Saudi Arabia. Third World Nations. These anti-Americans and anti-Israelis appear to be labeling Americans who state they are patriotic citizens pf the USA.

Remember, America is not a democracy. We are a Republic. We are not to be mandated by dictatorship through the magic of Executive Orders. We have domestic enemies striving to turn America into a dictatorship who appear to have compromised our nation’s sovereignty. U.S. Constitution. U.S. Flag. U.S. Borders. They compromised for financial, political, and personal gain.

Rose Colombo says, “Never forget that U.S. Constitutional Rights are guaranteed Rights to all legal Americans, they are not privileges, granted by elected or appointed politicians, or allowed to be changed by private industry CEOs on Wall Street, who only care about profits for themselves, and replacing Americans with robots and illegals for minimum wage. The U.S. Constitution can’t be ignored or rewritten to accomodate Big Pharma, AMA, WHO, Gates, Soros, Schwab, Dr. Fauci, NIH, CDC, WHO, HHS, who appear to be in bed with the members of the New World Order on Wall Street and bankers who fund candidates into office and end up with power and control over those they donate millions in the USA and worldwide.

It appears that the plan was to seduce the American people and chidren to play games on the computers, laptops, ipads, iphones, and entertain themselves until the world can’t live without them and everyone becomes addicted to these artificial intelligence robotoids and humanoids, cyborgs, androids turning humans into mindless zombies who can’t think for themselves. The covid 19 experiment on America and the world appear to be a test to see if through artificial intelligence they can control each person who survives all the radiation this network of artificial intelligence requires. In other words, can they reduce the population of the planet and change humans into mindless slaves through AMA agencies and AI under the guise of healthcare turned into an industrial worldwide complex.

Americans should have demanded answers from Trump, Biden, Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and WEF members, Obama, and all involved with the preplanned demic which were crimes against humanity in the opinion of most citizens worldwide as well as thousands of doctors and scientists who spoke out and were silenced from speaking out and some are dead now.

The government, unconstituionally and immorally forced Americans to wear the money making masks made in China by slave labor employees that were made prior to the covid plannedemic announcement. The masks made in China did not disclose which chemicals or materials that made up the masks made in China that may have effected the health of certain people who may have breathed in those chemical through their nose, eyes, mouth, ears, and pores. They never disclosed what chemicals or materials they were forcing up the noses of millions of Americans and people worldwide and no one asked? They mandated that human beings including babies and toddler and minor kids were to wear these masks even in airplanes. The fact is that there isn’t any medical or scientific evidence documented in journals that masks end a virus, but they make billions for China and the investors. So most misinformation came from MSM, Gates, WhO, CDC, HHS, Dr. Fauci, Director of NIH, Big Pharma, and AMA.

Medical Journals will inform people that masks , which cut off the supply of oxygen and releasing carbon monoxide continuously, can cause free radicals to destroy the healthy cells, as well as the injure the lungs, organs, brain, and heart. It’s common knowledge that when oxygen is not getting to the brain it can cause brain injury or brain fog or fainting and death. Humans can’t get enough oxygen into the body and lungs wearing 3 masks and a plastic shield. God breathed oxygen into the bodies of Adam and Eve so they could live and that is why it is called the “Breath of Life.” Without breathing in and out naturally, it diminishes the heath of the immune system. A healthy immune system as everyone knows needs oxygen to remain healthy so the immune system can help fight off viruses and germs, otherwise the body grows weak and you die. Lack of oxygen causes mood changes of children and adults as well.

Americans appear to be losing more rights everyday to social media through Artificial Intellgence known as AI. It appears the White House and many members of congress, including Dr. Fauci, NIH, and the DNC receive huge donations from the CEOs of social media for their covid 19 research at the Wuhan lab in China. Social Media is involved heavily with China as well as George Soros and Bill Gates. This fact alone makes the CEO’s and the social media sites, a healthcare infuencer, and a political influencer that influences reaches billions of people. The major social media sites suspended millions of accounts who oppose the CEOs support for CDC, WHO, Gates, Fauci, and more on the Left, It’s a fact that these social media sites suspended accounts of those who supported the GOP, MAGA, including GOP politicians President Trump. The CEOs of social media apps secretly donated millions to the DNC during elections and supported the masks, lockdowns, and covid 19 misinformation by Dr. Fauci, Gates, CDC, WHO, HHS, and MSM hosts shaming people who questioned the experimental injections.

The political party donations and suspensions of the GOP members in favor of the DNC makes the CEOs social media sites political influencers and healthcare influencers in support of HHS, Big Pharma, CDC, WHO, Gates, Soros, Schwab and WEF agendas, especially if the CEOs were invested in Big Pharma injections and masks during the lockdowns to help Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and Astra Zeneca roll out the experimental cv19 injections on January 2021.

Furthermore the government is complicit when it comes to not allowing lawsuits for wrongdoing against social media CEOs and their employees who wiretapped their competitors and possibly members of the GOP and did not compensate any member of the social media sites who believed their privacy was compromised. They do not hold social media CEOs accountble for accusing members falsely of hate crimes or sexual exploitation or harassment or violence even though it appears they arenot law enforcers and deny them possibly wrongfully of these crimes as a community policy, but if investigated by law enforcement, they could be considered crimes.Where in the constitution does it allow corporations to instruct employees to spy on or invade the privacy of members whose political or medical or comments don’t agree with a fact checker employee and silencde them and shadow ban and remove their free speech?

Congress and the senate has failed to hold the social media CEO’s liable for injuries whether it be emotional, physical, or financial or all three as they have protected them from lawsuits and failed to regulate them. They have failed to break up the monopoly on social media sites giving Americans who seek to create social media sites a huge disadvantage of competing. Why would any CEOs fear violating any moral or ethics codes, or laws, if they are protected by government from criminal allegations or civil lawsuits?

Why does the senate judiciary committee allow 1, 2, o 3 people to own a monopoly on social media sites knowing there are lawsuits with evidence of child and adult trafficking, wiretapping, scamming, and spying? They also are aware that huge donations have been secretly made to a political party and to fund Wuhan in China funded by the Left big donoros after testifying under oath that they are not political or healthcare influencers and do not target members of a speciic political or healthcare stance?

How is it that any CEO of a social media site can engage in wiretapping as well as tracking and spying on citizens like in COmmunist China without being charged with a crime? Are Americans being trained and set up to be under the thumb of Communist China as certain elected and non-elected officials appear to have sold America’s land to China that belongs to the American people and not to public servants who are not being held accountable?

Will these agendas lead to America’s minor kids and young adults claimed as the property of the United Nations or China under the thumb of the United Nation’s “Rights of the Child?” Actually, the the “Rights of the Child” laid out by the U.N. denies parental rights to Americans. It’s a fact that the former Secretary of State, Hillary R Clinton, and former POTUS, Obama, promoted the “Rights of the Child.” In fact, judges have denied parental rights since the 1970’s in many family law cases to non-offending parents and they ordered the minor kids removed from the parent’s custody during divorce procendures. Obama stated in a speech before he left office that Americans are too “small minded” and must give up their Liberties to the government.

Americans should never forget that the Department of Homeland Security and the squad with the Blessings of the Left and RINOS in congress promoted collectivism by migrating millions of illegals into the USA illegally without vetting and without background checks by law enforcement. In fact, the Democrats cried out to defund Law Enforcement at the United States borders prior to the latest invasions of bad dudes entering from Third World crime ridden nations worldwide. These bad dudes are already raping and murdering Americans, stealing, and making demands. If you recall, the Marxist BLM members made demands of the government during their violent protests without fear of being arrested. The illegal invasion and anti-American, George Soros’ funded BLM and ANTIFA organizations through the Open Society. The Obama donors are helping fundamentally transform America into a Third World banana Republic which is why he was chosen and pre-selected and pre-elected for 2009 without any experience as a community organizer. The Biden regime is carring on the New World Order that began long ago when the Kennedy’s threatened the preplanned sustainable planet with 90% fewer human beings on the planet by 2050. .

Should Americans not ask what is the definition of High Crimes and Treason? Millions of unidentified illegals are now inside the USA and they are overwhelming law enforcement whose hands are tied from using any means available to stop the illegal invasion into the USA. An invasion of millions of people is an undeclared act of war against America and Americans, so why isnt the Miitia and the National Guard and the Military called to perform their duty and deport them?

Should we not ponder why the AMA President doesn’t address any concern for the invasion of millions of illegals that can spread measles, TB, chicken pox, covid, and Hepatitis C as they did in Germany? It is possible that one reason could be part of the United Nation’s Agenda 21 depopuation program of Americans? Or could it be so the government can increase higher taxation on Americans and destroy the Middle Class? Perhaps, the agens is to force Americans to fund more vaccines or experimental jabs on the illegals as they are given free healthcare under Obamacare but it isn’t free. Americans must pick up the tab for millions of illegals in violation of constitutional laws which make all politicians paid with our taxes equally guilty for failing to defened and protect Americans from this invsion to conquer our nation and usher in a tyrannical one world government and a one world leader..

On the other hand, it appears that their donors or masters are working towards depopulating more people in America. As more diseases spread, the hospitals and doctors will be overwhelmed with too many people getting sick who are living on the streets. We will witness more prostitution and diseases spreading as well as rapes and abortions. Did Biden or congress or the Department of Justice care that kids from Third World Nations could spread the diseases that recur in Third World Nations into U.S. public schools and use that as an excuse to shut down the public schools again? There are more reasons that the preplanned invasion is occurring than then meets the eye.

The fact that the President of the AMA is working towards citizens being denied the right to ask doctors questions about medical procedures, surgeries, Rx drugs and experimental jabs or FDA licensed vaccines is of concern. The AMA will be holding themselves above the law because not every doctor knows everything including the President of the AMA. That is why they call it “practicing medicine” because they are practicing on indivduals not knowing how an individual’s body will react to a Rx drug, experimental jab, licensed vaccine, or treatment or surgery. Every person is different.

Will silencing of Americans related to medical procedures and medical information protect these doctors from malpractice when they injure a patient or a patient drops dead because they couldn’t ask questions or speak out about their concerns? Will the doctors be immune from lawsuits for botched surgeries or injuries when they change a minor child’s gender for-profit? What about the damage to the young patients. who years later. learn that they can’t have children? Or those who may have to be on prescription drugs for ife or those who become mentally depressed later on in life after making a life altering decision as a minor child? Perhaps, these gender mutilations are against God, the Bible, Christians, Catholics, Jews, Americans, Isralis, and in line with the United Nation’s Agenda 21 depopulation goal that seeks to wipe out 50% of the human population by 2030.

Should Americans not ask their leaders if this is the beginning of the end for America. It is possible ,that Americans who the billionaires and invested in AI and Big Pharma. robotoids,and humanoids, are hoping to replace humanity with either mindless illegals chipped in the hand or forehead and possibly the brain or hooked up to the internet will be used to replace American workers with controlled robotics? Hitler would be so excited to see such an advanced plan under the United Nation’s Agenda 21 accelerated from his planned worldwide genocide during WWII perpetrated by Nazi Germany. Are those involved in a worldwide genocide and not being charged with crimes against hunanity part of the old timers from the Nazi regime such as George Soros or the scientists who worked for Hitler that the U.S. government secetly migrated into the USA to work for the government, Disneyland, and Scientific inventions to produce advanced military and technolgocial technology. Should we not ask if it is an advancement for humanity or the demise of humanity in this spiritual warfare by evil ones against God and His creation of one man and one woman?

If the congress, senate, and Department of Justice, through lawyers who fied lawsuits allege tthat they have evidence that Social Media CEO’s and employees are intentionally involved in wiretapping and invading the privacy of individual Americans or competitors then why are they being held above the law by senators. These are alleged felonies if found guilty and perhaps even alleged espionage if working with foreign enemy nations such as China vesus Donald J. Trump having consensual sex with a mature female that happened 30 years ago and settled for $30,000 and his charges fall way down the list of crime versus wiretapping. The average person woul be charged possibly with wiretapping or espionage as well as violations of privacy rights. They woud not be given a slap on the wrist and toldto pay a fine and set free without consequenes. Most Americans feel abandoned and unprotected by the taxpayer funded elected and appointed top officials in the USA in a world that evolves around money.

Colombo says, “The Rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedon of Privacy and Liberty, as well as the pursuit of happiness, and Right-to-Life, are not privileges, they are guaranteed Rights by constitutional law to every natural-born American.” Why is the White House, Congress, and DOJ allowing CEOs of social media sites to change Freedom of Speech into a privilege from a constitutional guaranteed Right without any concern for the U.S. Supreme Law of the Land?

The truth is that the CEO’s of social media sites would have to employ thousands of journalists, researchers, writers, copywriters, or reporters to write the content for their sites worldwide. They would have to pay out millions of dollars for wages and benefits around the world, but they are smart by using the members to write the content and require members to provide them with your personal information even though the members are not paid employees who end up making the CEO’s weathy. So, the content to fill the pages on the social media sites saves millions of dollars in employee wages as well as benefits and allows them to operate and expand their social media sites without any fear of liabiity or lawsuits regardless of any negligence or wrong doing that cause pain and suffering or loss of life or injury or lossof finances by imposters and scammers.

Its been reported that members have been hacked by unidentified hackers as well as from Russia and China from time-to-time. In other words, they are using the members who sign up for their sites to post content for free so they do not have to hire employees to pay for content so they cab increase the number of members that attract advertisers who pay billions to the CEOs to reach the greatest number of members on each site. After members provide their content maybe for years, fact checkers hired by these social media sites can suspend the members or ban them if they don’t approve of their content so once again, they are acting as law enforcers and accusing members of violating their policy that could infer a crime of hate or hate speech or harassment or bullying and other allegations as a policy violation which could lead to members being reported to law enforcement and even arrest as well as causing a member to accrue legal fees.

Why is the Government allowing CEOs of private corporations to monopolize the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and deny Freedom of Speech as if it is a privilege granted by their authority and not a United States guaranteed Constitutional Right? Who monitors their Freedom of Speech and writings and gathers all their personal information, Does the government monitor what they are requing members to provide to non-employers of free membership sites that require members provide them with personal information that really isn’t any of their business being a free site? If you go to a movie theater and they tell you it’s free to see the movie on a special day of the week to provide a review of the movie should they require you to give them your Driver License ID or Passport ID or Birthdate and Social Security? What is the difference?

Noone in government is regulating the CEO’s of these social media sites but taking their word for it that theyaren’t doing anything unethical with the world’s personal and confidential information that isn’t so confidential any longer. They have become billionaires who are involved with healthcare agendas and political parties and Wall Street associations involved in healthcare and politics, and yet, the senators grant them passes during the senate hearins when they state under oath that they are not bias or healthcare influencers or political influencers. Should Americans not ask which constitutional authority do they gather confidential information of members and store it in a data base that has been hacked in the past so which country or criminal organization hacked their members personal and confidential information? It appears that the President of the AMA seeks to cause peple to believe that social media policies that control Freedom of Speech is now the law of the land and and not U.S. Constitution tjat guarantees Freedom of Speech, Expression, and Press.

Which constitutional law says Linked has a right to know your Passport information or your Driver License and Birthdate in order to post on their free site? What constitutional rights do they have to require this confidential information stored in their possession justto post without being an employee, but even employers don’t require you to provide your passport information, sowhatis this all about?

Ironically, these CEOs of social media sites who demand personal and confidential information of members who provide free content without compensation for their time and work sothe CEOs can attract advertiers and make them wealthy are using slave labor for free in a sense and then firing them under the guise of banning or suspending the members who did the work based on their whims of community policy violations. On the otherhand, they require the same information for all their members before posting, so how is it that they can’t identify imposter celebrities or charities or pastors or imposter politicians on their sites who are committing fraud and identity theft and possibly tied to porn or human trafficking, wiretapping, or scamming people can’t be identified or located once reported by members? And, how is it they can’t identify those from Nigeria or other third world nations if they have worldwide tracking access?

Zero Hedge wrote, “Facebook’s actions amounted to wiretapping and violated federal law.”

“At the request of CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook officials developed a program called In-App Action Panel (IAAP) that they deployed in 2016 and which was in use through mid-2019, according to the documents, which include internal emails.”

The program utilized cyberattacks to intercept information from Snapchat, YouTube, and Amazon. The program then decrypted the information.”

“The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, sometimes known as the Wiretap Act, bars people from intercepting any “wire, oral, or electronic communication” and from intentionally disclosing the contents of information that was illegally intercepted.”

Facebook’s IAAP program conduct squarely meets the statutory proscriptions … within the meaning of the statute,” lawyers for the plaintiffs told the court.”

“Facebook’s program does not fall within exceptions outlined in the law, particularly because Snapchat did not approve the interception and decryption of its information, they said. Further, Snap’s contact with users prohibits the behaviors in which Facebook engaged.” Meta did not respond to a request for comment.

How safe do Americans feel today since the Federal and State Governments appear to be morphed into one branch of government without separation of states and sovereignty of our Great Republic that once operated by the Rule of Law? The government morphed into one branch of government after Obama and Biden began using mandated Executive Orders to dictate to Americans that superseded the duty of congress who is the only body granted authority to make laws as required by the U.S. Constitution. The President of the USA only has 5 duties and making law is not included in those 5 duties. Executive Orders weren’t intended to bypass congress or the senate or the U.S. Constitutional requirements and used by Presidents of the USA to make laws’; therefore, the Executive Orders that make laws signed by Obama or Biden should be made null and void in my opinion.

Which constitutional authority or job duty did they apply to take oer healthcare or violate the state and federal laws that prohibit funding, aiding and abetting, or arboring illegals that include Chinese spies and cartels, gang members, terrorists, and Venzuelan and Chilean Organized Criminal Syndiates and the Muslim Brothrhood CAIR organization that is an umbrella for extremist anti-American and anti-Israeli nations as well as Christians and Jews? Which constitutiona authority granted them authority to divert U.S. taxes to fly Palestinians who support or are members of Hamas into the USA as well as Iranians and Palestinians secretly at night and use the U.S. Refugee agencies to usher as many as possible secretly into the USA at night as well as use DHS to bush them around the nation and scatter them into our cities to set up no-go zones?

How safe do Americans feel that Social Media CEO’s can wiretape businesses and personal information for profit to gain information for their secret agendas without any regulations by the congress or senate or any liability to be held liable or sued for injury or death to citizens or endangering the nation? After all, China has Tik Tok in America and gathers information on every Americans signed up. China is involved with AI and social media and seeks to take over our land it appears by implementing the Merit App working with Bill Gates and George Soros. China ses digital money only to control the citizens and deny freedom, rights, liberty, sovereignty, and Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Assemble, and punishments if a citizen criticizes the government or maybe coming to America, the AMA, it appears! Is that where America is being led?

“OBAMASAURUS: THE LEGEND OF HOW THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN DINOSAUR NATION WAS DEPOPULATED OR SUFFERED EXTINCTION” by Rose M Colombo – Colombo says, “This isn’t just a book, it is a message for humanity worldwide. Will humanity become an endangered species?” Order from your bookstore and B&N or GOOGLE books and type in OBAMASAURUS on

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