Why Isn’t America Restricting Immigration and Closing Her Borders? Rose Colombo 2011

The Bill of Rights includes Sovereignty for the USA!
The Bill of Rights includes Sovereignty for the USA!

Rose Colombo, original (c)  1/11/2011, rev. 7/4/2013

Former Nebraska Senator and lawyer, John DeCamp, appeared on a cable TV show I produced and hosted in Southern California, “Issues of the Day, and he stated, “There are people, who are too powerful, and too evil to fight in the time frame that we would like some thing to happen and make the wrong right, but we must keep on trying.” 

And, Senator DeCamp’s statement rings true today.   In fact, President Abraham Lincoln stated, “I say, ‘Try.’  He said, “If we never try, we shall never succeed.”

The evil that is rearing its ugly head today by design of far too many wealthy elitists, who are lobbyists; bankers, CEO’s of major corporations, billionaires, multi-millionaires, politicians, low-profile Europeans, EU Leaders, and staunch leaders of the United Nations, the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as secret societies in support of Agenda 21 and the New World Order and The Redistribution of America’s Wealth to Foreign Third World Nations for the taking.  

The strategic goals of these arrogant and greedy sociopaths appears to be established by legislation secretly and discretely signed by Senator Obama, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Joe Biden, and approved by the Democrats and Rinos as well as the CFR. They’ve all become extremely wealthy after entering taxpayer funded volunteer public service jobs which weren’t intended for a lifetime! On or about January 2009, Obama aka Barry Soetoro, signed it into law the “mandated taxpayer funded worldwide abortion” E.O. entitled the Global Poverty Act changed to the New Millennium Development Act which is a depopulation program of first Black babies in my opinion in Africa along with U.S. Natural Born and European Natural Born Citizens.

The E.O. signed by Obama and approved by the Democrats about December 2007, requires American taxpayers to pick up the tab for worldwide mandated taxpayer abortions of babies who are innocent and committed no crime, but sentenced to death.  Obama’s E.O. includes future natural-born citizens of  the USA as well as future natural-born babies of  poor parents in Third World Nations under the guise of reducing poverty and saving the planet.  In reality, it is an attack on God of the Bible, Jesus Christ, Jews, Christianity, and the Bible.  It is mainly an attack by atheists, communists, socialists, satanist, and the Muslim Brotherhood against Traditional Marriage between one man and one woman commanded by God of the Bible to bond and procreate and fill the earth with natural born citizens and create sovereign nations.

The United Nations and New World Order depopulation programs are in opposition to procreation; therefore they are laws of the devil who thrives on murder, blood sacrifices, destruction, lies, deception, and an attack on the Bible, Christian beliefs, unborn or born babies (infanticide) and God, Capitalism, Morals, Sovereignty and Freedom.

They are forcing Americans to pay for the demise of America’s natural-born citizens and the demise of the poor natural-born citizens in Third World Nations without disclosing this information inserted into Obamacare, but lied about it, and said they didn’t read it. In fact, Speaker and Democrat and wealthy Nancy Pelosi said, “We must pass the bill in order to see what’s in it.”

It appears the main thing standing in the way of the communist-types and atheist and Liberal Democrats on board with the U.N., Agenda 21, and Redistribution of Wealth, and the NWO achieving their goal is American Patriots and the Second Amendment and The U.S. Constitution. They are boldly and unconstitutionally destroying our economy, while they are illegally, unlawfully, and unconstitutionally spying, tracking, and controlling individual free citizens of the USA under the Bush’s and Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s and Soros money machine.

It appears the Leftist or fake Christians and fake Conservatives who gain power within the government, churches and public schools or Universities are targeting Catholics, Christians, heterosexuals, and Conservatives and unborn natural born Americans. They also appear to have disdain for the Tea Party, Oath Keepers, heterosexuals, Christians,  Jews, Patriots,  Pro-Life,  The U.S. Constitution,  Freedom, Liberty, Rights, Sovereignty, and Traditional Marriage.  

It appears that long-time Democrats and RINOS have grave disdain for the U.S. Veterans of WWI, WWII, U.S. Military, as well as loyal seasoned American Generals and loyal American Patriots as seen at Kent State, Ruby Ridge and WACO.  Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro had no problem retiring or firing seasoned Generals and High Ranking Officers, even though Bill Clinton dodged the draft and said he’d never fight for this country and Obama refused to release his Military Registration records if any exist, and the Obama’s and Clinton’s admit they attended flag burning during their youth. They were the perfect young people to groom for the NWO, right?

In fact, Bill Clinton is reported to have fled to Oxford about the time two female students alleged sexual assault and he fled to Communist Russia where he must have learned a lot about communism, while Hillary Clinton embraced, Robert Byrd’s KKK, Margaret Sanger the bigot who wanted all Black and Jews and ethnic babies dead. And, she embraced the commie-socialist, Saul Alinsky and his philosophy. The Clinton’s appear to be a perfect match.

On the other hand, the Obama’s embraced the Muslim Brotherhood-CAIR and protected and released dangerous terrorist without one complaint from the Democrats who controlled the Congress. Nonetheless, the majority of Americans voted for two terms for the Clinton’s and two terms for the Obama’s, although Bill Clinton was impeached for lying to We The People and Grand Jury.

Ironically, speaking of firing Military Officers, a most disturbing question hit the news when the non-vetted U.S. President. Obama, blatantly popped the question, “Will the U.S.Military ‘fire on Americans’ if he so orders, referred to as a “litmus Test,” but apparently Generals and High Ranking Officers who failed and said, “NO,” were firedb y Obama. In fact, Bill Clinton, Janet Reno and Eric Holder were in charge of the White House and DOJ and they took it upon themselves in the 90’s to deny American Citizens their right to “Due Process of Law” at Ruby Ridge and WACO, and the survivors were the ones arrested, not the perpetrators.

In fact, American men and women and pregnant women were killed on U.S. soil at the hand of the the Clinton regime and then at the hand of Obama when he ordered the Feds to arrest the Bundy Ranchers and an agent shot an unarmed American Rancher, Mr. Finnicum dead, who was fighting to keep Obama from his land grab of federal and domestic lands including the water rights and land of the Native Americans. It would be unfathomable until today that a non-vetted President would be elected or that a non-vetted U.S. President would be blatantly and openly calling upon the U.S. Military to allegedly participate in a genocide of the American citizens if what – civil unrest was intentionally caused by flooding the nation with unidentified illegals, a majority of men?

Did Obama want the Generals to fire on Americans who wouldn’t comply with unconstitutional and illegal or unlawful laws that deny “due process of law” or contain “death panels” and rationing and denying health care to Americans only and enslaving Americans to the foreigners from foreign enemy nations or gang infested nations into the USA illegally crossing our borders without fear of arrest or deportation. This risks the lives of America’s females and children. Obama changed Detain and Deport to Detain and Release.

At the time, the Democrats in control of congress and the senators didn’t say a peep about what obama was doing without congressional authority. This begs the question if the Obama regime was seeking to depopulate Americans and make room for illegal aliens, anchor babies, and traffickers and cartels, gangs, radicals, jihadist illegally entering into the USA as Obama tied the hands of Border Patrol and ICE and Sheriffs by changing Detain and Deport to Detain and Release.

America is being flooded with unidentified foreigners illegally entering for 10 years from the Middle East Refugees, Africa, Somalia, China, Hondura, and South and Central America where radicalism and lawlessness and killings and rapes are a daily event.

Obama and Hillary Clinton pre planned and secretly diverted America’s stimulus tax money promised for infrastructure repairs and restoration and jobs with intent to migrate 5M Palestinians linked or members of Hamas into the USA and 70K radicals from Somalia whose ideologies are antithetical to the U.S. Constitution and Bible.

s of radicals into the USA as well as illegals and polarized Americans around the nation when they woke up one morning and saw unrecognizable people demanding that they provide for them and demanding they stay off of U.S. soil that they declared as no-go zones.  It would be easier if Obama moved back to his home country in the Middle East or Indonesia where he was adopted as a National Indonesian prior to returning to the USA.   After all, it appears that these are the nations he embraces, funds, and protects from punishment by releasing the radicals and terrorists from GITMO or from prison.

It appears that the goal of these wealthy sinister puppets who take orders it appears form their Masters is to support a worldwide U.S. taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood For-Profit Complex to use the fetuses and unborn babies body parts and human tissue for a myriad of  causes. They prey on pregnant women and their unborn babies to be used as human commodities in a seamless assembly line for depopulation purposes as well of natural-born Americans.   Planned Parenthood and their regime use the pregnant women and unborn babies for big profits while the government uses these human commodities for taxes which is using humans for Human Capital.

Obviously, the depopulation by abortion began in Communist China of female babies for population control. They even cooked the fetuses in soups. They believe the fetus of a boy, especially first born, is a delicacy and keeps them youthful according to the writings of a Chinese doctor. China is reported to have aborted 400,000,000 baby girls over a period of about 25+ years after implementing mandated abortions. (Read “Obamacare, Dinosaurs, Red Necks and Radicals” if you enjoy political satire that targets how evil agendas can wipe out tribes and civilizations). It’s reported that after aborting thousands of female babies that there weren’t enough females of marrying age for the young men of marrying age.

Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert, reports “it can now be reported that the criminal banking elite that occupy America are once again involved in major financial criminal activity that involves non-margined bogus electronic trading and terror threats aka ‘False Flags’ designed to promote the financial agenda of this criminal banking elite. Most recently, Americans have witnessed several false flags.”

For example, “The Los Angeles Daily Journal reports the Bar’s action in releasing these [16] names [lawyers connected with misconduct related to loan modification businesses] as having been taken in response to ‘unprecedented complaints’ against Bar members.  We have never in my time at the Bar received so many complaints in connection with a single area of practice,” notes the Bar’s Interim Counsel.  This story reminds me of the movie, “The Devil’s Advocate.”  And, who do Americans vote into all three branches of government? A majority of Lawyers! And a lawyer’s first obligation is to the Judges and then their fellow Lawyers and lastly the clients. Therefore, it is the lawyers who are running the nation and that means that there aren’t three branches of government, but one branch of government without the Rule of Checks and Balances! The Obama’s and V.P. Biden and the Clinton’s were a combination of disbarred lawyers and active lawyers and that’s proof of what happens when Americans vote Lawyers into the oval office.

Long time congress member,  Charles Rangel, was found guilty of violating 11 House rules.  He stated that after he spent $2 million on legal fees that his attorneys abandoned him.  President Obama refuses to be properly vetted and produce his long form birth certificate in a U.S. courtroom and to-date, and when he did, it was said to be a fake by law enforcers and forensics. The news reported that  LTC Lakin was sentenced to six months in Leavenworth under Obama’s terms, because he raised the question of eligibility, which angered Obama.  LTC Lakin was an active member of the military and allegedly disobeyed orders, but did he, or was Obama an Indonesian National?   

And, then there’s the thousands of pedophiles and the international pedophile ring that appears to be swept away by congress. In fact, Senator Nancy Shaefer was found dead along with her husband a few months ago after she testified about the alleged corruption relating to Child Protective Services and the kidnapped children from non-offending parents.

The news reported that  high-ranking U.S. persons who worked in the FBI and a federal Arizona judge  were murdered most recently.  And, Congresswoman Gifford was brutally shot in the head by an assassin during a speech. The lone shooter killed a Federal Judge who opposed Obamacare before it was voted upon, so was he actually after the Judge? He injured 14 people in attendance at Gifford’s speech in Arizona.  Could any of these murders or assassinations have to do with anti-American foreign enemies or open borders and illicit drugs as reported by foreign newspapers or just random murders and assassinations?  Do they involve the KGB and Communist Party USA or Socialist Party USA as we know there are secret members of the Socialist Party USA in Congress who failed to disclose that information during their campaign.

Furthermore, Americans should question why they are subjected to radiation at the airports, smart meters, cell phones, computers,  EMP’s and the radiation of the Towers popping up all over the cities in the USA.  And, of course, there is the serious concern about  Japan’s fall out as radiation is dumping into the oceans. Radiation kills healthy cells and can cause aging, death, cancer, cataracts, sterility, slow down the development of children.  Hitler used radiation on the Jews during WW II in an attempt to sterilize them so they couldn’t procreate which is a depopulation program.

Another concern of the American citizens is why Obama and Holder are forcing Americans to pay for civilian trials for terrorists who murdered Americans on U.S. soil.  Why did Obama and Holder state that Americans can’t refer to the terrorists as war criminals or Islamic terrorists?  It appears they are at war with Americans and their goal as written and stated is to kill all infidels, so how is it they aren’t tried as “war criminals?” And why did Obama and the Democrats declared America as a “battlefield?”  Why did Obama declare, “America will never be at war with Islam” knowing that Islam declared war on the USA on 9/11/2001?

Obama and AG Holder forced Americans to pick up the tab for millions of dollars to try each terrorists in civilian courts, not Military Tribunals, even though they are not American citizens. Most of the Military and Patriotic Americans believe they are war criminals.  If tried in a Military Tribunal, it would cost the taxpayers a brown bag lunch and a cup of coffee! But U.S. military men on the battlefields in dangerous enemy lands where kids and women are used as human shields or worse as reported in many news stories were arrested and jailed for insulting the foreigners in the Middle East.

Since the age of Obama and Holder, Americans should be demanding no more full body radiation and naked x-rays for innocent natural born and legal naturalized Americans who have clean records and aren’t domestic terrorists as they give passed for 10 years to the foreigners from foreign enemy nations! Radiation is an assault on the lives and health of all Americans as it has direct adverse effects on the human body. The TSA Workers aren’t doctors or medical staff nor are they law enforcers, but even law enforcers need probable cause to pat down a suspect and must engage in extensive training.

The Chertoff Rapiscan radiation scanners aren’t any  different from stepping into a microwave oven; however, they give Americans a choice, to be manhandled, sexually groped with an intrusive body exam by a guy hired off the street and given a uniform and the green light to touch women and children and men in their private areas as seen on video after video.  Even the doctors and police don’t do what these guys are doing to American citizens.  Even doctors with a medical licenses require a consent form before touching or examining private body parts of their patients as required by state law.

It’s my strong  opinion that the choice between radiation and intrusive groping is a violation of the 4th Amendment, Due Process of Law and Assault and Battery or at the very least, possibly Search and Seizure Laws. In some cases, it’s been sexual harassment on women and kids and maybe some men when illegals and radicals from the Middle East were allowed to walk in or fly into the USA and bypass TSA radiation and naked x-rays, pat downs and searched under Obama’s reign that continues on.

It appears that the American people are the targets of their own far Left Democrats in public office who engage in these agendas that are unconstitutional, illegal, and unlawful while they hold themselves and the illegals and foreign radicals above the law that they impose on legal and natural-born Americans.

According to the Canada Free Press and an article written by Joy Tiz, November 17, 2010, Soros owns 11,300 shares of stock in OSI systems Inc., which is the company that owns Rapiscan, which are the body scanners that are being installed in America’s airports.  The Rapiscanners will create a built-in for-profit generational customer base using every U.S. citizen as  Human Capital, who will be viewed as a commodity for-profit, and in my opinion is an abuse of power by the federal government, the CEOs of this private corporations and wall Street!  It definitely is a means to make them wealthy by using people as Human Capital and built-in customer base against their objections!

The article states that Rapiscan was funded  with a U.S.  taxpayer government contract in the amount of $173 million dollars.  And, the American people want to know why the small business owners are closing their doors and downsizing in America or why Americans are suffering after the current program of print and spend America’s future inheritance which either billions or maybe trillions have gone missing. Maybe, billions have made their way across the oceans to anti-American foreign nations, but obviously weren’t used for U.S. small businesses or to create U.S. jobs under the Obama-Clinton terms in the White House.

And, according to World Net Daily, posted on November 15, 2010, they reported that “the radical brotherhood….Under both parties, the U.S. government has comprehensively failed to grasp the true nature of this enemy….of influence operations the [radical] Brotherhood has mounted against the U.S. government…..FBI investigators and federal prosecutors plan to warn incoming Republican lawmakers about what they say is a serious seditious threat to national security from [the radical] Brotherhood front groups in America.”  These statements in my opinion means that every U.S. citizen’s life is at risk if the enemy is living amongst us because of Obama’s, Clinton’s, Soros, Bush’s, and the Democrats who support their agendas.

Therefore, isn’t it time for President Obama, the U.S. Congress, U.S. Senate, all Attorney Generals, all U.S. Sheriff’s, and the U.S. National Guard to close our borders and stop all immigration into the U.S. until the nation’s welfare and safety is secured for the protection of the American people?  Stop sending US tax dollars, jobs, technology, weapons, military defense jets and naval ships to foreign anti-American nations!  Bring the troops home to protect our borders which has been happening since 20009.

The Judeo-Christian Bible, Rev. 19:20 says, “And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet, who in its presence had worked the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image.  These ‘two’ were thrown into the lake of fire that burns with sulphur.  And the rest were slain by the sword of him who sits upon the horse, the sword that issues from his mouth, and all the birds were gorged with their flesh.”

Everyone has been warned against accepting the “mark” of the beast as  reflected in the bible as follows, “and if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.”  Believe it or not!  In fact, it’s been reported that the microchip, the evil chip that enslaves individuals, can cause cancer, sores, and rashes and can put voices or high pitched sounds into individual persons and even cause death. 

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Books:                  1)  award-winning- 5 Star Review, self-help Fight Back Legal Abuse feated around the world and in magazines and newspapers and radio shows -www.amazon.com

Books:                   2)  Obamacare, Dinosaurs, Red Necks and Radicals, political satire, fictional orwellian take on the Redistribution of Wealth in a delightful and entertaining thought provoking adventure story.                                                www.amazon.com

Disclaimer:          Nothing said in this blog is intended to be legal, political, medical, or financial advice, but a dissemination of information for educational and entertainment purposes only.  

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