Can Americans Be Placed On Govt “Hit” List? Isn’t that A Conspiracy to Commit Murder By Denying Due Process of Law? What’s the Difference?

By Rose Colombo, original (c) pub. 10/13/2011, Rev. 4/7/2012, 2017

Hooray for Hollywood!  Liberal Democrats gathered support for the unvested president Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro, who promised to bring “change” to America.  At a Hollywood event, Obama stated to the audience that he was going to attack them with drones and they laughed.  He said, “You think I’m joking.”  Well, I never think he’s joking!  And the audience continued to laugh and applaud.  Today, Americans are faced with a unvested president who allegedly holds himself above congressional and constitutional law and seems to ignore our democratic process.  America is a  Republic which is operated according to  the Rule of Law.

Furthermore, the  news reported Obama is appointing a panel to create a secret “kill list” of  U.S. Citizens, who could be murdered by assassination, based on Obama’s accusation only or his non-vetted Czars and possibly his Muslim Brotherhood appointees.  They could accuse Americans living on  foreign or domestic soil.  U.S. Citizens could be accused of being “dangerous” or  “right-wing extremists” which is based upon political and religious affiliations, activism, and published writings or accused of being a  dissident. In other words, Americans will be denied their U.S. Constitutional rights to exercise “due process of law” guaranteed by the 4th Amendment.  Guilty as charged even if innocent!  Isn’t that how tyrannical dictators and communist dictators operate by punishing people who oppose their government’s laws, mandates, and regulations?  Compliance vs. non-Compliance?  So, if a secret “kill” list is enacted allowing the executive branch to target Americans for assassination without due process of law, would that include witnesses and whistleblowers who would testify against the government?

Remember, that the NDAA law reflects the tyrannical laws inflicted upon citizens of  Third World nations ruled by a tyrannical leader with an iron fist, not constitutional laws.  In other words,  Congress has created a new law titled NDAA which shreds due process of law equally important with Article II, but under NDAA, due process of law is the most important law inserted into the U.S. Constitution for it is the only law that prevents tyranny and genocide.  Is everyone in Hollywood still laughing?  In fact, the news reported  most recently,  Homeland Security has been instructed to fly drones over America and spy on the American people!

Although, the president’s Executive Order allegedly provides himself with the unprecedented authority to pick and choose which Americans on foreign or U.S. soil will be accused and labeled killed or assassinated, the U.S. Congress, who is the only body that can make and approve laws, is silent!  They are allowing the nation to be run by excessive Executive Orders without congress exercising the fiduciary duty and upholding the 14th Amendment as required by law.  In fact, the 112th Congress led by senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham implemented the NDAA law that targets Americans for assassination and indefinite detentions through Congress which shocked the American taxpayers!  Yet, congress exempts themselves from unconstitutional and unread laws since 2009.

Recently, the news reported that Obama ordered a “hit” on an American citizen named Anwar al-Awlaki  who the government reported dead, but the government also stated that they didn’t retrieve the body, but how is it they didn’t retrieve the body for positive identification?  Although, al-Awlaki converted to the Muslim faith and spoke out heatedly against American policies, there weren’t any criminal charges filed against him by the U.S. government.  He wasn’t armed or captured and he wasn’t provided due process of law, although he allegedly had been reported to have visited the Pentagon without incident where he could have been arrested.   Shockingly, al-Awlaki’s assassination and his minor child’s assassination occurred prior to the approval of the NDAA Law.  Shouldn’t this beg the question which constitutional authority Obama and his administration used to provide the executive office with  authority to write an Executive Order granting a U.S. President the right to assassinate any  American accused as an enemy of the government even if they could be captured?   Yet, al-Awlaki’s killing and that of his minor child, were ordered before the NDAA Law was enacted and while due process of law  was intact.  In fact, the NDAA law circumvents constitutional law.

Therefore, which constitutional authority was applied that provided the executive branch to by-pass due process of law and the judicial branch and order “hits” on  American adult and an American minor child and how is the NDAA Law in the best interest of the majority of the American people?  The NDAA law defies due process of law guaranteed by  U.S. Constitution.  Also, the blog is an article that states “Obama has Gaddafi’s 16-year-old son, friends killed at dinner,” but this information is very difficult to find in main stream news as many articles and videos are being made unavailable for public scrutiny.

Also, Obama is named in a myriad of eligibility lawsuits filed by attorneys, i.e., Philip J. Berg, esq., and Orly Taitz, esq.,  as well as other prominent lawyers and military officers, and Sheriffs alleging that there are numerous computer experts alleging Obama’s birth certificates are forgeries. The news reported that FBI complaints have been filed by computer experts.  Ironically, Obama  has allegations filed against him with the courts and FBI, yet he was allowed to order a “hit” on al-Awlaki and his minor child, who didn’t have any criminal charges filed against them at the time Obama ordered the assassination of  unarmed American citizens versus ordering their capture.  So, why is Congress remaining silent on the NDAA law that targets Americans based on accusation only, which opens the door to legal abuse and possibly wrongful murders?

  • Americans should be demanding to know why congress is silently allowing  Obama to rule the nation by Executive Order through excesses of  mandates and  requirements, excessive regulations, excessive taxation, unconstitutional punishment and excessive penalties making the Middle Class poorer while Obama approves in excess of $1 billion in U.S. tax dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood with knowledge that their stated strategic goal is to wipe out Israel and Western civilization,  Executive Orders were not intended to be used and abused so one man could rule the United States of America without congressional or constitutional authority and redistribute the wealth to foreign ant-American nations.  The congress and DOJ are trampling on the Rule of  Checks and Balances.  Americans are witnessing all three branches of government morphing into one branch of government.  The Obama Nation!
  • Congress  allowed a non-vetted man with a foreign-born father and Subject of Britain to grant himself absolute power by writing and approving a myriad of Executive Orders from day one after taking office, but under which constitutional or state law is it that provides a public servant the legal right to conceal his identity and credentials from all branches of the federal government and the government, We The People ?  President Obama approves excessive Executive Order and by-passes congress and usurps constitutional authority.
  • Obama  declared  his excessive Executive Orders as the new laws of the land.  Obama and congress usurped due process of law by approving the NDAA Law as well as approving an extension of the Patriot Act.  Due Process of Law is the only constitutional law established for the prevention of tyranny and  genocide.  In fact, Obama’s excessive signing of Executive Orders  caused congressional members, Dan Lundgren and Ron Paul to state on the record, on the congressional floor ,that Executive Orders are not laws.  The only reason that Congress is silent, in my opinion, is that they approve of Obama’s usurping the congress and constitution by Executive Order or else they would exercise their authority and Repeal and Defund.

Well then, how is it possible for a non-vetted  president to use tax dollars without congressional approval and appoint a panel of federal government non-vetted Czars paid by U.S. taxpayers to create a “hit list” that’s intended to murder Americans by  assassination without Due Process of Law as well as eliminate due process of law from  the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees U.S. Natural Born and long time generational legal citizens the right to access their Miranda Rights, and a lawyer.  Yet, the Obama administration and USAG, Eric Holder insist that the Muslim Radicals involved in 911 or other criminal acts be read Miranda Rights and provided Due Process of Law.  On the other hand, U.S. Natural Born Citizens if accused of being an enemy combatant are denied their constitutional rights to exercise Due Process of Law by implementing the NDAA law as well as the Patriot Act.

In other words, the NDAA law prohibits Americans accused by the U.S. government of being an enemy combatant from accessing charges filed, a lawyer, a trial or appeals as reported in the news by Senator Feinstein.  In other words, if U.S Natural Born Citizens are accused of being a “dissident,” they could accused and  punished and left to rot in a jail cell.

Therefore, Americans must ask under which constitutional authority and fiduciary job duty is the 112th Congress or Obama applying that provides them the authority to shred due process of law and implement the NDAA law.  The NDAA law or Patriot Act isn’t in the best interest of the American people, but could result in their demise or punishment.  It’s crucial that U.S. citizens who are the taxpayers  peacefully resist and denounce the federal government using U.S. tax dollars to implement the assassination of American citizens, unarmed Americans, who could be accused of being an enemy combatant on U.S. or foreign soil.  So, are Americans being forced to pick up the tab for the Muslim Brotherhood to continue their stated strategic goals against Western Civilization. Are Americans being forced to  pay for the possibility of their own assassinations and indefinite detentions if targeted by the Obama regime? Even more amazing is that Americans are paying the wages to employ the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House!  How is this possible?

Remarkable as it is – Americans and Brits are losing their constitutional freedom and liberty.  Actually, I read that the lineage of British royalty is tied to Germany and that several members of  British royalty married Germans and embraced the nazis.  The articles read that British Royalty changed their German names to English surnames during WWII as the English people intensely opposed the Nazi’s.

So, it shouldn’t surprise the Brits if they do their homework to realize  how their government may have been infiltrated subtly with public servants who oppose freedom and liberty.  Most recently, Obama toasted his allegiance to the queen which hit international news.  He obviously upset the Queen as she scolded him and stopped him, realizing that his allegiance is supposed to be to the United States of America,  but then he is a British Subject. He admits that his father comes from a long line of Muslims and his dad, Barack Obama was born as an African in Kenya and  Kenya was a Colony of Britain making Obama sr. a Subject of  Britain meaning Obama inherited his fathers birthright at birth in 1961 as a Subject of Britain under the  British Nationality Act of 1948; thus, Obama did not inherit a U.S. Natural Born Citizen birthright from his foreign-born father, but a foreign-born birthright.  And, being a African from Kenya and a British subject does not tie him to the civil rights movement of the Black Americans, who were slaves, and known as non-persons until they were freed.

Therefore,  how is it that a U.S. President and a U.S. Congress could even consider establishing laws that usurp “due process of law” for the American citizens who elected them and pay their taxpayer funded wages which is contrary to their sworn oaths to uphold the U.S. Constitution.  How is it that they’re OK with compiling secret “kill” lists of Americans based upon accusation only who may be 100% innocent to be killed on domestic or foreign soil including minor children?  Are Americans being used as sacrifices for political or religious reasons? 

Furthermore  a “hit” list refers to murdering people by assassination, the word murder is switched to read “assassination” because it has a connotation that the person is a criminal who is being murdered without due process of law, but based upon accusation only. Just the fact that the U.S. Congress and Department of Justice would even consider “hit lists” and assassinations and shredding of the U.S. Constitution is evil, immoral, unconstitutional, and disgraceful in the United States of America!  Our Forefathers must be turning over in their graves.

How then shall we refer to the Obama assassination “hit” list?  Will  Obama and his panel  decide who shall be murdered by assassination based on an accusation only?  Isn’t denying due process of law  what the Communist Chinese do to their citizens? Nope, Obama and Congress didn’t agree to an assassination list targeted at  foreign enemy nations or countries such as Kenya or Afghanistan, Iran, or China, Syria, Libya, Iraq or South  Korea, and so forth, but they’re targeting American citizens, who pay Obama’s wages of $400,000 per year, as well, as pick up the unlimited tab for his excessive $100,000,000  vacations.

How is it American’s aren’t asking how is it logical for  the federal government to implement an unconstitutional program and create a “hit” list that targets American citizens as potential enemies and place their names on “hit lists” for assassination, while exempting foreigners, foreign immigrants, refugees, and illegals?  Is the U.S. federal government trampling on their “limited” powers while stepping on the U.S. Constitution with their “Big Foot” and creating a new business using U.S. tax dollars for programs which might be viewed as “guns for hire” making U.S. Natural Born Citizens a commodity for profit by “hit” men?  After all, the DOJ under Obama’s watch used U.S. Stimulus tax dollars to purchase U.S. untracked guns and sell them to untracked cartel members  in Mexico!  It seems that Obama’s programs always create fear and increase taxes because he leads people to believe that he must  save the nation by creating more national debt!  In 2008, his Chicken Little speech, “The sky is falling” – actually worked. Well, President Bush left a national debt headed upwards of one trillion dollars, but Obama spent $5 Trillion in 2 1/2 years!

Some people may say, “Yes, but some times, really bad people should be murdered so this way, we can just get rid of them.”

The Rule of Law  is established for a reason.  Innocent people are murdered and die from time to time by law enforcement, but officers are held accountable, so people are protected from wrongful deaths.  But under the NDAA Law, is it legal for the non-vetted  president and his non-vetted czars to target Americans without recourse?

The Nazis started off with one name on their “hit” list And, after the first “hit” was completed and the people said nothing, they went onto the second name on the list and the people said nothing.  Afterwards, it became easier and easier until millions were dragged out of their homes by gun point (which has happened on US soil) and murdered the people who were too frightened to speak out as the army grew bigger and bolder and more insensitive to murdering people.  So, Hitler was emboldened as he was unopposed. He created his National Civilian Security Force and they marched into each city and forced their way into the privacy of the citizen’s homes and dragged them into the street and either executed them or enslaved them into concentration camps because they were good people who did nothing to stop them when the writing was on the wall.

In 2001 and 2008, Obama stated that congressional and constitutional authority is “meaningless.”  Think about that!  Why would a U.S. President boldly state that the U.S. constitution is “meaningless” after swearing an oath to uphold the constitution?  He said, the U.S. Constitution is nothing more than a “mere charter of negative laws [liberties} that need to be changed” in 2001, 2008 and 2012, but those videos and articles are probably scrubbed from the internet as well.

Of course, people may ask, “Who cares?”  He says he’s an American and said that he was born in Hawaii and that’s good enough for me.”  Well, then why isn’t it good enough for all illegals just to say that they were born in the United States?  The legal definition of a U.S. Natural Born Citizen must be adhered to so a foreigner can’t usurp the presidency and insert foreign laws, foreign history into U.S. history books, and foreign religions that force Americans to comply or else be punished on U.S. soil!  This is how anti-American foreign enemies change and transform a nation into their nation while the people sleep, they conspire.

Remember, “Every congressional member and public servant pledges their allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, not to a public servant.  But, today, the congress, senate, and judiciary appear to be more concerned with protecting public servants from the Constitution than protecting the Constitution from public servants.” (C) 1989

You may say, “But,  public servants can’t assassinate American citizens or throw them into prisons without due process of law in America.”

Of course, many people ask, “Who cares if Obama or Panetta ordered the murder by assassination of a war criminal whose name is Osama bin Laden?”  He was  the mastermind behind murdering 3,000 Americans on 911, so who cares about due process of law?  In other words, those people believe in a barbaric lynch mob and mob rule, but it is “Due Process of Law,  which sets America apart from the rest of the world.

(Yet, has anyone asked how many people, victims, whistleblowers and witnesses, or First Responders have died because of 911 between 9/11/01 and 2013?)

But, I tell you that the Rule of Law should not be violated unless you don’t care that you or your loved ones names can be placed on a “hit” list!  The U.S. Constitution is what protects the guilty and the innocent from tyranny and mob rule executions and preserves a civilized nation.  Could this be an ungodly and immoral agenda with the intent of sensitizing Americans so they ignore the stories similar to the rumors that rang out in Europe when the people did nothing, while they watched millions of people executed, enslaved, imprisoned, experimented upon, and exterminated?

Should a nation of U.S. Natural Born Citizens not demand that their U.S. Congress repeal and deny funding for  illegal and unconstitutional or immoral laws that target Americans for indefinite detentions and assassinations based on accusations while these lawmakers exempt themselves from the same tyranny that they approve?   How then would Americans know if they are targeted as an “extremist” or “radical” or “dangerous?”  Does the list consist of  Christians, or Catholics and Jews?   Does the list include heterosexuals or citizens who believe in pro-life or traditional marriage?  Does the hit list consist of citizens who are Conservatives and Republicans or Libertarians? Does the “hit” list include Blacks or Hispanics or Whites or Italians or Jews?  Does the “hit” list include Pregnant Women or Sick or Disabled?  How about the Elderly, Veterans or U.S. Military who lets say believe in God or read the Bible?  Does the list include members of the  Tea party or the Oath Keepers?  How then shall the American people know which citizen names will be added to the “hit” list by the panel consisting of non-vetted Czars?

Of course, you may ask, “Who cares about Article II, anyway?  Who cares if a President of the United States is a “U.S. Natural Born” citizen?

Furthermore, Article II is the most important law of the land!    There is a legal definition of a U.S. Natural Born Citizen that clarifies that if a baby is born on U.S. soil and one parent  is foreign-born then the baby is not a U.S. Natural Born Citizen and is not eligible to be a  U.S. President – Period!  The baby doesn’t inherit a U.S.  Birthright from their foreign-born father as required by U.S. law, but inherits a foreign-born birthright from his or her father making the baby a “naturalized” citizen only. The birthright guarantees U.S. Natural Born Citizens the right and privilege to be a U.S. Natural Born Citizen, but if a usurper steals a U.S. Natural Born Citizen’s Birthright and is elected as a U.S. President,  then that person has denied a U.S. Natural Born Citizen their natural-born Birthright, who is legally eligible, to be a U.S. President.  A U.S. Natural Born Citizen Birthright must be cherished and upheld to preserve Western Civilization for it is preserved by our forefathers as a right to be an eligible U.S. President and this is the key that separates U.S. Natural Born Citizens from all Naturalized citizens.

Ironically, to my knowledge, there aren’t any senate hearings scheduled  for an investigation into the assassination of an unarmed American  and his minor child who should have been protected under the U.S. Constitution with the right to exercise due process of law, but were assassinated, prior to the NDAA being enacted.   

I think we all agree that Osama bin Laden was a dangerous leader who is reported to target America on 911.  His death was reported to have been killed or died from kidney disease 9 different times in the news by political leaders between Dec. 2001 and 2012.  Even a former CIA agent stated that Osama’s body was on ice and those reports were in the news between December 2001 -2011.  Admittedly, Obama and or Panetta ordered the assassination of the unarmed Osama sitting in a living room holding a remote versus his capture and tried.  The news reported that Obama and Panetta ordered Osama’s  body dumped into the ocean and called it a burial at sea which upset the Muslim nation.  The government published photos of Osama’s assassination, but later retracted them stating  all the photos were fakes.  I read that Muslims don’t bury their leaders at sea.  The news alleged Obama ordered Osama’s body dumped into the ocean [and fed to the sharks]. The fact that Osama wasn’t captured, even though he was unarmed, or his dead body not turned over to the proper law enforcement authorities for positive examination, left doubt in the minds of the world, especially since the assassination occurred right before elections.

The news reported that Obama and Biden were reported in the news to have exposed the identities of the Navy Seal heroes which is unprecedented.  Prior to 2009, the government wanted war criminals captured alive, if at all possible, so they could interrogate them and extract information which is what President Bush ordered after 911. For example, if a law enforcement officer killed a suspect then dumped the suspect’s body into the ocean, even if the suspect was considered an evil person, the police officer would probably be sitting in a jail cell.  Now, we’ll never know what Osama or Al-Awlaki or his teenage son, or Gaddafi or his teenage son, grandkids, and family knew about the radicals attacking the USA and declaring war on America on September 11, 2001.

Of course, people may ask, “But, who cares if he dumped Osama’s body at sea?”

Again, the Rule of Law must be followed by every citizen including public servants if justice is to prevail.  The U.S. federal government spent billions of tax dollars over 10 years for the capture of Osama bin Laden.  But, Obama and Panetta’s assassination orders reported in the news of foreign leaders should send shivers down the spine of every leader in every nation, as none of the assassinated leaders involved were armed at the time of their murders.  In fact, al-Awlaki was an American, who wasn’t charged with a crime.  On the other hand,  Libyan leader, Gaddafi, didn’t attack America. So, how does anyone know who could be next victim, whether a foreigner or an American citizen, under the NDAA Law approved by the 112th Congress and Obama.  For example, could an enemy be seen as a whistleblower or a witness?  The NDAA law leaves massive room for abuse.

Of course you may ask, “If a U.S. President thinks someone is a danger to the government then he should put a “hit” out on him?”

The Rule of Law in America makes it clear that a “hit” list and gathering names of Americans to be placed on a “hit” list in my opinion equates to a conspiracy to commit murder usually thought of as some thing a “gang” or “organized criminals” or mafia or cartels do.  “Hit” lists are utilized by criminals and shouldn’t be used against America’s  law-abiding Americans accused by their government without probable cause and a search warrant and due process of law.  This is why this nation established due process of law to protect the innocent.  We have a Department of Justice which many believe has turned into a department of injustice.

Of course, people may say, “Who cares if Obama had Osama murdered by  assassination, after all, he was a war criminal. Besides, it would cost millions of tax dollars to try him.” 

I stress, the Rule of Law must be followed in a Republic. Think about that!  If it’s okay to assassinate unarmed people without constitutional or congressional authority then what’s to prevent a government from assassinating whistleblowers and witnesses and call it legal so the witnesses can’t testify against public servants or prominent people in courts of law?  It could establish a pattern that it’s the right of the government to decide who is an enemy and silence people or dump their bodies into the ocean or shred the evidence. It would have been interesting to learn what details that  Osama and Gaddafi could have provided to the world that may have shed some light on the radicals or 911.

But people say, “Who cares if Obama ordered the murder by assassination of al-Awlaki, he was a very bad man.”

Should the U.S. Congress and judiciary fail to investigate the facts in the Osama and al-Awlaki assassinations then how shall the truth and the facts be reported for public review or how shall you defend yourself if accused under the NDAA law?

Of course, many people will ask, “Who cares if Obama attempted to assassinate Gaddafi and killed his grandkids and freedom fighters, he was a very bad man”  without the approval of the U.S. Congress or constitutional authority?

And, once again, I stand firm  that the Rule of Law must be strictly followed or Americans shall reap the tears of tyranny should the citizens not demand that congress and law enforcement uphold the constitution, especially Article II and Article IV and due process of law.   The constitution  grants congress authority and power to declare war, not the president.  We mustn’t make excuses that just because one president or public servant violated constitutional law that it’s okay for the next one to do so. Besides, Gaddafi didn’t threaten America, but he was Obama’s long time friend and supporter, who referred to Obama as “my son” and “our son” and this begs the question how he suddenly became Obama’s enemy and ended up #2 on Obama’s “hit” list, and begging for his life – unarmed – assassinated under Obama’s orders. If someone steals a cookie, should the next kid be allowed to steal 2 cookies, too?  If that’s the case, it won’t be long before all the cookies and the cookie jar are stolen.  If someone kills a dog because he’s barking, not attacking, is the murder of the dog justifiable? 

Of course,  many people say, “But, they are all bad guys.  Who cares if they were murdered by assassination?”

Well, we have bad people in America too, including evil politicians in some cases.  We, too, experience bad people exposed in our government. Americans probably have some bad friends or relatives secretly hidden away in their closets.  How then shall we complain and justify  if a good and innocent American citizen enters a foreign nation and is murdered by assassination and we complain “evil” if we don’t follow the Rule of Law?

Of course, people will say, “But, those American citizens shouldn’t have gone into that country, they were stupid.”

Of course, people do stupid things, but assassinating people because they do some thing stupid or citizens who oppose political or religious agendas shouldn’t be a reason to compile a list of citizen names to be included or added onto  a “hit” list and unknown to the citizens to be targeted for murder by assassination or indefinite detention.  They already compile secret no fly lists and innocent Americans are denied the right to get on an airplane without recourse.  Think about that!  Isn’t that what Hitler did? We watch movies of communist and Third World nations run by tyrannical leaders who assassinate and indefinitely detain people in their countries without due process of law, but are we now facing the words of “compliance” and “non-compliance?”

Listen up!  Call, email, write, your congressional members and demand that they Repeal the unconstitutional NDAA law which not only targets Americans but circumvents and shreds Article IV,  of the U.S. Constitution, Due Process of Law and Article II and vetting policies as required by our government’s congressional members and Secretary of State and Speaker of the House.  It’s written into my book, “Fight Back Legal Abuse,” the following –  “Without Due Process of law, there is nothing, – nothing but tyranny.” 

Wake up, all you sleepy heads!  Perhaps, it’s time to unite across the nation and March on D.C. peacefully and legally with the Sheriffs and Constitutional lawyers.  The U.S. Congress must stop the insanity of shredding the U.S. Constitution and targeting law-abiding Americans who pay their wages.  What is happening in America is insane!  In fact, there are published articles reporting that the President of France, Sarkozy, met with Obama, and allegedly stated that Sarkozy said that Obama is “insane.” I don’t know about that, but I do believe  most Americans believe he has an unconstitutional agenda. And, I don’t care what anyone thinks, creating a federal panel of unidentified czars and a secret “hit” list of law-abiding Americans by selective processes, which includes illegally spying on citizens, and using U.S. tax dollars is evil.  And even more evil is collecting names of Americans accused of being an enemy of the United States without being provided due process of law and placed on a “kill list” to be murdered is insane!  These unconstitutional laws deny U.S. Constitutional Law, Article II, due process of law, the Right-to-Life, unalienable God-given rights, and killing U.S. Citizens, not foreign enemies, but U.S. Citizens is no different from pre-meditated murder in my opinion.

Shame on the 111th and 112th U.S. Congress!  It’s shocking that elected public servants would approve indefinitely detaining or assassinating Americans, which is unconstitutional, immoral, unjust, unfair, and despicable.  It’s ridiculous that American leaders would declare American citizens “guilty” as accused which reflects the tyrannical laws of barbarians.  It’s stunning that America’s leaders would approve secret kill lists and assassinate American adults and minor kids accused of a crime without due process of law.  This raises the question if the government is reducing the population of U.S. Natural Born Citizens and making room for foreigners and refugees and Communist China and Russia to claim U.S. districts of soil?   These serious unconstitutional laws should be  worrisome to Americans, as it appears that Obama and Congress, the new immigrants, refugees, and illegals are opted out of the unconstitutional laws approved by Obama and Congress, as well as the punishments, being implemented against U.S. natural-born and legal generational naturalized citizens, i.e., NDAA Law, Patriot Act, secret Kill Lists, Obamacare and the Immigration Bill.

Rose says, “A successful civilized genocide through mandates that wipe out freedom, liberty, rights, sovereignty, the right-to-life, health care, as well as  silence a nation, a nation that has been slumbering for far too long, can be argued and perceived  by evil doers as an act of genius if one views evil as a good thing for the benefit of those who implement the evil acts; thus the evil doers rationalize their acts against humanity  as justifiable and implement evil deeds without conscience.” (C) 2011

Rose Colombo, long time legal and political activist, helping victims of legal abuse become survivors for 25 years.  For more information visit Rose’s website –

Listen to Live Radio – (all shows archived taped live on world wide online radio) – Colombo Chronicles Live at Blog Talk Radio Network:

Read 5 Star Reviews and Complimentary pages of Rose Colombo’s  Award Winner self-help book, “Fight Back Legal Abuse” or her latest Political Satire with humorous fictional characters and an Orwell 1984 type of  fictional story that parallels today’s political agendas, “Obamacare, Dinosaurs, Red Necks and Radicals” google

17 thoughts on “Can Americans Be Placed On Govt “Hit” List? Isn’t that A Conspiracy to Commit Murder By Denying Due Process of Law? What’s the Difference?

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