WE THE PEOPLE are the Government with unalienable God-Given Rights!

Rose Colombo, author, radio host, public speaker (c) 4/3/2011, rev. 5/27/2012, rev 3/26/2015

Rose Colombo stated, “Most people know nothing about the legal system.  We must not go down to their level, but we must force the legal system to come up to our level.”  (C) 1989

“Oh, my gosh,” I moaned back in 2008 when I saw Obama standing up on the House floor when he was introduced on national television as Senator Barack Obama.  A sense of fear rippled through my body.  Immediately, I knew that Americans were being introduced to the next pre-chosen candidate for U.S. President entirely based on my personal opinion.  I felt an urgency to warn Americans not to vote for him.  Not long after that first encounter when I felt as if I couldn’t look at him or hear his voice, my premonition came true.

In 2008, Obama’s name and face appeared everywhere on every main stream media outlet.  Television. Radio.  Internet.  Newspapers. Eventually, his face appeared on the U.S. flag which shocked me.  I couldn’t turn on the internet without seeing his face on every site.  It was rather disturbing.  So, I set out on my campaign to warn everyone not to vote for Obama; however, people were enamored by him and dismissed my warnings.  Some people worshiped him and prayed to Obama.

In 2008, many people said, “You don’t know what you’re talking about or you’re a “racist.”  Most people said, “He’s going to help Americans.”  I felt helpless and frustrated.  My family and friends said, “You’re obsessed with your fears about Obama.”  So, I turned my attention to blogging. I wrote letters to my representatives.  Some of my first blogs were published on Newsvine, Congress.org, and Townhall.com.  I remember my first couple of blogs were entitled, 1)  “The Most Dangerous Man to Hit America!” and 2) “The High Jacking of America’s Freedoms.,”

Afterwards, I wrote two Blogs that weren’t well received, either on Town Hall and other sites, entitled, “China on the Move.” warning Americans to keep their eye on China.  The second Blog was entitled, “Obamacare is Unconstitutional and Illegal.” In fact, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce emailed me in 2009 and informed me that a part of my Obamacare blog was read on the congressional floor with my name prior to its vote for passage.  I didn’t have a clue at the time that Congress didn’t read the 2700 pages.  I didn’t know they could and would be derelict in their duties and rubber stamp “approved,” 2700 pages of laws and mandates and punishments and fines for Americans only, while they exempted themselves and failed to read each line, study it, and make sure it was in line with the Constitution.  They didn’t care and sold out the American people and destroyed the greatest health care system in the world.

On or about February – April 2009, I was the first person in the nation to warn against Obamacare and question the constitutional and legal standards of the “Mandate,” which is when I published my Blog, “ObamaCare is Unconstitutional and Possibly Illegal” on Congress.org and other worldwide sites. I sent a copy to each congressional member, my congressional members and senators, media, and the nation, with the hope that they would read the myriad of questions including my key question on the Mandate explaining why the mandate was unconstitutional. My question related to the Mandate  and that question ended up being debated in the Supreme Court.  This is why Justice Scalia asked, “Will we be forced to buy Broccoli next?”

I wrote in my Blog that Obamacare bordered on extortion.  Obamacare was like having an imaginary gun to every American’s head and some thug saying, “Pay up or else!”  Pay up or else be punished.  I stated that if they can force Americans to buy a consumer product or consumer service with our own hard earned money after taxes that they would force us to buy more products and services by denying the right and the freedom to choose what we choose to purchase with our own money after taxes.

I stated it would be like going to a used car lot and paying for the car up-front.  And, the car dealer says, well, we’re not ready to turn the car over to you, so come back in 6 months and we may or may not provide this service to you or we may give you a vehicle of lesser value.  And, of course, the car dealer could go bankrupt or go out of business. Obamacare demanded up-front payments when there was no service or product to access upon signing up on their defective website.  Obamacare doesn’t guarantee any products or services, but they did promise to ration or deny services at their discretion.  And, Obamacare promises to punish the Americans who didn’t pay up front by forcing them to pay a excessive penalty.

My entire Blog was debated on Hannity for 3 years, which was my intent, to get the media talking about the Mandate.  I suggested that Sheriffs and AG’s file lawsuits and eventually they did.  I suggested Obamacare bordered on threats, placing fear in the minds of every American, and bordered on extortion, patient dumping, and unconstitutional promises, and misrepresentations.  I stated Obamacare is all about Death Panels for Americans and unborn future Americans.  I was  discussing the death panels on a KABC talk radio show with a lawyer and he shut me down and told the audience not to believe one word I said about the “death panels” because there weren’t any “death panels” inserted into Obamacare.

During this same time, Liberty Counsel, a Constitutional Law Firm, read the Obamacare bill and they were the first to warn Americans about the Death Panels by publishing their findings on-line and questioned if Obamacare violated the Commerce Clause.  They were the first to publish the extensive list of Obamacare Mandates and Requirements, punishments, penalties, and taxes that weren’t taxes, and penalties that weren’t penalties. as well as excessive regulations that denied constitutional rights to Americans, not Non-Citizens who weren’t held to the same Obamacare Mandates as they were protected by Obamacare.  On the other hand, Obamacare exempted the illegals, donors, SEIU, and Congress, Justices, and the POTUS and V.P.  Obamacare also exempted  the Muslims. who didn’t have to comply, pay up, or be punished!  They would be given a free lunch on the backs of the U.S. taxpayers.

Although, I felt I was providing a service to Americans by warning them about a stranger in the night, I was just a small voice in the wilderness under verbal attack on-line, as well as, on radio.  Although, I felt strongly opposed to Obama, not because of the color of his skin, but because I listened to his words ringing in my head, which rang out loud and clear -Hope. And, Change.  I recognized that he didn’t respect the U.S.  Constitution of the United States and he didn’t hold America in the highest regard. I felt that Obama believed America needed to be “changed” and transformed according to his rigid socialist and Middle East views as he consistently apologized for America.  After all, “hope and change” is what Socialist and Communist Nations sing out.

Of course, I wonder if Obama ever looked into the camera and stated, “I am a U.S. Natural Born Citizen.”  To my knowledge, he has not, because if he is not a U.S. Natural Born Citizen and it ended up in an investigative hearing then he could be placed on the spot and his Certified Birth Certificate, Passport, Selective Service Records, Repatriation Documents, Adoption Papers from Indonesia under the name Barry Soetoro, the Connecticut Social Security Number issued to a dead person according to credible lawyers, a revoked Law License, and unseen College Degrees would be subpoenaed for vetting.

The Congress would be compelled to properly vet Obama and it’s possible that he could be a foreigner. Unfortunately, between 2008 and 2009, the Congress, the U.S. Justices, the DOJ, the Federal Judges, and 51% of the American Citizens bought the snake oil. But, Michelle Obama and Bill O’Reilly, Fox News Host,  says that her husband was born in Hawaii, so that’s all America needs to know. She calls Kenya, Obama’s “home country.”  Obama laughs or jokes about Article II dismissing concerned citizens as “birthers”  or “conspiracy theorists,” instead of producing the proof, yet he boasted of being the most transparent president ever to hit the White House if elected in 2008.  His own attorney finally admitted that the White House Birth Certificate produced online is 100% fake, but Congress appears to care less.

Ironically, this was the first time in my life that I felt afraid for our nation’s freedom.  So, I began researching everything I could about Barry Soetoro aka Harrison (Harry) Bounell, aka Barry Shabazz aka Tim Owns aka Barack Hussein Obama II. About 2008, I remember being on-line before Facebook was popular.  I spotted a Certificate of Live Birth posted by Obama on the internet. I noted the document was blacked out and altered. Kenyan Newspapers alleged Obama was a Kenyan citizen.  The L.A. Times refused to release a video of Obama and Ayers and al-Mansour after Obama visited the L.A. Times.  This video may have changed the minds of many Americans.  The video revealed that negative obama along with Michelle and his crones, who attended the anti-Israeli dinner such as Elizabeth Dorn nd Bill Ayers.

As I studied the Certificate of Live Birth, I noted that important information had been covered up with a black marker.  I read every word printed on the very bottom of the Certificate of Live Birth, which stated, that any alterations to the document would make the document invalid, so the document was invalid. I felt that the Democrats truly insulted the intelligence of the American people, but most Americans could care less at the time.   This led me to believe Gruber was right when he said, that the American people can be easily “tricked.”   I was the enemy of the left for pointing it out online as many people insulted me with their comments but I continued on my mission. It was about that time that I saw a video on “You Tube”  with Obama’s Kenyan grandmother stating that she was present at the Kenyan hospital when Obama was born. Another YT video was posted exposing the Kenyan Citizens and the Kenyan Parliament and one of their key leaders stating the Obama was born in Kenya and the long form Kenyan Birth Certificate was on file with the Kenyan Parliament.

Shortly thereafter, I read about a constitutional lawyer, Philip J. Berg, who filed a lawsuit alleging Obama was not a U.S. Natural Born citizen and that he was ineligible to be the U.S. President.  So, I phoned Philip J. Berg, Esq., and I spoke with him personally and explained that I’d been a long time political and legal activist, writer, and TV and radio producer producing shows on injustices.   As the Founder of  “Women Fight Back,” the first grassroots movement in the nation helping victims of legal abuse become survivors, I was aware of injustices.  I told Mr. Berg that I supported his efforts.  After experiencing 15 years of legal abuses and helping thousands of people around the nation suffering injustices, I understood quite a lot about corruption, injustices, and legal abuse.

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Which Nation Did You Marry? http://www.rose4justice.com

Nevertheless, Philip J. Berg’s eligibility lawsuit shocked the nation!  But, the main stream media opposed his efforts of seeking the truth and stifled his efforts. Many Americans supported the first Black president at the time, so many Americans were angry and verbally opposed Berg’s efforts, as well.  Berg has taken a lot of heat from the liberals and the media, as well, but he continues to fight back for truth and justice.  In fact, he created an online website, “obamacrimes.com” I interviewed Philip J. Berg, esq. turned author about his book, “Obamascare.”

Consequently, Obama refused to produce a U.S. long form  birth certificate as required by Article II of the U.S. Constitution, which is a standard part of the vetting process, and he chose to circumvent Article II and refused to be properly vetted or properly identify himself in a court of law.  In fact, there are articles stating that Obama spent around $2,000,000 concealing his Birth Certificate from the entire U.S. Nation. (I’m not sure, but if you aren’t a legal U.S. citizen then perhaps, you aren’t bound by the U.S. Constitution).

In 2008, the majority of Americans didn’t appear to care that there was a video circulating on “You Tube,” which exposed Obama’s  Kenyan grandmother, stating that she was present at the Kenyan hospital when Obama was born, which Berg stated he was able to access.  Afterwards, it seems that many of the  videos that infer any negative information involving  Obama were removed from the internet. Amazingly, people couldn’t turn on the internet without seeing  Obama’s face everywhere. People sang to him and praised him as their Messiah.

Furthermore, there are a myriad of liberal news reporters and politicians who state that requesting proper vetting and producing a Certified copy of a U.S. long form birth certificate of a candidate or elected politician, who  doesn’t want to produce a Certified Birth Certificate is politically correct and allowed by the inner circle.  Everyone must play by their rules no matter what the laws states.  So, are we to assume that the laws are controlled by the government and by the media, as well as corporate America including the Bankers?

I guess it’s politically incorrect to mention that some lawyers are concerned that Obama may allegedly be using a  Connecticut social security card of a dead person and revealing this information could label one as a “birther.”  I guess a “birther” is like being labeled as a “nut” case.  It appears the liberals believe that public servants, such as a U.S. President, shouldn’t have to  be held to the same standard as the Rule of Law requires even if they are in violation of an established U.S. Constitutional law and identification laws.  Hypocritically, the liberals had no problem going after John McCain’s birth certificate  when they rendered their “birther” attacks against him.  But John McCain was born on a U.S. Military base to two U.S. Natural Born Citizens.

It appears that the liberals believe that if Obama says, “Yes, I have one” or laughs about following Article II, so be it and they laugh and applaud.  Well, that isn’t how the courts or the congress are supposed to operate in the U.S.A.   After, all that doesn’t work for  We The People who pay their wages with tax dollars.  Americans are punished for eating chicken in their cars or refusing to show the ID to a cop.   Many liberal democratic politicians and reporters accuse Americans of being racists because they insist that Obama follow the Rule of Law, such as  Article II, Sec. 1, the 4th Amendment, due process of law, and freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bear arms.  If Obama or Congress or the U.S. Justices or federal judges don’t have to follow U.S. Constitutional law, but can circumvent, by-pass, alter, re-write, misinterpret, constitutional laws on the bench or in the White House then we no longer are a sovereign Republic established by the Rule of Law, but a rogue government who holds We The People’s feet to the fire while the inner circle of wealthy elites never touch the flames with their little toe.

Therefore, let’s fast forward to 2011!  Obama has not identified himself to the nation.  Our country is on the verge of an economic collapse.  America’s Christian Prayer Day is replaced with Muslim Prayer Day in D.C. And, most recently, even Donald Trump has jumped into the controversial birth certificate issue.  Sadly, LTC Lakin, who refused to follow orders unless Obama produced a Certified U.S. Birth Certificate, ended up being imprisoned for six months at hard-core Leavenworth.  Orly Taitz, an Orange County lawyer, filed a lawsuit alleging Obama used a myriad of social security numbers, including a dead person’s social security number.

Furthermore, it was shocking when Obama declared war on Libya, a nation who never threatened America. The media reported that it wasn’t a declaration of war, but a NATO mission.  Nonetheless, his actions appeared to be a Declaration of War against Libya and even if it were a NATO mission, they fired missiles at a nation who didn’t threaten the USA and by-pass the authority of the U.S. Congress.  Obama ordered the military to fire off  220 Tomahawk missiles  at Libya without warning in a strategic goal.   The attacks resulted in the death of innocent freedom fighters, civilians, women and children, Gaddafi’s grandchildren, his teenage son who was enjoying dinner with his friends at a restaurant  as reported in the news.  It’s my understanding that killing innocent civilians is a federal crime, but perhaps,  I’m mistaken.

Obama and Hillary were in on the order apparently to assassinate Gaddafi.  Remember, Gaddafi cheered Obama’s election and called him,”my son.”  This Libyan war caused a tax burden of approximately $600,000 up to $1.4M to the taxpayers to manufacture each Tomahawk Missile. Obama has left Americans vulnerable and the freedom fighters who counted on the U.S.A. as an ally under Gaddafi, who was seeking to create his own gold-backed monetary system. After this shocking attack on Libya under Obama’s reign, The Muslim Brother has taken control of Libya and caused discord in Libya.  The expense of an undeclared war not authorized by the U.S. Congress, while America is suffering from a deep depression, added to the already depressing economic burden.  In the mean time, China was building up their economic and military status in the world.

Furthermore, Obama promised to create U.S. jobs with the billions of tax dollars turned into trillions, but instead, he diverted the U.S. tax dollars to the Obama bundlers, supporters, and donors, which cost the American people dearly as the unemployment rate began to skyrocket.  Electricity began to skyrocket.  The Housing market began to slump.  The cost of food and gasoline was skyrocketing to nearly $5 per gallon in some areas of the country.

The benefactors of the stimulus tax dollars ended up with wealthy banksters.  In fact, cronies such as Solyndra bundlers  ended up with $40,000,000 plus another $535,000,000 of our tax dollars then bankrupted.  Michael Chertoff, Obama’s former federal employee ended up funded to start-up the Rapiscan business at the airports that is owned by OSI Systems and George Soros owned stocks in OSI systems who now radiates every American walking through the airports.  Radiation has direct adverse health effects on human beings and can affect the development of children.

The Stimulus money ended up with AIG and IMF.  The news reported that IMF couldn’t account for $1T dollars.  The Pentagon was missing billions on their books.  The State Department under Hillary’s reign was missing $6B.  Senator Pelosi’s brother-in-law ended up with millions granted for a business by Obama.  And, Sen. Dianne Feinstein landed the no-bid USPO contract that was worth billions.  Senator Pelosi was engaging in insider trading and earned millions without any fear of being held accountable.  The Congress justified their actions by stating, “everyone does it.”

Obama granted America’s tax dollars in stimulus funds to George Soros for his oil drilling business in Brazil while Obama shut down drilling for oil in America.  Big corporations were granted stimulus tax dollars including G.E.  and then there was the $150 Billion Iran deal and billions dropped off in cash at the feet of the foreign enemy in Iran. At least, President Bush returned $600 to each U.S. taxpayer, but Obama turned his back on U.S. taxpayers and small business owners, as well as veterans, and the U .S. Military and he failed to help small businesses create jobs.

Although, Obama  promised 350,000 infrastructure shovel–ready jobs for Americans, he failed to keep his  promises.  In fact, Obama did what Bill Clinton did during his terms in the White House.  Obama outsourced at least 85,000 jobs to Communist China and India. The result is that housing foreclosures and bankruptcy and unemploymentended up at an all time high.

Economists are warning of an economic collapse between now and 2016, because of Obama’s reckless spending of $5 trillion dollars in 2 1/2 years, which is more than all U.S. Presidents combined ever spent in 235 years!  But, Americans can blame the 110th through the 112th Congress,  who were engaged in Insider Trading and called it out as legal for them, while filling their bank accounts.  They weren’t concerned about reducing the funding of Rapiscan, but funded Rapiscan, owned by OSI Systems, not once, but twice, for former federal Homeland Security (HLS) employee, Michael Chertoff and Soros, who owned stock  and donated to Obama’s war chest for political office.

These agendas are huge Conflicts of Interest and alleged misuse of U.S. tax dollars, but who cares in D.C.?  They opened the purse strings of the American taxpayers and they never denied Obama even the “change.”  In fact, most career politicians end up quite wealthy in just a few short years as multi-millionaires, so why do we have to pay millionaires and multi-millionaires benefits and retirement for life?

Although, Obama blames Bush for increased unemployment, the unemployment rate in 2008 read 7.2%, so after the congress recklessly opened up America’s entire bank vault and handed over the entire purse strings with no questions asked to Obama, the debt reached a staggering  $5 trillion in a matter of months. The USS Liberty Train is headed toward the end of the cliff. Obama promised transparency, but he has been the least transparent of any U.S. President in 235 years!  He has given us nearly $20 Trillion in debt and a possible economic collapse and more crisis than Americans have witnessed on U.S. soil in U.S. History.  And, it’s only 2011.  What happens if he’s re-elected and the elections are rigged through the electronic machines and the Democrats encourage more illegals to vote, double voting, and more dead people voting?

Furthermore, I believe my fears were well founded and I also believe that Philip J. Berg, Esq. should be given the credit he so deserves for filing the first eligibility lawsuit against Barack Hussein Obama II aka Barry Soetoro, etc…and bringing the issue of eligibility to the attention of the American people and congress.  There were more attorneys, such as Orly Taitz who tried to request that the courts investigate Obama’a Social Security Numbers, but they refused. Many lawyers were jumping on the band wagon along with military officers and not one lawsuit was approved.  They were denied “due process of law” by the U.S. Justices and Federal Courts and Congress.  This is absolutely stunning.

On or about 2009, I asked the question, why any reasonable man with any common sense at all, would spend one or two million dollars to conceal a $35 birth certificate, which can easily be obtained from the government, and made public for public review by Congress and the American citizens, but to-date, there isn’t an answer from congress as they remain silent and eligibility is declared to be off-limits.

Shouldn’t Americans ask why would a man without a U.S. Long Form Birth Certificate, who admits he approved of it and declared it to be his legal U.S. Birth Certificate find it necessary to write a law immediately after his inauguration to by-pass Article II by inserting a self-serving and self-protecting amendment into an existing Executive Order or Presidential Directive, granting himself the authority to conceal any and all of his records from the U.S. government? Besides, how is concealing identification from the government even legal and how does the government know there are any records if they are concealed?  How could the IRS pay Obama taxpayer wages for nearly one decade and a pension if he doesn’t have a valid U.S. Birth Certificate and is a possible Indonesian National?

Therefore, the issue of the birth certificate is not about the U.S. long form birth certificate, which many Americans now believe doesn’t exist, but about the Rule of Law.  The birth certificate is about public servants failing to uphold their sworn oath and upholding the U.S. Constitution with integrity and honesty. This is a matter of a public servant’s fiduciary duty to the taxpayers as well as the Rule of Law.  Public Servants holding any office shouldn’t be provided carte blanc to hold themselves above the laws they mandate for everyone else or exempt themselves from the laws of the land.  I state in my book, “Fight Back Legal Abuse,”  that “Public servants aren’t paid to protect public servants from the constitution but protect the people from unethical public servants.”

Remember, Article II, Sec. 1,  has been the law of the land for  235 years.  Article II requires that a U.S. President must be 35 years of age and must be a U.S. Natural born citizen, which has never been questioned until 2008,  but unfortunately, Article II, Sec. 1, a legal law, isn’t being upheld by the federal government and thus, reflects a serious abuse of power!   How is it that those in power with authority to enforce the laws, choose to ignore the violations of constitutional law  and aren’t  held accountable for Obstruction of Justice?

The Law of Nations, defines a U.S. Natural Born Citizen as “a baby born on U.S. soil to two U.S. Natural Born Citizens.”  This is a simple and clear definition.

Obama stated and wrote, “My father was a foreign student born and raised in a small village in Kenya.”  Therefore, according to the definition of a U.S. Natural Born Citizen established in Article II, Sec. 1, and written into the U.S. Constitution for reference, The Law of Nations, a man with a foreign-born father is not a U.S. Natural Born Citizen, but a “naturalized” citizen if born on U.S. soil or if approved for citizenship after filing the proper legal documents.  A birth certificate shouldn’t be necessary if a candidate has a foreign-born dad because that one declaration makes him ineligible to be a U.S. Natural Born Citizen and ineligible to be a U.S. President – period!  Thus, anyone who fakes his natural-born U.S. citizenship to usurp the Office of the President of the USA is stealing the Birthright and privilege from a legal natural-born U.S. Citizen.

And, a child adopted in Indonesia by his stepfather at the time of Obama’s adoption automatically becomes an Indonesian citizen according to their laws renouncing any other citizenship as only Indonesian citizens can attend Indonesian schools.  Indonesia and the USA at that time did not recognize dual citizenship.  Obama’s adoption papers read his legal name is Barry Soetoro and his religion is Islam.  This makes Obama aka Barry Soetoro, an Indonesian National, upon his return to the USA.

So, upon Obama or Barry’s re-entry into the U.S. about 1981, he would have had to re-enter into the USA using a foreign student visa like his alleged father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., as Barry Soetoro, and been repatriated as a “naturalized” citizen and legally change his name before or after entering the U.S. from Barry to Barack, but to-date, those records remain a mystery.

In conclusion, newspaper announcements aren’t proof of citizenship in the United States.  Anyone can place an announcement in a newspaper.  And to-date, Hawaii has refused to produce a Certified copy of Obama’s Hawaii Birth Certificate to Sheriff Arpaio or any other investigator according to news reports. But, even if a certified Hawaiian birth certificate were produced, his father is foreign-born in Kenya, a British Subject, as Kenya was a British colony, making Obama a British subject by birthright, ineligible according to U.S. Constitutional law, Article II, Sec. 1, as well as by his own admittance, he was legally adopted making him an Indonesian National.

The Forefathers in America wrote Article II requiring that only a U.S. Natural Born Citizen be eligible to be a U.S. President, as a Birthright, to prevent usurpers from stealing the Birthright of a U.S. Natural Born Citizen, as they believed that only a U.S. Natural Born Citizen will love his country and his citizens with the passion needed to preserve America’s laws, civilization, lifestyle, religious roots, traditions, and sovereignty, and fight against those who conspire to steal the United States of America or harm the American citizens.

Finally, included in my book, “Fight Back Legal Abuse,” on page 138 is the following:

USC Title 18 Sec. 1621 which states:

“Whoever having taken an oath before a competent tribunal, officer, or person in any case in which a law of the United States authorizes, or an oath to be administered, willfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes to any material matter which he does not believe to be true, is guilty of perjury and shall pay a fine of no more than $2,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both.”

Obviously, there’s punishment when public servants violate their sworn oaths.  After all, the President of the United States swears to “preserve, defend, and protect the Constitution of the United States of America.”  The truth is there are photos of Obama placing his hand on a red book and swearing a second time in secret again with his hand on a red book meaning that he appears to be pledging his allegiance either to the Communist red book or to the Muslim ideologies and to foreign enemy nations.

So, which is it?  Is Article II, a supreme law of the land to be followed, as well as the 22nd Amendment establishing the words, “U.S. Natural Born Citizen” as defined in the Law of Nations, or has the congress and the Justice Department bought into Obama’s definition of the U.S. Constitution when he stated that the constitution is “nothing more than a mere charter of negative laws [liberties] that need to be changed” and the Framers are “flawed,” the “U.S. Constitution” is “meaningless” and the “Congress” is “meaningless.”

Obama didn’t have much respect for America or Americans.  In fact, obama stated on national television in a speech that the American people are “small-minded.  And, Gruber stated that the American people are “stupid,” and “easily tricked” and Americans are “spoiled” and America is “oppressive.”

Obama stated that the Bible is a “violent” book, the Koran is a ‘”holy” book,” and the “National Anthem” is “violent” and “needs to be changed.” He mocked Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount as violent. He wrote in his book that he “hated” his mother’s race, but he was working on that issue.  He stated that the “illegal foreigners” are “one of us.”  But, Americans didn’t ask – “One of whom?”

Lastly, the lawsuits filed by Philip J. Berg, Esq., and Orly Taitz, Esq. can be read on their websites, so those of us who have been seeking the truth since 2008 including author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, and  Dr. James D. Manning, whose videos can be seen on his website as well as my websites continue to believe the old saying, “the truth shall set us free.”

Note: Philip J. Berg, esq. and author, Obamascare also entitled “Obama Exposed” shared his information with Rose Colombo N The Justice Club  and Constitutionally Speaking podcast as well as her latest radio podcast, “Colombo Chronicles.”

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Books:  “Fight Back Legal Abuse” and “Obamacare, Dinosaurs, RedNecks and Radicals” – 2 Irwin Award Winning Books – 5 Star Reviews on Amazon – featured around the world in newspapers, radio, and magazines.    (Scroll Down to Like – Follow – Comment)

Check it Out – Original design by Rose Colombo!  A Trump 2020 Victory Mug – Keepsake, Personal Use or Gift Wrapped if you live in the USA – whimsical, colorful fun – This Trump 2020 Mug will put a smile on your face and as a Keepsake will record the most contested Presidential Election by We The People in U.S. History….and check out other fun mugs – limited quantities ends on or before December 31, 2020 -Click on  – http://www.onecupmore.com

333 thoughts on “Credit Philip J. Berg, Esq. as the First Person to File a Lawsuit in the Nation Alleging Obama Is Not Eligible to be the U.S. President

  1. To Commit sodomy on the US Military, To sign START, disarming america, was strongly protested by active duty personnel, are acts of Treason, committed by a person who refuses to show his place of birth, if we are to believe the overwhelming data on the internet, and in some newsmedia sources. To allow the gulf to be environmentally compromised, when he was advised to detonate the wellhead, closing the flow of oil in our gulf, but failed to follow sound advise, ordering american companies to end domestic exploration in the gulf while permitting russia and others to drill in our waters, while they do not permit anyone in their claimed territories, which ignore UN territorial law claiment rights. and many other criminal acts should allow the house to move for removal from office, not impeachment, as he is an unsurper, a treasonist, advising our enemy in war of our military intent, is collaborating with a foreign power against american citizens, troops on active duty. He should be investigated without interference from panetta, holder and mueller, unless they are proactive in discovering the truth. Gates has never experienced military service and has no place in a decision making process in this realm. The glf blowout could have been circumvented if his assigned authority had properly investigated her responsibility, and resigned the day of the blowout, etc etc etc—Your claim of misdeameanor is like fighting a bull with a flyswatter


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  21. Credit Philip J. Berg, Esq. as the First Person to File a Lawsuit in the Nation Alleging Obama Is Not Eligible to be the U.S. President! | Rose4justice's Blog Pretty nice post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I’ve really enjoyed surfing around your blog posts. After all I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again very soon!


  22. I wrote to candidate John McCain, faxing him twice, recommending he file a Title 3 § 15 challenge to Obama’s electoral votes. In fact, that message was hand-delivered prior to January 9, 2009. I also faxed, twice, over 75 congressmen . . . only got responses from two, who were hypnotized by the ‘born on U.S. soil = natural born citizen’ crap.

    2012 is right around the corner . . . what can we do?


    1. John McCain? He is a liberal Rino – He implemented the NDAA law to throw US citizens in jail indefinitely and assassinate US citizens without due process of law – He is the biggest disappointment ever – I’ve been on this as well – wrote all the Justices prior to Berg filing the eligibility suit – Maybe the white envelope has been passed around and is now empty? Many more will be jumping ship -People should be asking, aren’t these crimes against Americans and America? Many are wealthier today than they were in 2008 – The biggest $5 trillion hoax ever played on American soil against the American citizens – threw our kids and grandkids inheritance in the toilet – intentionally manipulating, avoiding, ignoring, re-writing, and circumventing U.S. Constitutional law for self-gain – and holding themselves above the laws – while prosecuting the American people for speaking out so they fear speaking out – a tactic used for self-protection, perhaps?


      1. Wow, Rose. I started my trip through the looking glass upon reading the Phil Berg filing, around October of 2008. My e-mail conversations with Dr. Jerome Corsi started December of 2008.

        I am completely disappointed with John McCain. He had a fiduciary responsibility to do what he could, legally, to win the 2008 election as the Republican candidate. I used the example of Barbara Boxer filing the Title 3 § 15 Challenge to Electoral Votes in 2000 in an attempt to block all of G.W. Bush’s Ohio electoral votes. Turnabout is fair play, but McCain threw in the towel stating that, “we have nothing to fear from an Obama presidency.”

        In my opinion, America would be safer today if McCain was still in Hanoi Hilton.


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  125. Phil Berg is back, and has published “ObamaScare”, the complete book on the his attempts to de-throne Barack Obama, and on all the acts of treason committed by the President. His website is back as is his Facebook page (he now also has an ObamaScare Facebook page. Check it out and pick up a copy of the book in support of the cause!

    ObamaScare now available on Kindle
    http://www.bootthebums.org/ http://www.obamacrimes.com/


    1. Thank You. He will be a guest on my show, “Rose Colombo N The Justice Club,” as he’s been a previous guest and the show is archived for listening convenience on this site. I shall contact him….This is good news to me…


  126. Pingback: OSCAR

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